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1 . A warning from science

When you're bored of some very boring task, what do you do? If you're like many, the answer is a no brainer: You reach for your phone. If that sounds familiar, a new unpublished study has bad news.    1    

The problem isn't taking a break. Previous studies show that we get more done overall if we take regular, short breaks. The problem is your phone. Dutch research shows most of us carry around a boredom-increasing machine in our pockets. To figure out the relationship between phones and boredom, A Dutch research team fixed an app on the phones of 83 volunteers to track how often they used their devices. They also asked these volunteers to keep diaries for three days, recording their level of tiredness and boredom every hour.

    2     “Phone breaks were frequent: In the 20 minutes following each survey, participants (参与者) picked up their phones 52 percent of the time. They spent an average of around 90 seconds on it each time,” reports the findings on the British Psychological Society Research Digest blog.

Equally unsurprising was the second finding:     3     The real unexpected thing was the final finding. While we look to our phones to relieve tiredness and boredom, screen time seemed to increase feelings of boredom. “Participants actually reported higher levels of boredom after having used their smartphones,” notes BPS.

    4     Switching from work to your phone and back may end up being more mentally tiring than refreshing. Picking up your phone from time to time might serve as a reminder of all the things out there you could be doing if you didn't have to fill out paperwork.

This one study can't definitively say if either of these explanations is right, but the idea it communicates is clear. You think a glance at your phone is going to make you feel less bored, but it's actually going to make your brain feel more tired.

A.The researchers' first discovery was no shocker.
B.The research team made guesses why this might be so.
C.Reaching for your phone is likely to leave you feeling more bored.
D.The more tired we are, the more likely we are to reach for our phones.
2021-06-23更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 (含听力)
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2 . Jenny was a nurse in a children's hospital. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but some of them had to be let to look after the children. Jenny was not among the________ones who were free to go to the dance. She enjoyed dancing very much, so when she had to start________that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself. She went to each sick child one after another and said good night. Finally, she came to a little boy called Tommy. Tommy was only 11 years old, but he already talked like an adult. Poor Tommy had a very serious illness, and now he was hardly able to________any part of his body except his hands. But he was always happy and always thinking about others instead of himself. When Jenny came up to his bed, he said: "I'm very sorry that you have to________the dance because of us. But we're going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer(抽屉), you'll find a piece of cake. I saved it from my supper today, so it's quite________. And I'd get up and dance with you myself if I was able to. "Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Jenny.

2020-08-21更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市上海市外2019-2020学年高一预初期中考试英语试题

3 . An expert on the effects of music on exercise, Dr Costas Karageorghis, claims that listening to music while running can boost performance by up to 15%. To put this theory to the test, I took part in a special Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon, which had groups of musicians playing at various points along the route.

As I lined up at the start with almost 4,000 other runners, a singer sang an inspiring song for us. It may explain why I got off to a good start. I only came eighth in the end, though, even though I’d just spent six months training hard.     1     However, it turns out that all the training may have affected my response to the music; according to the research, the benefits of listening to music decrease with the level of intensity of the running.

“Elite athletes,” says Karageorghis, “tend to focus inwardly when they are running.” According to him, most other runners look for stimulus and distractions from what is going on around them. “Judging by your time,” he says, “you are one of the former.” It is true. Apart from the song at the start, when I was standing still, I can barely remember the music played along the course. The first act I passed, a folk group, made me smile, and at one point I found myself running in time to the beat of some hard rock.     2     I can’t say they help my performance very much. But what did other runners make of the music?

Adam Bull usually runs marathons with no music and little crowd support. “    3    With the upbeat bands, you find yourself running to the beat, which helps. It brings out people to cheer you on.” Rosie Bradford was also a convert. “As we ran past one band and they started playing These Boots Were Made for Walking, everybody suddenly went faster.”

The only person I found who was less than happy with the music was Lois Lloyd. “There wasn’t enough of it, and I found it wasn’t loud enough, so I ran with an MP3 player,” she said. “    4    ” Karageorghis is not surprised when I tell him. “There are many advantages to using your own player, rather than relying on the music on the course,” he says. “It gives you a constant stimulus, rather than just an occasional one, and you can tailor the playlist to your taste.”

One runner told me there was a direct correlation between the quality of the music on the course and how much it helped. But quality, of course, is subjective. I remember feeling annoyed as I ran past one band playing Keeping On Running.     5    Of course, the music was not only there to help runners break their personal bests (although sadly it was unable to help me beat time), but to provide a sense of occasion, draw out the crowds and create a carnival atmosphere.     6     As I left, people were beginning to relax after the run, listening to an excellent rock band. It was a fitting way to end the day.

A.I need my music all the time.
B.I think they knew why I found the music here so distracting.
C.I enjoyed that for a few moments, but both of them came and went in a flash.
D.Along with some spring sunshine, it certainly achieved that.
E.Someone else, though, may have found it uplifting.
F.I was, in fact, taking my running pretty seriously at that time.
G.The music here has been great for my performance.
2020-08-19更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016年上外杯-初赛英语试题
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4 . 指出下列句子划线部分是什么句子成分
1. The students got on the school bus.
2. He handed me the newspaper.
3. I shall answer your question after class.
4. What a beautiful Chinese painting!
5. They went hunting together early in the morning.
6. His job is to train swimmers.
7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing.
8. There is going to be an American film tonight.
9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.
10. His wish is to become a scientist.
11. He managed to finish the work in time.
12. Tom came to ask me for advice.
13. He found it important to master English.
14. Do you have anything else to say?
15. To be honest; your pronunciation is not so good.
16. Would you please tell me your address?
17. He sat there, reading a newspaper.
18. It is our duty to keep our classroom clean and tidy.
19. He noticed a man enter the room.
20. The apples tasted sweet.
2020-07-10更新 | 256次组卷 | 2卷引用:01 读写能力运用+句子类型和句子成份复习 -2022年【寒假分层作业】高一英语(上海专用)
5 . Translation.
1. 计算机被认为是一项最重要的发明。(regard)
2. 我们攀登那座山的尝试最终成功了。(attempt)
3. 在这部电影里担任主角让她喜极而泣。(role)
4. 在这个房间开讲座是没有用的,因为高架的噪音会淹没声音。(use)
2020-03-08更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市南洋模范中学2018-2019学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
6 . Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
1. 我不否认我们的船不如对手的好。(inferior)
2. 大笑有助于健康的信念使他对喜剧越来越感兴趣了。(belief)
3. 医生建议我叔叔少抽烟少喝酒,以降低得心脏病的风险。(lower)
4. Amy已下定决心坚持每天在舞台上演出,除非有不可预料之事发生。(stick)
2020-02-20更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津上海版 高二第二学期 Module 1 Unit 2 单元综合检测

7 .     1     The use of health supplements such as multivitamin tablets has increased greatly in the western world. People take these supplements because advertising suggests that they prevent a range of medical conditions from developing. However, there is concern that people are consuming worryingly high doses of these supplements and the European Union (EU) has issued a directive that will ban the sale of a wide range of them. This EU directive should be supported.

    2     Research suggests that people who take Vitamin C supplements of over 5000 milligrams a day are more likely to develop cancer. This shows how much damage these health supplements do to people’s health. A spokesman for the health supplement industry has argued that other research shows that Vitamin C supplements help prevent heart disease, but we can dismiss this evidence as it is from a biased source.

    3    Science fiction of the 1960s and 1970s predicted that pills would replace meals as the way in which people would get the fuel they needed. This, it was argued, would mean a more efficient use of time as people wouldn’t have to waste it preparing or eating meals. The EU directive would help prevent this nightmare of pills replacing food becoming a reality.

    4     People already take too many pills instead of adopting a healthier lifestyle. For example, the consumption of painkillers in Britain in 1998 was 21 tablets per year for every man, woman and child in the country. People do not need all these pills.

    5     Some might argue that the EU directive denies people’s right to freedom of choice. However, there are many legal examples for such intervention when it is in the individual’s best interests. We now make people wear seatbelts rather than allowing them to choose to do so. Opposing the EU directive would mean beneficial measures like this would be threatened.

A.Healthy way of life giving way to overuse of medicine
B.Different findings as to taking additional vitamin
C.EU’s response to overuse of health products
D.Worrying increase in multivitamin advertising
E.EU directive for the benefit of individuals
F.EU directive against prediction in novels
2016-12-12更新 | 901次组卷 | 1卷引用:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(上海卷)
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8 . Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A.Reasons for the use of Podcasting
B.Definition and origin of Podcast
C.Importance of Podcasting at school
D.Advantage of Podcasts over other audio media

E.Podcasts—a further step from voice recordings

F.Devices needed for Podcasting

Recently a group of second –graders visited our school library to work on a “holidays around the world” project. The children created pictures showing holiday customs and then created voice recordings explaining what they drew. The incident showed very clearly the effectiveness of student-created voice recordings. Now imagine taking things one step further and creating Podcasts in a classroom setting.
The term Podcast refers to an audio recording, linked to the Wed, that can be downloaded to a personal MP3 player. The word is created from broadcast and from iPod ---the wildly popular MP3 player from Apple.
Using audio with students isn’t new, of course. Teachers have used audiobooks at listening centers and recorded student voice on tape or CD or many years. Voice and music are the original media for teaching. Podcasts ,however, can reach a much wider audience in a time frame outside the school days. Booktalking , an old way of getting kids excited about books, gets a tech assistance with Podcasting. Students can do some booktalking themselves; book review Podcasts seem to be another natural way for students to share what they know, providing an alternative to the book report.
There are a number of excellent reasons for using Podcasting. Teachers made audio Podcasts, including visuals or video clips for any content area instruction and review. Some teachers have begun to record themselves teaching important concepts; this creates an account of information online for kids to access when they’re stuck on a homework assignment. Audio and video files can also function as assessment tools. Imagine being a classroom teacher in September who can actually hear how his or her students were reading in June the school year before.
You don’t need an iPod to make a Podcast. If you have a computer, a microphone, and some free software, you can make a Podcast. While an MP3 player is a popular and useful gadget, your audience doesn’t need MP3 players to listen, either: your students and their families can use the computer to play back what you’ve recorded.
2016-11-26更新 | 342次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市普通高等学校2010届高三春季招生考试
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9 . 1.    1    

Most children in the United States are returning to school after the summer holiday. Public education for children in the United States is free. But parents still have to buy equipment, new clothes and other supplies for their children before every new school year.

2.    2    

The National Retail Federation studies such sales each year. It is an organization of many kinds of stores, as well as companies that sell goods by mail order and the Internet. The group recently released a report on back-to-school sales this year. The report says American parents will spend almost 15,000 million dollars this year to prepare their children for school. A research business carried out the study for the National Retail Federation. It asked more than 8,000 Americans about their back-to-school needs and shopping and spending plans.

3.    3    

The study found that 93 percent of families with school-age children plan to purchase clothes, shoes and school supplies. Families will spend an average of almost $500 on those things. This is an increase of more than 7 percent from last year.

4.    4    

Almost half of those questioned also said they planned to spend about $100 on electronics and computer-related products. The National Retail Federation says that would be a 15 percent increase from last year. The group says most families have enough money to buy electronic and computer equipment for their children. It says this helps parents continue their children’s education at home.

5.    5    

To help shoppers save money, several cities permit people to by some goods without paying sales tax. Washington D.C., is one such city. It observed a ten-day sales tax holiday in August. During this period, people could buy clothing, shoes or school supplies that cost less than one-hundred dollars without having to pay sales tax.

A. Increase in purchase of electronic products
B. A research done to investigate back-to-school shopping
C. Still something to shop before new school year
D. Free sales tax for back-to-school shopping
E. Increase in ordinary purchases
F. Free public education in US
2016-11-26更新 | 345次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市向明中学2010届高三上学期摸底考试
10 . The rise of multinational corporations (跨国公司), global marketing, new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.
  Surprisingly, since modern PR was largely an American invention, America’s relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries. Ten years ago, for example, the world’s top five public relations agencies were American-owned. In 1991, only one was. The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative. A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate (公司的) planning activities, compared to about one-third of U.S. companies.It may not be long before London replaces New York as the capital of PR.
  Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race? Firstly, Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provincial and take more of an interest in local affairs. Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this country. Secondly, Americans lag behind their European and Asian counterparts (相对应的人) in knowing a second language. Less than 5 percent of Burson—Marshall’s U.S.employees know two languages. Ogilvy and Mather have about the same percentage. Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language. Finally, people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs. In the financial PR area, for instance, most Americans read the Wall Street Journal. Overseas, their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and The Economist, publications not often read in this country.
Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN (Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word “foreign” would no longer be used on CNN news
broadcasts. According to Turner, global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that there is no longer any such thing as foreign.
1. Compared with the American PR personnel, what is/are an advantage (s) of the non-Americans involved in PR?
A. They tend to be more internationally minded
B. They speak more and better foreign languages.
C. They usually pay more attention to global financial situation.
D. Both A and B.
2. What is the immediate cause of the downfall of America’s public relations?
A.The number of US public relations agencies had greatly decreased by 1991.
B.Other countries have increased their efforts in public relations.
C.On the global scale, cultural differences have significantly shrunk.
D.The British companies are becoming especially sophisticated and creative in public relations.
3. It could be inferred that the author of the passage is______.
A.an AmericanB.a BritonC.Ted TurnerD.an Asian
4. The underlined word “provincial” in paragraph 3 could possibly mean “          ”.
A.strict in thinkingB.like people from rural areas
C.limited in outlookD.interested in geographical knowledge
2013-03-11更新 | 288次组卷 | 2卷引用:2012届上海市十校高三第二次联考英语试卷
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