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1 . The reopening of an Asian American-owned bookstore in Manhattan's Chinatown following a January fire has received a warm welcome back from its supporters.

Yu &. Me Books, which is regarded as the first female-owned Asian American bookshop in New York City, has raised more than $369,000 for repairs since a tragic fire on January 4. It reopened on Wednesday. "We are so excited to welcome you all back to our Yu &. Me Books home," the store announced on Instagram. "We can't wait to shed tears, laugh loudly and open our hearts with all of you who have made us feel at home."

The fire in an apartment above the bookstore on Mulberry Street killed one of the building's residents. Smoke and water damage also devastated Yu & Me Books, destroying almost all its inventory and equipment, according to a GoFundMe campaign that store owner Lucy Yu set up to make up for the costs.

During the restoration and renovation (翻新) of the original bookstore, the business operated from a location within The Market Line, an underground marketplace on the Lower East Side, and several pop-up shops (临时店铺) in the city.

"It was a bookstore I always wanted to visit, and I'm so happy that they were able to reopen," Charlotte Leinbach, a teacher for New York City's Education Department said. Leinbach hadn't been to the bookstore before the fire, but she had heard quite a bit about its fate. She bought two books, the second and third in the series Before the Coffee Gets Cold.

"It's hard to find a lot of books written in Japanese, and then translated into English," she said. "The design of the bookstore is really nice, and the layout is great. I am glad that they also sell used books. I love buying new books because it's fresh and it's nice, but it's always nice to see people in the community giving their books back and reselling and just passing them on." She said she will continue to support the women-run small businesses that focus on people and authors of color.

"I actually came on the day of the opening, but there were too many people, and it was too crowded, so I just haven't had a chance to look at it," Liam Li, another Asian American, said. "This place is unique. It's in Chinatown. As Asians live in New York City, I feel this offers the most space for the community. I understand like a minority in this society, it is not easy to have a store like this," she added.

1. Which word can replace the underlined one "inventory" in Paragraph 2?
2. How did Lucy Yu get the money to make up for the losses?
A.By applying to the government for money.
B.By getting money from an insurance company.
C.By raising money from her friends and relatives.
D.By collecting money from a fund on the Internet.
3. What can we infer about Charlotte Leinbach from the text?
A.She often gave a hand to the store owner before the fire.
B.She sang high praise for the arrangement of the store.
C.She prefers to buy used books rather than new ones.
D.She translates books as her part-time job.
4. Which can serve as the best title for the news report?
A.Chinatown bookstore's reopening welcomed
B.Smoke and water damage destroy Chinatown bookstore
C.Yu &. Me Books-first female-owned Asian American bookshop in NYC
D.Chinatown bookstore in New York City means a lot to Asian Americans
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . With almost all big employers in the United States now using artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in their hiring processes, the public is considering some urgent questions: How can you prevent discrimination in hiring when a machine is keeping the discrimination? What kind of methods might help?

Some 83% of employers, including 99% of Fortune 500 companies, now use some form of automated tools as part of their hiring process, said the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s ( EEOC) chair Charlotte Burrows, at a hearing on Tuesday. She said everyone needs to speak up on the debate over these technologies. “The risks are simply too high to leave this topic just to the experts.”

Last year, the EEOC issued some guidance around the use of cutting-edge hiring tools, noting many of their shortcomings. The agency found that resume( 简历) scanners which prioritize keywords and programs which evaluate a candidate’s facial expressions and speech patterns in video interviews can create discrimination. Take, for example, a video interview that analyses an applicant’s speech patterns to determine their ability to solve problems. A person with a speech problem might score low and automatically be screened out. The problem will be for the EEOC to root out discrimination or stop it from taking place.

The EEOC is considering the most appropriate ways to handle the problem. It’s agreed that inspections are necessary to ensure that the software used by companies avoids intentional or unintentional discrimination. But who would conduct those inspections is a more challenging question. Each option presents risks, Burrows pointed out. A third party may turn a blind eye to its clients, while a government-led inspection could potentially stop innovation.

In previous remarks, Burrows has noted the great potential that AI decision making tools have to improve the lives of Americans, but only when used properly. “We must work to ensure that these new technologies do not become a high-tech pathway to discrimination,” she said.

1. What does Burrows suggest people do?
A.Make their own voice heard.B.Follow the experts’ suggestions.
C.Stop using AI in hiring processes.D.Watch debates about technologies.
2. How might programs in video interviews select employees?
A.By scanning keywords.B.By evaluating resumes.
C.By analyzing personalities.D.By assessing speech patterns.
3. What is a possible outcome of third-party inspections?
A.High expense.B.Unfair results.
C.Age discrimination.D.Innovation interruption.
4. What is Burrows’s attitude to AI decision-making tools?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。加州立法者通过了《加州食品安全法》, 禁止在流行的零食和包装食品中出现四种添加剂, 包括玉米糖和其他万圣节零食。这项禁令将于2027 年生效, 它将导致糖果和食品生产商改变在加州和其他地方销售的产品的配方。

3 . Halloween candy could be in for a California big change. State lawmakers last month passed the California Food Safety Act, which bans four materials found in popular snacks and packaged foods - including candy corm and other Halloween treats. Set to take effect in 2027, the ban will lead candy and food producers to change their formulas for products sold both in California and elsewhere around the country.

The law bans the production and sale of some materials, which are used in processed foods including kinds of instant potatoes and sodas, as well as candies. The additives (添加剂) have been linked to increased risks of cancer and nervous system problems, according to the Environmental Working Group, which started the act, and are already banned in many other countries.

Food producers and their lobbyists (说客) opposed the law, arguing the conclusion that the four additives are unhealthy should be made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They thought that evaluating the safety of food materials and additives should rely on the scientific accuracy of the FDA. But food safety advocates say the FDA has moved far too slowly in regulating food chemicals. It’s unacceptable that the U.S. is so far behind the rest of the world when it comes to food safety.

California’s act made headlines this year as a “Skittles (彩虹糖) ban” that would wipe popular candies off California shelves. But supporters of the act said the intention is simply to require changes in the materials, as has already happened in Europe. Perhaps the most standing-out material on California’s banned list is red dye No. 3. It is allowed only in candied and cocktail cherries in the European Union but more than 3,000 products contain the chemical in the U. S. The list includes items like frosted pretzels and scores of brand-name candies such as Peeps and Pez. It also includes items like fruit cocktail cups, protein drinks, and yogurts.

1. How will Halloween candy in California change?
A.It will change its recipes.B.It will transform its shapes.
C.It will move out of California.D.It will disappear completely.
2. What idea do food producers have against the act?
A.FDA’s conclusion on the materials is wrong.
B.Four materials are allowed all over the world.
C.The materials’ safety needs to be reassessed.
D.FDA moves too fast in regulating food chemicals.
3. What can we infer about the act supporters’ request about Skittles?
A.They demand a complete ban on Skittles.
B.They wish the “Skittles ban” to be headlines.
C.They want to apply European policies to Skittles.
D.They hope more red dye No. 3 is used in Skittles.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.California candy ban.B.Food safety in California.
C.The responsibility of FDA.D.Change of Halloween Candy.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The buzzwords (时髦术语) “brittle college students” have gone viral on the Internet recently among mounting concerns over     1    serious decline in the physical health of Chinese college students. The words refer to the new generation of college students generally     2     (suffer) from many physical problems. “Brittle,” which     3     (apparent) means tender and fragile (脆弱), has been used by netizens jokingly     4     (describe) how easily college students can get injured and sick.

Such comments have caused heated discussions over the declining physical     5     (fit) of contemporary college students,    6     is confirmed by the astonishing record of visits to one hospital in the city of Zhengzhou, north-central Henan Province. It is reported that Zhengzhou Central Hospital     7     (receıve) some 1,700 young people aged between 18 and 25 in its emergency department in September alone.

“These young people were mainly diagnosed (诊断) with trauma, abdominal pain, chest tightness, hyperventilation, acute alcoholism, and cholecystitis. Most cases were caused by     8     (regular) daily routine, staying up late and unhealthy diet,” said Cheng Xiaodan, deputy director of the hospital’s emergency department.

A report pointed out that unhealthy lifestyle is common     9     college students. Many participants said they had experienced health     10     (issue) such as poor skin condition, lack of sleep, and emotional problems.

2024-03-23更新 | 210次组卷 | 7卷引用:广东省普宁市勤建学校2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

People from all over China have crowded into Zibo city in recent months, expecting to have     1    appointment with authentic (正宗的) barbecues.     2     various types of meat sizzling on stoves, people gather together outdoors to enjoy yummy food. The barbecue    3     ( stand) have created a lively atmosphere, which appeals to tourists around the whole country.

Since the Zibo barbecues were in the news    4     (frequent), the government has seized the opportunity to promote tourism,     5     (increase) the city’s financial success. Policies are quickly made and swift actions are taken    6     (ensure) that tourists have a safe and    7     (please) experience. Police officers    8     (assign) to maintain order can be seen everywhere. Regulators(监管者)     9     (take) measures so far to guarantee that quality ingredients are used. Except for historical sites, the tourism department has introduced new sightseeing routes to those who are fond of exploring.

The arrival of tourists has boosted Zibo’s economy, advertising a kind of success    10    owes to joint efforts from merchants and the government.

2024-03-14更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市惠阳区泰雅实验学校2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Two and a half millennia ago, Socrates complained that writing would harm students. Socrates did not have peer-reviewed science to make his case about the usefulness of learning concepts by heart.

Today a different debate is raging about the dangers of another technology-computers and the typing people do on them. As primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls return for a new school year, many will do so with a greater-than-ever reliance on computers to take notes and write papers. Some parents of younger students are dismayed that their children are not just encouraged but required to take laptops to class.

A line of research shows the benefits of an “innovation” ahead of computers: handwriting. Studies have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to imparting a better conceptual grasp of complicated ideas.

Handwriting—which takes longer for nearly all university-level students—forces note-takers to synthesize ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing. But those taking notes by hand also perform better on tests when students are later able to study from their notes. The effect even persisted when the students who typed were explicitly instructed to rephrase the material in their own words. The instruction was “completely ineffective” at reducing verbatim(逐字逐句地) note-taking, the researchers note: they did not understand the material so much as parrot it.

Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note. However, several school systems in America have gone so far as to ban most laptops. This is too extreme. Some students have disabilities that make handwriting especially hard. Nearly all will eventually need typing skills. And typing can improve the quality of writing: being able to get ideas down quickly, before they are forgotten, can obviously be beneficial.

Virginia Berninger, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, is a longtime advocate of handwriting. But she is not a purist. Since students spend more time on devices as they age, she argues for occasional “tuning up” of handwriting in later school years.

1. What does the underlined word “dismayed” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?
A.Students taking notes by hand understand the material better.
B.Students studying from their notes perform better on tests later.
C.Students who take notes in their own words prefer handwriting
D.Students who typed can imitate the material in an effective way.
3. Which of the following does Virginia Berninger agree with?
A.Students should spend more time on devices.
B.Students should take notes by hand at school.
C.Learning typing skills at school is unnecessary.
D.Senior students can take notes in different ways.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Handwriting is more beneficial than typing.
B.Schools should put emphasis on handwriting.
C.The importance of handwriting is better understood.
D.Handwriting and typing are equally important at school.
2024-03-09更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省普通高中南粤名校2023-2024学年高三下学期学科综合素养评价2月联考英语
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The village of Dafen, China was once thought    1     (produce) the most oil paintings in the world every year. Recognized as the “world’s art factory”, Dafen impressed visitors with    2     (it) many workshops, in which painters created mock (模仿的) masterpieces by Van Gogh, Monet and Warhol. But the village was always seen more as a production line    3    a place of culture. Today the future of Dafen may depend on    4     it is able to earn respect of the art world.

Things started to change for Dafen in 2008, when the global financial crisis cut down overseas     5     (order). With more demand coming from the domestic market, artists began painting different subjects. New customers preferred Chinese styles, says     6    painter in Dafen. He learnt the art of Shan Shui which involves representing natural landscapes. In some ways Dafen reflected the broader economy. As export starts to decline as a share of GDP, domestic    7     (consume) plays a larger role in driving growth.

China is the world’s second-largest art market. But it is not clear where Dafen fits in. Locals say the demand for their paintings    8     (decline) in the past two pandemic-stricken years. “Most people would     9     (probable) be surprised that Dafen still exists,”says Lisa Movius, a writer in Shanghai who covers art.     10     (adapt) to the changes, maybe it is time that Dafen should go through a transition.

2024-02-29更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳外国语学校2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 针对当前有人喜欢看书、有人则喜欢听书的情况,你班以“Is Reading a Book Better than Listening tolt?”为题进行了一次讨论,请你据此写一篇短文向校英文报投稿。

Is Reading a Book Better than Listening to It?

阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . In the days before the Internet, critical thinking was the most important skill of informed citizens. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, and her colleagues, an even more important skill is critical ignoring.

As the researchers point out, we live in an attention economy where content producers on the Internet compete for our attention. They attract us with a lot of emotional and eye-catching stories while providing little useful information, so they can expose us to profit-generating advertisements. Therefore,we are no longer customers but products, and each link we click is a sale of our time and attention. Toprotect ourselves from this, Kozyreva advocates for learning the skill of critical ignoring, in which readers intentionally control their information environment to reduce exposure to false and low-quality information.

According to Kozyreva, critical ignoring comprises three strategies. The first is to design ourenvironments, which involves the removal of low-quality yet hard-to-resist information from around. Successful dieters need to keep unhealthy food out of their homes. Likewise, we need to set up a digital environment where attention-grabbing items are kept out of sight. As with dieting, if one tries to bank onwillpower not to click eye-catching “news”, he’ll surely fail. So, it’s better to just keep them out of sightto begin with.

The next is to evaluate the reliability of information, whose purpose is to protect you from false and misleading information. It can be realized by checking the source in the mainstream news agencies which have their reputations for being trustworthy.

The last goes by the phrase “do not feed the trolls.” Trolls are actors who internationally spread false and hurtful information online to cause harm. It may be appealing to respond to them to set the facts straight, but trolls just care about annoying others rather than facts. So, it’s best not to reward their bad behaviour with our attention.

By sharpening our critical ignoring skills in these ways, we can make the most of the Internet while avoiding falling victim to those who try to control our attention, time, and minds.

1. What can we learn about the attention economy from paragraph 2?
A.It offers little information.B.It features depressing stories.
C.It saves time for Internet users.D.It seeks profits from each click.
2. Why does the author mention dieters in paragraph 3?
A.To discuss the quality of information
B.To prove the benefits of healthy food.
C.To show the importance of environments.
D.To explain the effectiveness of willpower.
3. What should we do to handle Internet trolls according to the text?
A.Reveal their intention.B.Turn a deaf ear to them.
C.Correct their behaviour.D.Send hard facts to them.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Reasons for critical thinking in the attention economy.
B.Practising the skill of critical ignoring in the digital age.
C.Maximizing the benefits of critical ignoring on the Internet.
D.Strategies of abandoning critical thinking for Internet users
2024-01-17更新 | 547次组卷 | 22卷引用:广东梅县东山中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第四次段考(12月)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Two and a half millennia ago, Socrates complained that writing would harm students. With a way to store ideas permanently and externally, they would no longer need to memorize. However, studies today have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to better understanding complex concepts.

For learning material by repetition, the benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The scribbling (涂鸦) on a page feeds into visual memory: people might remember a word they wrote down in French class as being at the bottom-left on a page.

One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in note-taking. Students typing on computers wrote down almost twice as many words directly from lectures, suggesting they were not understanding so much as rapidly copying the material. However, handwriting forces note-takers to process and organize ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing, resulting in better performance on tests.

Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note. Though America’s curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade (roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it. In Sweden there is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices. England’s national curriculum already includes the teaching of basic cursive writing (连写体) skills by age seven.

However, several school systems in America have gone so far as to ban most laptops. This is too extreme. Some students have disabilities that make handwriting especially hard. Nearly all will eventually need typing skills. Virginia Berninger, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, is a longtime advocate of handwriting. But she is not a purist; she says there are research tested benefits for “manuscript” print-style writing but also for typing.

Socrates may or may not have had a point about the downsides of writing. But no one would remember, much less care, if his student Plato had not noted it down for the benefit of future generations.

1. According to the text, why does writing on paper have benefits for learning?
A.It provides visual enjoyment in class.
B.It improves the effect of memorization.
C.It promotes the motor and sensory ability.
D.It helps to remember the information forever.
2. How does the author show the emphasis on handwriting instruction at school?
A.By giving examples.B.By providing statistics.
C.By making comparisons.D.By making classification.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Difficulties faced by the disabled.
B.Unreasonableness of forbidding typing.
C.The research-tested benefits of typing.
D.The longtime advocacy for handwriting.
4. Why does the writer mention Socrates and Plato in the last paragraph?
A.To thank Plato for his efforts.
B.To defend Socrates’ point of view.
C.To show people’s indifference to typing.
D.To confirm the importance of handwriting.
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