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No amount of begging (乞求) would change my father’s mind about getting a pet. No matter how desperately I begged, his answer was "No! " Finally, I accepted that he was not going to change his mind. I did the only thing that I could. I spent as much time as possible around other people’s pets and I often spent time at a place called Best Friends, an animal shelter near my house. Animals ended up there when their owners could no longer care for them.

Whenever I visited the shelter (收容所), I dreamed about taking one of the dogs home with me. One day after school, I stopped off at Best Friends like I usually did. Suddenly, I saw a large, shaggy, yellow dog standing in the corner, and when he saw me, he wagged his tail and began whining (哀鸣).

“That’s Fenway,” Renee, the woman at the desk, said. “He whines continuously. His owners brought him here when they moved overseas.”

“He must be lonely,” I suggested.

“Your parents won’t let you have a dog?” Renee asked. I didn’t answer, but my look must have said everything, because then she said, “That’s too bad. These dogs need good homes and good people to take care of them.” On my way home, I had an idea to assist shelter pets like Fenway. I wrote a touching story as if Fenway were writing it. I told all about his family and why he had no home, shedding light on (解释) his longing for a loving family. With the shelter director’s approval, I proposed sharing more stories in newspapers and online to attract potential adopters.

The next weekend, the shelter was flooded with families who wanted pets. They were all drawn by the heartfelt stories of animals like Fenway. Fenway’s tail wagged so fast that I was afraid it might fall off. I stood with Fenway as people admired him. His playful nature and hopeful eyes won over many visitors` hearts, leading to a rise in adoptions.

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Suddenly, I saw my parents walking into the shelter towards Fenway.


I was confused why my father changed his mind.

7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市盛泽中学2023-2024学年高一5月月考英语试题
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I didn’t like Del so much. He always called me the nickname “Germy”, which meant “dirty”, instead of my real name “Jamie”. Besides, he was known as a trouble-maker in school. So when the head teacher Mr. Smith asked Del to come to his office, I naturally thought that Del had done something mean to someone. Through the window, I caught sight of a smaller boy crying. Del seemed unhappy, too.

He did not return to class that day. All of us were discussing what had happened to him. What else could such an annoying boy do? “He must have hit the boy and was sent home,” I whispered to my friends. Their eyes widened. It felt good to see them so interested in what I said.

The next morning, the whole school was talking about Del being expelled(开除) for beating up a kid. I was surprised that my assumptions were passed on so quickly. So when Del walked into the classroom, all the kids were shocked. The kids next to him shift ed their desks away. “What’s your problem?” Del asked. “I don’t want you to attack me,” one kid said. Some laughed. “Yeah, I might,” said Del. I could tell he was joking, but many kids thought he admitted he did beat up someone.

During recess(课间休息), Del tried to join the kickball game. “Neither team wants you,” one of the players said. “Why?” Del asked, looking confused. “I always play with you guys.” They ignored him and went on playing. Del sat by himself while the rest of the school enjoyed their recess away from him. Del looked lonely and sad, much different from before. I started to feel sorry for him.

Later that day, I learned what really happened. The kid was Del’s little brother and he was crying because their mother fell ill and was sent to hospital. I felt even sorrier for what I said before. I started a rumor(谣言).


At recess the next day, I saw Del sitting alone watching the kickball game.

Now that Del had forgiven me, I decided to do more before the recess was over.
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Bill and I were far from expert sailors. We’d purchased our 36-foot boat a few years earlier. Since then, we’d taken a number of short trips around Lake Michigan. But Bill and I still had a lot to learn.

It was clear on the first day of this trip, our longest adventure to date—80 miles to Fayette State Park. Not long after we’d left our home port, Menominee, Michigan, on the shore of Green Bay, the sky turned dark, the waves grew and the wind picked up. There had been rain and strong wind forecast, but we weren’t prepared for them. Should we keep going or head for a safe port?

“Escanaba’s not far away if we can make it,” Bill said. I nodded my head. He drew down the sails and turned on the engine. Soon we made it to the port. After Bill gassed up, we cooked up some dinner, made hot coffee and listened to the music of the rain and wind.

The next morning, we awoke to a beautiful midsummer day. The sky was clear. We set sail after breakfast across Green Bay and onto the waters of western Lake Michigan. Twenty miles were left to our destination. For the first hour or so, everything went well. Then the wind, which had carried us along at a steady but gentle pace, suddenly died. Died completely. We had to start the motor.

The engine coughed, and the boat trembled. I looked at Bill. “I pumped in enough gas, so that can’t be the problem,” Bill said. The engine coughed again, and then shut down. Every attempt to start it failed. “I think I know what’s wrong,” he said and raced to the bow. I followed. When I reached there, he was holding the gas cap. He had been in such a rush to fill up the tank the night before to get out of the rain that he had forgotten to fasten the gas cap back on. Now the boat motor was flooded.

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We tried to make a phone call, but there was no signal.


Just as we were desperate, an old boat came along.

2024-06-11更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省盐城中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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The summer finally came. That afternoon, the hot sun was shining brightly, making the tree leaves almost burn and making people’s bodies seem to be on fire. Having nothing interesting to do at home, I decided to go to the pool to enjoy the coolness instead of going swimming. The reason was simple — I still couldn’t swim. I was impatient, and I always failed to do something and suffered losses. So the swimming lesson was put off again and again.

Upon arriving at the gym’s pool, I was greeted by a lively scene. Some people just jumped into the water, with hands entering first and the body following in a smooth motion. Some were kicking their legs rhythmically below the surface. All were happy. That was infectious, and I couldn’t help but feel deep admiration. Then I made a decision!

Taking a deep breath, I followed their example, closing my eyes and jumping into the “vast water” with a plop (扑通声).

At this moment, my head was pointing to the ground and my feet to the sky. When I “plopped” to the bottom, my whole body was swinging hard and my hands and feet lost their ability to feel. I just felt water rushing towards me, and my nose was filled with water. It was very terrible. Suddenly, I was hit by something. I struggled out of the light blue water bit by bit as if being dragged.

“That’s horrible!” I shouted 1oudly, and while I was complaining, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t swim in the first place, so why should I be shocked? Just when I decided to stay away from water, someone gently patted my shoulder and said, “Don’t be discouraged, little girl. Look, swimming requires...” The lady introduced herself as Allison. She gave me a “1ecture” on how to hold my breath, how to kick gently, and how to start with floating with the help of a swimming ring, being patient while giving me a demonstration.

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“Why not try one more time?” said Allison.


As the day drew to a close, I still could not swim very well.

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Two weeks after my husband and I moved into our new house, he went abroad on a business trip that would take a year. This was the first time I had had to take care of our three-year-olds son Cameron and four-month-old baby Colby alone for so long. I had met a few neighbors, including Karen, Tim and Mike in our new neighborhood, but everyone was busy with their careers. We hardly even spoke.

One afternoon, I glanced out the window and noticed something strange. I walked outside and saw a light green colour in the sky that made my hair stand on end. Before long, the tornado sirens (龙卷风报警器) sounded. I turned on the news to learn of a tornado forming above our town. I was nervous and scared.

“Get into your storm shelters immediately. If you don’t have one, go into a bathroom in your house,” the weatherman soon announced. I rushed to the kids’ room. “We need to get into the bathroom. There’s a big storm outside, and we’ll be safe in here,” I said, trying to sound brave. I then tried hard to pull a mattress over us, but it wouldn’t stay. The baby was crying; the dog was barking. I could hear the wind roaring outside. Fear hit me like never before. I felt anxious and completely alone as the tornado sirens screamed in the distance.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was our neighbour Karen from across the street. “Tim and I are leaving. You and the boys are coming with us,” She said. For a second, I hesitated. Where in the world were they going? If they were getting into their car, I think we’d be better off here. It was raining heavily with bright flashes of lightning. It looked like it would be the end of the world. My kids were firghtened, and I was lost and seemed to be in my dream.

Paragraph 1

I stood before my door in terrible fear, afraid to move.

Paragraph 2.

I found several other neighbors already in Mike’s storm shelter.

2024-06-05更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省宿迁市泗洪县洪翔中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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Be yourself and always follow your heart. Never let anyone change who you are. This is the lesson I have learned from my childhood experience when I figured out I wasn’t invited to a party.

One day when I got off the bus and saw my friends gather under the tree where the six of us all stood every morning before the first bell. The circle seemed tighter as I approached; the small white invitation cards being quickly slipped into back-packs gave it away. I knew well that Bridget’s party was this weekend. Bridget was one of the popular ones and the opposite of me. She had beautiful red hair with fashionable clothes and fine make up. Being invited to her party meant an honor.

“Hi,” I responded, but that one word already sounded empty with disappointment.

Thankfully, the bell rang and I hurried toward English class. But I couldn’t concentrate. Why hadn’t she invited me? My feet were too big? No. Maybe it’s my hair. Maybe it’s my coat. I tried to think of any interactions I’d had with Bridget recently. A few days earlier, we’d been partners during a sixth-period project. I focused on getting the project done, and she was absorbed in fashion magazines, sometimes saying, “You are so serious. You should smile more.”

But what does it really matter? Maybe I should smile and hug more but I just can’t get into hugging people unless I know them really well.

Then the day before the party, three girls that had been invited to the party couldn’t go. Then the whispers began, about who might be chosen in their places.

After school, my friend Becky found me in the bus lines. Breathlessly, she said Bridget told her at lunch maybe she was going to invite me to her party. I didn’t know what she had meant before she ran away.

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At that time, I saw Bridget walking toward the bus lines, then stopping.


Bridget held out an invitation, “Will you come to my party?” she asked with a smile.

2024-06-03更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省五市十一校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月阶段联考英语试题
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Mr. Ward couldn’t stand students cheating the most. Whenever there was an exam, he watched very closely, making sure no act of cheating was neglected, and any student who cheated would be seriously punished.

I remember many times after tests, Mr. Ward found that the students sitting around me had better scores than the others and the further away a student was from me, the worse his grade. Mr. Ward suspected that some of the juniors “accidentally” got some of my answers. So he and I had a very interesting talk about cheating.

Mr. Ward once told me of some of the ways students tried to cheat. Student A intentionally “dropped” his pencil an unusually far distance from his desk. Then he stood up and walked slowly across the room to take it back. On the way, he glanced at the papers. Student B got a piece of paper and wrote down all the formulas (公式) on a tiny bit of paper taped to the inside of the kid’s palm. These incidents weren’t very rare.

The last day of the entire school year, all I had left was my math exam and there seemed to be some definite tension in the air because this was the biggest test of the year. I saw some kids trying to do some last minute studying, some trying to calm themselves down by breathing slowly and some saying a silent prayer.

Mr. Ward went to the front and started handing out the tests by rows. After explaining the rules of the test, he said very clearly, “If you cheat, I will take your test and tear it up. You will get a 0 for the biggest grade of the year.” Mr. Ward moved very effortlessly and efficiently about the room and during every test he went into a sort of RADAR mode. He sat at the front and watched the room for anything that might look like cheating. During this RADAR mode, if you were cheating, you would be caught. Guaranteed.


Our test started and we were sitting there busy working on our papers.


Then Mr. Ward asked the kid he was watching to go to his office.

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“Trisha, happy birthday!” Trisha’s parents said together loudly, handing her a beautiful brown cat. Trisha’s eyes were shining as she thanked her parents eagerly.

“This is your cat now, sweetheart. Do remember to take good care of him. Having a pet means a lot of responsıbility,” Trisha’s mother said.

“I promise I will look after him very well, Mama,” Trisha said, nodding her head agreeingly. A sense of determination filled her eyes.

Trisha named her cat Whiskers, a fitting name for the animal’s adorable twitching whiskers (震颤的胡须). The cat really seemed to like this name. Every time his little owner called out “Whiskers”, he would come running and jump into Trisha’s arms, mewing (喵喵叫) joyfully.

Every day after school, Trisha would rush back home, feed Whiskers with his favorite food, take him out and play with him in the backyard happily. They would run after each other, play hide-and-seek, and curl up (蜷缩) on the sofa for comfortable afternoon rests. The house was filled with laughter and mews of contentment. The bond between Trisha and her new pet grew stronger with each passing day. They became inseparable companions, always finding joy in each other’s company.

However, one day, as Trisha was carefully preparing Whiskers’ food, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the day ahead, she unintentionally left the front door open. She went about her usual routine, unaware of the upcoming turn of events.

It was only when Trisha turned around, ready to serve Whiskers his meal, that her heart sank like a stone in her chest. Horror flowed through her body as she realized that her beloved cat was nowhere to be seen. The once lively and comforting atmosphere of their home suddenly became cold and empty.

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Panic quickly enveloped Trisha as she raced through the house, calling out Whiskers’ name.


Just as Trisha’s parents comforted her, a mewing sound reached Trisha’s ears.

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It was ten years ago. I was at the departure gates of the airport, reading a cartoon book to pass the time while waiting for my parents to check in. A sea of people filled the airport and loud chatter echoed (回响) throughout the vast terminal (航站楼) halls. People were coming in and out of countless doors.

The cartoon shop caught my eye, for it was filled with cartoon figurines (小雕像). I caught sight of a new figurine from my favourite cartoon, “One Piece” it was an action figurine of my favourite character, Luffy! My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes brightened like diamonds.

Without thinking twice, I ran towards the store. Holding the action figurine carefully in my hands, I imagined the scenes I could come up with using my action figurines at home. Filled with excitement, I hugged the toy and jumped for joy. Unfortunately, I did not have any money on me. Without doubt, I knew I had to share this newfound discovery with my parents!

After returning the action figurine to its shelf, I darted (飞奔) out of the store, retracing my steps back to where I had left my parents. When I reached the location where I had last seen them, I realised that they were nowhere to be found. I tried to look for the terminal departure gate my parents were supposed to be waiting at, but the gates all looked the same. As I stood rooted to the ground, my excitement started to die down. Anxiety enveloped me and my heart started pounding in my chest.

Tears rolled down my hot cheeks like a waterfall as I blamed myself. Why did I have to get distracted and leave my parents without informing them? There were thousands of people at the airport! It would be impossible to find them! Regretting my actions, I blamed myself silently.

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Suddenly, my mother’s advice echoed in my mind: “If you are ever lost, don’t panic! Stay calm, and ask for help!”


A few minutes later, my parents, extremely breathless, appeared at the information counter.

2024-05-20更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市六校联合体学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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More than 20 hours earlier, my friend Emma and I had stood at the entrance to the cave. We laughed and joked as I climbed down the steep mouth and she followed. Six of us had gone on that camping trip, but after a full day of exploring caves, the others had gone back to the campsite to eat. Emma and I decided to explore one more cave.

The mud of the cave floor was soft and sticky as we snaked our way through the tunnel. The air was damp and heavy. As the passage twisted through the earth, it became smaller. Then, suddenly, after a tight squeeze, I came into a larger room.

“Once you make it past this narrow spot you can almost stand,” I told Emma, as I stretched out my arms and legs and enjoyed the big space. “Alright, I’m almost th...” Emma’s sentence was cut short. I turned around. “Are you alright?” I asked. All I could see was her face, and her eyes were full of fear. “I don’t think so,” she said. “I’m stuck.”

Emma and I tried everything we could to free her. But it became apparent that we needed help. I took out my cell phone to call my other four friends, but there was no signal. I couldn’t go to seek help because Emma was stuck between me and the cave mouth. That was why we were so relieved when we heard voices behind us. A beam of light shot down the tunnel.

“What’s going on here?” rang a young man’s voice. “We need help,” I shouted. “She’s stuck.” “I’ve got two buddies with me,” he said. “They can go to find a park ranger (公园管理员), but I’ll stay here and see if I can help from this side.”


The next several hours were long and arduous (艰难的).


Almost five hours after we had entered the cave, the rescue team arrived.

2024-04-18更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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