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1 . Nowadays, poor sleep and anxiety are common among young people, causing too much pain and even severe physical and mental problems.     1    .

Wind down

Reading a book can help slow breathing and relax muscles, while yoga stretches or even a gentle walk can reduce anxiety.     2    . Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin found that bathing in water of 40-42.5℃ one to two hours before bedtime was related to better sleep.

Protect the bedroom

Keep the bedroom as a place for sleep. Blackout blinds or an eye mask (眼罩) can help block out light,     3    .

Go to bed at regular times

Going to sleep and waking up at regular times — even on weekends — will strengthen your body clock. Regular mealtimes are also an important reminder for your circadian rhythm. Avoid exercise too close to bedtime, as it can cause restlessness and an elevated body temperature.


If your mind is buzzing from the day, try keeping a journal or worry book. The experts also recommend writing to-do lists for the next day in order to organize thoughts and clear the mind.

Get ahead on the next day

    5    . Choose your clothes for the next day when you reach for your pyjamas or pack your bag while brushing your teeth.

Some habits will help you more than others, but when all of them are combined, the real magic happens.

A.Have a sleep schedule
B.Write down your worries
C.because you are happy and warm
D.A warm bath or shower can also help you relax
E.while keeping electronic devices (设备) out of the bedroom is highly recommended
F.Your night-time routine is an opportunity to make mornings run a little smoother
G.Here are five ways to get a better bedtime routine to help take a turn for the better
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Benefits of Walking in Cold Weather

As winter blankets the world in a coat of ice and fresh cold air, the idea of going outdoors fora walk might seem less attractive.     1     Walking in cold weather comes with a lot of health benefits that might just make it the perfect season to put on your shoes and hit the roadway.

Strengthened Immune System

Remaining in colder temperatures can actually improve your immune (免疫的) system. As your body adapts to the cold, it produces more white blood cells.     2     Regular cold-weather walks might help make a strong er immune reaction, letting you stay healthier throughout the winter season.

High Spirits

The winter blues, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), can affect many individuals during the colder months. Fortunately, walking in cold weather has been linked to improved emotion and reduced signs of sadness. The fresh air and physical activity inspire the production of endorphins, the body’s natural emotion enhancers (增强剂).     3    

Improved health and energy level

Cold-weather walking can provide an excellent heart workout. The combination of light movement and the body’s reaction to the cold increases heart health by improving circulation (血液循环) and lowering blood pressure. Over time, this can make your blood system healthier.

    4     Instead, walking in the fresh air can make your senses energetic and increase overall energy levels. The physical activity and stay in natural light work together to reduce feelings of tiredness, leaving you feeling more active and ready to deal with the day.

So, as the winter winds blow and snowflakes fall, consider wearing your warm clothes and taking a walk outside.     5     It is also helpful to mental wellbeing and overall energy.

A.The cold weather does not cost energy.
B.They play a key role in fighting off diseases.
C.Winter, especially, is an opportunity to go slowly.
D.They leave you feeling more positive and excited.
E.However, don’t let the cold temperatures prevent you.
F.Let each walk be a big step towards a healthier, happier you.
G.The benefits of walking in cold weather go beyond physical health.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We watch our salt and fat intake to protect our hearts. We exercise and take calcium to protect our bones. We apply sunscreen to protect our skin     1    

Invest in high-quality sunglasses. Protecting eyes from sunlight is very important. To protect your eyes, wear sunglasses certified to block out 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB light   The lenses (镜片) are essential.     2     In fact, if the lenses are dark but not UV protected, that’s worse for your eyes.

Take a break from screens. There is some medical evidence that the light from electronic screens damages eyes.     3     One of the best ways to prevent that is drinking four or five glasses of water a day. If you still feel your eyes are dry or tired, use eye drops to keep your vision clear.

    4     Firstly, stop smoking. Obviously, it is hard to stop smoking, but it is not only bad for your lungs but also harmful to your eyes. It causes dry eyes and even increases the risk of eye diseases. Besides, try not to rub your eyes often. Rubbing makes infection worse. The more you rub, the more itchy your eyes will get. Instead, take medication or use eye drops for dry eyes.

Have an eye test. Don’t forget to see an eye specialist for a checkup regularly, if possible.     5     But medical equipment can detect them. All are best treated when found early. For most people, unless there are problems, that means having your eyes tested by a health care provider every one to two years.

A.Stop bad habits.
B.Smoking is bad for eyesight.
C.Not all eye problems are noticeable.
D.If the lenses are dark enough, it’s good for our eyes.
E.Similarly, we can do something indeed to protect our eyes.
F.Surprisingly, dark lenses are not necessarily the most protective.
G.Staring at them can leave your eyes exhausted and make you see things vaguely.
2024-02-21更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Consuming processed foods is being blamed for everything from an increased risk of developing obesity and heart disease to cancer and Type 2 diabetes, as well as a variety of other harmful health effects. You might be surprised which foods are ultra processed.     1     Here are some strategies for avoiding processed foods:

Hydrate (补水) with water.     2     Satisfy your thirst with water instead of soda or sweetened tea. If you miss the carbonation from sodas, sparkling water is a great alternative. For a caffeine fix, make your own tea or coffee at home, but skip the sugar and creamer.

    3     You can replace highly processed foods with healthy substitutes. For example, if you long for the crunchiness of chips, make your own cabbage chips by lightly seasoning cabbage leaves with salt and popping them in an air fryer or the oven. If you feel tempted to eat ice cream, satisfy your sweet tooth by freezing ripe bananas and blending them to make your own homemade healthy soft serve. Not only will these swaps satisfy your desire, but you’ll take more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Meal preparation. If you’re too busy to cook, you can plan ahead of time and preparing your meals at home for the week.     4     To help take the guesswork out of it, there are plenty of meal delivery services that can ship all the ready ingredients for you to make homemade meals —right to your doorstep.

Step away from the deli (熟食) counter. The deli meats section is full of cold cuts, sausages and other processed meats. Instead, fill your shopping cart with protein from the grocery store’s meat and seafood department, where you’ll find smart alternatives, such as chicken and beef.     5    

A.Make smart food swaps.
B.Assemble your own “packaged” foods.
C.For plant-based proteins, try tofu and chickpeas.
D.So you might be eating more of them than you think.
E.So you can avoid giving in to the convenience of eating fast food.
F.Just having a couple of go-to recipes could have you eating healthier.
G.Sugary bottled drinks are infamous for being loaded with empty calories.
2024-02-17更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省周口市项城市四校2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末素质测评英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Parkinson’s is a progressive brain disease which leads to shaky hands and slow movement, and there is no cure. Tai Chi, a traditional Chinese martial art that combines (结合) slow, gentle movements with deep breathing and relaxation, may be an effective means of reducing the suffering. Recently, the researchers say that those who practised the martial art twice a week had fewer complications (并发症) and better quality of life than those who didn’t. Experts say the findings back up previous studies on the benefits of exercise for those with Parkinson’s.

The study, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, monitored the health of hundreds of Parkinson’s patients for up to five years. One group of 147 people practised regular Tai Chi while another group of 187 did not. The researchers found that the disease progressed more slowly in the Tai Chi group on measurements of symptoms (症状), movement and balance. This group also saw fewer falls, less back pain and dizziness, with memory and concentration problems also lower than in the other group. At the same time, sleep and quality of life continuously improved.

Prof. Alastair Noyce, professor in neurology and neuroepidemiology at Queen Mary University of London, called it “an important study”—the positive effects on aspects of motor (运动的) and non-motor functions are impressive — but said there were limitations in its design, and more tests were needed.

“We already recommend Tai Chi, as well as other forms of exercise, but understanding which forms of exercise are most beneficial is an important goal to improve the long-term management of patients,” he said.

1. Why was the study conducted?
A.To find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.
B.To improve the sleep quality of Parkinson’s patients.
C.To remove the misunderstanding of the previous studies.
D.To research the benefits of Tai Chi for those with Parkinson’s.
2. Which of the following is not the researchers’ finding?
A.Concentration problem was lower in the Tai Chi group.
B.The disease progressed more slowly in the Tai Chi group.
C.Patients in the non-Tai Chi group continuously fell down.
D.Back pain and dizziness were relieved in the Tai Chi group.
3. What can we learn from Prof. Alastair Noyce’s words?
A.Tai Chi should be given more preference.
B.Finding the most beneficial exercise is of importance.
C.It is unnecessary to do more related studies.
D.Improve the long-term management of patients is impossible.
4. What is Prof. Alastair Noyce’s attitude towards the study?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . When I saw the documentary ADHD (多动症): Not Just for Kids, I was in tears after 20 minutes — the stories being told sounded much like my own. I’m in my 40s, I had read everything there was in health and science and I had no idea that the symptoms (症状) I had experienced all of my life were anything but normal. How had I missed this? I called the doctor to get assessed. I must have sounded desperate on the phone; they took me right away.

Later, I researched everything I could about ADHD. It became clear that my misunderstanding and ignorance about the disorder had misled me. A million thoughts, a million regrets. Finally, I told myself I couldn’t change the past, but I could share the fact that ADHD can look much different from the super active child practicing back flips (后空翻) off of a chair.

As for me, things went another way around: I was a young girl, quietly sitting at my school desk, pretending to listen to the teacher. Meanwhile, I was watching and drawing the bird that landed in the tree outside. And I was rereading entire chapters of my textbooks and taking extensive notes because I couldn’t remember what I had just read because I was thinking of the bird I had seen earlier.

Later in life, I’d sit at the kitchen table, staring out the window. There’s no telling how long it will take. Thoughts rush in from yesterday, today and tomorrow. I need to make dinner, take the dog for a walk, the kids will be home soon... But I can’t move. I know that I should, but I can’t. Afterward, I berate myself, unable to understand why I didn’t get up, why I wasted so much precious time, so much of my life doing nothing, it seems.

Since being treated, I have an inner calmness that is new to me. Medication doesn’t organize my day; it doesn’t remind me to pick up the kids or walk the dog. However, it allows me to move when I’ve been staring out the window for too long.

1. What did the author learn from the documentary?
A.She might have been an ADHD patient.
B.She was wrongly assessed by many doctors.
C.She had never experienced any symptom of ADHD.
D.She was a very problematic child during school years.
2. Why does the author share her early experiences in paragraphs 3-4?
A.To offer possible causes of ADHD.
B.To make it clear how ADHD develops
C.To show ADHD has more than one form.
D.To describe ADHD symptoms in children.
3. What does the underlined word “berate” mean in paragraph 4?
4. How has the treatment affected the author?
A.She has learned some basic life skills.
B.She has allowed herself more free time.
C.She has become motivated to take action.
D.She has developed more patience with her kids.

7 . Two Michigan boys are being praised as heroes for saving another boy from drowning in a swimming pool. Noah Roche, 12, and his brother Weston Woods, 8, were at an apartment swimming pool when they ______ 7-year-old Griffin Emerson.

Griffin had been playing in the shallow end of the pool in his water wings (浮水圈) but then decided to ______ them and start to drift (漂流) over toward the pool’s ______ end. “I just wanted to ______ myself. Like, yeah, I can actually swim.” Griffin said.

But in surveillance (监视) video ______ by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, Griffin can be seen ______ to keep his head above the water. ______ other people around Griffin don’t seem to notice the boy and nearly a full minute passes with Griffin ______ to the bottom.

“I saw him at the bottom of the pool. So I told Weston to dive down to see if he’s OK,” Noah said. Weston jumped in and reached down to ______ Griffin to the pool’s surface. The boys’ mother, Sylese Roche, called 911, telling the ______ that Griffin wasn’t breathing and was receiving CPR (心肺复苏). “Griffin’s mom ran over to him and instantly ______ CPR,” Roche said.

Eventually, Griffin started to breathe again and his mother can be seen in the surveillance video patting his ______ as he spits out water. “I was ______ that I was going to drown. It felt all strange. I ______ some water and that’s it,” Griffin said afterward. Within 36 hours of the ______, Griffin made a full recovery and was released.

A.used upB.caught upC.coughed upD.heated up
2024-02-11更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省三门峡市五市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Pets not only make our lives richer, they also help us to live longer. As much as we take care of them, they find ways to take care of us, too. Studies confirm that our animal companions help us in many ways. So whether you like a dog or a cat, go and get a furry friend.     1    

   Pets can smell medical conditions. If you notice your dog or cat acting in an unusual way with no explanation, you may want to take a trip to the doctor.     2     Dogs and cats, sensing an issue, warns their owners by changing behaviors, leading to earlier discovery of illnesses. Dogs especially have the ability to detect (检测) illness with a high level of accuracy.

Interacting with animals has a big impact during child development.     3     Children with pets are not likely to develop mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders during adulthood.

    4     Experts praise dogs as a way to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. In a study observing people with borderline high blood pressure, those who adopted(收养) dogs experience declines (下降) in blood pressure levels. Research has shown similar results for cat owners as well.

Having a pet helps us stay more active and get outside. Sometimes finding the time to walk the dog or clean the litter box can seem difficult to fit into a busy schedule.     5     Dog owners especially feel more motivated to go for walks out of responsibility. Even those with eats can gain there wards. You may not take the cat out for walks, but you’ll get moving by playing with the cat, picking up toys, or cleaning up.

A.It can have huge health benefits.
B.Pets give us an opportunity to start a conversation.
C.Animals can detect tiny changes in the human body.
D.Animals help reduce blood pressure and promote heart health.
E.Having a pet can reduce the risk of developing illnesses like cancer.
F.Children with pets experience less stress, separation anxiety, and social anxiety
G.However, it has to get done, thus providing the pet owner with necessary exercise.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . What do a picturesque sunrise, a nice cup of coffee, and holiday celebrations have in common?    1    Being open about your feelings can be rewarding. Here are some reasons for sharing your feelings with others.

Expressing your feelings connects you with others. When it comes to relationships with your family and significant others, knowing how to express your feelings is the key to creating intimacy (亲密关系).    2    However, it is that sincere revelation(透露) that enables you to bond with your loved ones.

    3    In a study, after participants expressed their emotions, brain images showed a decrease in the brain activity in the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with feelings, indicating a calming effect on the brain. The researchers concluded that talking through emotions decreases the strength of these emotions.

Sharing your feelings boosts health. According to The New York Times, holding everything inside and not expressing your emotions can be harmful.    4    But choosing to appropriately share them benefits you mentally and physically. By doing so, you can normalize your speaking about emotions and emotional needs. This can help not just you, but also others.

Speaking about your emotions enables you to get help. When you put what’s in your mind into words, you are making that experience or emotion real, instead of ignoring it. That’s a way of recognizing yourself. Moreover, talking about your feelings allows your loved ones to help you. They are naturally concerned about your well-being.    5    

All in all, accept your feelings, even negative ones and learn to manage them. Practice sharing your feelings on a regular basis, and you will benefit a lot.

A.Opening up keeps emotional intensity down.
B.Sharing your emotions improves brain function.
C.Telling others about the depths of your feelings can be scary.
D.If so, you’d better avoid judging yourself and other people.
E.These are all wonderful experiences that you can share with loved ones.
F.By letting them know what you’re experiencing, you can get their support.
G.That may cause increased stress levels and risk of developing related diseases.
2023-07-30更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省开封市2022-2023学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Wisdom teeth seem like a biological mistake, leading to millions of surgeries per year. But for some people, these “extra” teeth come up just fine, while others don’t get them at all. What’s the biological story here?

According to the standard story, before surgical intervention, people with impacted wisdom teeth expired. Those lacking the problematic teeth increased in number, passing on genes for reduced numbers of teeth to future generations. Today, thanks to dental surgeons, individuals with impacted teeth survive and contribute to the gene pool.

But decades of research challenges this survival-of-the-toothless explanation. Many scholars now propose that wisdom teeth problems originate from our eating softer foods as children, made possible by farming and industrialization. Here’s the theory: Compared to wild resources consumed by hunter-gatherers, agricultural and processed foods are softer. Hard food during childhood seems to stimulate jaw growth, allowing mouths to grow large enough for more teeth. Soft food doesn’t require enough of a chewing workout to maximize jaw growth potential.

Around 12,000 years ago, humans began to experiment with farming, and this lifestyle ultimately took hold in most societies. Domesticated products, like wheat flour and cow’s milk, make for much softer diets than wild foods. What’s more, the industrialization of food production has really softened our meals. So the idea is that processed and/or agricultural diets reduce the stress on our jaws necessary to result in full growth when we reach early adulthood. By the time we’re reaching adulthood, there may not be enough space to accommodate our final molars (臼齿).

This theory is supported by research. For example, a 201l paper measured skulls housed in museums from six farming and five hunter-gatherer groups. The farmers, raised on softer foods, consistently had shorter jaws, which would have provided less space for tooth formation.

Consequently, many dental scientists recommend parents put some additional raw fruits, vegetables and nuts on kids’ plates, which could potentially prevent later wisdom teeth removals.

1. What does the underlined word “expired” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. Which of the following describes hunter-gatherer?
A.They tended to have very large jaws.
B.They hated food requiring a chewing workout.
C.They were often troubled by impacted wisdom teeth.
D.They believed in the survival-of-the-toothless theory.
3. What do dental scientists suggest parents do?
A.Bring their kids to the dentist regularly.
B.Increase the number of hard foods in their kids’ diet.
C.Get more kids’ tooth formation knowledge.
D.Encourage their kids to eat more cooked vegetables.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.What role do genes play in our tooth formation?
B.What can we do to accommodate our final molars?
C.Why do some people have reduced numbers of teeth?
D.Why do humans have wisdom teeth that need to be removed?
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