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1 . Text message acronyms (缩略词) caused plenty of confusion for the older generations when mobile phones became commonplace — now emojis are making the embarrassment become more serious.

Slack, a workplace messaging service, surveyed 9,400 office workers worldwide including 1,000 in the UK. It found the biggest emoji socially embarrassing action or mistake at work was pictures of lips. Most older workers did not realize the double meaning of the peach emoji, which for younger users means hips. Olivia Grace, a director at Slack, said, “The findings of our research are very clear — be careful when communicating with emojis across generations. Emojis offer a great way to communicate emotion, whether it’s a joke, support or something else, but it’s good to be aware that different meanings may exist to avoid any awkward interpretations.”

The simple smiling face was also a source of misunderstanding — 60 percent of over-40s used it to show happiness or pleasure but a significant number of younger workers used it to convey “deep anger”. An image of someone painting their nails was the most confusing — it meant nothing to the older generation, while the under-25s said they used it to say “there is gossip”, and the 25 to 40-year-olds used it to communicate making themselves more beautiful. However, all ages agreed on the meaning of some emojis, such as a face with tears of laughter and a crying emoji.

Speaking about its reasons for conducting the survey, Slack said, “Are there certain emojis that should restrict your boss from using them? Have your international colleagues ever misunderstood an emoji? And do you usually wait to build a relationship before sending emojis at work?” It added that with thousands of emojis at users’ treatment, “there’s a lot of potential” to communicate by mistake.

Emojis are not technically a form of language, as they lack grammar. The original user of a particular emoji has no copyright on how it is to be understood. The significance of emojis belongs to those who use them, and they have a truly valuable role in written communication.

1. What did Slack find about emojis?
A.Acronyms cause more confusion than them.B.People understand some of them differently.
C.It’s popular for office workers to use them.D.They can avoid many awkward situations.
2. How is the third paragraph developed?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By raising questions.
C.By following time order.D.By making comparisons.
3. Why did Slack conduct the survey?
A.To help people use emojis properly.B.To find original emojis.
C.To prove the convenience of emojis.D.To explain some special emojis.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards using emojis?
7日内更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省邓州市部分学校高三下学期一模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . As the movie Nomadland revealed to the world, ever since the 2008 financial collapse, people have mowed into vehicles as a way of surviving the high cost of living. The pandemic also fuelled an increase in the nomadic (流浪的) lifestyle.

In 2020, my co-researcher Scott Rankin and I looked at how people who live in vehicles balance work and life. This year, I continued my research to better understand why people live this way.

People of all ages and genders take part in van (面包车) living. The average age of van dwellers (居住者) was 42. After asking respondents to rank the reasons why they chose to live in a vehicle, ranked from top to bottom are: 1) freedom, 2) low cost of living, 3) adventure, 4)connection to nature,5)minimalism,6)avoiding undesirable weather,7)starting a new life, 8)pursuing work in different places, 9)working remotely, 10)to be on their own, 11)to join a partner, 12)to leave a partner.

Above all else, vehicle dwellers sought to be free. Whether they were a re tire n in a $100,000 Mercedes van, or young Canadians working from a $5 ,000 van, respondents wanted to be able to move their home to any place that was best for them. For others, living in a vehicle minimized their costs, allowing them to work less or make the most of their income without paying rent.

As it turns out, van living is not a fad. While many respondents were new to van living, on average, respondents indicated they had been living in a vehicle for an average of 2.5 years. Seventy-eight per cent of respondents permanently lived in a vehicle.

As the housing crisis deepens, we may see more people consider van living as a means of surviving the high cost of living. It will be up to the government to accept this alternative living arrangement, and consider having parking and facilities to support those who choose to live this way.

1. What’s the purpose of the author’s research?
A.To advocate a new lifestyle.B.To produce a scientific theory.
C.To understand a social phenomenon.D.To improve some people’s living conditions.
2. What do we learn about van dwellers?
A.Their top concern is money.B.They have different motives.
C.They value family more than work.D.They are mainly adventurous people.
3. What does the underlined word “fad” in paragraph 5probably mean?
A.Something that isn’t suitable for all.B.Something that isn’t likely to last.
C.Something that is popular for long.D.Something that attracts old people.
4. What’s the author’s attitude to van living?
7日内更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省濮阳市高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题

3 . These days, there’s barely a world leader who doesn’t talk up science. For example, the India’s Prime Minister was the main performer at the annual Indian Science Congress, held in Nagpur, where he encouraged the nation’s researchers to do the science needed to make India self-reliant.

The message to researchers is crystal clear: leaders see science as essential to national prosperity, well-being and, of course, competitiveness. So, is research fit for the challenge of advancing, refining or critiquing these goals? Not exactly. And it won’t be until there is fundamental reform to the gateway to a research career: PhD training.

As Nature and other publications have frequently reported, PhD training worldwide has been in trouble for some time. Students’ stipends (生活津贴) are not enough in most countries, creating a cost-of-living crisis. Early-career researchers constantly report concerns about a constant lack of support and poor-quality supervision, with senior researchers rarely trained in mentorship (指导).

Furthermore, PhD candidates are inadequately prepared for the cross-disciplinary working and large teams that characterize cutting-edge science today. This is especially true for careers outside academic research, where the overwhelming majority of PhD candidates will be heading.

It is not all bad. Universities in a small number of high-income countries have reformed, or are reforming, PhD assessment. But in most places, and especially in low- and middle-income countries, a candidate’s work is still evaluated using a single-authored paper. In many countries, candidates must publish in a journal before they get a PhD, something that critics say could fuel profitable publishing.

The system’s strains have become more obvious because the number of people doing PhD training has been rising sharply. According to the 2022 book Towards a Global Core Value System in Doctoral Education, the number of PhDs awarded in India increased from 17,850 in 2004 to 25,095 in 2016; US figures climbed from 48,500 to 69,525 over the same period. If researchers are to meet society’s expectations, their training and mentoring must escape the nineteenth century.

1. Why is the India’s Prime Minister mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To indicate India’s serious scientific landscape.
B.To imply more researchers are in great demand in India.
C.To show leaders’ emphasis on scientific research.
D.To demonstrate more and more people take an interest in science.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The reforms in science.B.The significance of mentorship.
C.The creation of academic culture.D.The issues early-career researchers face.
3. Which of the following best describes the author’s opinion on PhD training?
4. What does the author mainly intend to express in the last paragraph?
A.PhD education is developing gradually.
B.The reforms in PhD training admit of no delay.
C.The number of PhDs awarded has increased in India and the US.
D.The demand for researchers’ meeting society’s expectations is pressing.
7日内更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省邓州市部分学校高三下学期一模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In much of the western United States, drought and access to fresh water is a critical issue. However, recently California came up with a novel solution. The state approved regulations that allow agencies to purify wastewater for drinking. This recycled wastewater may be consumed in homes, schools, and businesses.

As the population in California has exploded in recent decades, the state has struggled to meet demands for fresh water. Recycled wastewater will allow the state to increase access to the precious resource.

Recycled wastewater is not new to the state. It has previously been used in ice hockey rinks (冰球场), for crops, and to generate artificial snow. But now, water agencies will have the option to put recycled wastewater back into pipes for drinking. California is only the second state to allow purified wastewater to be consumed. The first was Colorado in 2022.

While the idea of drinking recycled wastewater may be off-putting, regulators spent more than a decade developing rules and regulations to ensure safety. Independent panels of scientists also reviewed the state’s rules around recycled wastewater consumption. All water will be treated for pathogens (病原体) and viruses before being available for consumption.

So far, the state’s plan has been met with approval from large water agencies. Many of them have plans to construct wastewater recycling plans over the next few years. In Southern California, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has set a goal aiming to produce 150 million gallons of direct and indirect recycled water per day. This water will be in the pipes of the 19 million people throughout the six counties that the agency serves.

Officials are aware that a certain amount of public convincing may still be necessary. However, they remain optimistic about the future of the project, reminding consumers that the water is safe, and that recycled water is already in use in California.

1. Why does California pass new regulations about recycled wastewater?
A.To ease the pressure of drought.B.To increase the supply of fresh water.
C.To recycle the wastewater for industry.D.To reduce the pollution of the wastewater.
2. What does the underlined word “off-putting” mean in paragraph 4?
3. What can we learn from paragraph 5?
A.The goal of wastewater recycling is hard to achieve.
B.The state’s plan will be conducted by water agencies.
C.Southern California will reduce its water production.
D.People in California tend to prefer recycled water.
4. What do the public think of the recycled water project?
A.Many people still disapprove of the project.
B.The public are optimistic about the project.
C.It will never be suitable to use recycled water.
D.The project is the only solution to water shortage.
2024-04-19更新 | 100次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会问题与社会现象
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Military-Style Cotton Coats (军大衣) Have Made a Major Comeback this Winter and Stormed College Campuses

A video of college students in northeastern China     1     (wear) military-style cotton coats to class has trended on social media platforms. Meanwhile, many young women have started buying floral coats, often on sale.

With the price of down jackets (羽绒服) increasing, college students in China have picked up floral cotton-padded jackets and military coats to fend off the winter cold. Thanks     2     their low cost and high quality, cotton coats have made a major comeback this winter and stormed college campuses.

The general thinking among students     3     (be) that it isn’t about whether or not they can afford a down jacket     4     that cotton coats provide better quality at a much lower price.

One can buy ten cotton coats at the price of one down jacket. The     5     (cheap) military-style cotton coat costs less than 100 yuan, and they have become the most     6     (fashion) winter wear for college students in northern China.

Down jackets have been     7     must-have for many Chinese people. However, the prices have increased. According to data from the China National Commercial Information Center, the average price of down jackets     8     (rise) from 438 yuan in 2015 to 656 yuan in 2020.

The price of goose down has increased,     9     (main) due to the demand downstream. Many     10     (brand) have started to move towards high-end development, resulting in a more significant increase in demand for high-quality materials like white goose down, according to a down jacket seller in Jiangsu Province, surnamed Si.

2024-04-18更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省名校联盟高三下学期3月模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If sales generally feel hard to resist, the sale in front of Arron Schurevich was the ultimate test: a new car just like the one he’d loved. And it was more than a 20% discount. “I figured that I would be a fool not to take advantage of that,” says Schurevich. After he drove the car off the lot, the deal turned sour. The brand-new car quickly needed repairs. Schurevich now jokes that he paid a tax for being a fool.

Why is it so hard for the human brain to resist a discount? Spotting something you’d like to buy activates your brain’s reward circuitry (奖赏回路). It gets especially heightened if it’s something you’ve been fascinated by — say, the same car you’ve enjoyed for years. Additionally, the discount itself often registers as a win, delivering its own kind of joy, says Jorge Barraza, a consumer psychologist at the University of Southern California.

“Not only are we getting the product,” Barraza says, “but we’re also getting that reward that we discovered something; we’ve earned this extra thing.”

Stores, of course, know all this and try to push our buttons. “Limited-quantity, limited-time, scarcity-marketing promotions—they get people’s blood pumping,” says Kelly Goldsmith, who studies this as a marketing professor at Vanderbilt University.

It’s really hard to always approach sales rationally. One buying strategy experts recommend is to make a shopping list in advance and then, stick to it. Another is to research items — beforehand or on the spot, checking online — to weigh whether the sale is really a good deal.

“The human brain has essentially evolved to feel first and think next, which is why you need to give yourself time to cool off from your instant reaction when in front of a sale,” says Goldsmith.

1. What is the purpose of telling Arron Schurevich’s story?
A.To explain the way to promote sale.B.To inform readers of an important test.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.D.To show the advantage of products on sale.
2. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?
A.Brain’s reward circuitry needs activating.B.It’s hard to resist a discount for some reasons.
C.Buying discounted products has consequences.D.It’s worthwhile to approach sales rationally.
3. What does the underlined sentence probably mean in Paragraph 4?
A.Stores are good at pushing buttons.B.Stores tend to affect people’s health.
C.Stores help consumers earn extra things.D.Stores know how to attract consumers with sales.
4. According to Goldsmith, what can you do when facing a sale?
A.Calm down in front of a sale.B.Make a shopping list ahead of time.
C.Research items on the spot or online.D.Avoid buying any discounted items.
2024-04-10更新 | 23次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-日常生活
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It’s the Saturday, 1:00 am, and Stormy, my dog, and I were going on a pre-dawn bird-watching adventure. The weatherman predicted fog, but as we hit the road, it’s clear. Along our journey, I stopped at a petrol station, ensuring Stormy was safely locked in the truck.

“Stormy, hang tight,” I whispered, stepping out into the night air.

Back on the highway, as we were near the marshlands, a heavy fog began to swallow everything. At a sharp bend, my truck hit soft ground, and I lost control. “Oh, no!” Panic set in as the vehicle slid off the road with a bang, falling down a steep bank and into the water.

In the strange silence that followed, I was floating inside the car, gently carried downstream by the canal. “Come on, door,” I said, switching uselessly at the handle. It won’t move; the electrical system had shorted out due to the water. “I’ve got a glass breaker,” I reminded myself, reaching for the tool in the center part.

With each failed attempt to break the window — the glass bouncing back at me — I felt a growing sense of urgency. Water moved over the floorboards, cooling my feet. “Stormy, stay calm,” I said, lying down to kick at the window with all my strength. But my efforts only met resistance.

As the water level rose threateningly close to the ceiling, fear clawed at my heart. In a last effort, I dived behind the seat for my toolbox. “Got to find something solid.” My hands brushed against the cold metal toolbox, then the fire extinguisher (灭火器). “This might work.”

“Here goes everything,” I thought, holding the extinguisher and hitting it against the window. The impact resounded through the car, but the glass holds firm. “Not yet,” I begged under my breath, as the extinguisher bounced harmlessly away.

The water kept rising, and so did my fear. A voice inside me screamed to give up, but another thought pierced through — Stormy. “For Stormy, I can’t quit.” Just then, I sensed a pause in the water’s rise.

An unspoken sound said, “You have more time. What will you do?”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“I’ll fight harder,” I promised aloud.


Exhausted, we caught the now flooded vehicle, waiting for daylight.

听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What was wrong with the woman’s car?
A.It was on fire.B.It gave out a terrible noise.C.Its engine smoked.
2. Where is the woman?
A.In a car park.B.In a garage.C.On the road.
3. What does the man ask the woman to do?
A.Hire a car.B.Drive a truck.C.Ring her friend.
2024-04-08更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省新乡市高三下学期二模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a typical Monday morning. My form teacher, Mrs Tan, was going through our exam questions. I pot down some notes and did my corrections.

“Riiiiiiinnnngg!” A high-pitched sound pierced through the air like a knife. Covering my ears in annoyance, realization dawned on me. It was the fire alarm! While I encouraged others to remain as cool as a cucumber, it was in vain. My classmates were all screaming and running around like crazy.

“Calm down, everyone! Please queue up in an orderly manner! We have practised this in the fire drills!” instructed Mrs Tan , sounding anxious.

The class ignored her and continued screaming at the top of their voices. One student even broke down in a fit of panic. I rushed around the class, asking all my fellow students to settle down while waiting for further instructions.

A serious voice soon announced from the speakers in every class, drawing our attention. “All students are to follow their teachers and evacuate(撤离)the building in a calm and organized manner. The fire may have been caused by a gas explosion in the canteen; do not go near there!”

Mrs Tan finally managed to calm the panicky class down. In a strict voice, she told us that we were to use the evacuation route to Gate 6. She arranged the pupils quickly in neat straight rows and led us out of the classroom.

Upon taking my first step out of the classroom, I took a deep breath instantly. The surroundings were hazy(模糊的) as thick smoke came from the canteen. Choking, I unconsciously covered my nose. To make matters worse, the ash from the smoky surroundings hurt my eyes. Coughing anxiously, I tried to see my teacher in the lead, but the air was too hazy for me to see anything clearly. Within less than a minute, I lost sight of my class and was left alone.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A wave of anxiety washed over me.


Just then, the figure of Mrs Tan waving a torchlight appeared from the smoke.

2024-04-03更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省濮阳市高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个洞字符号(⋀), 并在其下面写出该加的词。
2.只允许修改 10 处.多者(从第 11处起)不计分,

In order to bring down the number of accident and make drivers aware of the danger of driving much fast, many speed cameras are fixed on the roads. Most of them were placed in bright yellow boxes, so drivers can see it clearly from a distance and slow down. On other hand, some officials have the opposite ideas.They believe hiding cameras are more effective than visible ones. The reason is because drivers, not knowing the exact locations of the cameras, will drive more cautious. The police are now gathered related data to make sure which is good.

2024-04-01更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省周口市部分学校高三下学期模拟(一模)英语试题
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