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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:21803920

Benefits of Walking in Cold Weather

As winter blankets the world in a coat of ice and fresh cold air, the idea of going outdoors fora walk might seem less attractive.     1     Walking in cold weather comes with a lot of health benefits that might just make it the perfect season to put on your shoes and hit the roadway.

Strengthened Immune System

Remaining in colder temperatures can actually improve your immune (免疫的) system. As your body adapts to the cold, it produces more white blood cells.     2     Regular cold-weather walks might help make a strong er immune reaction, letting you stay healthier throughout the winter season.

High Spirits

The winter blues, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), can affect many individuals during the colder months. Fortunately, walking in cold weather has been linked to improved emotion and reduced signs of sadness. The fresh air and physical activity inspire the production of endorphins, the body’s natural emotion enhancers (增强剂).     3    

Improved health and energy level

Cold-weather walking can provide an excellent heart workout. The combination of light movement and the body’s reaction to the cold increases heart health by improving circulation (血液循环) and lowering blood pressure. Over time, this can make your blood system healthier.

    4     Instead, walking in the fresh air can make your senses energetic and increase overall energy levels. The physical activity and stay in natural light work together to reduce feelings of tiredness, leaving you feeling more active and ready to deal with the day.

So, as the winter winds blow and snowflakes fall, consider wearing your warm clothes and taking a walk outside.     5     It is also helpful to mental wellbeing and overall energy.

A.The cold weather does not cost energy.
B.They play a key role in fighting off diseases.
C.Winter, especially, is an opportunity to go slowly.
D.They leave you feeling more positive and excited.
E.However, don’t let the cold temperatures prevent you.
F.Let each walk be a big step towards a healthier, happier you.
G.The benefits of walking in cold weather go beyond physical health.
【知识点】 体育健身 个人保健


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s certainly not unusual to see groups of footballers gathering at sports centres around the country, readying to kick a ball around, but look again and you’ll see that many of them are more mature than you first thought. Created as recently as 2011, and mostly played by those aged over 50, walking football is a sport still in its infancy.

For the uninitiated(外行人), it’s football, but maybe not as you know it. The game certainly isn’t as slow as you might imagine. One foot has to remain on the ground at all times, so the ball has to be moved with accuracy, players having to find space to receive the pass. Often players are restricted to three touches of the ball before releasing it as a mechanism to cut down on any running. The rules are further slightly changed to ensure there’s minimal contact between players with no tackling from the side or from behind. 

Andy Fairburn is a regular at the sessions. Now in his early-seventies, Andy finds the game still has plenty to offer him.  

“I’ve been playing football since I was about 16, mainly Sunday League and then playing indoor five-a-side with work teams and then starting here. Getting older, your knees are knackered, your hips start to hurt, and I’ll know when it’s time to stop, but I’ve still got some time left to enjoy it. I am still competitive, though, and old habits die hard. What I’ve enjoyed most is the friendship and meeting new people. We’ve all become friends. We talk about all kinds of things.”

For many who thought football was finished for them as a participation sport due to fitness and age, it’s far from the case. Walking football is a sport played by those who’ve never kicked a ball before through to those skilled enough to play for their country, often on the same pitch. The game may be growing faster than its participants are allowed to move, but it’s never too late to enjoy the thrill of kicking a ball around with like-minded people.

1. What does the underlined word “infancy” mean in the first paragraph?
A.An unusual thing to see.
B.A beginning period of existence.
C.An aging stage of advancement.
D.A mature era of development.
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The playing rules of walking football.
B.The limit of running of walking football.
C.The minimal contact in walking football.
D.The accuracy of the move in walking football.
3. Why does Andy Fairburn like playing walking football in his early-seventies?
A.His body parts start to hurt.
B.He doesn’t know when to stop.
C.His team needs him very much.
D.He makes new friends with others.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Participants are encouraged to move fast.
B.Walking football is finished for the aged.
C.Participants needn’t be skilled football players.
D.Walking football is designed for skilled players.
2023-02-12更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Since you're stuck at home and spring is approaching, now's the time to get busy with gardening and other household projects.    1    

Whatever you do, aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise (such as walking, biking and swimming) each week.    2    

At home or anywhere else,you have the basics for building muscle (肌肉):gravity and your body weight. From push-ups to planks, squats to sit-ups, and leg extensions to lunges, you can target all the major muscles of your arms, legs, chest, shoulders and the muscles of your belly, back, and pelvis (盆骨)using nothing more than your weight as resistance.

But, to increase the intensity (强度)of your strength training, add some resistance.    3     For example, you might purchase a set of dumbbells, barbells, or kettlebells in varying weights for home use. Or, as a more affordable and (literally) flexible option, you can buy a set of flexible resistance bands with varying tension levels for about$25.     4     And they allow you to modify (修改)your workout simply by changing your movements and/or increasing the resistance by shortening or lengthening the band.

    5     Do at least two to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of each resistance exercise on two to three days a week. Wait two to three minutes between sets, and give each muscle group 48 hours between training periods to recover.

A.Whatever you choose, try to do like this.
B.All of these can keep you physically active.
C.You don't need expensive weight machines.
D.Here are ways to stay active and fit at home.
E.The bands are highly portable, practical, and adaptable.
F.Or you can do 75 minutes of activity (e.g., running, jogging, and walking on hills) weekly.
G.Wash your hands, and wipe off any barbells, resistance bands, or other home exercise equipment.
2020-10-06更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In high school, my husband was placed last in both swimming and cross-country running. “At that time, I decided to check out the theater department,” he often jokes. More than a decade later, he’s active — he takes a long daily walk, and spends his workdays moving heavy camera equipment around movie sets — but not athletic. The closest he’s come to running is meeting me at the finish line of a 5K.

According to a new study, his experience is somewhat common. People who have low sports aptitude as children are less likely to be active as adults, according to a new research from the United Kingdom.

The study involved more than 12,000 UK residents that experts have been tracking since 1958. These people filled out forms at ages 33 and 50 about their physical activity habits. Experts from the UCL Institute of Child Health in London compared the midlife survey results to data from the participants’ childhoods to see what early-life factors make someone more or less likely to work out as an adult.

Of all the factors they studied, including things like social status and parental divorce, being bad at sports as a child had the greatest influence on inactivity as an adult. Low sports aptitude increased the likelihood of being inactive by about 50 percent. “To our knowledge, no other study has considered such a wide variety of early-life factors,” the study’s authors write.

The study also found that about 18 percent of people started exercising more between ages 33 and 50. That means if you want to start working out more, it’s never too late to start.

“If you’re new to physical activity, try to find something that you have found interesting,” says fitness manager Anita Golden. He suggests power walking or DVD workouts at home if exercising around other people makes you nervous. Jogging, hiking and bike riding are other good individual activities to try. If you like working out with other people but are worried about your coordination (协调), try group fitness classes that stick to simple moves and basic equipment, like indoor cycling.

“Don’t compare yourself to others — you are your only competition,” Golden stresses.

1. What do we know about the author’s husband?
A.He participated in the study.
B.He hardly excels at sports.
C.He runs with the author.
D.He’s into photography.
2. In what way is the study special?
A.It is the first one on the topic.
B.It has involved a great many people.
C.It has been carried out non-stop for years.
D.It has considered various early-life factors.
3. What is Golden’s suggestion for new exercisers?
A.Work out with fitness instructors.
B.Don’t engage in workouts with others.
C.Take part in an activity that interests you.
D.Don’t wear yourself out when exercising.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To analyze a phenomenon.
B.To arouse an interest in sport.
C.To expose her man’s weakness.
D.To show the accuracy of the study.
2022-01-23更新 | 208次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般