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阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . How to Live a Fulfilling Life

How awesome would it be to get out of bed each morning feeling purposeful and happy about your day? What about going to sleep each night with a grin(露齿的笑)of satisfaction on your lips?     1    Here are some tips that may help you.


To lead a more fulfilling life, you first need to know what part of your current life is troubling or unsatisfactory. Reflect on different aspects of your life to figure out which are upsetting you the most. Try closing your eyes and questioning “What part of my life dissatisfies me the most?” Whatever comes to mind first is probably where you’ll want to start.

● Building good habits.

One of the best ways to build good habits that support a fulfilling life is by doing something each day that challenges you. Identify one thing you can take action on that pushes you beyond your comfort zone and do it. This might be sharing ideas with your boss when you typically stay quiet.    3    For example, if you’ve been trying to lose weight, but you spend too much time on the couch, reduce your time on TV or do an exercise while you watch.

● Having good health and well-being.

    4    You’ll have trouble feeling fulfilled if your energy only goes out. Just as you pour love and support into others, you must return that love and support to yourself. Take time to improve your own self with passions or self-care. Fulfillment also translates to perfect mental and physical health, so make time to exercise regularly. Schedule it into your day.     5    

A.Addressing your dissatisfaction.
B.Learning to avoid dissatisfaction.
C.It’s important to set aside “me” time.
D.End each day by reflecting on your daily challenge.
E.Replacing your bad habits with good ones is also suggested.
F.That way, it will be just like any other task on your to-do list.
G.This may seem difficult, but leading a more fulfilling life is entirely possible.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Emotions help you communicate and connect with others, and they drive your behaviors or decisions in everyday life as well. However, not all emotions are positive or easy to deal with.     1     Here are four “S-word” life skills you can turn to.

The first “S” goes for self-awareness.     2     Physical sensations can influence your emotional state. Be aware of these feelings associated with different emotions. For example, feeling tension in the chest having butterflies in the stomach or simply getting nervous, can help you better understand how emotions influence your bodies and minds.

The second “S” is self-acceptance. This is often linked to greater well-being, while the experiential avoidance of emotions is linked to more negative emotions and symptoms of depression.     3     But it does mean you acknowledge them without judgment or criticism. Of course, it requires your tolerance and patience.

The third skill comes from self-compassion(自我同情). It is crucial to use this when things just don’t go well.     4     When things go wrong, treating yourself with kindness and calming your nerves with gentleness can bring the lower level of anxiety and depression.

    5     It is helpful to protect your emotional well-being and maintain healthy relationships. As a human being, you should have dignity, principles and the bottom line. You can build your fence by saying “no” when necessary, or saying your needs and feelings out beforehand to prevent situations or people that you would not like to see again.

A.The last one is about setting boundaries.
B.The fourth one refers to personal forgiveness.
C.Remember to practise some self-care activities.
D.Especially, mixed emotions can be challenging to manage.
E.Accepting emotions never means you have to like bad ones.
F.It is the key to fully understanding your own emotions and others’.
G.Self-acceptance means tolerating all emotions, healthy or unhealthy.
2023-09-08更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省部分学校2023-2024学年高三上学期8月联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Are you someone who easily gets tired and doesn’t feel like doing anything? Do you label this kind of behavior as mere laziness?     1    

Feel disconnected from everything.

People experiencing exhaustion most commonly don’t feel like themselves anymore, don’t feel engaged by anything and constantly struggle with the sense of helplessness and inability to take back control of their lives.

Used to be motivated and passionate.

A clear difference between someone who’s worn out and someone who’s lazy is that the tired people used to have things they were passionate about.     2     And even hate doing anything because of how much they overworked themselves.

Become moody and annoyed.

Do you suddenly find yourself easily angry?     3     If you start to have trouble controlling your emotions, especially when it never used to be a problem for you, this might be the reason why.


One of the warning signs is that you start neglecting your self-care and socially keep away from others. You stop making an effort to dress up yourself or look good and you tend to spend most of your time by yourself doing nothing.

Changes happen gradually.

Studies show that exhaustion develops in five major stages, according to degrees of severity. The honeymoon phase, the onset of stress, chronic stress, exhaustion and habitual exhaustion. By the time you reach the final stage, exhaustion will make you suffer from depression and anxiety.     5    

A.Ignore your self-care.
B.Focus on warning signs.
C.Do you often feel emotionally out of control?
D.So it’s important to raise awareness about exhaustion.
E.But the lazy people don’t ever devote themselves to things.
F.However, they may now be struggling to find interest in anything.
G.Here are five signs to show you’re experiencing exhaustion rather than laziness.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Feeling upset is a normal part of life. Something stressful may occur everywhere, and make you angry or anxious. We can’t control what is happening around us.     1     Here are some useful ways to keep our cool when we feel frustrated.


Conflicts with others can be difficult to deal with. Sometimes we need to leave from the unpleasant condition. It is OK to say, “I’m going to take a break” and go for a walk or find a quiet place to sit and cool off. The goal is to give yourself some space to calm down and consider what to do next.

Do breathing exercises to relax

When we’re upset, our nervous system will speed up our heart rate and muscles tense. It prepares the body as if to meet an attack.     3     If possible, find a safe place, sit comfortably and focus on your breath, breathing deeply and evenly. Mindful breathing helps us calm our feelings.

Lift your mood with laughter

Laughter relieves the tension we feel when depressed. We can think of a joke or watch a video that always makes us roar with laughter. Afterward, you may be able to lift the fog of frustration. Make sure what you use is not mean-spirited, though.     4    

Change your language

Once things appear disappointing, many of us might punish ourselves with unkind words. In fact, it doesn’t have to be this way.     5     For example, instead of saying “I always mess things up,” we could say, “I made a mistake, but I’ll do it better next time.”

A.Keep yourself away from the noise
B.Remove yourself from the situation
C.We should turn negative thoughts into positive statements.
D.Those kinds of humor can actually make us feel more down.
E.Thus, we can be physically and mentally entertained from that.
F.You can soften such physical reaction by using practical techniques.
G.However, we can decide how we behave and react to the troubles we face.
书信写作-感谢信 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假如你是在英国的交换生李华,上周日露营时你不慎扭伤 (sprain) 了自己的左脚。St. Laurence School 的学生Chris恰好路过,并对你实施了急救。请你给Chris所在的学校写一封感谢信,感谢他的帮助,要点包括:
2.急救的经过 (时间、地点、具体急救措施)。
词汇提示:冰袋 ice pack;绷带 bandage
Dear Sir/Madam,


Li Hua

2023-08-01更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市执信中学2022-2023学年高二上学期12月阶段测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述的是在疫情期间,在Montclair 的一位母亲Peralte发起一项名为“旅行日记”的活动,吸引了很多女性参加。

6 . Kyra Peralte thought keeping a diary during the pandemic (流行病) might help her sort out her feelings. In April 2020, the mother of two in Montclair, New Jersey, now 46, started writing about the challenges of work, marriage and motherhood during a global crisis. She invited women from near and far to fill the notebook with their own pandemic tales.She named the project The Traveling Diary.

Peralte created a website for people to add their names to the queue. Each person gets to keep the diary for three days and fill as many pages as she wishes. Then she is responsible for mailing it to the next person, whose address Peralte provides. So far, more than 2, 000 women from 30 countries have joined in.

The diary reached Colleen Martin in Florham Park, New Jersey, in November 2020. “I had just recently lost my brother. By the time I actually got it and wrote in it, it was much more of a relief,” she says. Adding to the diary, she says, helped her look for meaning and “the growth and development that occurs in terrible times.”

Martin shipped off the diary to the next person, and Dior Sarr, 35, received it at her home in Toronto just before the new year. “I wrote about my ambitions(抱负), my goals and how I wanted to step into the new year, ” she says, “It felt meaningful to pass on something so personal. It felt like these were women that I had known even though I didn’t know them at all.”

Like many of the women who wrote in her diary, Peralte feels a strong bond with the people who filled its pages, none of whom she would have otherwise known. Her idea, Peralte says, has had a great effect on her and, she hopes, the other women who were part of it.

1. Why did Peralte start the project “The Traveling Diary”?
A.To become famous online.
B.To offer women an emotion outlet.
C.To meet more people on the Internet.
D.To popularize medical knowledge of pandemic.
2. What did Colleen Martin get from writing the diary?
A.Achieving her goals.
B.Receiving timely help.
C.Promoting personal growth.
D.Improving her writing skills.
3. What does the underlined word“bond” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Power of Unity
B.Warmth in a Global Crisis
C.The Sisterhood of the Traveling Diary
D.Friendship on the Internet
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Soothe the Sunday scaries

Most of us look forward to the weekend as a time to relax, connect with friends and family, and deal with tasks from a to-do list that gets neglected during the workweek. But as the weekend comes to an end, many are missing out on Sunday Funday and instead experiencing an overwhelming sense of anxiety and even dread about the upcoming week.     1     Some people describe it as a heaviness they can feel in their body, while others feel so unsettled that they could jump out of their skin.

Even though the Sunday scaries are common, they are manageable. Here’s how experts say you can ease your end-of-weekend anxiety.

Structure your Sunday.     2     You might still go through that sense of dread, but that feeling is harder to hold on to when you’ re engaging in something that makes you feel good.

Don’t forget to relax. If you’re feeling more stress, it’s important to make space for relaxing activities to ground yourself. Maybe a midafternoon shower or bath, maybe an engaging movie or show, whatever feels like a helpful distraction to reground from the scaries.

Identify your anxiety sources. Try to figure out what’s really causing you to dread the week.     3     Even if there’s not a single reason behind your Sunday anxiety, organizing the stress into small parts can help make it all more manageable.

    4     Getting rid of the Sunday scaries isn’t just about minimizing the gloom of the week ahead. Have something to look forward to. This gives you the opportunity to shift your thoughts to fun and will help improve your mood.

End your Sunday with the right energy. Sunday night is a proper wind-down time. Maybe you want to journal, do a face mask, read a few pages of a good book. Do your best to honor this time and make Sunday night all about you.     5    

A.Is it a deadline, meeting or presentation?
B.Create some excitement for the week ahead.
C.Experts have referred to this worry as Sunday scaries.
D.Sunday scaries come from tiredness after a really busy weekend.
E.Then you feel empowered and confident that you’ll be ready for the next day.
F.Instead of sitting on the couch and watching the clock, go to do something that you enjoy.
G.Anxiety is a natural response that happens in preparation for anything that causes pain or discomfort.
完形填空(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . One of my happiest moments was when my longest friend invited me to be in her wedding. I was pretty delighted and ________ . Katie and I have known each other since she was born, but she is a very ________ and generous person who has made many friends in the last 20 years. I agreed and the wedding was ________ in October.

Several months before the wedding, Katie made a special ________ -she asked me to bring beloved toy, a lamb from our ________ , to the wedding so we could recreate a special photo. When Katie and I were young, my mother ________ two lambs in a gift shop and she got them for us. We’ve had them ever since, and they were the ________ of our friendship.

When she asked me to bring my lamb, it ________ me that I hadn’t seen it for years. I had the whole family help search for it, but had no ________ . It was August, and I only had two months before the wedding. I ________ my options and decided I wasn’t ________ to admit to Katie that I’d lost something precious. Many times I would have ________ my courage to tell her about that but I still ________ the matter.

Finally, Katie’s wedding arrived. The first thing she asked me when she saw me was ________ I had brought my lamb. She just looked so excited. I ________ deeply and admitted my whole family had spent days looking for it, but it hadn’t ________ . I told her I was absolutely ________ . She gave me a hug and said she was sorry for my loss. I held Katie tight, knowing I will have the ________ friend. Eventually, we recreated the photo, using just her lamb.

I’m impressed that Katie has ________ to hold on to hers for so long. Her wedding day was not only a beautiful celebration of her and her husband’s love, but it also felt like a wonderful ________ that a lifelong friendship can make you feel great, even years later.

A.put forwardB.put offC.put downD.put out
A.turned upB.gave upC.turned offD.gave off
2023-07-04更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东松湖莞中深大附中2020-2021学年下学期高一年级第一次联考试题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Anger is often regarded as a “negative” emotion we should be ashamed of. But what are we so afraid of? Every emotion can teach us something about ourselves, how we’re really feeling, and whether there’s something wrong that we need to address.     1     It’s also advisable to tackle anger in a healthy way.

Start with curiosity. Imagine an iceberg; 90% of it is under the water, out of sight.     2     Think of anger as just the tip of that iceberg; a secondary emotion and the part we show, as therapist Beverley Hills explains, “We must recognize whether it’s a good or a negative anger and the reasons behind it. “Therefore, let’s get curious about what’s going on underneath the surface.

Look into your anger. Anger is one word that covers so many feelings. To really understand various emotions, it is worth searching online for a “wheel of emotions” diagram, which reveals a full range of feelings. Use this as inspiration to write down the words that matches your current state. Bitter? Frustrated? Aggressive?     3     It will be helpful afterwards.

Explore further. Take a piece of paper and write “I am angry because…” and then fill in the blank space. Every time you finish a sentence, add “because” and continue to write. Re-read what you’ve written down and start a new section with “I will change this anger to action by…”. Every time you finish a sentence, add “then” until you’ve run out of stream!     4    

Scream, shout and let it out! Anger that remains unacknowledged can lead to unproductive interactions.     5     Find yourself a safe place away from others and let your anger out. You could beat a pillow with your fists while shouting and swearing, listen to loud music and go for a power walk, or write a letter to the issue, then tear it up.

A.Get a clear description of your anger.
B.But you have the power to change that.
C.This exercise will provide you with an action plan.
D.Therefore, anger empowers us every now and then.
E.This can be a great indication of exploring emotions.
F.So rather than shying away from our anger, it’s time we accepted it.
G.Keep writing until you feel you have everything out of your mind.
2023-06-21更新 | 98次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省华侨中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的词或所给词的正确形式。

“Look on the bright side” is one of those     1    (suggest) that people always consider inspiring but less helpful. However, new research shows that finding something     2     interest in a terrible situation makes people quickly stop complaining. Besides looking at a challenge with humor is a good method,     3     may even be helpful in preventing depressed people     4     feeling sad.

In a study     5    (publish) earlier this year, researchers gave the participants some photos that show negative situations. Then they would describe these photos according to     6     request of researchers. Those using humorous words to describe the photos     7    (find) to have fewer negative emotions and more possibilities to go through a hard time in their life than those who described the photos     8    (direct).

So there appear to be no disadvantages to looking at difficult things in your life with humor and lightness. The conclusion from the study is that for those at higher risk of depression, humor can develop an ability     9    (control) negative emotions. What’s more, humor has an extra benefit of     10    (make) others around you smile. Therefore, when you feel stressed and couldn’t focus your mind on what you are doing, find something that can make you laugh first.

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