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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给的段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应为150词左右。

Two weeks after my husband and I moved into our new house, he went abroad on a business trip that would take a year. This was the first time I had had to take care of our three-year-olds son Cameron and four-month-old baby Colby alone for so long. I had met a few neighbors, including Karen, Tim and Mike in our new neighborhood, but everyone was busy with their careers. We hardly even spoke.

One afternoon, I glanced out the window and noticed something strange. I walked outside and saw a light green colour in the sky that made my hair stand on end. Before long, the tornado sirens (龙卷风报警器) sounded. I turned on the news to learn of a tornado forming above our town. I was nervous and scared.

“Get into your storm shelters immediately. If you don’t have one, go into a bathroom in your house,” the weatherman soon announced. I rushed to the kids’ room. “We need to get into the bathroom. There’s a big storm outside, and we’ll be safe in here,” I said, trying to sound brave. I then tried hard to pull a mattress over us, but it wouldn’t stay. The baby was crying; the dog was barking. I could hear the wind roaring outside. Fear hit me like never before. I felt anxious and completely alone as the tornado sirens screamed in the distance.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was our neighbour Karen from across the street. “Tim and I are leaving. You and the boys are coming with us,” She said. For a second, I hesitated. Where in the world were they going? If they were getting into their car, I think we’d be better off here. It was raining heavily with bright flashes of lightning. It looked like it would be the end of the world. My kids were firghtened, and I was lost and seemed to be in my dream.

Paragraph 1

I stood before my door in terrible fear, afraid to move.

Paragraph 2.

I found several other neighbors already in Mike’s storm shelter.

7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省宿迁市泗洪县洪翔中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sarah had unspeakable pain because she had to raise her children alone. But over time, she changed too much, looking skinny in the mirror, with dark bags under her eyes. She knew she had to stop burning herself out before it was too late. So she emailed her manager that she was taking an urgent day off.

It had to be the best day ever. Sarah hated instant coffee but didn’t have time for anything else. But not now. Sarah placed her favorite coffee maker on the stove and walked to the kitchen windowsill, enjoying her company when her phone rang loudly from her bedroom. “Yes?” “Hello, Sarah! How are you doing?” “Natalie? Oh, my goodness! Is this really you?” …Natalie was Sarah’s friend, but they’d lost touch after Natalie and her husband moved to Europe. Unfortunately, Sarah got so carried away by the conversation that she completely forgot about her coffee on the stove. The weather turned harsh, and strong winds blew the window curtain toward the stove, causing it to catch fire. Sarah put the phone down immediately when she smelled something burning and the smoke caused her to cough.

Sarah’s house was reduced to a pile of charred wreckage (残骸). Her neighbors looked at her pityingly and offered to shelter her until she could find a place to live. But Sarah couldn’t take their favor. She knew no one wanted to see a swarm of children at home, especially in the current economy. Sarah and her children had been dragged to a shelter in the street.

A few months later, it was Sarah’s birthday. She decided to take her children out for a good lunch and then get back to her work. But they didn’t want to and had a strange request. They blindfolded (蒙住眼睛) her, guiding her out of the house. Sarah had no clue what her children had planned for her. She knew they were heading somewhere far from the homeless shelter since they were on a bus at some point.

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As Sarah did remove the blindfold, her hands went to her mouth in shock.


Her neighbors had actually built her a new home.

2024-05-31更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省扬州市高三考前调研模拟预测英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When he was around 5-6 years old, my brother Ted, who is four years younger to me, suddenly found his legs unable to move one night. What followed was one of the hardest times of my parents'life. Months passed with them meeting various doctors, visiting different hospitals, and knocking at the doorstep of every possible chance — all the time with Ted in their arms, since he wasn't able to walk on his own anymore.

There were doubts of permanent paralysis(瘫痪)— the very mention of which was enough to break us down. From finding it extremely painful to walk, to not being able to get up on his own, and to not being able to stand at all, Ted's problem was worsening day by day. Most surprisingly, all this while, he was as strong as, perhaps, only children can be in such difficult times.

During this period, it was not unusual for my mother to have sudden breakdowns. Once, she burst into tears while watching Ted playing joyfully. He wiped off her tears, and said, “Don't cry, mummy. See, I can stand and even run on my own!” Saying this, he tried to get up, stood on shaking legs for just about a few microseconds and fell down, only to be safely caught in the arms of my mom, who hugged him dearly and cried some more.

This was the most heart-breaking thing that I had ever experienced. But it was also a powerful one for the simple fact that it was my little brother who taught us what life was all about—HOPE.

Witnessing my brother's strong will and positive attitude inspired me as well. As a brother, I could not stand by doing nothing at all. Hope was burning in my heart when I had the idea to train my brother to walk again. I firmly believe Ted could stand up and walk as he used to. Whenever school was over, I would put Ted into a pushchair and tell my mom that we'd just go to the park.

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In the park, I would put Ted one meter away from me, encouraging him to walk.


We agreed to keep this a secret from our parents until mom's birthday.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Grandma tried to straighten out her fingers.“You know, Ann, I think I am done knitting.” she said.“My fingers just won’t do what I tell them any more.”

I looked at her hands.When I was little, she had taught me how to sew dresses for my dolls and how to embroider (刺绣) the faces of my dolls on the dresses.

But now she can hardly bend her fingers.The doctor said she should keep her hands warm.I made her cups of tea to hold and moved her chair closer to the fire.But it didn’t work.

I wasn’t used to seeing her hands so still.When I came downstairs, her quiet hands made even her voice stay still.I missed her voice more than ever.

I tried to help her find her voice.“Grandma, tell me about when you were a little girl,” I begged, knowing she loved to tell stories.“Tell me about Peti and Zoe.” Peti and Zoe were her brother and sister.“That was so long ago, Ann,” whispered Grandma.“I can barely remember.” But I still remembered her story about Peti cutting off Zoe’s two beautiful long braids (辫子) and then hiding them in the closet.Were those words still moving silently in her head?

Mom was sorting through our clothes for spring.“Ann, take these out to the trash,” Mom said.“There’s no need to keep worn-out clothes.”

I looked sadly at the pile of sweaters and then picked it up.

“Wait,” Grandma said as I walked by her and put the pile downstairs.“Let me see those.”

“Ann, wind the yarn (纱线) of the old sweater into a ball, like this.Then you can use the yarn to knit something new.” Grandma wrapped yarn around and around her fingers, first in one direction and then the other to keep the ball round.

After dinner Grandma fell asleep in her chair.

Mom came downstairs with an old pair of gloves with small holes to add to the pile of sweaters.


Suddenly, the pair of old gloves gave me an idea.


“Your family,” I said, handing the gloves with the faces of Peti and Zoe to Grandma.

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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

6-year-old Quinn Hill became her family’s hero when she took immediate action during an emergency that saved her mother’s life with the help of her neighbor, Mrs. Smith.

Jennifer, a 39-year-old single mother, began the day by sending her child, Hill, to school. Having no idea what would happen, Jennifer was filled with anxiety. After all, it was the first day of a new school year for Hill, a fresh start! On the way school. she repeatedly reminded Hill to solve problems positively and fit in. Though worried, Jennifer had to wave goodbye to her daughter, watching her towards the school gate.

The whole day was packed with housework. Jennifer tidied the house, washed clothes, and prepared for the evening meal. As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Jennifer picked Hill up from school. On seeing Jennifer, Hill couldn’t wait to hug her, sharing the school experiences. Chatting and laughing accompanied them all the way. Hill’s innocent laughter was like Jennifer’s ray of sunshine.   

Approaching home, they encountered Mrs. Smith, a most kind and thoughtful housewife living in their neighborhood for many years. Mrs. Smith often invited Jennifer and Hill to her home and shared her homemade desserts and cookies. The two families developed a close relationship and Hill liked to stay with Mrs. Smith, who always brightened her days with willingness and timely help. After exchanging greetings, they went back to their own homes.

On arriving home, Jennifer set out to prepare dinner. As the sun began to set, the house was full of a pleasant smell of cooking food. Jennifer and Hill sat at the kitchen table when Jennifer suddenly began to seize. She was sitting in a chair, looking up at the ceiling. and experiencing abnormal breathing. She then fell out of the chair onto her left side, her hands balled into fists, and her body was shaking violently. Her eyes were open, and Hill kept calling “Mommy, Mommy”, but she could not respond.

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Realizing the severe situation, Hill ran out for help.
Jennifer finally came to herself in the hospital.
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Cindy nervously glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. Five minutes before midnight. Her parents were still out there celebrating their 15th anniversary.

“They should be home any time now,” she thought as she put the finishing touches on the chocolate cake. It was the first time in her 12 years she had tried to make a cake from zero, and to be honest, it wasn’t exactly an artistic success. The cake was... well, lumpy. And the coating was bitter, as if she had run out of sugar or something which, of course, she had.

And then there was the way the kitchen looked. Imagine a huge blender(食物搅拌器) filled with all the stuff needed for chocolate cake -including the bowls, plates and tools. Now imagine that the blender is turned on. High speed. With the cover off.

Do you get the idea?

But Cindy wasn’t thinking about the mess. She was anxious for her parents to return home from their date so she could present her anniversary gift to them. Picturing her parents’ surprised faces when they saw the cake, she could feel a wave of excitement washing over her. She turned off the kitchen lights and waited excitedly in the darkness, hoping to give her parents a big surprise. Time seemed to her to be crawling with feet of lead while she anxiously awaited her parents’ arrival. When at last she saw the flash of the car headlights, she positioned herself in the kitchen doorway, her heart thumping like a drum. By the time she heard the key sliding into the front door, she was THIS CLOSE to exploding.

Assuming Cindy was already sound asleep, her parents tried to steal in quietly, but Cindy would have none of that. She turned on the lights dramatically and trumpeted “Ta-daaa!” She gestured grandly toward the kitchen table, where a slightly off-balance chocolate cake awaited their inspection.

Paragraph 1: But her mother’s eyes never made it all the way to the cake.
Paragraph 2: “Wow, look at the beautiful chocolate cake,” her father exclaimed.
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。

Mom always has the purse with her. The purse contains a receipt for everything she has purchased since around 1980. At first, the purse was relatively normal in size, but over the years it has expanded to what seems like two feet in width. It is hopelessly, permanently open and overflowing. I always hated the purse.

Last Friday afternoon, I called Mom to tell her I had some lab work that needed to be done at school. So, I would be home late. Instead, my friend Heather and I went directly to the movies after school. When we came out, to my complete horror, Mom was standing there with the purse. She’d taken my sister to the movies as well.

Surprisingly, Mom smiled at me, and then at Heather, and invited us to dinner. It seems she had a coupon(优惠券) for McDonald’s. A coupon? What were we, homeless? I couldn’t believe she suggested a coupon in front of Heather.

And just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, she started looking for the coupon. Oh no! Not the purse! She put the purse onto a resting chair outside the theater and began shuffling through(胡乱翻动) the papers. Then, all of a sudden, it dropped to the ground. Each one of those million receipts ended up on the ground, too. Crowds of people were stepping on all those papers.

That’s when I lost it. The words just came out. “I can’t believe you!” I shouted. “You are totally embarrassing me! Why do you have to carry all this useless stuff with you all the time?” My mom and my sister were on their knees picking up all those little pieces of paper. We left the theater and drove Heather home in silence.

Mom didn’t speak to me for the rest of the weekend. I came home from school on Monday and walked in as usual. I went up to my room to do some homework. It was silent. I felt bad. And I wanted to go down there and talk to her.

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I finally got up the courage to go down there.

Paragraph 2:

“I’m really sorry,” I said, helping to put things into the new purse.

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It all started at tea-time. Mrs. Bendall, Dicky’s mother, and Mrs. Spears, who was spending the afternoon with her, were quietly sitting and sewing (做针线活)in the drawing room. The children were eating their bread and butter nicely and quietly, and the servant girl had just poured out the milk and water, when Dicky suddenly took the bread plate, put it upside down on his head, and held the bread knife tightly.

“Look at me!” he shouted.

His shocked sisters looked, and before the servant girl could get there, the bread plate shook, slid to the floor and broke into small pieces. At this awful point the little girls lifted up their voices and shouted their loudest.

“Mother, come and look what he’s done!”

“Dicky’s broken a great plate!”

“Come and stop him, mother!”

Can you imagine how mother came running?But she was too late. Dicky had jumped out of his chair, run through the window on to the veranda(走廊), and, well—there she stood—helpless. What could she do? She couldn’t chase after the child. She couldn’t hunt for Dicky through the apple trees. That would be undignified (不 体面的).

“Very well, Dicky, ” she cried, “I shall have to think of some way of punishing you.”

Seeing this, Mrs. Spears said, “Oh, my dear. I’m sure you make a great mistake in trying to bring up children without beating them. Nothing really takes its place.” “Believe me. There is nothing like handing the naughty kid to his father,” she added.

Mrs. Bendall, deep inside, was terribly shocked to hear the advice. But Mrs. Spears seemed to take it as a normal thing, so she did it too.

The children had gone to bed before Dicky’s father Edward came back. Mrs. Bendall rushed to him, “You have to beat Dicky.”

“But why on earth should I start beating him?” responded Edward. “We’ve never done it before.”


After he heard the reason, a burst of anger went through him.


Instead of beating him, Edward decided to talk openly with Dicky.

2024-02-28更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省连云港市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末调研考试英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Where is it? We’re going to be late!” Janice searched the house crazily for her wallet. “Josh! Did you hide my wallet? We have to be at Grandpa’s for his birthday party!” Josh, Janice’s four-year-old younger brother, smiled innocently at her, but his cunning (狡黠的) eyes gave himself away. She tried her best not to shout. Grinning (咧嘴笑) like a cat, Josh reached under the sofa, pulled out her wallet and held it over his head. Janice grabbed it.

Ten minutes later, they hurried to the train station. Red-faced and sweating, Janice let go of Josh’s wrist and removed the sweat from her forehead. The train arrived. Her smile froze when she realized that the train was packed with passengers. Grabbing Josh’s hand, Janice boarded the train. She commanded, “The train’s really crowded, Josh. Behave yourself, stick close to me, and no monkey business!” Josh nodded, holding tightly to a rail. Janice smiled.

When it was time to get off the train, Janice quickly pushed her way through the crowd to get onto the platform. “We made it!” Janice said, turning around. Josh was nowhere to be seen. The crowd was flooding out, but Josh was not among them. “The train doors are closing,” then came the electronic voice. Soon, the crowd on the platform died down. The last thing Janice saw was Josh’s little anxious face at the train window: Just as Janice was about to call out Josh’s name, the train disappeared from view. “Josh!” Janice screamed.

Janice’s mind was transported back to when she was lost at the zoo. She could still vividly remember the towering figures surrounding her and none of them were’ familiar. “I don’t want Josh to go through that same bitter experience,” Janice let out a sigh.

Janice took out her mobile phone, ready to call her mother. However, midway, she decided against it. Her mother, who was far away in France on business, could do nothing but get restless. Janice paced up and down the platform anxiously.

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Just then, Janice received a call from an unknown number.


Having waved goodbye to the lady, they headed for their destination.

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My dad was a cleaner in my school. When I was 12, I decided to study hard to have a life different from his.

One day when Dad asked me to play basketball with him, I just replied, “I’m busy. I want to study well so that I can become a rich man. I don’t want to be a cleaner like you, Dad!” He was shocked (震惊的), but I didn’t care and continued studying hard. Finally, I graduated from high school with honors, and decided it was time to break free from my dad and follow my dreams.

“Dad, I got a scholarship to a law school in California,” I told him. “I’ll leave in 3 days.” My dad was surprised but proud of me. As I left for the airport 3 days later, he said, “Son, wherever you go, welcome back home.” I ignored his words and flew to California.

After I graduated, I found a great job there. Later, I was made manager and earned much money. I no longer remembered my father was a cleaner. I had forgotten my dad, who was still cleaning my school. I seldom answered his calls or wrote back to him. I was busy; I still had a lot more to achieve.

With time, the more success I tasted, somehow, the lonelier I became. I felt especially lonely on my 31st birthday. I kept checking my phone, hoping someone wished me a happy birthday. But there wasn’t a single call or message. Later that evening when I returned home from my office, something in my mailbox drew my attention.

“A letter?” I whispered and saw it was from my father. He never forgot to mail me a letter on my each birthday. However, I never took the trouble to read it. “How did I ignore him?” I thought. I brought the letter home and took out his earlier letters. And I opened one. It read, “Wherever you are, I love you to the last drop of my blood. I wish you a happy life.”

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I picked up another letter and read it.


Finally, I arrived at my dad’s house and saw him sitting alone in the yard.

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