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| 共计 13 道试题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . What are the health benefits of root vegetables?

Root vegetables are good for your digestion. The recommended daily fibre intake in the UK is 30g. Here’s where root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips and swede come in — they’re rich in fibre.     1    

Orange-coloured vegetables boost your immunity. These foods, known as carotenoids (类胡萝卜素), are a great source of vitamins A and C.     2     Otherwise, you will catch a cold easily.

Carrots can protect against the sun.     3     But did you know they also offer your skin some protection against sunburn? According to a meta-analysis of seven studies, beta-carotene supplementation over ten weeks appeared to have a protective effect. But don’t use them as a substitute for a high SPF sunscreen!

    4     In a study spanning eight European countries, people who ate the most root vegetables had a 13 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed the least.

These vegetables are good for heart health. High cholesterol (胆固醇) can lead to heart problems. Studies have shown garlic can reduce cholesterol.     5     Root vegetables’ high fibre content also helps lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol.

A.It’s a truth that carrots are good for eyes.
B.They could reduce your pressure in daily life.
C.The flavors of the root vegetables are various.
D.Root vegetables could reduce your risk of diabetes.
E.These support your immune system and help prevent cell damage.
F.Fibre helps us maintain a healthy weight and might even protect against bowel cancer.
G.Another shows eating 200g of raw carrot each day for three weeks reduces it by 11 percent.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Which is healthier: a bag of crisps or a vegetable salad? That is easy. Now which is healthier: a pizza made from scratch or one made from the same basic ingredients, with the same number of calories, pulled out of a box in the freezer? Many people would instinctively(本能地) say the former, perhaps showing a vague concern with processed food. Such food can often be delicious. And there is much to cheer about calories being cheap and abundant.     1    

What’s the distinction between “ultra-processed food(upf)” and “processed food”? Almost everything people consume is processed in some form. Rice is harvested; animals are butchered. Upf is usually described as “formulations of ingredients, made by a series of industrial processes, many requiring advanced equipment and technology”.     2     The one in the freezer, with its extra, modified ingredients, is upf.

Upf harms people in ways both known and unknown. It seems to affect the trillions of bacteria that contribute to health in a range of ways. Calorie-rich but usually nutrient-poor, upf contributes to obesity(肥胖症).

Upf displaces healthier alternatives, particularly for poor people.     3     Extra weight was once a sign of wealth, but among British and American women today, obesity rates are higher at lower-income levels.

    4     Additives that may be safe in small quantities may be harmful in combination with other chemicals or when consumed regularly. If we are what we eat, considering the impact of upf is essential.

    5     People who live in so-called “food swamps”, where upf is everywhere but real food is harder to reach, could spend large amounts of time and money seeking out fresh food, but that is not how most people live. There is nothing wrong with the odd fast-food trip, but anyone who can afford to eat less upf probably should.

A.Environment matters, too.
B.It’s cheap to produce and buy.
C.But that cheapness and abundance come at a cost.
D.Even foods labeled “natural” or “organic” can be processed.
E.A pizza made from scratch contains minimally processed food.
F.Some people have a particular weakness for salty potato crisps.
G.The reasons why upf can be harmful are not always clear, even to scientists.
2023-11-04更新 | 411次组卷 | 2卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . It is well-known that food which is full of fat isn’t good for your heart.     1    Australian researchers tested people with asthma(哮喘)before and after a high-fat meal or a low-fat meal. Then they found that the high-fat meal increased inflammation(炎症)and reduced the lung functions.

30 non-obese people with asthma took part in the study, as well as 16 obese adults. The non-obese volunteers received either a high-fat or low-fat meal, while the obese ones were all given a high-fat meal    2    The low-fat meal was 13 percent fat.

Four hours after the meal, the researchers found that the airway inflammation increased a lot and lung function was affected in those who had the high-fat meal. And these people saw just a 1 percent improvement in their lung function when they used their inhalers(吸入器)to treat asthma.    3    

“If these results can be tested again by further research, this suggests that reducing the amount of fatty food one eats may be useful for managing asthma,” said the study’s lead author, Lisa Wood, at the Hunter Medical Research Institute in New Lambton. “The number of people in the world with asthma has increased greatly over the past few decades.    4    

Dr Thomas Leath, director at Scott & White Healthcare in Texas, said, “Eating fatty food can lead to obesity, and fat can certainly cause a small amount of inflammation.     5    ”He doubted whether the effect on lung function was great enough for people to notice, but said the study provided one more reason why people shouldn’t have high-fat diets.

A.And one reason is the high-fat Western diet.
B.Inflammation can be either short-lived or long-lasting.
C.But now a new study suggests that fatty meals may affect the lung function too.
D.But I’m surprised that one meal could do this.
E.The high-fat meal was 50 percent fat.
F.People are generally considered obese when their body mass index is over 30 kg/㎡.
G.Those who ate the low-fat meal saw a 4.5 percent improvement.
2023-09-08更新 | 84次组卷 | 2卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Can the way you sleep affect your eating habits?

Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, yet about 35% of Americans routinely miss the mark.     1    .

It may help you control your added sugar intake

Got a sweet tooth?     2    . A 2018 study looked at the impact of extra sleep on eating habits with some participants who were healthy yet frequently slept between five to seven hours per night. One group was arranged to receive a 45-minute counseling (咨询) session with information about sleep recommendations and simple strategies to help them sleep more. Those who received the sleep advice lowered their added sugar intake by 10 grams per day, even though they didn’t hit the recommended sleep target of seven to nine hours per night.

    3    .

If you’re not sleeping well, it will be harder to manage desires. Researchers found that after a short night of sleep, people who looked at images of unhealthy food, such as doughnuts and candy, experienced increased activity in areas of the brain associated with reward and pleasure. Meanwhile, the same brain hot spots showed a significantly weaker response to healthy food.

It contributes to overeating

When you get inadequate sleep, you feel hungrier. Plus, it’ll take longer to feel full because of lower leptin (瘦蛋白) levels.     4    . It was found in a 2019 study among women who usually slept seven to nine hours per night that after they were instructed to get a third less sleep, they reported feeling hungrier and having increased appetite the next day.

    5    . Those who received counseling increased their sleep by about 1.2 hours, and they reduced their daily calorie intake by 270 calories. The researchers predicted that, the impact of extra sleep alone could result in a 26-pound weight loss over three years. Therefore, those who got more sleep naturally cut down on their calorie intake.

A.Getting adequate sleep may help
B.The impact of extra sleep was dramatic
C.It could make you less vulnerable to desires
D.Here’s how sleep influences your eating habits
E.It could help slow down the burning of calories
F.Unsurprisingly, this could lead to serving yourself bigger portion sizes
G.People who suffer from consistently bad sleep tend to have poorer quality diets
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Teasing Kids About Their Weight May Make Them Gain More

School can be tough on kids who have overweight or obesity. They’ re often cruelly teased and bullied.     1    , which was confirmed in a study of Pediatric Obesity. The study found that making fun of kids for their weight is linked to increased weight gain well into adulthood—the more teasing that kids and teens experience, the more weight they may gain.

To assess the link between teasing and weight gain, the author surveyed 110 children and young teens who were either overweight themselves or who had two parents with overweight.     2    .

During the first visit, the kids were asked whether they had been bullied for their size. Among participants with overweight, 62% reported they had been teased at least once, while 21% of straight-size, at-risk participants reported they had been.     3    . Whether they had overweight at the study’s start or not, those who reported being teased often for their weight gained 33% more body mass, on average, and 91% more fat per year than their peers who weren’t teased.

    4    . “But we can say weight-based teasing was significantly linked with weight gain over time,” she says.

    5    . Teasing can also lead to increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can stimulate appetite, and increase risk for depression and anxiety—both of which contribute to disordered eating. It also may drive kids away from physical activities like sports and gym classes, where they risk getting made fun of for their size.

A.Teasing might have undefined effects
B.Researchers followed about 8.5 years
C.Bullying may have continuous consequences
D.Others showed shame may cause over-eating
E.The study shows teasing might increase weight gain
F.The author notes the study cannot determine causality
G.Overweight parents make children at risk of overweight
2023-02-17更新 | 223次组卷 | 5卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Your chair is your enemy.

It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting, you are putting yourself at increased chance of heart disease, cancers and an early death. In other words, even if you exercise energetically, sitting for long periods is bad for you.

So what’s wrong with sitting? One is that sitting is one of the most passive things you can do. You burn more energy by chewing gum than you do sitting still in a chair. Compared to sitting, standing in one place is hard work. To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and the muscles of your back and shoulders. While standing, you often change from leg to leg. All of this burns energy.

For many people, weight gain is a matter of slow increase. Thus, a little more time on your feet today and tomorrow can easily make the difference between remaining thin and getting fat. So part of the problem with sitting a lot is that you don’t use as much energy as those who spend more time on their feet. This makes it easier to gain weight, and makes you more likely to suffer from the health problems that fatness often brings.

Some people have advanced solutions:replace your sit-down desk with a stand-up desk. Make sure that your television can only operate if you are practising on an exercise bike. Replace your office chair with a therapy (治疗) ball: this too uses more muscles, and more energy, than a normal chair, because you have to support your back and work to keep balanced. But whatever you choose, know this. It is clear: be careful of your chair.

1. The main purpose of writing this passage is to ________.
A.suggest sitting lessB.advise exercising often
C.avoid gaining weightD.escape standing more
2. From this passage, we know that ________.
A.standing burns nearly as much energy as sitting still does
B.taking exercise regularly but sitting more will do good
C.less exercise will reduce the chance of having disease
D.energy-burning activities will help you enjoy good health
3. The underlined word “This” in paragraph 4 refers to “ ________”.
A.Gaining weightB.Burning energy
C.Sitting too muchD.Standing more
4. A therapy ball is mentioned in the last paragraph to ________.
A.tell us to walk while working in the office
B.suggest a way to settle the sitting problem
C.support our back and keep us balanced
D.provide a better cure for our backache
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Will skipping breakfast make me fat?

The good news for those who don’t have breakfast is that putting on weight isn’t inevitable —as long as you control those high-calorie desires and stay active.

Research shows that although avoiding breakfast will make you hungrier and you might make up for that with a bigger lunch, this won’t necessarily make you “fatter” — on average, those who skip breakfast don’t eat more across the whole day than if they didn’t skip it. Some researchers have found that you may even eat fewer calories overall, and end up using your body’s fat reserves for energy, which can actually help you lose weight.

However, weight isn’t the only consideration: studies show that breakfast-skippers are likely to exercise less. This may be because they have lower energy levels-after eight hours or so without food, the body will have used up most of its stores of easy-to-access energy during sleep. Morning fasters are also more likely to have unhealthy, but appetite-suppressing habits, such as smoking or drinking a lot of coffee.

If you want to ensure that you eat a regular, nutritious breakfast, try preparing it the night before don’t leave it until the morning, when your brain struggles to make good decisions.

If you do skip breakfast. . .

■Don’t make up for it with a huge lunch, otherwise you’ll suffer overeating.

■Make sure you eat something before you exercise, or you risk “hitting the wall”.

■Don’t make up for lack of energy with coffee-it can make you lose your appetite and make you anxious and nervous.

1. What does the underlined word “inevitable” mean in Paragraph 2?
2. Why do some breakfast-skippers lose weight?
A.They do more exercise.B.They stay active all day.
C.They reserve their body fat.D.They take in fewer calories.
3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Aims of the studies.B.Ways of losing weight.
C.Effects of skipping breakfast.D.Suggestions for breakfast-skippers.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards skipping breakfast?
2023-02-08更新 | 335次组卷 | 4卷引用:广东省一模试题汇编—阅读理解C篇
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Research into social robots has shown that machines that are at the cutting edge of interaction can respond to feelings and emotionally care for the weak, the elderly and children.

Robin was designed as a companion robot to provide emotional support for children receiving medical treatment. Robin explains medical procedures to them, plays games and tells stories, and during treatment distracts them to reduce their sense of pain. The robot uses AI to understand other people’s feelings, remembering facial expressions and conversations to build dialogue for follow-up sessions. In trials at the Wigmore Medical (UK) Pediatric Clinic in Yerevan, Armenia, the team found that Robin led to a 34% decrease in stress and an increase in happiness of 26% in the 120 children who interacted with him at least once.

Healthcare robots could all benefit from displaying emotional intelligence, both recognizing and responding to human emotions, and to some extent, managing them. The problem with this is the fear that human jobs may be lost as robots become better at handling social situations.

Population trends suggest that the demand for robots to work alongside people in care situations will grow over time. By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and over globally will be 1.6 billion (17%), roughly twice the proportion of what it is today. An extra 3.5 million care workers will be needed and that will include emotionally intelligent robots.

Today’s simple systems are being trained to meet that demand. This includes a little wheeled robot that can guess how you are feeling from the way you walk, and the robot from the University of Lincoln in the UK —who helps elderly people to stay physically and mentally active.

The impact of social robots on our lives to date has been tiny. But new models are being introduced that could make the breakthrough. Human emotions are difficult to define, but as trust in robots increases, breaking down the psychological barrier becomes easier to imagine.

1. What are social robots uniquely capable of?
A.Lifting heavy packages upstairs for weak people.
B.Teaching mentally ill teens emotional expressions.
C.Cooking delicious dishes for the disabled at home.
D.Playing songs for blind people on their request.
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Robin’s function to reduce pain.
B.Robin’s popularity in hospitals.
C.Robin’s practical application.
D.Robin’s success in passing tests.
3. How is paragraph 4 developed?
A.By concluding viewpoints.
B.By analyzing causes.
C.By making comparison.
D.By giving definition.
4. What does the author think of human job replacement by robots?
A.It is already happening throughout UK.
B.Humans need to work hard to secure jobs.
C.Robots can only meet basic human needs.
D.It’s an unstoppable and beneficial trend.
2023-01-10更新 | 663次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省一模试题汇编—阅读理解D篇
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . An internship (实习) is a great way to gain valuable experience in your chosen future career. Here, we offer some fantastic worldwide internships with opportunities to help you gain some really unique and diverse experience.

Dental Internship in South Africa

Join our dental elective to boost your dental work experience. You'll work with a professional dentist and assist in day-to-day tasks at check-up camps. Compare the dental care between your home country and South Africa.

Requirement: Interns should be studying dentistry(牙科)

Journalism Internship in Ghana

See all aspects of Ghanaian life by reporting on day-to-day life and taking part in a varied journalism internship in Accra. Work for a newspaper, radio or TV station and get hands-on experience in the media industry.

Requirement: Good English speakers and general level of fitness

Medical Internship in Palampur

If you are considering a career in medicine or nursing, this is the medical internship for you. Based in northern India, in the foothills of the Himalayas, you will shadow local doctors and nurses and learn lots about the Indian medical system.

Requirement: Interns should have an interest in, or already be studying, a medical related course

Medical Internship in Romania

Take part in a highly rated medical internship on a mobile medical unit and within a children's hospital. Work in a variety of medical settings and with a mixture of cases, shadowing doctors and nurses and actively contributing to the care of the patients.

Requirement: Minimum requirement of a first aid certificate

1. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A school magazine.
B.An academic paper.
C.A public speech.
D.A travel log.
2. Which can offer a greater chance to fully experience the local culture?
A.Dental Internship in South Africa.
B.Journalism Internship in Ghana.
C.Medical Internship in Palampur.
D.Medical Internship in Romania.
3. What do the last two internships have in common?
A.They are located in northern India.
B.They need childcare interns.
C.They require a first aid certificate.
D.They encourage learning from old hands.
2023-01-10更新 | 592次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省一模试题汇编—阅读理解A篇
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Why is Eating Colourful Food Good for You?

Most of us are faced with the same choice numerous times a day: what to eat. Along with price, accessibility and preference, we’ll often use a food’s healthfulness to help us make a decision.     1    

It’s widely accepted by researchers that we need a varied diet.     2     The proof may be in the Mediterranean diet, which contains a lot of fruit, vegetables and healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, and is frequently rated the healthiest diet by scientists.

Eating lots of colours may lower your risk of missing out on all vital nutrients. “If we re missing a colour of the rainbow, we may be missing a function of that food,” says Minich. This is because plant foods contain thousands of natural compounds, which have anti-inflammatory (抗炎的) benefits.

    3     Blue and purple foods, including blueberries, have a high content of the plant anthocyanin (花青素), which has been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Flavones (黄酮), which give foods a yellow colour, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Research follow at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, says eating a colourful diet can also help people avoid possible side effects of eating too much of one food. “    4     For example, research has found that orange juice is associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline, but too much intake is associated with type 2 diabetes,” she says. Although, this is because of its sugar content, not flavones.

Eating a rainbow diet may also be complex.     5     We could tie ourselves in knots. We also need to eat from other food groups to get all the nutrients we need, such as protein.

A.Food is very complex.
B.A varied diet is packed with different vegetables.
C.It could be really tricky to get every colour every day.
D.But how do we know we’re getting enough nutrients?
E.Different coloured foods come with different benefits.
F.However, is colour the best guide to getting all the nutrients?
G.And one way to do this is by eating all the colours of the rainbow.
共计 平均难度:一般