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1 . 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空一词。

Job stress hits students

       As the job-hunting season kicks off, many graduates are suffering from anxiety. Job interview   results are becoming the most common conversation topic in dormitories. Worried about not getting satisfactory offers, some students have sleep problems, or lose their appetite. Some might even display symptoms of depression.
       According to a survey across several universities in Wuhan conducted by Wuhan Yangtze Business University, over 72 percent of student participants were worried about finding a job. Students in the first one or two years were also uneasy about their job prospects, which contributed to spreading anxiety further.
       Lang Lei, 22, a business major from Renmin University in Beijing, admitted having mood swings when job hunting. The student hoped to get positions with large state-owned enterprises in his hometown of Yantai, Shandong. But when it turned out that things wouldn’t be so easy, Lang became concerned. After some struggling moments, he has now changed to more realistic goals.
       Others feel tortured (受折磨) while waiting for interview results. Mo Tong, a senior software engineering major at South China Normal University, would fall into a nervous state every time after he attended a job interview.
       “For a day or two I couldn’t help but keep thinking about how I performed in front of the interviewers, how well I dealt with their questions, and whether they would consider giving me a   chance in the end,” Mo was unable to focus on other things as his anxiety grew.
       Media reports about rising unemployment rates and a difficult job market have touched students’ nerves.
       ‘‘I’ m alarmed by articles saying how bachelor’s degree holders are losing ground,” said Wang Hongjuan, a sophomore English major from Putian University in Fujian province. “It suggests to me that good jobs are only available to graduate or doctoral students.”
       As Wang has no plans to further her education, she has to commit herself to all sorts of extracurricular activities to improve her prospects. This throws her into a packed schedule.
       Wen Fang, a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing, advises students not to be misled by depressing surveys and reports about the job market. “Unemployment rates are not linked to an individual’s chances of getting a job,” he said. “An individual’s chances are actually mainly determined by his or her capability.”
       According to Wen, a moderate degree of anxiety is normal — it can even be helpful. But if it constantly affects a student’s normal life, one should pay more attention. “Focus on adapting yourself to the needs of society, and never ever overestimate your goals,” Wen added.
Title: Job stress hits students
Present    1    on
As the job-hunting season comes, most students become    2    .
●Students    3    mainly about job interview results in dormitories.
●Some students are worried about not getting satisfactory jobs and
feel    4    .
●Students in the first one or two years are also uneasy about their
job prospects.


Lang Lei
●He    5    in business and finds it hard to get a satisfying job
in his hometown.
●He has now changed to more realistic goals.

Mo Tong
●After an interview, he always thinks about how he performed in
front of the interviewers and whether he could get a chance    6    .
●With his anxiety    7    , Mo becomes less focused on other things.
●She is alarmed by media reports saying bachelor’s degree holders have no     8    when hunting for jobs.
●She is busy with extracurricular activities to improve her prospects.

Experts’ opinion
●One’s capability    9    his or her chances of getting a job.
●Students should not be misled by gloomy   surveys and reports about the job market.   
●Try to    10    yourself to the needs of society, and never ever overestimate your goals.
2016-11-26更新 | 757次组卷 | 3卷引用:2013届江苏盐城中学高三第二次模拟考试英语卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约720词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
Interviewing someone for a job is not as easy as it looks. First, as the interviewer, you’re tasked with finding the person who will not only do the job well but also fit in well with the other employees.
You have to make an evaluation of abstract qualities that can’t be found on a résumé. Because you have to repeat the process for every potential employee, you end up asking question after question, applicant after applicant.
Still, interviewers need to be told something: “What is your biggest weakness?” is not a good question. It just isn’t.
Now, job seekers have to understand that interviewers want to find some way to know what makes an applicant different from others. Asking questions that are seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see who can think creatively. Then what may be a proper way to respond to such a question?
Honesty, with a twist(新手法)
“‘What are your three strengths and three weaknesses?’ is a classic, but not too many people know how to answer this,” says Kenneth C. Wisnefski, founder and CEO of WebiMax, an online marketing company.
“As an interviewer, we want to hear strengths that describe initiative(主动性), motivation and dedication. The best way to respond is to include these qualities into specific ‘personal statements.’”
“Similarly, weaknesses should be positioned as a strength that can benefit the employer.”
“I like to hear applicants state an exaggerated strength, and put an interesting twist on it. An example of this is, ‘My initiative is so strong, that sometimes I take on too many projects at a time.’”
This answer leads with a strength that employers want — initiative — and still acknowledges that you’re not perfect.
Although you might consider this acknowledgement too honest, it works because it proves you’re being honest.
Honesty, with progress
When you consider what your weaknesses are, think about how you have attempted to overcome them. No one is perfect, so pretending that you are a perfectionist will come across as insincere.
Debra Davenport, author of “Career Shuffle,” believes citing(引用) examples are the best approach.
“My preferred response for this question is to tell the truth without damaging the applicant’s image.” Davenport explains.
“A better response might be, ‘I’ve had some challenges with work-life balance in the past and I realize that a life out of balance isn’t good for me, my family or my employer. I’ve taken the time to learn better time and project management, and I’m also committed to my overall wellness.’”
The answer adds some dimension to the question, and proves you’ve thought beyond the answer. You’ve actually changed your behavior to address the situation, even if you haven’t completely overcome the weakness.
Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes
However you decide to answer, Debra Yergen, author of “Creating Job Security Resource Guide,” recommends job seekers imagine themselves sitting on the other side of the desk.
“If you were doing the hiring, what would you be looking for? What would be your motivation for asking certain questions? Who would you be trying to weed out? If you can empathize (共鸣) with the interviewer, you can better understand what they want and need, and then frame your qualifications to meet their needs for the position you seek.”
Once you consider what the goal of the question is and figure out what your honest answer is, you’ll be able to give the best possible answer to a tricky question.
Job InterviewsDetails

Tasks for a job interviewer
☆ Find the person both doing the job well and    1    along well with other employees.
    2    abstract qualities of applicants by asking one question after another.

    3    to interviewees for replying to a tricky question
☆ Understand that the interviewers want to    4    between applicants and that asking a question seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see an applicant’s    5    .
☆ Be    6    and inventive when asked about your weaknesses, and respond properly.
☆ Never    7    you are perfect, which may be believed to be insincere.
☆Try to show that you’ve changed a lot    8    you haven’t completely get rid of your weaknesses.
☆ Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and have a better    9    of their needs for the job.

☆ With the goal of the question    10    into account and the honest answer in your mind, you will be able to give the best possible answer.
2016-11-26更新 | 1047次组卷 | 5卷引用:2011届江苏省高三三校(海安,金陵,南京外国语)联考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . It was graduation day at Etihad Training Academy, where the national airline of the United Arab Emirates holds a seven-week training course for new flight attendants.

Despite her obvious pride, Ms. Fathi, a 22-year-old from Egypt, was amazed to find herself here. “I never in my life thought I’d work abroad,” said Ms. Fathi, who was a university student in Cairo when she began noticing newspaper advertisements employing young Egyptians to work at airlines based in the Persian Gulf.

Twenty years ago, unmarried Arab women like Ms. Fathi, working outside their home countries, were rare. But just as young men from poor Arab nations poured into the oil-rich Persian Gulf states for jobs, more young women are doing so.

Flight attendants have become the public face of the new mobility for some young Arab women, just as they were the face of new freedoms for women in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. They have become a subject of social anxiety and fascination in much the same way.

For many families, allowing a daughter to work may call her virtue into question. Yet this culture is changing, said Musa Shteiwi, a sociologist at Jordan University in Amman. “We’re noticing more and more single women going to the gulf these days,” he said. “It’s still not exactly common, but over the last four or five years it’s become quite an observable phenomenon.”

Many of the young Arab women working in the Persian Gulf take delight in their status as pioneers, role models for their friends and younger female relatives. Young women brought up in a culture that highly values community, have learned to see themselves as individuals. The experience of living independently and working hard for high salaries has forever changed their beliefs about themselves, though it can also lead to a painful sense of separation from their home countries and their families.

—From New York Times (December 22, 2014)

1. It can be inferred from the passage that young Arab women _________.
A.go to work abroad after American women’s example
B.didn’t start to work abroad until the late 20thcentury
C.are commonly used to living and working separately
D.expect to take the same family responsibilities as men
2. According to the passage, the Arab women flight attendants can be described as _________.
A.proud, homesick or independentB.honest, outstanding or optimistic
C.mature, enthusiastic or energeticD.painful, desperate or conservative
3. How do the public respond to young Arab women’s new mobility?
A.The public think highly of it.B.The public care very little about it.
C.The public show both interest and anxiety.D.The public are strongly against it.
4. The author intends to tell the readers that __________.
A.Arab women can hardly find any workB.flight attendants are badly needed in the gulf
C.flight attendants lead quite a different lifeD.young Arab women’s values are changing
2016-11-26更新 | 157次组卷 | 6卷引用:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(7)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Being the boss might mean more money and challenging work but it can also cause damage to physical and mental well-being, according to a Canadian study.
For years studies have shown people in lower-status jobs generally have higher rates of heart disease and other illnesses and die earlier than those in higher-status positions while job authority(当权者) has shown no relationship with workers’ health. But University of Toronto researchers, using data from 1,800 US workers, found the health of people in higher positions is affected by work as they are more likely to report conflicts with co-workers and say work disturbs their home life. However, the positive aspects of having a power position at work, such as higher status, more pay and greater independence, seemed to cancel out (抵消) the negative aspects when it came to people’s physical and psychological health.
These latest findings, reported in the journal Social Science & Medicine, suggest that the advantages and disadvantages of authority positions basically cancel each other out, giving the general impression that job authority has no health effects. For the study, the researchers surveyed participants about various aspects of their work, life and well-being. Job authority was judged based on whether a person managed other employees and had power over hiring, firing and pay.
Physical health complaints included problems like headaches, body aches, heartburn and tiredness. Psychological complaints included sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and feelings of sadness, worry and anxiety.
“This isn’t to suggest that having authority is ‘bad’ — in fact, we show it has benefits ... but it is important to identify the negative sides and deal with them.” researcher Scott Schieman said. Schieman said conflicts with co-workers or involvement of work into home life may destroy physical and mental well-being by creating stress.          “These are key stressors that can tax individuals’ ability to function effectively,” Schieman said.
1. Work will have a negative effect on job authority’s health probably because ________.
A.they are not fit for their work
B.they have power over hiring and pay
C.they are faced with severe competition
D.they don’t get on well with their co-workers
2. Most people don’t see that bosses have health effects because ________.
A.their health problems are not serious enough to see
B.they have enough money to keep themselves healthy
C.their problems are quite different from those of workers
D.the advantages and disadvantages of their status work against each other
3. From the passage we can infer that the study aims to ________.
A.warn people not to be a boss for ever
B.remind the boss to deal with the bad effects of their work
C.show that having authority is harmful to one’s health
D.prove that being a boss can benefit a lot
4. The best title for this passage might be ________.
A.Lower-status can affect health
B.Authority can affect health in a way
C.Positive aspects of a power position
D.Disadvantages of being a boss
2014-07-21更新 | 36次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(9)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology (意识形态) that biology is destiny. According to this ideology, basic biological and psychological differences exist between the sexes. These differences require each sex to play a separate role in social life. Women are the weaker sex both physically and emotionally. Thus, they are naturally suited, much more so than men, to the performance of domestic (家庭的) duties. A woman’s place, under normal circumstances, is within the protective environment of the home. Nature has determined that women play caretaker roles, such as wife and mother and homemaker. On the other hand, men are best suited to go out into the competitive world of work and politics, where serious responsibilities must be taken on. Men are to be the providers; women and children are “dependents”.

The ideology also holds that women who wish to work outside the household should naturally fill these jobs that are in line with the special capabilities of their sex. It is appropriate for women, not men, to be employed as nurses, social workers, elementary school teachers, house-hold helpers, clerks and secretaries. These positions are simply an extension of women’s domestic role. Informal distinctions between “women’s work” and “men’s work” in the labor force, according to the ideology, are simply a functional reflection of the basic differences between the sexes.

Finally, the ideology suggests that nature has worked her will in another significant way. For the human species to survive over time, its members must regularly reproduce. Thus, women must, whether at home or in the labor force, make the most of their physical appearances.

So goes the ideology. It is, of course, not true that basic biological and psychological differences between the sexes require each to play sex-defined roles in social life. There is enough evidence that sex roles vary from society to society, and those role differences that do exist are largely learned.

But to the degree people actually believe that biology is destiny and that nature intended for men and women to make different contributions to society, sex-defined roles will be seen as totally acceptable.

1. According to the biology-is-destiny ideology, women_______.
A.cannot compete with men in any field.
B.are suited more to domestic jobs than men.
C.are sensitive enough to be a good caretaker.
D.are too weak to do any agricultural work at all.
2. Those who have prejudices against women think that_______.
A.women shouldn’t go out for work.
B.women should earn money to add the family income.
C.women going out for work should only do “women’s work”.
D.women should take jobs to drill the special capabilities of the sex.
3. The author thinks that the positions women hold outside_______.
A.are determined by what they are better suited to.
B.grow out of their household responsibilities.
C.represent their breakthrough of sex discrimination.
D.are physically and emotionally suitable to them.
4. What does the underlined sentence imply?
A.Sex roles are socially determined.
B.Sex roles are emotionally and physically determined.
C.Sex roles are biologically and psychologically determined .
D.Sex roles are determined by education people take.
2014-03-25更新 | 567次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届江苏省四星级高中高考考前信息卷9英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . It was a quarter past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she would be working. Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided she would start out half an hour earlier the next day. Once inside the building, she had to stand at the lifts and wait several minutes before one arrived. When she finally reached the office marked "King Enterprises," she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no answer. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no reply. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in. Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had had the interview with Mr. King, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. At the far end of the room, somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her. Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any mind to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly looking up from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. King, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie realized that the day's work in the office began just before Mr. King arrived. Later she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same train every morning, arriving in the office at 9:35, so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.
1. Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because _______.
A.she had never met the boss once before
B.she was a little bit late for work
C.she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong place
D.there was no answer from inside the office
2. Marie could hardly recognize the office she went into as _______.
A.she had been there only once
B.Mr. King was not in the office
C.nobody was doing any work
D.the office had a new appearance
3. The people in the office suddenly started working because _______.
A.they saw a stranger in the office
B.they had finished their morning break
C.no one wanted to talk to Marie
D.the boss was about to arrive
4. We can infer from the passage that the employees of the enterprise _______.
A.would start their work day by listening to a joke
B.were considerate to newcomers
C.were always punctual for work
D.lacked devotion to the company
5. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Punctual Like a Clock
B.A Cold Welcome
C.An Unpunctual Manager
D.Better Late Than Never
2010-07-01更新 | 612次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省宿迁市2010年高三英语模拟试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Britons stranded(搁浅)at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue. Prince William announced on Monday that he is to train to be a full-time pilot with the Royal Air Force's Search and Rescue Force (SARF).

William, who is currently a Lieutenant(中尉)in the Army's Household Cavalry Regiment(皇家骑兵团), will transfer to the RAF and begin an 18-month training course in January 2009.

If successful, he will become a fully operational Search and Rescue pilot in 2010, flying Sea King helicopters at one of the six SARF units based in Britain.

"The time I spent with the RAF earlier this year made me realize how much I love flying," the prince, who spent two weeks with a SARF team while on work experience in 2005, said in a statement.

"Joining Search and Rescue is a perfect opportunity for me to serve in the Forces operationally, while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services."

It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war.

The Search and Rescue teams' main duty is to recover RAF personnel but in peacetime they mainly respond to civilian emergencies, dealing with more than 1,000 calls a year.

The units deal with incidents ranging from helping those trapped by sudden major floods to rescuing people lost while out walking on hills

William, who has spent the last year on secondment(借调)to the various branches of the military to prepare for his future role as head of the armed forces, received his RAF wings (飞行勋章)following a four-month stint(持续的工作)with the service earlier this year.

However, his time with the RAF was clouded when the Defense Ministry was forced to fend off (挡开) criticism for allowing the prince to fly military helicopters to a bachelor party for his cousin and to the family home of his girlfriend Kate Middleton.

1. Prince William wanted to be a full-time pilot because _______.
A.he liked flying
B.he would like to do something in the country’s Emergency Services
C.many Britons were in danger at sea waiting for rescue
D.he had much experience in flying
2. According to the passage, _______
A.the Falklands war broke out in 2005
B.Prince William served in the Army’s Household Cavalry Regiment in 1982
C.Prince Andrew is serving in SARF now
D.William would finish his training course in June 2010
3. The author’s opinion on William’s joining RAF is _______.
4. What is the purpose of the author by mentioning what the prince had done before in the last paragraph?
A.The author wants to say that Prince William pays much attention to his family and friends
B.The author suggests that the Defense Ministry was criticized when William flew for his private business
C.William had a hard time when he went against his leaders
D.The author has the worry that Prince William is likely to get the Defense Ministry into trouble again.
2010-06-08更新 | 151次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京十三中2010届高三考前模拟训练英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . It was a quarter past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she would be working. Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided she would start out half an hour earlier the next day.

Once inside the building, she had to stand at the lifts and wait several minutes before one arrived. When she finally reached the office marked "King Enterprises," she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no answer. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no reply. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in.

Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had had the interview with Mr. King, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. At the far end of the room, somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her.

Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any mind to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly looking up from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. King, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie realized that the day's work in the office began just before Mr. King arrived. Later she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same train every morning, arriving in the office at 9:35, so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.

1. Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because _______.
A.she had never met the boss once before
B.she was a little bit late for work
C.she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong place
D.there was no answer from inside the office
2. Marie could hardly recognize the office she went into as _______.
A.she had been there only once
B.Mr. King was not in the office
C.nobody was doing any work
D.the office had a new appearance
3. The people in the office suddenly started working because _______.
A.they saw a stranger in the office
B.they had finished their morning break
C.no one wanted to talk to Marie
D.the boss was about to arrive
4. We can infer from the passage that the employees of the enterprise _______.
A.would start their work day by listening to a joke
B.were considerate to newcomers
C.were always punctual for work
D.lacked devotion to the company
5. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Punctual Like a Clock
B.A Cold Welcome
C.An Unpunctual Manager
D.Better Late Than Never
2010-05-17更新 | 785次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省宿迁市2010届高三下学期第一次模拟考试试题(英语)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . C
Thousands of jobs come into our Job Centre every week, but they get snapped up (抢购) quickly. So although we shall do all we can to help you, it’s important for you to do all you can to help yourself. This passage tells you how.
Registered for work
Once you have registered for work we will match you with available vacancies. If you want to claim unemployment benefit (失业津贴), you also have to get registered at our Job Centre. But you actually apply for and claim it at the local Unemployment Office.
Getting a job through self-service
Jobs that come in are put on self-service show as soon as possible. Half the people who find jobs through our Job Centre find them through self-service. You can call in at any time to look at the jobs shown.
Come to our Employment Advisers
If you want more help or advice, don’t forget that’s what we’re here for. Our Employment Advisers can help you with things like:
★thinking about the different sorts of jobs you could do and which are best for you.
★jobs available locally or elsewhere.
★whether you are suitable for a TOPS training course.
★funds to help you look for, and move to, work in other parts.
Even though you have a clear idea of the sort of job and pay you want, you may find that something different will suit you quite well. Keep this in mind when you are talking with Employment Advisers.
If you don’t find a job on your first visit
Go into self-service as often as you can to look at the jobs on show there. Good vacancies are coming in all the time just because you’ve been registered for work.
1. The purpose of the passage is to .
A.tell people how to become an Employment Adviser
B.teach the unemployed people how to get registered for work
C.give information about services available for the unemployed
D.introduce the TOPS training course for the unemployed
2. The unemployed people can claim unemployment benefit from .
A.the Job CentreB.all the Unemployment Offices
C.the Employment AdvisersD.the local Unemployment Office
3. Employment Advisers can .
A.help you find out what kind of jobs suits you best
B.help you register for work and use self - service
C.help you claim as much unemployment benefit as possible
D.help you find a job suitable for you on your first visit
4. The unlined word “vacancies” in the passage means .
A.jobsB.benefits       C .suggestionsC.services
2010-04-08更新 | 640次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市金陵中学2010届高三下学期4月模拟
共计 平均难度:一般