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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了冒险家Bear Grylls 创造的应对恐惧的S-T-O-P策略。

1 . It’s easy to think that a man who’s scaled Mount Everest is fearless. But adventurer and survivalist Bear Grylls says nothing could be further from the truth.“    1    and it’s part of my job,” he says. Then how does he deal with fear?   He advises befriending your fear and using it to fuel you. He created the way of S-T-O-P.

S—Stop and step back

    2     — deadlines,difficult conversations, getting out of our social comfort zones, job interviews, etc. Don’t give in to the anxiety of the moment or just act immediately. Think twice before you leap.

T—Take a break

It’s hard to think clearly when you’re in fight-or-flight mode. Take a moment to gain some distance from the situation and get your thinking brain back online.    3    .


In high-stress situations, it’s natural for people to just get super focused on that one thing. But Grylls suggests, “Look at your surroundings.    4    . You’re going to see alternatives and options.” Who’s in your corner? What resources do you have? Make sure you’re on alert (警惕) and getting the full picture.


You’re cool, calm and you’ve collected your resources-it’s time to move ahead. Create a strategic plan of action — or two!     5     .

“The vital elements to surviving in any tough scenario are not tools or food,“ Grylls says, “They are a resourceful spirit and a courageous attitude.”

A.Deep breaths and a concentration practice are a good start
B.And keep moving forward
C.Fear is a huge part of my life
D.I feel sorry for missing the peak
E.You’re going to see escape routes
F.And quietly wait for someone to come
G.We all have those everyday moments of panic
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Come Back to Me

I’d always wanted a dog. But the answer was always no. Then when I was eight years old, my aunt came back from her daily run with a saved puppy.

After weeks of unsuccessfully looking for the owner and begging to keep him, we finally made “Pepper”, a black-and-tan Beagle mix, a member of my family. And, like many children with a new thing, l became obsessed (着迷). Learning everything about a dog was at the center of my world.

Pepper was there for me as I grew up. When I felt sad, he cheered me up and gave me unconditional love. His tail uncurled (伸直) and recurled with every movement of the tail and made me smile. His welcoming “tippy-tap dance” let me forget all the sadness. The way he cocked his head when I talked to him made me feel as if he understood every word. He’d perform tricks to win a treat or two...or four.

Then, when Pepper was sixteen, I got the call that I’d hoped would never come. I was unhappily married, living hours away, barely making ends meet, and trying to balance (平衡) life with a newborn son. The phone rang with unexpected news that it was time to say goodbye to Pepper. I anxiously tried to save enough money so that I could drive home and see him one last time. But I couldn’t.

The realization that I wasn’t going to be able to say goodbye tore my heart apart. I imagined my Pepper wondering why I was not there for him when he had been there for me for so many years. Within days, he was gone. For years, I didn’t pardon myself. Every time I remembered it, the tears returned as if the wound in my heart was fresh. That old saying, “Time heals all wounds,” was a terrible lie. How could I heal? I didn’t get to say goodbye. The only thing I could do was cry, telling his picture, “I’m so sorry,” and “I love you so much.”

When my son was eight years old, another dog, Preston, came into our lives.
It was as if Pepper had come back to me again.
2023-10-14更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一10月联合考试英语试题
书信写作-感谢信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假设你是红星中学学生李华。上周你在天津举行的亚洲青年环保论坛英语演讲中荣获一等奖(Asian Youth Forum Speech) 。在准备参加演讲期间,你的英语老师Mark 给你提供了很多帮助。请你用英文给他写一封感谢信。要点如下:
注意:1. 词数不少于100词;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mr Mark,



2023-10-14更新 | 139次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市第一百中学2023-2024学年高三上学期阶段性检测(1)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Everyone has bad days at work or studies. For example, you had an unexpected trouble with a project you had been working on for weeks.     1     Or you forgot to attend an important meeting on time and missed a good chance. Whatever the reason for your problem, the result is to make you feel more stressed and alone.

    2     According to a research, practicing gratitude can help make you happier. The next time you’re feeling troubled by a problem, take a minute and think of someone in your life that you’re grateful for.     3    

Why will that make you feel better? Gratitude is often a feeling when someone else does something helpful for you that they don’t need to do.     4     It might be a relative who took care of you when you were little, a guide teacher who helped you out, or a workmate who offered you a great chance.

Remember those people who helped you, and knowing why you’re grateful to them has two good points. For one, it gets you to think about something wonderful, which can cheer you up.     5    

A.In those moments, a little gratitude can help.
B.You felt as if only reading could relax yourself.
C.All of us have people in our lives who are helpful.
D.You are shouted at rudely by your partners in a discussion.
E.Then write a sentence or two about why you feel thankful.
F.There’s a reason gratitude is always showing up on tea bags and in self-help books.
G.It also makes you get on well with others so that you don’t feel quite alone anymore.
阅读理解-六选四(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Why We Hate the Feeling of Failure and How It Affects Us

Loss aversion is the idea that a potential loss has greater weight in a person's mind than the possible gain. People seek to avoid failure and the negative feelings they expect will come from such a loss.

    1    . Marketers want to understand the emotions surrounding loss so they can word advertisements in a way that prompts consumers to feel they need to buy a product to avoid negative feelings.

More recently, social scientists have turned their at tent on to how loss aversion can hinder people from performing in their daily lives.    2    .

Sports and athletic performance was one of the first areas of focus. A study in May 2023 looked at how adult athletes were hindered by a fear of failure. It found that athletes who feared failure tended to approach an athletic event and appraise(评估) it for potential losses.

Losses weren't just related to the final numbers on the scoreboard. Rather, some athletes approached a practice or a game and saw it as a potential to perform poorly and lose standing with their coach, teammates or fellow athletes.    3    Scholars are also considering how a fear of failure impacts academics. In a 2015 article, researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 33 studies that measured the relationship between procrastination and academic performance.

Not surprisingly, procrastination was shown to decrease academic performance.    4    .Rather, this type of I'll-get to-it later mentality was a loss aversion strategy. When a student didn't feel confident or competent in completing a task, whether it was writing an essay or studying for an exam, they procrastinated to delay feeling like a failure.

While our fear of loss may impact our mindset and whether or not we pursue something new, if we let that fear take hold, then we’ve already lost. There for, don’t let fear of failure keep you from trying something new.

A.Researchers have examined how fear of failure can lead to-procrastination.
B.The loss was seen as humiliating and something the athlete feared or wanted to avoid.
C.Research has found this fear of failure drives people to stop pursuing their passions.
D.However, the study found that it wasn't due to students prioritizing their social life or Netflix queue.
E.Doubt has killed their dreams than failure ever will
F.Loss a version has long been used to study consumer psychology.
2023-10-13更新 | 145次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市进才中学2023-2024学年高三上学期9月阶段性测试英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . Why is Daisy so happy?
A.She has a new laptop.
B.She won some money.
C.She was accepted by a university.
2023-10-13更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市十校2022-2023学年高一上学期12月联合调研英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . Soothe the Sunday Scaries

As the weekend comes to an end, many of us are missing out on Sunday Funday and anxious about the upcoming week. Experts have nicknamed this worry the “Sunday scaries”.     1    

Here’s how you can ease your end-of-weekend anxiety.

When structuring your Sunday, try not to arrange too many errands and chores. If you’re feeling more stress, it’s important to make space for some activities to relax yourself. And there’s no right way to do so — maybe a midafternoon shower or bath, maybe an engaging movie or show.     2    

Anxiety is a normal human experience, and one of the main ways to manage it is to identify your personal triggers.     3     Is it a deadline, meeting, or presentation? Even if there’s not a single reason behind your Sunday anxiety, organizing the stress you expect from the week ahead into small pieces can help it.

Getting rid of the Sunday scaries isn’t just about minimizing the gloom of the week ahead, either. Having something to look forward to gives you something pleasing to think about, rather than only focusing on the anxiety you feel.     4     Instead of focusing on the awful things you expect from the week, build excitement over a lunch date with a friend.

Make Sunday nights about doing something for yourself to reduce your anxiety about Monday. Plan some favorite foods to enjoy or go all in for some self-care.     5     Do your best to honor this time and make Sunday night all about you—leave the work emails for Monday morning.

A.It’s a form of shifting your thoughts.
B.This is an opportunity to give yourself a refreshing time.
C.Try to figure out what’s really causing you to fear the week.
D.It doesn’t mean you have to shift your thoughts to something fun.
E.But even though the Sunday scaries are common, they are manageable.
F.It can be whatever feels like a helpful distraction to relieve from the stress.
G.Instead of sitting on the sofa and watching the clock, do something that you enjoy.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . How to practise emotional awareness?

What is emotional awareness? Emotional awareness is being able to identify and make sense of not only our own emotions but those of others. It’s absolutely essential in understanding our behaviors and changing our way of dealing with the problems. With emotional awareness, we can understand how this influences our behaviors.    1    

Of course, describing exactly how we feel can often prove difficult.    2    It’s not always easy to put a finger on exactly what’s wrong, without digging a little deeper. This is often because on some level we don’t want to know how we really feel.

    3     Unhealthy thoughts, behaviors and coping mechanisms that are hidden from our view. Perhaps you lash out(猛击)or withdraw when you feel overwhelmed or go into a flood of criticism and self-doubt when you receive negative feedback.

Mindfulness is the process of bringing our attention to the present moment and becoming more aware of our thoughts. It’s a state of calm, non-judgmental reflection.    4     We can quiet the mental chatter that often accompanies difficult emotions and instead sit with the physical sensation of the emotion in our body. Doing this regularly allows us to be more aware of the source of our emotions and enables us to carry out strategies to manage them more effectively.

Self-reflection develops emotional awareness and is key to understanding why you feel the way you do. Activities such as journaling can be really beneficial in learning about your thought processes.    5    It can be difficult to feel heard by others if we don’t have the language to describe how we’re feeling.

A.And in turn, change the way we respond to challenging situations.
B.Without emotional awareness, we may develop emotional blind spots.
C.It’s the very reason we turn to general phrases like “I’m not myself today”.
D.Sometimes what we really struggle with is putting our emotions into words.
E.There are many ways to be mindful, from practising breathwork to sitting in silence.
F.And for many of us, that means understanding how we feel and why can be incredibly difficult.
G.Research shows that being aware of your emotions is hugely beneficial to social and emotional functioning.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Happiness is subjective and can take on different meanings for various individuals.     1    , others may find joy in creating something unique.

Creativity is a crucial aspect for many artists worldwide as they seek to express themselves through different forms of art,     2    . Matt Jacob, the founder of MOOD Studio and The MOOD Podcast, shares his personal experiences and joys on his platforms.

The arts that bring people happiness vary widely, depending on their environment, culture, and opportunities. For creatives like Matt, happiness takes on a distinct meaning, as it involves finding your niche (定位/舒适的生活), connecting with a community, and leaving a legacy and imprint on the world. Developing an original style plays a significant role in Matt’s happiness, but a style is not all that — his work and approach to it continues to evolve.     3    following professionals in the field, and adding one's unique artistic touch to capture timeless moments.

    4     and not necessarily in the way that everyone thinks. When one is self-employed or starting a new business, money can be a significant barrier and photography, or the creative world, is no different. To succeed, there are many factors, but marketing, networking and the ‘hustle’ are at the forefront. For Matt, being money-minded and being motivated by money are two very different things, with extremely different outcomes if pursued. He believes that being money-minded is essential,     5     .

Ultimately, what brings Matt happiness is the people that are close to him — being able to hopefully inspire and enjoy with others, and most importantly give back, in any way possible. By creating beautiful environmental, cultural, and portrait art, he not only makes himself happy but also brings joy to those around him, and hopefully those that are far away too.

A.He emphasizes the importance of exploring different styles and genres
B.including photography, painting, and other mediums
C.and now resides in Bali, Indonesia, where he also found a love and community
D.The people around him and his wife give him a sense of belonging
E.but being motivated by money can hinder one's quality of work and chances of success
F.While some may equate it with wealth or influence
G.Another crucial aspect contributing to happiness is finances
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Emotions are inherent (固有的) in the human experience and play a significant role in children's lives. Emotional resilience is a critical component of success, helping children navigate life's inevitable ups and downs.     1    . Parents can try the following steps to help their children develop this power.

Step 1: Build an emotional toolkit

Children aren't born knowing how to manage and express difficult feelings, such as anger or hurt. They need to learn about various emotions and what behaviors are acceptable.     2    .When parents openly express their emotions, regardless of whether they are appropriately expressed, children watch; listen, and learn. So, parents should establish healthy emotional habits to serve as a guide for children.

    3    . Some children may seek comfort in hugs, while others prefer physical space. Some may find gentle music soothing (安抚的), while others find it irritating. Parents can assist children in finding emotional resources based on their personality and individual needs.

Step 2:     4    

Helping children connect with their emotional lives includes all emotions, not just pleasant ones. For instance, well-intentioned adults may say, “Don't be angry” or“There is nothing to be sad about”, but this may shut down the exploration of those feelings rather than addressing them. When this avoidance is repeated, it interferes with the understanding and mastery of difficult emotions.

Step 3: Help children regulate and co-regulate

Children often need parents to help them navigate intense emotions.    5    . This process is called“co-regulation,” when one person soothes another.

Co-regulation does not mean parents should always rush in to“fix” children's discomfort,particularly if they don't want help. Children also need space to work through struggles on their own to build emotional competence.

A.It is a potential superpower
B.Accept and validate all emotions
C.Children learn by observing adults
D.Be a good parent by always being there
E.Building an emotional toolkit is no easy task
F.Finding preferred coping skills is a personal process
G.They rely on adults' more mature nervous systems to find stability
共计 平均难度:一般