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1 . 小说填空

I came out just like I went in, feet first and belly down. My legs were spread out like a bean-shooter stalk. Arms flailing the air, I     1     (快速钻出来)and up. I seemed to hang suspended in air at the peak of my climb. I could see the hard-packed ground far below. As I started down, I shut my eyes tight and     2     (咬紧牙关). This didn’t seem to help. With     3     (劈里啪啦声), I landed. I felt the air     4     (呼呼吹)between my teeth. I tried to scream, but had no wind left to make a sound. After bouncing a couple of times, I finally settled down to earth. I lay spread-eagled for a few seconds, and then slowly got to my knees.

One pup started my way. I held my breath. On he came until I felt a     5     (刺痒的小脚) on mine. The other pup followed. A warm puppy tongue    6    (抚摩)my sore foot. I     7    (跪下)and gathered them in my arms. I buried my face between their    8    (扭动着的身体)and cried. Rising with the two pups held close to my chest, I asked if I owed anything.

Between sobs, I heard the     9     (愉快的尖叫声)from my sisters as they fondled my pups.

I heard the     10     (绳子扯断的吧嗒声) and the rattle of paper. The oh’s and ah’s from my sisters were     11     (太好听了).

Mama     12     (飞奔出来) with my sisters right behind her. Papa was out by the bam harnessing his team. Mama yelled something to him about a snake. He dropped the harness,     13     (一跃跨过) the rail fence, and in a long lope started for me. Mama reached me first. She grabbed me and shouted, “where did it bite you?”

Mama just     14    (呻吟) way down deep and covered her face with her hands. Some big     15     (泪水涌出来) between her fingers. Almost in a whisper, I heard her say, “Thank God; I thought you were snake-bitten.”

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文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章以《哈利·波特》的作者J.K. Rowling在收到拒稿信后依然坚持不懈最终获得成功的故事为例,说明仅靠天赋似乎不足以保证获得成功,努力和一点点运气固然很重要,但坚持不懈才是关键。
2 . 根据教材内容补全下面短文,在答题卡相应位置填入一个适当的完整单词,注意所填单词的形式。

“We regret to inform you...” These are the words that every writer dreads receiving, but words every writer knows well. The response from a publisher comes back and the writer eagerly opens and reads it, their hearts s    1     when they reach that final sentence. You may have spent years giving up your weekends and free time to write your life’s work, yet still this is often not enough. Everyone knows that success rarely happens overnight, but perhaps not many know that a lot of highly successful writers have p    2     faced rejection.

Take for example J. K. Rowling. When she received her first rejection letter, she decided that it meant she now had something in common with her favourite writers, and s    3     it on her kitchen wall. Rowling had spent years surviving     4     little money, spending all her time writing. When she finally finished her first book, she received c    5     from publishers along the lines of “too difficult for children”, “too long”, “Children would not be interested in it”. N    6    , she persevered. After a total of twelve rejections, one publisher eventually agreed to print 500 copies of her first book, and as we know, Harry Potter became     7     global success, with over 400 million books     8     and translated into more than seventy different languages.

So, it seems that talent alone isn’t enough to g    9     success. While a lot of hard work and a t    10     of luck play a part, perseverance is the key. Keep trying and eventually you will read the words “We are delighted to inform you…”

2024-02-22更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述Xie Le去伦敦的情况。
3 . 根据课文内容,在空白处填入所缺的单词。

Six months ago, 19-year-old Xie Lei said     1     to her family and friends and boarded a     2     for London. It was the first time     3     she had left China. “I was very excited but also quite     4    . I didn’t know what to expect,” Xie Lei     5    .

2024-01-26更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省江门市2023-2024学年高二上学期调研测试(一)期末考试英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Xie Lei在伦敦交流学习时的经历。
4 . 根据短文内容,从下面方框中所给的10 个单词中分别选出恰当的单词填空,使短文意思通畅、完整。没空一词,不得重复。短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
living   but     what     at home     recalled   whose     ambition   Besides     up     motherland

Six months ago, Xie Lei boarded a plane for London to complete an exchange programme. She     1     that she chose the year­long exchange programme with the     2     to set up a business in China after graduation.It was the first time that she had left her     3     .When she came to England, she lived with a host family,     4     members always helped her. At first,she had to get used to     5     in a new country and learn how to use public transport and how to ask for things she didn’t know the English names for.     6     , she also had to face another challenge of the academic requirements.When writing an essay,she was told by the tutor to acknowledge     7     other people had said if she cited their ideas,     8     he wanted to know her own opinions.She also found students’ participation included as part of the final result. Luckily, after a few weeks, she could speak     9     in class on traditional Chinese art successfully. And she feels much more     10     in the UK now.

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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Jan Tchamani在患病失业后,通过网络创立俱乐部,上课的励志故事。
5 . 下列文段直接来自所学的课文。请根据英文首字母提示,填入符合课文含义的词,使到文段意思完整,通顺,符合课文原意。

The Internet has done much more for people than simply make l    1    more convenient.

People’s lives have been changed by online c    2     and social networks. Jan Tchamani, an English teacher, suddenly d    3     serious illness and had to quit her job. At age 50, she found herself out of work and stay at home with only her computer to keep her c    4    , After a while, she discovered that s    5     Internet could help her feel less lonely and bored. She was so inspired by the p    6     she met online that she decided to start an IT c    7    . Jan has started taking online c    8     to learn more about ho to use the Internet to make s    9     better. Her next goal is to start a charity w    10     to raise money for children in poor countries.

短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 根据课文,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。

John was presented with his award at c    1    which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.

John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. When he and his father rushed outside, a man ran from the scene. They    2    that Anne Slade, a mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife. She was lying in her front garden    3     very heavily. Her hands had almost been cut off.

It was John's quick action and    4    of first aid that saved Ms Slade's life. He immediately asked a number of nearby people     5     bandages, but when nobody could put their hands on any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. John used these to    6    the most severe injuries to Ms Slade’s hands. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and the ambulance    7    .

“I’m p    8    of what I did but I was just doing what I’d been taught,”John said.

John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school. When congratulating John, Mr Alan Southerton Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said, "There is no doubt that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he     9    at school saved Ms Slade’s life. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real    10    .”

2021-02-15更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省清远市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

On the first day of my first grade, I stood by the door with butterflies in my stomach. I     1    (voice)my biggest concern to my mother. “How will I make friends?” She handed me advice. “Be yourself. “ For the past 20 years, I have lived by these words. Soon I will graduate and become part of the real world. Nervously    2    (face) challenges,I know I will whisper to myself     3     two simple words “Be yourself”.

2020-04-05更新 | 155次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京101中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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8 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep.

Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and asks his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me     1       you see. “

“I see millions of stars. “ replies Watson.

“And what do you deduce from that?”

Watson thinks     2     (careful) for some time. “Well, according to the studies on astronomy, it tells me that there are potentially billions of planets. According to the scientific measurement of time, I deduce the time is probably a quarter past three. According to the current atmosphere, I forecast that we     3     (have) a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you, Holmes?”

Holmes is silent for a minute. “Watson,” he says, “someone     4     (steal) our tent!”

2020-04-05更新 | 141次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京101中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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9 . Lesson 26: My sister is only seven, but she always tells me     1     my pictures are good or not…She looked at it     2     for a moment. 'It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside down?'

Lesson 27: Late in the afternoon, the boys put     3     their tent in the middle of a field…The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and     4     into their tent.

Lesson 28:Now he has put     5     ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the     6     faces I have ever seen.

Lesson 29: Since then, Captain Fawcett     7     passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a     8     of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.

Lesson 30:I turned to look at the children, but there weren't any in     9    ; they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized     10     had happened.

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10 . 课文填空。

③Life-long commitment and, indeed, the survival of society itself rely on people seeing beauty __________ __________ __________ __________ . The human race would soon die out if we could only see beauty (9) __________ __________ __________ __________ limited criteria.

Physical beauty must also __________ __________ __________ an attraction to something deeper within a person.
2019-10-24更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第四中学2016-2017学年高二上学期期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般