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阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Many Brits firmly believe that no task, from studying to data entry to putting up a shelf, can be accomplished without a good cup of tea.    1     Tea is the response to various situations: waking up, breaking up, meeting a friend, feeling uncomfortable, or feeling happy. How you take your tea indicates your social class and personality.

    2     At first, it was popular among the nobles and then the British East India Company began to in much more tea from the Far East, where it had and drunk for thousands of year.     3     Tea is one of the few experiences in Britain that cuts across social class race, ethnicity, and income levels. It also gives socially awkward Brits something to do with the their hands.

Tea is traditionally brewed in a pot and poured out into individual cups. Most people, however, could not afford fine bone china. The cups they did have would often crack under the heat of the boiling tea. Milk was therefore added first to the cups to lessen the heat of the hot tea and keep the cups complete.     4     In modern times, the “milk first" issue is a hot topic. Friendships have been lost over whether it's correct to add milk to your cup before the tea or after.

Kate Fox, the author of Watching the English, notes that milk in tea also gives off social clues to Britain’s all-important social class system. According to Fox, the strongest black tea is drunk by the working class, who have to reduce the bitter taste with plenty of milk and sugar to make “builder’s tea.     5    

Tea communicates a lot, from social standing to emotional state, which is useful for the British, who tend to be suspicious of emotional displays. Best just to have a nice cup of tea instead.

A.Many people apparently grew to like the taste.
B.The price fell, and suddenly every Briton had a tea habit.
C.Tea has been an important part of British civilization for nearly 300 years.
D.That's almost 36 billion cups per year, divided among British men, women, and children.
E.Therefore, taking sugar in your tea is regarded by many as a lower-class indicator.
F.Some even measure the length of a task by how many cups of tea are required to finish it.
G.Scientists note that cold milk poured into hot tea heats unevenly and can give tea an awful top.
2022-10-18更新 | 471次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市南开中学2022-2023学年高三上学期第二次质量检测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . For most people, nothing is better than having an iced beer after you are back home in hot summer.     1     Why? Just for the sake of your own health and the happiness of your family. Now good news for you. From now on you needn’t feel guilty just because you love beer. On the contrary, the benefits of drinking beer are obvious. But there is still one IMPORTANT point I have to make clear.     2    

1. Beer reduces risk of heart disease You can easily reduce the risk of heart disease by 30% or more if you are one of the individuals who drink a pint of beer per day. The result is totally opposite if you drink too much beer. Be careful with your portions.

2.     3    

Beer prevents diabetes due to the alcohol content which increases insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity. Also, beer is rich in dissolvable fiber that is so needed if the individual suffers from diabetes.

Beer minimizes risk of cancer Xanthohumol (抗氧化剂黄腐酚) is found in beer, which is very important since it has anti-cancer properties. Drinking beer in moderation speeds up chemical reactions that keep off the risk of prostate cancer (前列腺癌) in males.     4     Strange? But it is true. That is because the drink contains components that decrease the risk of breast cancer.

4. Beer manages blood pressure

According to the recent studies carried out by Harvard researchers, middle-aged women who drink beer in moderation were much less likely to develop high blood pressure. Other alcoholic drinks do not have the same properties.

5. Beer treats dandruff (头皮屑)

    5     The high content of vitamin B and yeast (酵母菌) will make your hair smooth and silky. Go and have a try.

You’ll be surprised to find the annoying dandruff finally gone.

A.Beer lowers risk of diabetes.
B.Beer improves your oily skin.
C.Believe it or not, women should also drink beer.
D.At the same time, you may be a little nervous and guilty.
E.Some people prefer a beer to some pills when they get a cold in summer.
F.Remember it is how much beer you consume that matters to your health.
G.Beer is much healthier than all the shampoos and conditioners (护发素) that you see on the shelves in the supermarket or in advertisements.
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Traditional Chinese tea ceremonies are often held to welcome guests into one’s home. If you want to perform one, start by gathering all the tools you’ll need.    1    Once you get hold of one, follow the steps for performing a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.

Prepare the Chinese tea set and appreciate the tea.

To prepare the Chinese tea set, heat water in a kettle. Then place the teapot and teacups in the bowl and pour the heated water over them to warm up the tea set.     2     In a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, the tea is passed around for participants to examine and admire its appearance, aroma, and quality.


Using the tea-leaf holder, pour the tea leaves into the teapot. This step is called “the black dragon enters the palace”. Heating water to the proper temperature is important when making Chinese tea, and ideal temperatures vary by tea type.

Next, place the teapot into the bowl, raise the kettle at shoulder length, and pour the heated water into the teapot until it overflows. Place the lid on the teapot.

Discard the tea and pour to brew (泡茶) again.

Pour the brewed tea into the tea pitcher. Using the tea pitcher, fill the tea cups with tea. But do not drink the tea. Instead, it is discarded.

Keeping the same tea leaves and holding the kettle just above the teapot, pour the properly heated water into the teapot. The water should be poured just above the teapot so as to not remove the flavor from the tea leaves too quickly. Place the lid on the teapot.     4    

Time to enjoy your tea.

Pour all the tea into the tea pitcher, and then pour that tea into your tea snifters. It is good manners that tea drinkers hold the cup with both hands enjoy the tea’s aroma and take a sip.     5     The first sip should be small; the second sip is the largest main sip; the third is to enjoy the after taste and empty the cup.

A.Watch out for the brewing temperatures.
B.Brew the tea leaves at proper temperatures.
C.The cup should be drunk in sips of different sizes.
D.Then, remove the teapot and cups from the bowl.
E.It is finally time for you to enjoy a nice cup of Chinese tea.
F.A traditional Chinese tea set can be bought at Chinatowns around the world.
G.The size of the tea leaves and their quality determine the length of the brewing time.
2022-09-25更新 | 255次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学校2022-2023学年高三高考适应性月考卷(二)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Pizza is certainly one of the world’s favourite     1     (food). But where does pizza come from? And who made it the first time?

In fact, people have been making pizza for a very long time. People     2    lived in the Stone Age cooked grains on hot rocks to make dough(生面团)—the basic ingredient of pizza. Over time, people used the dough as a plate,    3    (cover) it with various other foods. They had developed the world’s first pizza. In    4    early 16th century, European explorers had tomatoes     5    (bring) back from the Americas. Tomatoes are a standard ingredient in pizza today. At first, however, most Europeans thought they were     6    (poison).    7     (actual), only the leaves and roots are. For about 200 years, few people ate them. Slowly, people learned that tomatoes were safe    8    (eat), as well as tasty. In the early 19th century, cooks in Naples, Italy, started the tradition of putting tomatoes on baking dough. The flat bread soon became popular with poor people all over Naples. In 1830, cooks in Naples took another big step    9    pizza history—they opened the world’s first pizza restaurant. Today, up to five billion pizzas    10    (serve) every year around the world.

2022-06-14更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市长寿中学2021-2022学年高一下学期第三次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文,介绍了Mount Kenya的红茶种植园。

5 . Mount Kenya dominates the landscape all around it.     1     At an altitude of around 2,000m, a combination of the quality of soil, temperature and availability of water have long suited the growth of tea.

I visited farms in Meru County, to the east of Mount Kenya. Here I met families where tea planting knowledge has been passed from generation to generation. Whole hillsides are a bright green here.     2     The smallholder farmers have plots of one to three acres, with tea growing alongside other crops. I saw beehives set high in trees, and kids chasing animals about; livestock such as cows and goats are kept close.

    3     As temperatures cooled off into the afternoon, I watched farmers bringing their baskets of tea into a buying station. They spread their tea out in the shade, where it could be inspected for quality; only a central bud with two tips either side of it is picked. At this stage the freshly picked tea is so aromatic; with a rich, organic smell.     4     It gives a really bold, orange, bright cup of tea.

Black tea from this region is used in the blend for Yorkshire Tea, the company behind which has supported the planting of 1.5 million trees around tea estates in Kenya.     5     They improve soil quality, reduce water run-off and give a secondary income from crops like mangos. The tea-growing region near Meru National Park is rich in wildlife, and so trees planted close together are helping in another way: they discourage elephants from wandering into the tea gardens.

A.I tasted the black tea grown here.
B.The tea-picking season is usually short.
C.Even on a dull day, tea sends out this light.
D.Here the trees benefit farmers in several ways.
E.Within the mountain’s shadow are beautiful tea gardens.
F.The famous tea houses and coffee bars here attract many people.
G.It gets so hot at midday that most activity is restricted to early or late.
2022-05-26更新 | 123次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学2021-2022学年高考适应性月考卷英语(十)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . As a kid, I often got nosebleeds. My parents blamed all the fruits I ate that gave me “excessive heat”— especially the mangoes, my favorite. It didn’t stop me from wolfing them down by the dozens.

As I’ve grown older, my fixation on exotic (奇异的) fruit has intensified — the weirder, the better. The disadvantage of being an armchair pomologist (果树栽培学家) in Canada is that most of our fresh fruit is imported. The silver lining is that almost everything in my local stores qualifies as exotic and interesting. Trying a new fruit expands my understanding of the world and enriches my experience within it. “What lasted is what the soul ate,” Jack Gilbert once wrote, “The way a child knows the world by putting part by part into his mouth.” I think of these lines when I prepare to eat a new fruit. Each tasting is a chance to be reunited with my inner child, to be wide-eyed and wordless as I get to know it.

Those tasked with naming these fruits appear to be equally under a spell, producing names as simplistic as they are charming. Cotton candy grapes. Ice cream bean. Dragonfruit.

Most fruits I try only a couple of times, but there’s one I keep returning to: the soursop. At ideal ripeness, the soursop tastes like the ideal tropical fruit. Wait just a day, though, and it smells more like feet than fruit. This rapid rot comforts me, incredibly. Watching a beloved fruit transform from unripe one to sticky flesh feels like witnessing an act of living. The plant sacrifices fruit in hopes of spreading its seed; life was always the point. An approaching expiration date is only encouragement to enjoy these accessible joys as they come. We, too, will soon find our bodies softened and bruised. Will we have let our sweetest days go to waste?

1. Why does the author like exotic fruit?
A.She is a famous pomologist.B.It helps broaden her horizons.
C.It reminds her of her hometown.D.She only likes strange-looking fruit.
2. What does the author think of the fruit names in Paragraph 3?
3. What does the author imply in the last paragraph?
A.Never judge a book by its cover.
B.Time and tide wait for no man.
C.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
D.Where there is a will, there is a way.
4. What’s this text mainly about?
A.Benefits of eating fresh fruit.
B.Memories of the carefree childhood.
C.Explorations of the natural world.
D.Experiences of trying exotic fruit.
2022-04-29更新 | 0次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市巴蜀中学2021-2022学年高三高考适应性月考卷(九)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Eating, probably one of the most-important parts of the day and probably one of things that change most when moving to another country. In Oaxaca, Mexico, adapting to eating patterns can take a while.

The first few months of living here I enjoyed eating Mexican food. I quickly learnt that big lunches and small dinners were the Mexican way and I kinda liked it. It made sense. As the months wore on I desired cooking and with it I desired the ingredients I knew and loved.

Oaxaca is known for its fantastic food and the food really is mind-blowing, but the problem for me was variety. I am from London, a city where you can eat food from a different country every day of the week, I was spoilt when it came to choice. I began to instruct friends and family who visited to bring Thai curry paste, sweet chili sauce, Indian curry sauces and gravy to make the perfect English Roast dinner.

For quite a while Oaxacan food lost its charm and the thought of cooking Mexican food was just too annoying. I would start to think about dinner at 5 just as my local market was shut and I would realize I had no ingredients and no means of getting any unless I took a long journey to the supermarket. It sounds like a strange thing to pet concerned about but I really think it was one of the biggest changes that I faced moving to Oaxaca.

However, just as I hit the two-year mark, things changed. I guess somehow I stopped fighting things and I began to adapt to the Oaxaca market food way of life. I shopped regularly for the freshest ingredients. I knew what was in season and I cooked accordingly. I started to realize just how super lucky I was to be able to eat fresh, locally sourced, seasonable food on my own doorstep. What started as culture shock turned into an improved way of living!

1. What did the author think of Mexican food for the first few months?
2. Why Did the author ask her friends and family to bring her food?
A.She wanted to save money.B.She couldn’t afford Mexican food.
C.She was spoilt by her family.D.She wanted to eat various foods.
3. What do we know about the author in paragraph 4?
A.She preferred shopping in the supermarket.
B.She was concerned about strange things.
C.Everyday cooking disturbed her quit a lot.
D.Food held little appeal for her.
4. What does the story tell us?
A.If you can’t beat them, join them.
B.Where there is a will there is a way.
C.Food brings people together on many different levels.
D.It is never too late to learn.
2022-04-12更新 | 178次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆市第一中学校2021-2022学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一则应用文。文章介绍了在长街(the Strip)内外可以享用到的一些美食的相关信息。

8 . There is so much great food to enjoy on and off the Strip. Remember to follow all guidelines, wear a mask when appropriate, and if you haven’t done so already, get vaccinated before hitting the town.



Not to be confused with a Mexican restaurant with a similar name. The menu is a casual mix of regional American influences. Almost everything on the menu has a connection to the outdoor grill. Of course, meats are the highlight, grilled over red oak with an aroma that can be smelled at least a block away.

The cost: Dishes $13- 45, all glasses of wine $11.

How to order: Book a table online.


Resorts World

The restaurant offers a modern interpretation of classic Italian cuisine via inventive recipes. Brezza is best enjoyed as a complete multi-course experience, beginning with farm-focused antipasti before continuing with vibrant pastas and meat or seafood dishes.

The cost: Dishes $17-165, glasses of wine $14-32.

How to order: Book a table online.

Rebellion Pizza


Customize your own pizza with a choice of nearly 20 toppings or go with one of the specialty pies, including the Spicy Honey Pepperoni, tomato-free Spinach, or a focaccia-style Sicilian. The dough uses a polish starter, which produces a soft, chewy crust.

The cost: Pizzas are $10-25, beer $6-10.

How to order: Stop in and order at the counter.



The menu is an Asian vegetarian tapas with no meat required for satisfying savory bites. There’s a nice selection of organic wines, including a few vegan options, but if you prefer cocktails, try the negroni, which skews a little sweeter than traditional recipes.

The cost: Dishes $12-18, glasses of wine $10-14.

How to order: Book a table via the restaurant’s webpage.

1. What’s special about Peyote?
A.Outdoor seats.B.The grilled meats.
C.The cheapest wine.D.Mexican food.
2. Which restaurant doesn’t require a reservation?
A.Peyote.B.Saffron.C.Rebellion Pizza.D.Brezza,
3. Where should you go if you want to drink vegan wine?
A.Downtown.B.Resorts World.C.Anthem.D.Chinatown.
2022-03-24更新 | 123次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆市第八中学2021-2022学年高三适应性月考英语卷(六)
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Help Foreign Guests at Formal Dinner

The Spring Festival is coming. The traditional family banquet (宴会) is also coming. You probably have tried many different Chinese dishes. But do you really know how to behave properly at such an important meal?     1     Don’t worry if you are not sure, and here are some tips.

In the West, everyone has their own plate of food or elder people at the table taste every dish first.     2     It is always polite to let guests or elder people at the table taste every dish first.

Don’t put your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.     3     The reason for this is that when people die, family members give them a bowl of rice with a pair of chopsticks sticking out. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like you want someone at the table to die.

Make sure the spout (壶嘴) of the teapot is not facing anyone as this is impolite. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.

    4     Beggars (乞丐) are usually seen tapping (轻敲) on their bowls with chopsticks in the street, so tapping on bowls is not polite,especially when you eat in a friend’s home.

Although, teenagers are not supposed to drink any wine, you can still say “Ganbei” and drink to the health of your grandparents and parents.     5    

A.It is sure to please them.
B.Instead, lay them on your dish.
C.Don’t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.
D.Helping foreign guests at formal dinner is of great importance.
E.Could you explain Chinese polite table behaviors to a foreign visitor?
F.Therefore, Chinese people use chopsticks rather than knives and forks.
G.However, in China, the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Natural. High quality. Unique.

That's Almased.

Selected ingredients (原料), an exceptional mix and production process: that's how we create the unique Almased effect.
➢Combination of ingredients that's more effective than individual nutrients (营养物质).
➢No artificial flavourings, fillers or sweeteners.
➢Supports fat-burning during digestion.
➢Supports resistance to common diseases.

Many products promise what only Almased can deliver. In order to achieve the unique Almased effect, it takes more than just mixing soy, yogurt and honey. The recipe for our Almased powder is as simple as it is unique: high-quality and natural soy, honey and yogurt.

SOY|The high-quality non-GMO soy (非转基因大豆) used in Almased is an environmentally friendly, sustainable source of plant protein. A single serving of Almased supplies 27 grams of protein.

HONEY|Unlike most regular honey, which is heat-treated, the raw honey in Almased is bursting with freshness even after it is canned. The honey's natural ingredients are still living and active when you open the can.

YOGURT|Cows that are naturally fed can even in turn encourage grass growth. This is why Almased sources its milk and yogurt from happy cows in Ireland and northern Germany, where they live in green grasslands.

Being a natural product, Almased has a very plain taste and can be prepared in many different ways. Whether you like it sweet or fruity, there are no limits to how you flavour it. This ensures Almased doesn't get boring and suits your personal taste perfectly. So quick and easy to prepare, Almased can be fitted into your daily routine with ease.

1. If you are on a diet, Almased could be a good choice because __________.
A.its nutrients are easier to absorbB.it can help burn fat
C.secret ingredients are includedD.it cures common diseases
2. Why does Almased stand out among other similar products?
A.It manages to mix different ingredients together.
B.Selected ingredients can stay fresh as ever.
C.Soy, yogurt and honey are specially treated.
D.Superior natural materials generate uniqueness.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Almased can replace our regular routine diet.
B.It's hard to make Almased appeal to everyone.
C.There seem various ways of serving Almased.
D.Almased has just the same taste as plain yogurt.
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