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听力选择题-短文 | 容易(0.94) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Where did the fire take place?
A.On Central Street.B.On Oxford Street.C.On East Street.
2. Why is the traffic on Hampton Road moving slowly?
A.Because a lion is sitting in the middle of the road.
B.Because a big crowd is standing in front of the cars.
C.Because someone is driving on the wrong side of the road.
3. Which program will come after this report?
A.Wild animals.B.International news.C.Weather forecast.
4. What time is it probably now?
A.10:00 a. m.B.11:00 a. m.C.12:00 noon.
2024-01-15更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2020-2021学年高三上学期12月双百金科大联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How long did the man actually stay in Hawaii?
A.For two days.B.For one week.C.For two weeks.
2. What was the man’s first problem?
A.The bus broke down on the way.
B.The hotel was noisy at night.
C.The room was not cleaned.
3. What does the man want to do in the end?
A.Give a discount.B.See the manager.C.Move to another room.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a hotel.B.At a restaurant.C.At a travel agency.
2024-01-15更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2020-2021学年高三上学期12月双百金科大联考英语试题
3 . As Tom assisted me, I handed in my paper on time. (句型转换)
______ ______ ________ _______ Tom, I handed in my paper on time.
2024-01-11更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:潮州市宝山中学2019-2020学年度下学期高二级第一次测试英语科试卷(word版含答案)
完成句子-句型转换 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . We are supposed to have respect for people with disabilities. (句型转换)
→ We are supposed to have respect for ________   ________.
2024-01-11更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:潮州市宝山中学2019-2020学年度下学期高二级第一次测试英语科试卷(word版含答案)
5 . Our teacher urges us to study hard, as the exam is drawing near. (句型转换)
→ Our teacher urges that we should   ________   ________.
2024-01-11更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:潮州市宝山中学2019-2020学年度下学期高二级第一次测试英语科试卷(word版含答案)
阅读理解-任务型阅读 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Research has shown that when we volunteer — where we devote ourselves to helping others — we actually end up benefiting too. Our happiness grows. We feel more satisfied with life. We even have more energy and creativity. Basically,we have more to give.

I’ve noticed a pattern with my friends. Sometimes,they get into the habit of gossiping about others. They will constantly complain about their bosses or coworkers. It seems as if they get caught in this loop(闭环) of complaining,and their frustration distracts them in other parts of their life. When this happens,they become uninterested in new events or become annoyed by their colleagues or things that happen at work.

Meanwhile,I’ve also seen other friends go out of their way to help someone on their team or to help out on a project that have very little — or even nothing — to do with their main work. Although it seems like they won’t receive anything in return,my friends benefit from these interactions. My friends have told me about the stronger relationships they’ve built at work and the fun they had working on new and interesting projects. They’ve told me about how the people they helped before have returned the favor later on. Not only that,but they have even talked about times where their boss recognized them for their work or when they were informed in advance about upcoming projects.

We often think that when we help someone else,we aren’t doing anything for ourselves. But we actually often end up getting back just as much as we give. When we step in to help someone,we often turn out to be helping ourselves as well.

Research shows when we help others,we end up     1     too.Our happiness grows.
We feel more satisfied.
We are more    2    .
We     3    .
We have more to give.
We often turn out to be     4    .
2024-01-11更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年浙江省宁波市北仑中学提前招生英语试卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Within the environmental movement, the question often arises whether global warming can be mitigated (缓解) by planting more vegetation. The idea is that the plants will consume carbon dioxide (CO2) that is causing the warming, while producing oxygen for us to breathe. This is acceptable on condition that global warming is indeed caused in some way by CO2 in the air.

However, actual scientific debate on the issue has shifted away from CO2 as the probable cause, especially after the findings that the temperatures changed 800 to 1000 years before carbon dioxide changed. In other words, CO2 levels are an indicator of temperature change, not a cause.

While there is nothing we can do to control the global climate, there is still a lot we can do to improve our local climates. Land use is the biggest decisive factor of local temperature and air quality. On clear days, the temperatures in big cities can be 5.6 degrees Centigrade higher than in the countryside around them. This is because the concrete (混凝土) of sidewalks and buildings and the asphalt (沥青) of roads take in sunlight and transform it into heat. Some get so hot, one could cook an egg on them! These vast surfaces of man﹣made stone also store lots of heat, which they radiate (散发) all night long. Just before sunrise, when the earth should be its coolest, roadways are still warm to touch.

If vegetation was blocking the Sun from the sidewalks and roads, the vegetation would absorb the sunlight, fueling the plants’ oxygen-making engines, and the rock would stay at surrounding temperatures. The easiest and most obvious choice is trees, particularly wide-reaching trees like the oak. Another possibility, especially outside the city centre, could be vine-covered trellises (棚架).Covering rooftops with grasses or other short vegetation reduces a building’s cooling cost as sharply as having trees or trellises that provide shade for windows does.

The reason why vegetation does not warm the air like rock does is that plants take water from the ground and evaporate (蒸发) it through their leaves. The Sun’s energy isn’t radiated as heat — it is used to change water into water vapor. The evaporative cooling works so well that the leaves stay 5.6 to 8.33 degrees Centigrade cooler than they would have been without water. While we can’t improve global climate, increased vegetation can help cool local climates.

1. Which of the following is True according to the passage?
A.With some effort, we can still affect global climate.
B.We can do a lot to improve the climate where we live.
C.Temperatures in big cities are usually lower than in the countryside.
D.The asphalt of roads throws back sunlight.
2. How does the author suggest we remedy the “heat islands” created by cities?
A.Planting full and wide-reaching trees.
B.Using vehicles that get better gas mileage.
C.Using energy-saving equipment.
D.Constructing dark-colored roofs on new buildings.
3. Which of the following is not implied by the article?
A.Darker colors absorb more sunlight and transform it into heat.
B.More thick materials store heat and give off it at night.
C.Human activity is changing global climate.
D.Vegetation is neither dark nor thick; thus, it reduces localized heating.
4. How can we use the information in this article?
A.Encourage the next generation to increase vegetation.
B.Promote rooftop gardening.
C.Remove vines and trellises from buildings.
D.A and B above.
5. In what ways do trees cool the surrounding air?
2024-01-11更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年浙江省宁波市北仑中学提前招生英语试卷
书面表达-开放性作文 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . * Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance(毅力) and above all confidence in ourselves.

﹣Marie Curie

* Sometimes people don’t need advice,they just need someone to listen and care.

﹣Thomas A.Edison

Choose one of the above quotations (引语) .Write a passage (80 words or so) to present your understanding of it,including the following:
①Your own story or a story of the person you admire, which can well interpret (诠释) it.
②Your own understanding of it.
2024-01-11更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年浙江省宁波市北仑中学提前招生英语试卷
9 . 在繁忙的城市中,许多人总是忙于工作,以至于牺牲(sacrifice)了与家人相处的时间甚至于自己的健康。(so...that )(汉译英)
2024-01-11更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年浙江省宁波市北仑中学提前招生英语试卷
10 . 女孩喜欢自信且说话时充满活力的男孩。(定语从句)(汉译英)
2024-01-11更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年浙江省宁波市北仑中学提前招生英语试卷
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