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1 . Santos is a psychologist who also teaches a class on the science of happiness at Yale University.    1    

She had people write down either a few things every day that they were grateful for or a few things every day that she called “burdens”.     2     She found that the act of listing what you’re grateful for over time can actually significantly improve well-being, even in just a couple of weeks,whereas the act of grabbing the things that you don’t like in life doesn’t help your well-being.

If you express gratitude to the people you care about, you can end up boosting those relationships. Often, researchers have subjects do what’s called a gratitude visit. They ask subjects to scribble (潦草地写) down a few things they’re really grateful for about a person they haven’t thanked.     3     People who receive these letters report that it’s one of the most pleasant moments in their life. But more amazingly, these gratitude visits also help the person who expresses the gratefulness.

    4     It works if you can contrast what you want with the gritty (活生生的) reality of the situation. Carey Morewedge and colleagues have subjects imagine eating a bunch of chocolate, and he finds that you don’t really want to eat the chocolate anymore after you imagine eating them.    5     When we fantasize about positive things in our lives, we can think we’ve already achieved our goals or completed our tasks.

A.Another tip is positive thinking.
B.These things showed different impacts.
C.So they can meet to show each other’s burdens.
D.You did it enough in your brain that you’re almost full.
E.Then, they have them meet in person and read the letter.
F.It is considered the most popular course in the university’s history.
G.Meeting up in person sometimes isn’t really an option for a lot of people.
2024-05-30更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省衡阳市第八中学高三下学期5月适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . There is an upside to feeling angry. According to research, anger is more helpful at motivating people to overcome obstacles and meet goals than a neutral emotional state.


Being relentlessly positive and leaning on happy platitudes (陈词滥调), also known as “toxic positivity," can harm us. Most positivity lingo (行话) lacks minor difference, compassion and curiosity and it comes in the form of blanket statements that tell someone how to feel. The truth is that we are born with all the emotions and we evolved to experience negative emotions, including anger.

Unpack your anger

The first step is to recognize that you're angry. Ask yourself: What am I feeling right now? What is this about?     2    Anger can also derive from emotions that shake us up, like shame, humiliation or the feeling of being unappreciated, or when we sense that our beliefs or values are under attack.

Set a healthy goal

When anger surfaces, it is important to remember your overall goal. Expressing anger and having a confrontational discussion can improve the relationship, provided that your goal is to strengthen the relationship, express your needs or come to a compromise.     3    

Learn to harness anger at work

    4     For example, someone who didn't receive the annual review or promotion they wanted could use that anger to plan out steps to do better next year.

Finally, be cautious about releasing

Finding an outlet can feelgood.       5     Try to get social support from people who can be objective.

A.Embrace your anger
B.Dismiss your positivity
C.But it doesn't generally produce solutions.
D.We get angry when we feel there's an obstacle that is impeding us.
E.In the workplace, you can channel angry energy to achieve performance related goals.
F.It's actually a life that's balanced by a mix of emotions that seems to be more satisfying and positive long-term.
G.But if you mainly care about being right and winning the argument, then that could lead you to be aggressive with them in away that is harmful.
2024-05-28更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省衡阳市第八中学高三下学期5月模拟预测英语试题
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Do you feel sad and lonely?
2024-05-27更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省邵阳市大祥区邵阳市第二中学高三下学期三模英语试题
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4 . “Not only is it okay to not feel ‘okay’. it is essential.” Dr. Zuckerman, a licensed clinical psychologist, said. So crying after you get into a fight with your partner is also normal. as is feeling anxious and scared about an uncertain future. When we think we might lose something we care about, that’s sad.     1     . We should let ourselves, and other people in our lives, feel these things as they come up.

    2    . The more we avoid internal unease, the more isolated we can become, the more anxious we can get, and the more depressed we can feel. We need to not only feel. but also acknowledge our legitimate emotional responses to situations. Efforts to avoid or ignore them can isolate us during times of need.

You may feel you’re being supportive by sending positive affirmations to a friend who is going through a difficult time.     3     . Your positive affirmations create the idea that your friend is in some way incapable of handling their feelings.

When you’re lending an car to someone in distress, Dr. Zuckerman suggests avoiding phrases like: It’ll be fine.     4     . What’s there to cry about? Instead, she suggests using phrases that affirm the other persons feelings and lets them know you are here to support them without expectation: It is okay to not feel okay right now. You’re allowed to feel this way.

Feel your feelings. Sit with them. Let them pass.     5    

A.Just smile, stop worrying!
B.You should feel whatever emotions you want to.
C.When we don’t know what to expect next, that’s scary.
D.By hiding our discomfort, we’re only adding fuel to fire.
E.Never feel ashamed or embarrassed of being sad and afraid.
F.But in reality, you may be invalidating their feelings and harming them.
G.And allow others ride the wave of whatever emotions they’re feeling too.
2024-05-24更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省衡阳市第八中学高三下学期高考适应性练习(四)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The easiest way to love yourself is to treat yourself like your own BFF. It might seem like it’s easier to love others than to love yourself, but it’s tough to build healthy relationships if you don’t love yourself first.     1    

Let go of negative thoughts about yourself. Drill down to the core of those thoughts and tell yourself a different story. Think about what you would say to a friend who said those things about themselves. For example, if you forgot to buy trash bags, instead of blaming yourself, you might as well think, “I’ll just pick some up next time I go out — no big deal.” Don’t try to fight negative thoughts, though — they’re a part of who you are.     2     It might feel weird at first, but after a while, it becomes habitual to think that way.

Accept your flaws as part of who you are. Everything you’ve done and everywhere you’ve been is a part of who you are — you! Self-love isn’t about fixing all the “bad” things about yourself. Instead, accept that they’re all parts of the same whole.     3     For example, maybe you have a hard time trusting people. You wish you could be more trusting and open up more, but instead of trying to change, focus on how not immediately trusting people helps keep you safe.

    4     If you expect yourself to be perfect all the time, you’ll never be pleased with anything you produce. So make it a point to appreciate the work you put into completing a task, rather than looking for flaws in what you produced. Avoid stereotypical ideas and images of perfection, such as models in beauty magazines. Remind yourself that the actual person probably doesn’t look like that in real life!

Practice gratitude for good things rather than focusing on the negative. It’s human nature to see negative things as bigger and more important than positive things, but this also does tremendous damage to your self-esteem.     5     Look for the positive side even when bad things happen to you. For example, if you lose your job, it can be easy to spiral into thinking that you were terrible at your job and no one will ever hire you again. Instead, you might think that now you have the opportunity to find something that’s a better fit for you.

A.Focus on your effort rather than the result to control perfectionism.
B.Challenge those thoughts with logical observations to reframe your conclusion.
C.Instead, you can simply drown them out with more positive, affirmative thoughts.
D.When you love yourself, you love all of you because you wouldn’t have the good without the bad.
E.Here are some strategies that can help you embark on a journey of treating yourself with kindness.
F.Negative thoughts often come from outside people whose opinions we value.
G.When you focus on the negative, try to name some things that you can be grateful for.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Cheerfulness is a powerful way to deal with a world that will always be tough and unjust in one way or another. It is a sign of strength in the face of difficulties. Different from fear, joy, or anger, cheerfulness isn’t something that overcomes you.     1     As such, you can include it into your life once you make the right mental switch. Here are four ways to do so.

◎Acknowledge the difficulties.

Cheerfulness is an honest emotion because you’re not hiding from reality.     2     Instead, it’s extremely important to be honest with yourself about the problems you’re facing. Only by first acknowledging that things are tough will you be able to find ways to cope.

◎Don’t focus on the negative.

Whether in your personal life or in society, it’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong. But whatever you focus on, it grows. If you decide to focus on what’s going wrong, those problems will grow in your mind until they consume you.     3    

◎Be grateful for what you have.

    4     Usually, they’re the things we take for granted until they’re no longer there, such as good health, a loving family, or even something as simple as a beautiful sunrise. Being grateful will shift your perspective and make it easier to see the silver linings of your problems.


No cheerfulness without laughter. So you can watch comedies, browse memes, or joke around with friends. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts your mood, makes you feel less pain, and protects you from stress. Laughter is cathartic (精神宣泄的) and infectious. Laugh and brighten the room.

A.Find your sense of humor.
B.Deal with difficulties seriously.
C.Focus on the good things you have.
D.To a large degree, cheerfulness is a choice.
E.You’re not covering your eyes and looking away.
F.Acknowledge the problems, but don’t give them too much attention.
G.Being cheerful will make you see the world and your own life in a different way.
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章通过描述Elizabeth Bautista Boyd的父亲因为天冷路面结冰在女儿驾车上班的路上撒盐展现了父亲对女儿的深切关爱和细致呵护。

7 . There’s a special bond between good parents and their children that is a beautiful thing to see.

They care about every________of their children’s life, from the tiniest issues to the biggest heartbreaks.

Elizabeth Bautista Boyd of Oklahoma is________to have such a father who still________and protects her, even though she is a grown-up 38-year-old working woman now. Boyd drove to work on a________winter morning, and the roads were frozen.________this, her dad did something amazing for her.

She________photos of her father’s act of kindness on a social networking website________by the touching words: “You guys…This is my dad. He’d driven to my company parking lot and waited for me to________, so he could salt the icy road from my________to the company’s front door. He did this to________that I, his 38-year-old daughter, wouldn’t________Oh! Love you, Daddy.”

The photos show her dad with a bag of salt,________spreading a path of salt across the icy road. This simple but________gesture of a father’s love for his daughter has________thousands of hearts online. In around 24 hours, it obtained over 70,000 reactions and over 76,000 shares.

Some________“What an amazing Daddy you have!” and one person wrote: “Definitely give him a huge hug, big enough for all of us.

A.cares forB.talks aboutC.relies onD.keeps from
A.Interested inB.Unsatisfied withC.Uncertain aboutD.Aware of
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . One of the cores of emotional intelligence is self-regulation, an important skill in the workplace. Like any skill, mastery of emotional self-control requires intentionality and practice.     1    .

Pause to Mentally Distance

When you notice your typical physiological experiences associated with strong negative emotion, what should you do? Mentally step out of your immediate experience. Asking yourself any question, or imagining what you might look like to others right now, will do the trick. At that point, although still physiologically keyed up, you will be able to ask yourself, “What is the best course of action right now?” or “What advice would I give someone else who is in my shoes?”     2    .

Take Control of Your Self-Talk

We’re frequently unaware of how much self-chatter is going on in the background of our minds. Such self-talk might not be in fully articulated (铰接式的) words or phrases, but instead little flashes of thought. Becoming aware of your self-talk can be difficult. Why is this an important skill to develop?     3    . To genuinely ease a strong negative emotion requires tackling the source by examining the underlying belief and how accurate, reasonable, or useful it is.

Seek Support from Partners

Ask others you trust to help you recognize when your emotions seem to be getting the best of you.     4    . Agree on a gesture or word that might serve as a signal that your trusted individual wonders whether you’re riding the led-by-your-limbic-system train. Of course, there will be times they’re wrong. So, it’s important not to respond defensively when you get that signal. Reacting with anything other than gratitude ensures that your partner won’t take that risk again.

Cultivate (培养) Curiosity

Our brains are wired to draw conclusions and form judgments at lightning speed, and those are frequently the cause of our negative emotions.     5    , but we tend to run with them, sparking the self-talk that follows. Generally working to be more curious about other people’s experiences, including their self-identified motives for their behavior, helps avoid making hasty judgments.

A.They are comfortable with all emotions
B.Those judgments are not necessarily accurate
C.Doing so provides you with choices as to how to act
D.Explain your developmental goals and sincerely ask for help
E.Stay focused on coming up with an answer and following through on it
F.Because it is those background beliefs that fuel our emotional responses
G.Here are four ways you can develop greater emotional self-management
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Accept Tricky Feelings

Imagine that you only felt so-called positive feelings, like excitement, joy and safety.     1    . Being human means we experience various emotions, even painful or uncomfortable ones. Accepting them is important and can improve your well-being.

Do you notice uncomfortable feelings?

When you accept that difficult emotions are normal and temporary, you’re often able to cope with them. Psychologists have found that people who allow themselves to feel a range of emotions, including painful ones, are often more at peace than people who try to avoid or push uncomfortable feelings away.    2    

Does that mean all behaviour is OK?

If you allow yourself to feel angry, for example, that doesn’t mean you can throw things around or behave unkindly. Anita Garai, a well-being teacher and author of Being With Our Feelings, says that if we allow ourselves to feel painful emotions,including anger, it’s less likely these feelings will boil over and result in unpleasant actions. “    3    ,” she says. “By listening to them, you can learn more about your needs and choose the best way to respond.”

    4    ?

Garai suggeststhe first step is to notice and examine the uncomfortable feeling in your body. “Where in your body can you feel it? Is it still or moving? Can you describe the movement?” she says. It may be that the feeling reminds you of a colour, shape, sound or texture. “By paying attention to the feeling in this way, it’s less likely that you’ll ignore it,” explains Garai.     5    . Many people find it comforting and inspiring to read about characters who accept, manage and overcome tricky emotions.

A.Another tool is to read
B.You may feel it’s like a wonderland
C.It might sound great but it’s unrealistic
D.Do you examine the tricky feelings in your body
E.How can you learn to accept uncomfortable feelings
F.Uncomfortable feelings actually help to keep us well
G.By noticing tricky feelings and allowing them to exist, you are being kind to yourself
2023-05-09更新 | 182次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届湖南省郴州市高三适应性模拟考试(三模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Back in 1964, in his book Games People Play, psychiatrist Eric Berne described a pattern of conversation he called “Why Don’t You — Yes But”, which remains one of the most annoying aspects of everyday social life. The person adopting the strategy is usually a chronic complainer. Something is terrible about their relationship, job, or other situation, and they complain about it endlessly, but find some excuse to dismiss any solution that’s proposed. The reason, of course, is that on some level they don’t want a solution; they want to be validated (认可) in their position that the world is out to get them. If they can “win” the game — dismissing every suggestion until interlocutor (对话者) gives up in annoyance — they get to feel pleasurably righteous (正当的) in their anger and excused from any obligation to change.

Part of the trouble here is the so-called responsibility/fault fallacy (谬误). When you’re feeling hard done by — taken for granted by your partner, say, or obliged to work for a stupid boss — it’s easy to become attached to the position that it’s not your job to address the matter, and that doing so would be an admission of fault. But there’s a confusion here. For example, if I were to discover a newborn at my front door, it wouldn’t be my fault, but it most certainly would be my responsibility. There would be choices to make, and no possibility of avoiding them, since trying to ignore the matter would be a choice. The point is that what goes for the baby on the doorstep is true in all cases: even if the other person is 100% in the wrong, there’s nothing to be gained, long-term, from using this as a justification to evade responsibility.

Should you find yourself on the receiving end of this kind of complaining, there’s a clever way to shut it down — which is to agree with it. Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb describes this as “over-validation”. For one thing, you’ll be spared further complaining, since the other person’s motivation was to confirm her beliefs, and now you’re confirming them. But for another, as Gottlieb notes, people confronted with over-validation often hear their complaints afresh and start arguing back. The concept that they’re utterly powerless suddenly seems unrealistic, not to mention rather annoying — so they’re prompted instead to generate ideas about how they might change things.

“And then, sometimes, something magical might happen, ” Gotlieb writes. The other person “might realize she’s not as trapped as you are saying she is, or as she feels. ” Avoiding responsibility feels comfortable, but turns out to be a prison; whereas assuming responsibility feels unpleasant, but ends up being freeing.

1. What is the characteristic of a chronic complainer, according to Eric Berne?
A.They are angry about their ill treatment and feel bitter towards whoever tries to help.
B.They are habitually unhappy and endlessly find fault with people around them.
C.They constantly dismiss others’ proposals while taking no responsibility for dealing with the problem.
D.They lack the basic skills required for successful conversations with others.
2. What does the author try to illustrate with the example of the newborn on one’s doorstep?
A.People tend to think that one should not be held responsible for others’ mistakes.
B.It is easy to become attached to the position of overlooking one’s own fault.
C.People are often at a loss when confronted with a number of choices.
D.A distinction should be drawn between responsibility and fault.
3. What does the author advise people to do to chronic complainers?
A.Stop them from going further by agreeing with them.
B.Listen to their complaints attentively and sympathetically.
C.Ask them to validate their beliefs with further evidence.
D.Persuade them to clarify the confusion they caused.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.What is the responsibility/fault fallacy for chronic complainers?
B.How can you avoid dangerous traps in everyday social life?
C.Who are chronic complainers and how to deal with them?
D.Why should we stop being a chronic complainer and assume responsibility?
共计 平均难度:一般