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1 . As the college entrance examination approaches, you will feel that you lack the ability to control the emotions.     1    . The following methods teach you how to control your emotions well before an exam.

First, take a deep breath and stay calm. Finding peace and staying relaxed is all about being in the present moment and not bombarding your mind with too many worries about the future. All that you have now is the current moment.    2    .   

Have to accept that how you show your emotions has a very real effect on others. If you find yourself getting angry at your fellow peers at school, there might still be some understanding from those who are going through similar feelings as you are.     3    . Family members and those who generally aren’t as able to empathize (产生共鸣) as well with your current feelings and situation may take your anger as a personal insult (侮辱).

Learn to handle your emotions. When you start feeling boiling anger rising inside you, consider if you really need to convert that negative energy into action or comment.     4     Taking time to think through these emotions and giving yourself 10 seconds to calm down and consider things. Being angry only builds walls between you and others, making it difficult for loved ones to help.

    5    . Talking your feelings over with others will help you realize that there is no reason to be anxious or worried. Also, reach out to your family. I’m sure that when they were students they also went through similar pressures.

A.Connect with your peers.
B.Talk with your family.
C.Because of their experiences, they will understand you.
D.Sometimes you even get angry because of little things.
E.Do you really need to express your anger outwardly?
F.So for right now, just relax.
G.In any case, this still doesn’t excuse you from treating other people poorly
2024-01-09更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省佳木斯市第十一中学高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . “Mom!” a girl calls out in a busy store. I turn toward it, so do several other women. It doesn’t matter that I’m in the store alone or that my two daughters are much older than this helpless little voice. When I hear “Mom!” I am ready for action and rescue.

Mom is defined in the dictionary as a female parent. But through the years my children have used the word to mean much more.

Jessica, at 7, screams “Mo-hom” in an accusing tone, for she can’t find a matching sock.

For Sarah, at 13, on a morning when she’s already late for school, “Mom!” means “I am desperate for new clothes. I can’t believe I’ve existed in these rags.”

“Mom?” Sarah is almost 17 and rarely knocks on my door in the morning anymore. Yet I recognize the vulnerability in her voice.

“Do you want some help?” I ask her, sleep-blurred.

She nods, and then bursts into tears. “John’s mad at me, and I don’t know why. He won’t talk tome. What should I do?”

I put my arm around her. I want to protect my child from the cruel beasts who make her weep so, but I’ve got a hot potato of my own just now. I feel the disability of being responsible for myself and for my daughters. I talk to my friends and they empathize(共情). I talk to my brother and he solves problems. I need more.

So I dial the familiar number I once called from college.

“Hello?” The voice is crackly, uncertain. It has lived through so much already that it’s cautious about another blow.

“Mom?” I say.

“Honey, are you all right?” my mother asks.

Somehow, that is everything I want to hear.

1. What does the underlined word “vulnerability” mean in paragraph 5?
2. Why can’t the writer help her daughter this time?
A.She has no clue who John is.B.Her work takes all her attention.
C.She is too mentally exhausted.D.She is too sleepy to stay focused.
3. What can best describe the writer?
A.Ambitious and faithful.B.Enthusiastic and humorous.
C.Brave and independent.D.Sensitive and responsible.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.The mother’s mind is the child’s classroom.
B.A mother always cares for the youngest child.
C.The world’s all glory and pride all come from the mother.
D.The most beautiful voice in the world is the call of mother.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As I write this, you have been dead for over six years. It sounds like a long time, but it doesn’t feel like it. Perhaps that’s because I still think about you every day. You’ve taught me so much, and you continue to do so.

Granny, you are a model of a perfect woman in my heart: beautiful, brave and passionate. In 1964, you, Grandpa and your young children were exiled (被流放). Your courage and your commitment to justice at such a young age never ceases to amaze me. Decades later, you fought cancer with the same strength of personality. Supremely positive, you made it far further than expected. You still died too young, but the fighting spirit that made your life so extraordinary never weakened.

Grandpa, you are the man I love most in the world. Like Granny, you dedicated your life to the struggle for the liberation of African colonies. Your work as a journalist took you across the continent: you interviewed Nelson Mandela in hiding and then refused to reveal where he was. In 1973, you told the world the story of the Ethiopian famine (饥荒). Your life may have been full of conflict and struggle, but you remain the gentlest, loveliest person I have ever known. You loved us all and loved Granny with a depth and sincerity. You took care of her until the end.

You were both only 70 when you died. But your lives were rich and full, and you did more and loved more than most people do in their lifetime. You have taught me what it means to fight for justice, to speak up for uncomfortable truths when staying silent would be easier. Because of you, I understand the power that every individual has to change the world.

You also threw light on what it is to love another person to me. Until the very end, you were as in love with each other as a pair of silly teenagers. Your commitment to justice went hand in hand with your commitment to one another, and you faced the world’s problems together, side-by-side and shoulder-to-shoulder.

You are the architects of our family, and all of us would be lesser people had we not known you. Because of you I have chosen to live my life with bravery and emotion. You may be dead, but you are not gone.

Love always,


1. What did the author’s grandparents have in common?
A.They both died of cancer.B.They both were exiled.
C.They both worked as reporters.D.They both met Mr. Mandela.
2. What does the author mean by mentioning the “uncomfortable truths” ?
A.Keeping silent keeps you safe in the face of difficulties and hardships.
B.Good ability of expression and social skills are crucial to changing the world.
C.One should stand up for one’s beliefs and struggle against the silent majority.
D.Quiet individuals may have the great power to fight for their ideals and beliefs.
3. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?
A.The grandparents’ problem solving.
B.The grandparents’ mutual affection.
C.The grandparents’ love for children.
D.The grandparents’ commitment to justice.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this letter?
A.To convey deep gratitude and apologies.
B.To evaluate her grandparents objectively.
C.To express her feeling of missing thankfully.
D.To eagerly get in touch with her grandparents.
2023-05-12更新 | 126次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届哈尔滨师范大学附属中学高三第三次模拟考试英语试卷
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