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1 . When parents consider the work they do around the house, it can be fairly easy to construe lists of chores (家务) for kids.    1    . Overly difficult chores will turn kids off housework quickly. In contrast, chores that are too simple maybe rejected by older kids, since they prefer work that shows they’re growing up and are more mature.

Chores for pre-schoolers should probably be overseen by parents. Kids aged two to six maybe eager to help. Remember to make chores easy to complete and give lots of praise to them.    2    . Some sample chores for pre-schoolers include picking up toys or setting the table.

    3    . These can include making the bed, picking up laundry from their bedroom floors, and making sure all toys are put away. Beyond keeping bedrooms neat, household chores for kids can include drying dishes, sweeping the floor, and pulling up weeds.

Preteens and teens can help prepare meals, like a simple breakfast or lunch, wash dishes, and do laundry. Other chores include changing bed sheets, folding laundry, and taking care of pets.    4    . That way, they can make sure things like feeding pets are being done as needed so a pet doesn’t go hungry or thirsty. Older teens, especially if they’ve been doing chores all their lives, are quite capable of doing most things adults do.    5    .

A.School-age kids can do more complicated chores
B.On this last chore, parents may want to follow up
C.In this way, they associate good feelings with housework
D.They can prepare almost any meal and do intensive cleaning
E.Each family member should find some time to get things done
F.However, remember to make sure that chores are age appropriate
G.Chores for kids of this age include helping dust with a cloth and set the table
2024-04-16更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省扬州市高邮市2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . This Sunday is grandpa’s birthday. The Smith family are going to celebrate it at home, so they will have a busy weekend.

MorningDad — clean the car in the garden.
Mum — clean the kitchen and bedroom of their house.
Amy — have dance lessons in the gym.
Rose — work on science projects in the library.
Mum — make a big birthday cake.
Amy and Rose — wrap grandpa’s gifts.
AfternoonMum and dad — buy some food at the supermarket.
Amy and Rose — choose gifts and cards for grandpa.
Amy — help Mum cook delicious food.
Rose — help Dad decorate the room.
EveningWatch TV togetherAmy and Rose — give gifts to grandpa.
The whole family — have a party.

1. What will Mum do at this weekend?
A.Clean the kitchen and bedroom.B.Buy some food.
C.Make a big birthday cake.D.All the above.
2. What will Amy do on her own at this weekend?
A.Decorate the sitting room.B.Choose gifts and cards for grandpa.
C.Have dance lessons in the gym.D.Buy some food at the supermarket.
3. ________ maybe likes science best.
4. There are ________ people in the family.
5. According to the passage, what will the whole family get together to do?
A.Clean the home.B.Eat the birthday cake.
C.Cook delicious food.D.Give gifts to grandpa.
2024-04-10更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省泰安市部分学校高三下学期春季高考模拟考试一模英语题

3 . Children with strong family connections are associated with a high likelihood of flourishing in life, a study found. “What is different about this study is that it shows that family connection is associated with thriving and not just surviving or avoiding harm,” said lead study author Dr. Robert Whitaker.

Researchers surveyed over 37,000 children in 26 countries. In the study, family connection was determined by a mean score of five categories: care, support, safety, respect, and participation. Flourishing was determined by a mean score of six categories: self-acceptance, purpose in life, positive relations with others, personal growth, environmental mastery and autonomy. The essence of family connection is children feeling that they are accepted and cared for at home, which allows them to learn what their strengths and weaknesses are in a safe environment as they are building their identity,Whitaker said.

Children with the greatest level of family connection were over 49% more likely to flourish compared with those with the lowest level of family connection, according to the study. The highest scores in both family connection and flourishing came from children who said they lived with both parents, had enough food or never had their family worrying about finances. Researchers then controlled the data for families’ poverty levels to remove the effect they might have had on the numbers. After controlling the data, the strength of family connection still impacted how much children flourished.

According to Whitaker, adults have a very powerful influence on the emotional climate in the home, so it’s important to create a space where children feel seen and heard. A great opportunity to strengthen family bonds is around the dinner table. Adults should create an environment where children feel comfortable speaking freely. While they are talking,grown-ups should show that they have a genuine interest in what their children are saying. Silence is also another powerful form of communication, Whitaker said. Children and parents spending time together in silence or even doing chores can create a connection.

1. What is the study mainly about?
A.The importance of family connection to children’s survival.
B.The relationship between family connection and children’s success.
C.The factors affecting children’ self-acceptance.
D.The impact of poverty on children’s development.
2. Who are more likely to achieve high scores in both family connection and flourishing?
A.Children who live with a single parent.
B.Children who have enough food and money.
C.Children who know of their strengths and weaknesses.
D.Children who have a whole family and economic security.
3. Which of the following might be an influencing factor in the result?
A.Family income.B.Parents’ educational level.
C.Children’s age and gender.D.The number of people in the family.
4. How can adults strengthen family bonds during mealtime?
A.By showing respect when children are talking.B.By talking about their own problems.
C.By keeping silent when disagreements arise.D.By backing children’s opinions forever.
2024-04-05更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Mosquitoes (蚊子), as most people know, can carry a variety of scary diseases. To prevent mosquitoes from entering your home, equip your windows and doors with insect screens. And ensure all your screens are secure and undamaged and keep entrance doors closed.     1    

If mosquitoes do manage to get inside and get out of control, insect sprays (杀虫喷剂) could solve your problem.     2     Insect sprays must be kept where little kids can’t reach them, and they must also be kept separate from food.

    3     They love bushes (灌木丛) and flower beds where they can hide and make mosquito babies. Mosquitoes like to lay eggs in and around standing water, including any can or bottle left lying about, and even overwatered plants. Make sure there is no standing water around your house.

Another way to keep mosquitoes controlled, especially if you have a water feature or pond, is to encourage dragonflies (蜻蜓) to move in. Dragonflies feed on mosquitoes and flies.     4     They only need a small pool of water. If possible, some aquatic (水生的) plants can make for a better dragonfly environment.

Try to create a barrier around your yard or outdoor sitting area with citronella (香茅油) candles placed about 50 cm apart.     5     Citronella is made from grasses. It works by masking the scents that mosquitoes are attracted to instead of killing them. Though there are no specific scientific studies that support the effectiveness of citronella candles, it has been found that they work moderately well.

A.Mosquitoes rest in dark, wet places.
B.Dragonflies lay their eggs on aquatic plants.
C.One dragonfly can eat hundreds of mosquitoes a day.
D.Before using these products, be sure to follow the instructions.
E.While citronella candles do not kill mosquitoes, they will drive them away.
F.Place the mosquito trap in dark and wet places, so mosquitoes will seek it out.
G.Catching mosquitoes indoors is hard, so the best solution is to keep them out.
2024-04-01更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第一中学西山学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

5 . When children are growing up, what they see in their families is what they tend to consider normal. That means family traditions and other activities are generally seen as just normal. If a family eats dinner together or spends time talking with each other, that’s what the child absorbs and internalizes.

Our family traditions are declining as we move toward a more isolated (孤立的) society. How many families no longer share meals around the dinner table, instead choosing to watch TV or text friends on their phones? This tends to isolate and disconnect family members from each other. It also stops families from communicating and catching up on each other’s lives.

For those of us who grew up in a household where families shared meals together and spent time talking with each other, chances are that we are passing along those traditions to our own families. The problem is, children today often want to spend their time in front of screens rather than people. Cell phones, computers and other attention-grabbing devices often mean parents get resistance to traditional family togetherness time. This pressure can lead to parents giving in and letting children do what they want rather than fight with them over sitting at the dinner table. This creates a new normal that no longer values the idea of families and the society at large, connecting with each other.

Family and community traditions are important, not just for the current shared experiences, but for the future as well. Since children internalize their experiences, that means generations to come may not know what it’s like to sit together around the dinner table and truly connect as a family.

That is why it is so important that parents and caregivers create boundaries of behavior that help to keep family traditions alive. If you remember the shared experiences you had with your parents and grandparents, you know the important bonding that took place during those times. It is this shared experience that brings people closer together and is well worth preserving.

1. What is the phenomenon the author describes at the beginning of the text?
A.The increase in shared family meals means a shift towards isolation.
B.Increased use of technology replaces traditional family interactions.
C.More and more children prefer to spend quality time with the family.
D.Family members are more likely to share their updates with each other.
2. What is the central concern expressed in paragraph 3?
A.The inability of parents to understand technology.
B.The challenge of preserving traditional family values.
C.The influence of technology on children’s education.
D.The necessity of controlling children’s digital devices.
3. What can be inferred about future generations if current trends continue?
A.They will be more addicted to advanced technology.
B.They will maintain stronger and closer family bonds.
C.They may create new and irreplaceable family traditions.
D.They may not understand the value of family gatherings.
4. How does the author view the role of parents in preserving family traditions?
2024-04-01更新 | 239次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省盘锦市高级中学高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . When you hear the word “culture”, you may think of nations or societies.     1     What is family culture? It is the combination (结合) of values, expectations, and experiences that describes a family and shapes the way its members get along with each other.

Everyone has a unique culture that determines who they are as a person. Your family culture helps you understand your traditions and explains the reason for your behavior every day. It’s important to you.     2     A deeper sense of unity and togetherness is important for a family culture. The following will help you understand how to uncover your cultural story with your family.

    3     You can find out what your family’s values are and what they stand for by looking at the traditions around those values. You can do this by talking to people you respect in your family or by using some simple Internet searches. Through looking into your family’s history, you will understand the context of their culture.

After this, it’s time to write a detailed description of your family’s culture.     4     So you need to take your time with this step. In this description, you need to give a specific account of your family’s culture, traditions, values, and history.

The last step is to share it with people. You can talk to your family about their culture and let them know that you’ve written down what they are like. You can also talk to friends who know little about your family’s culture.     5    

Exploring your family’s culture is an exciting process that will bring new meaning to everything you’ve ever held dear. So start your journey of uncovering it right now!

A.This is a key part of the process.
B.But every family has a culture, too.
C.Know how to talk with your family.
D.Start by researching your family’s history.
E.It also contributes to your family togetherness.
F.Then they can start a process of self-exploration.
G.So they will know better what your family is all about.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . For working parents with busy schedule, mornings are hell: preparing meals, ironing clothes, feeding the children, packing lunches, ensuring everyone has what they need for the day... But I’m pleased to say my perspective on mornings is sunnier than most parents, though being woken at 6 am by kids was hardly a welcome addition to the night owl like me.

The different views first arise partly from opinions on television. I don’t see the harm in letting my kids watch a bit of television before school, so long as they still make time to get dressed, eat breakfast and brush their teeth. This balance took years to achieve: a routine steadily drilled into them via daily practice -pause the TV program with complaints and screams-to fulfil each everyday activity; but, now they’ve observed that the quicker they perform their essential tasks, the quicker their entertainment will restart.

With morning necessities completed with speed and proficiency, then comes the 15-minute walk to school. In our family, it’s me and the dog who do the school run, and it’s actually one of my favourite times of the day. This quarter of an hour provides me privileged access to my kids when they’re at their freshest; rather than at the end of the day, when they’re tired, hungry and annoyed. They ask stimulating questions, “How is ice cream made?” “How long would it take to drive to Mars?”, but they usually can’t hear my answers over the drowning noise of the traffic.

Best of all, there’s the walk back: just me and the dog, enjoying the silence. A moment to recharge and reset, ahead of a day’s work, and I am grateful for the joy of my family, and perhaps more grateful still that someone has just taken them off my hands for the day. Oh, what a beautiful morning!

1. What do mornings mean to most working parents?
A.Peaceful moments.B.Welcome additions.C.Impressive memories.D.Rushed routines.
2. How has the author’s family achieved a balance in their morning tasks?
A.With regular alarm.B.With strict rules.
C.With a tight schedule.D.With freedom and self-discipline.
3. Why does the author enjoy the 15-minute walk to school?
A.He can keep his children fit by walking.
B.He can spend quality time alone with children.
C.He can usually find a low-carbon way to get to school.
D.He can satisfy his children’s curiosity with his answers.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Parenting at Noon.B.Reuniting with Children.
C.Walking on Sunshine.D.Scheduling in the Morning.
2024-03-15更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省大数据精准教学联盟高三下学期第一次统一监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Dusting is particularly annoying. Nearly two-thirds of household dust content comes from the outdoors, some of which may contain harmful chemicals. So, keeping your home as dust-free as possible is important to improve overall health.     1    

In general, you should dust your home’s most exposed surfaces on a weekly basis. This means items such as tables, shelves, beds, dressers, counter-tops and windows.     2    . Use microfiber or natural-fiber cloths that will pick up the dust.

Change your bed sheets weekly, as dust mites (螨) especially love bedding.     3    . Every three to six months, clean behind and under furniture, and wash your bedding.

Since so much dust comes in from the outdoors, you can cut down on the amount gathering in your home by keeping doors and windows closed as often as possible, and placing carpets on both sides of doors.     4    , changing them for a pair of slippers or private house shoes.

Get rid of odds and ends, which can easily attract dust, and be careful how you handle clothes. Since clothes both collects dust and sheds (掉落) fibers, regularly wash any clothes or don’t throw clothing on the ground.

When you’re getting ready to clean a room, always work from the top down.     5    , the dust on the highest surfaces will drift down to everything you’ve just cleaned.

A.If you dust from the bottom up
B.How can we keep the home dust-free
C.Why should we keep the home dust-free
D.You can remove your shoes when you come home
E.You can buy some new shoes before you return home
F.Don’t use feather dusters that simply push the dust around
G.Items that don’t collect dust easily can go a month without cleaning
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . How to Create a Home First Aid Kit

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, so having a properly stocked first aid kit in your home is an easy but essential part of good emergency preparation. Here are some useful tips for you to personalize your own first aid kit.

Pick a good container. You can buy pre-filled first aid kits, and you can also buy empty first aid kit containers.    1    One good choice is a large, water-resistant, flexible plastic container with either a zipper (拉链) closure or a lid. Lunchboxes are also another good option.

    2    When your child is crying about a wound on her knee, you don't want your home kit buried on the back of a closet. Establish a clearly-defined, consistent spot for your first aid kit, on a visible closet shelf, for instance, and inform everyone in your home of its location.

Teach your family about the kit.     3     For younger children who shouldn’t try to use the items in the kit, teach them where it is located, so they could show a visitor, relative, babysitter, etc. For older children and adults, instruct them on when to retrieve (收回) the kit and how to use the various items in it.

Keep your kit up-to-date. No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the painkillers expired.     4     You’ve probably heard that you should check the batteries in your smoke detectors. This would also be a good opportunity to check the status of your first aid kit and restock it as needed.

Create a checklist to include with the kit. Stock your first aid kit and record every item on a sheet of paper you can keep it in the kit. Record amounts and expiration dates next to the listed items on the checklist you include in your kit.     5    

A.Make sure anyone who retrieves the kit knows what it includes and does not include.
B.Make sure everyone in your home knows the location of the kit and when to retrieve it.
C.Make your kit safely accessible.
D.But you almost already have a perfectly good first aid kit container in your home.
E.Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.
F.Make your kit clearly recognizable.
G.Or you can buy a first aid kit in the store.
2024-02-17更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市重点中学5G联合体2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Your family may have special traditions, particularly during this time of year as the holidays approach. Whether making cookies or watching a favorite holiday movie, these traditions can help you feel closer to the people you love. You can enjoy established traditions or create new ones together.     1    .

Consider current traditions.

Think about the traditions your family already has, then write them down. For example, shared traditions might be going to a favorite ice cream stand on vacation every summer or making a cherished family recipe.     2     There could be some they might have forgotten but may enjoy reviving (重新记起).


Next, gather the thoughts you and your family may have for brand-new traditions. Add those ideas to your list. For instance, you could discuss making a special once-a-year outing, like going to a nice restaurant. Traditions can also be super simple. For example, on Thanksgiving Day, you could volunteer at a soup kitchen to serve others. Also consider beginning new food traditions.

Get your relatives on board.

    4    . Think about who those people are in your family, whether it’s a parent, aunt, uncle, or grandparent. They can help you with creating the “guest list” for any special family gathering, picking a date and time, and planning a video call with loved ones who may live far away but still want to share in the fun.

Create a keepsake (纪念品).

Celebrating traditions is a great way to create family memories that last forever.     5     Then you can display one in a frame to remind your family all year long of the fun you had. You can also create a special DIY craft (工艺) or scrapbook. These visual reminders can strengthen the bond within the family.

A.Brainstorm new ideas.
B.Here’s how to get started.
C.Experience the joy of family gatherings.
D.Try to contact as many distant relatives as possible.
E.Consider taking photos while you’re spending time together.
F.Many families have members who love to organize and bring everyone together.
G.Ask older adults in your family what traditions they remember participating in as children.
2024-01-28更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省永州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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