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阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Miscommunications can sometimes be funny, however, most of time you will feel frustrated or upset. Put some efforts into your conversations, and you can lower your risk of miscommunicating.

    1     Thinking about your words allows you to organize your thoughts and prepare to say something meaningful. Especially if you’re about to have an important conversation, make sure your words are organized so that you can say what you mean.

Get people’s attention. It means making sure they are listening to and understanding the words you say. Make eye contact and check to make sure they are listening. If the other person is distracted or in the middle of doing something else, say that you’ll talk later when he or she is more available.     2    

Listen closely.     3     Instead of trying to think about what they will say next, just stay engaged with the person who is speaking.     4     One of the best ways to do this is through actively listening. Turn your body toward them and lean in. Don’t turn to distractions, like cell phones.

Avoid interrupting. If someone else is speaking, do your best not to interrupt them.     5    This shows that you’re listening and you care about what they are saying. If you tend to interrupt people often, they may feel frustrated in talking to you and may not communicate all they wish to say.

A.Think before you speak.
B.Check for understanding.
C.Give your full attention when someone is speaking.
D.Avoid calling out or shouting at people to get attention.
E.He or she will appreciate feeling heard and understood.
F.Let them complete their thoughts before you add to them.
G.This is true if you’re talking to someone from a different culture.
2023-11-01更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆兵团地州学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Meeting people is the first step to make friends.     1     Here are some useful tips.

Make small talk even if you don’t feel like it

Small talk can make people feel false and meaningless.     2     By making small talk, you show that you’re friendly and open to communicating. In that way, small talk helps you to make the first connection with potential (潜在的) new friends. If someone doesn’t make any small talk, we might think that they don’t want to make friends with us, that they don’t like us, or that they’re in a bad mood.


When you talk to someone new and realize that you have similar interests, the conversation usually goes from stiff (生硬的) to fun and interesting. Therefore, make it a habit to find out if you have any mutual interests or something in common. You can do this by mentioning things that interest you and seeing how they answer.

Don’t write people off until you know them

Don’t judge people too quickly. Try not to think that they are shallow (肤浅的), boring, or that you have nothing to talk about. If everyone seems uninterested, it might be because you have been in small talk.     4    

Make people like being around you

When you try to make people like you, it will become easier for you to make friends.     5     If we are with someone with a positive experience, we like that person more.

A.But it does have a purpose.
B.Help people get to know you.
C.Being used to talking to people is important.
D.Figure out what you might have in common.
E.If you only make small talk, everyone will sound shallow.
F.But how do you actually become friends with someone?
G.When you make sure that people like being around you, they will like you.
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Being a good listener is important for a number of reasons. When you are at work, it can make you better understand your tasks and what your boss expects from you.     1     You can see the world through the eyes of others.

However, the fact is that most people aren’t really listening to another person.     2     If you want to know how to be a good listener, read on to get started!

• Give the speaker your full attention,     3     Once you talk face to face, you need to keep your mind quiet, and pay attention to what the other person is saying.

• Don’t cut in. Many people have a habit of cutting in and giving out quick opinions before people finish what they are speaking. That’s impolite.     4    .

    5     Not everyone is a talented speaker. Some people take longer time to share their points.“ It sounds great!” “What happened next?” These are useful for keeping the sharing going on.

It takes time to be a good listener. You can’t be perfect at one night. Keep trying every day to put the above advice into practice.

A.Turn off the TV, your phone or computer.
B.It can also help you open your ears and minds.
C.Let the speaker know you are listening patiently.
D.Don’t change the subject unless the discussion is finished.
E.Listen and save your words until the speaker finishes speaking.
F.Instead, they are actually thinking about what they should say in reply.
G.Mind your words.
2023-08-08更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆哈密市第八中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

4 . My mother passed away when I was two. Two years later, I got a stepmom, Tina. I________to accept her and I didn’t treat her well. Somewhere inside me a________said, “She can’t take the________of Mom. She’s not my mom; she can’t tell me what to do.”

________I was about twelve, my father gave me a sudden awakening. One day, after I had been terribly ________to Tina, he took me aside and said something like, “Do you think that I’m the one who________your favorite foods, clothes and toys? Do you think that I plan________things like going to the movies, pool, and Kings Island? Well, I don’t. Tina is the one who does all those things. It’s time that you start________her with kindness.”

I was________shocked. Instantly (立刻), my heart was________guilt and shame. A________of thankfulness and love came over me. That day I ________calling her Mommy Tina. By the age of fourteen, I________the Tina and called her Mom.

Now, at age twenty-five, I’m writing this to show my love and________for her. I will always be________for this strong, beautiful woman who was brought into my life.

A.used toB.filled withC.freed fromD.confused about
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Many people find it hard to say no, even when they are over-stressed, over-booked and just too busy to take on anything else.     1     . But it’s important to learn how to say no to people and their requests. Being unable can contribute to more stress, which may eventually turn to resentment (怨恨).

    2     . This article discusses some strategies you can use to set boundaries, protect your personal time and say no more often.

I’m sorry – I can’t do this right now

Sometimes, it helps to wait and think about whether you can take on a commitment. It’s usually best not to rush into things.     3     . Most reasonable people will accept this as an answer, so if someone keeps pressuring you, they’re being rude.

Let me think about it

If you’re uncomfortable being firm or are dealing with pushy people, it’s OK to say, “Let me think about it and get back to you.”     4     .

This strategy also allows you to think about whether you want to say “yes” to another commitment. To decide, do a cost-benefit analysis and then get back to them with a yes or no.


If you would really like to do what they’re requesting, but don’t have the time, it’s fine to say no to all or part of the request but mention a lesser commitment that you can make. This way you’ll still be partially involved, but it will be on your own terms.

A.I can’t do this, but I can do that
B.If you struggle with this, then you’re not alone
C.I wish I could, but I have a lot going on right now
D.This gives you a chance to review your schedule and consider your options
E.Luckily, you can learn how to say no to people without causing hurt feelings
F.If pressured, reply that it doesn’t fit into your schedule and change the subject
G.You have every right to ensure you have time for the things that are important to you
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The best long distance friends are the ones who know how to communicate well. As often as we move around for school, work or family, long distance friendships are a reality of adulthood.    1    , there’s no reason to let physical distance keep you from staying connected.

Be explicit and intentional about keeping your long distance friend

If you want to keep people in your life, you have to tell them and be ready to put in the effort. Whether you’ve just moved away from your friend or you’ve been apart for years, long distance friendships require a mutual(互相的) commitment. That means reaching out, finding time to hang out, and showing your friend you value them.    2    .

Use common interests to feel connected

Develop an “anchor” for your friendship.    3    . Maybe you both love cooking, so you each send photos of the new dishes you make with a link to the recipe. Or you both love, let’s say, the HBO show Euphoria, and you text to discuss it after each episode comes out. It doesn’t really matter what it is, as long as it helps you initiate a connection.

Don’t hesitate to reach out

    4    . When phone calls won’t cut it, think about a visit. Visiting is one of the most important things you can do to keep a long distance friendship going.

Address conflicts openly

Separation is hard. Miscommunication happens. And because there’s just a limited amount of time you get with your friend, it’s easy to let conflicts go unaddressed. In fact, addressing conflict is one of the ways you can become closer with your friend.    5    . It’s recommended to do it in a non-accusatory way. Then, ask your friend what their experience of the issue was and try to see things from both sides.

A.But bringing issues up can feel scary
B.Remember that they treasure you as well
C.It is something that you have in common
D.Although friends are long-lost family members
E.Create the space to make your friend feel valued
F.Show your friend they don’t need to fear rejection
G.While they might require some planning and creativity to keep up
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Friendship is something that everyone needs. Success is nothing without friends. You share life, happiness and sadness. A friend is someone you can depend on in a time of need and that can trust you with every secret he or she has.

So what happens when a friendship of eight years is broken over something out of their control? Does that mean it was never a true friendship to begin with?

My friend and I met in high school and have known each other for nearly eight years. What happened recently broke our lifelong friendship.

This makes me think about what friendship really means. I always thought my friend and I could get through any argument, fight, or the sadness of life. We promised each other we'd always be friends, through thick and thin. We even joked about how we would sit in a circle and laugh at some jokes when we had grandchildren. We always laughed at every little thing.

But then her grandfather passed away (去世) and suddenly our friendship was nothing. It happened so suddenly that I never found out about it until I discovered a note she had written on the Internet. I was sad and hurt that she would post (发帖子) what I told her for other people to see. I understand that she was sad and wanted to vent (发泄) her sadness, but I wish she'd kept everything between us.

I don't understand why she broke our friendship, and I don't think I ever will. I think friendship means we'll always forgive each other for our mistakes. I hope that finally I'll find that true friend who will always be there for me, and I there for her.

1. In Paragraph 1, the author mainly talks about _______
A.how to make friendsB.the importance of success
C.what to share with friendsD.the importance of friendship
2. The underlined words “through thick and thin” in Paragraph 4 may mean _______
A.whatever it isB.whatever happened
3. What broke the author's friendship with her friend?
A.The internet.B.The death of her friend’s grandfather.
C.Something unhappy between them.D.Their jokes.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A true friendship.B.An unsuccessful friend.
C.The author's idea of friendship.D.Sharing success with friends.
2022-05-06更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . If a good friend is keeping their distance and you want to reach out to them, the best approach is openness, honesty, and a willingness to understand your friend’s feelings.     1    Here are some specific steps to get a friend back.


There is most likely a specific reason for the gap of your friendship. Consider the situation as objectively as you can. Even if you feel wronged by your friend, consider the possibility that somewhere along the line you have also hurt them in ways that you weren’t aware of.

Be aware of other reasons.

If there seems to be no clear reason for your friend’s distance, don’t jump to conclusions. It may have nothing to do with you.     3     A failure in a test, a different opinion from others or a quarrel between parents can all affect your friend, which temporarily keeps him/her away from you.

Think about what you want to say in advance.

If you feel you need to apologize, be specific about what you’re apologizing for. Make sure it’s sincere: what are you really sorry about? For example, if you’ve been ignoring your friend because you’re spending all your time with a new friend, it isn’t appropriate to apologize for spending time with this other person.     4    

Call your friend or ask to meet.

    5     Body language can communicate a lot more than just your voices and may help avoid misunderstandings. If you ask to meet, try to avoid unclear phrases like, “We need to talk. ” These can put your friend on the defensive. Instead, try a more emotionally rooted approach like, “I miss you,” or “I was just hoping we could spend a little time together. ”

A.Reflect on what happened.
B.Talk about things that you’d like to change.
C.It’s probably best to have a face-to-face talk if you can.
D.Your friend might have something else troubling them.
E.Instead, say sorry that you haven’t been making time for your friend.
F.Both of you might need time to process what the other has said.
G.Take your time, be thoughtful, and hopefully you can repair the damage.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Develop Positive Relationships

One of the most profound experiences we can have in our lives is the connection we have with other human beings. Positive and supportive relationships will help us to feel healthier, happier, and more satisfied with our lives.     1    

●Accept and celebrate differences.

    2     Yet when we try to build relationships, we expect that people will think like we do. In this way, it is so much easier to create a friendly relationship. However, while we may find it initially easier, the novelty of sameness soon would wear off. So accepting that we are all different is a great starting point.

●Listen effectively.

Listening is a crucial skill in boosting another person’s self-esteem.    3    In active listening, we also are genuinely interested in understanding what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting, or what the message means, and we are active in checking out our understanding before we respond with our own new message. This process is what distinguishes active listening and makes it effective.


In a world where time is of the essence, we don’t always have the time to give to our loved ones. Being present in the time you give to people is important. In other words, when you are with someone, you are truly with someone and not living in the past or worrying about the future. Devoting time, energy, and effort to building relationships is one of the most valuable life skills.

●Manage mobile technology.

By now, everyone has a mobile phone and many people have two or more. While they are a lifesaver in an emergency, and an effective tool for communication, they also can be a complete distraction when people exhibit a lack of mobile phone etiquette (礼仪).    5    

A.Give people your time.
B.Develop your communication skills.
C.We can perceive the world variously.
D.Active listening is the most useful listening skill.
E.So here are some tips to help you develop more positive relationships.
F.Pay attention to who you are with and answer the phone when necessary.
G.So technology has somewhat weakened our ability to build a good relationship.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Like the rest of us, scientists have long suspected the healing capacity (修复能力) of a good hug. Unlike the rest of us, they’ve gone about trying to prove it.

“Laboratory studies suggest that things like hugs help us feel safer. They can also make us less sensitive to physical pain and less reactive when we’re faced with threatening experiences,” says Michael Murphy. He is a research professor in the department of psychological sciences at Texas Tech University. “This lab work has shown that hugs and other touch behavior are related to stress. The more stress we have, the more our heart rates and blood pressure go up. At this time, hugs and other forms of personal touch may give off all sorts of feel-good chemicals, so that stress can be reduced.”

“There’s a lot that we still need to learn, and there’s a lot we don’t know,” Murphy says. “However, what seems to be rising up is that hugs, as well as other forms of loving and gentle touch, are really powerful. They remind people that they’ re cared about and that they have someone in their corner.”

We expect touch. When we were born, we were placed in our mothers’ arms almost immediately. In that first year of our life, we spend a lot of time being held by other people. And as we grow up, we seek out hugs and touch as a way of connection. I think what we have lost in the past few years are these really easy opportunities to be reminded of connection.”

While he was at Carnegie Mellon, Murphy was the lead author of a hug-centered 2018 article in the scientific journal PLOS One. In a series of interviews with 404 adults over a two-week period, the researchers found that receiving a hug is associated with the attenuation of negative emotions that occur on days with interpersonal conflicts. That is to say, generally, hugs help to reduce the negative impacts that personal conflicts may cause in our daily lives.

1. What can we infer about hugs from the laboratory studies?
A.They show people’s good social relationships.
B.They can cure us of our mental disease.
C.They can put much pressure on people.
D.They make us feel calm and at ease.
2. Why do people seek out hugs and touch as they grow up?
A.To recall childhood memories.
B.To keep connected with others.
C.To solve relationship problems.
D.To express their social politeness.
3. What does the underlined word “attenuation” in the last paragraph probably mean?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Power of Hugs
B.How to Reduce Stress
C.How to Care for Others
D.The Importance of Interpersonal Relations
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