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阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Every day, as I took long walks through North Vancouver, I would think about the potential joys of a physically closer network. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone who could join me at a moment’s notice? How good would it be to have more non-scheduled hangs instead of ones that had to be planned weeks in advance?

This doesn’t have to be just a dream. Although technology is making it easier to maintain long-distance connections, nothing can replace seeing friends in person. Researchers have found that happiness spreads “like an emotional contagion (传染)”, especially among those who live close together.

Friends who live in the same city could decide to move within walking distance of one another — the same neighborhood, block, or even apartment building. Doing so would likely involve a lot of effort, but the resulting community could pay emotional dividends for years. Doing so would make it easier to support one another materially and emotionally.

Moving close to your friends requires some masterminding. Cities can make doing so easier by ending single-family zoning codes and encouraging a variety of housing types in neighborhoods. But even without official policies, people can make it work on their own. Sam Unger, 32, a food scientist and a friend of mine, has created a chosen family like this in Montreal, where about 15 of her friends live within walking distance of one another. When someone moves away, they try to transfer (移交) their lease (租约) to other friends. And when pals based elsewhere in the city are looking to move, Unger will try selling them on the positives of her neighborhood and sometimes even look for housing for them. “It’s funny,” she told me. “The other day, I bought a fire extinguisher, and she’s like, ‘Oh, well, I have one. You could just call me if you had a fire, and I’d be right over with it.’”

1. What kind of lifestyle does the author prefer?
2. What does the underlined word “dividends” in paragraph 3 most probably mean?
3. Why does the author mention Sam Unger?
A.To tell Sam Unger has a talent in business.
B.To prove people can move closer on their own.
C.To show how important the official policies are.
D.To suggest how one can get on well with others.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Live Closer to Your Friends
B.The Internet Brings People Closer
C.A Way to Maintain Relationships
D.Technology Harms Friendships
2024-02-17更新 | 100次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省洛阳市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Active listening is a communication skill that involves going beyond simply hearing the words that another person speaks but also seeking to understand the meaning and intention behind them. The word “active” implies that you are taking some type of action when listening to others.


Be fully present

Active listening requires being fully present in the conversation. It enables you to concentrate on what is being said. Being present involves listening with all your senses and giving your full attention to the speaker. To use this active listening technique effectively, put away your cell phone, ignore distractions, and shut down your internal dialogue.     2     And let everything else slip away.

Pay attention to non-verbal cues (非言语暗示)

As much as 65% of a person’s communication is unspoken,     3    . This involves not folding your arms, smiling while listening, leaning in, and nodding at key points. It can also be helpful to pay attention to your facial expressions when active listening so that you don’t convey any type of negative response.

Keep good eye contact

When engaged in active listening, making eye contact is especially important. This tells the other person that you are present and listening to what he or she says.     4     At the same time, you don’t want to use so much eye contact that the conversation feels strange. To keep this from happening, follow the 50/70 rule. This involves maintaining eye contact for 50% to 70% of the time spent listening, holding the contact for four to five seconds before briefly looking away.

Be patient

Patience is an important active listening technique because it allows the other person to speak without interruption. Being patient involves not trying to fill periods of silence with your own thoughts or stories. This also requires listening to understand, not to respond.     5     Also, don’t change the subject too abruptly as this conveys boredom and impatience.

A.Don’t prepare a reply while listening.
B.It also shows that you aren’t distracted.
C.This isn’t helpful during active listening.
D.So use open, non-threatening body language.
E.Don’t focus too much on insignificant details.
F.Place your focus on your conversation partner.
G.This involves using certain strategies or techniques.
2024-02-13更新 | 129次组卷 | 5卷引用:考题猜想04 阅读七选五常考必刷15篇 - 2023-2024学年高一英语下学期期末考点大串讲(人教版2019)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We’ve all been there—you’ve sent a message and it’s marked “read”, but you haven’t heard anything back. What’s the deal? While being left on read (已读不回) can be confusing, it’s also pretty common.     1     Here are a few tips.

Expect the best. Remind yourself that the person is probably just busy. Ask yourself if you actually know their schedule. There could be some time commitments you aren’t aware of. Here are a few other reasons for a delayed response.     2     They put their phone away to focus on work or school. They accidentally forgot to reply. Maybe they thought about what they wanted to say but didn’t actually text it.

Resist the temptation (诱惑) to double-text.     3     If you send a lot of follow-up texts, it’ll be hard for them to keep up and they might get stressed. Leave them with just one text to catch up on—the other person will probably appreciate your patience.

Read over your previous messages. See if there are any confusing texts that you need to clarify. It’s okay if you review your message again and notice that it might have been a little unclear—it happens!    4    

    5     Keep it out of sight and get some peace of mind. Don’t let it upset or confuse you. If you get your mind off any notifications, you’ll be able to brainstorm new ways to spend your time.

A.Put your phone away.
B.Fix your attention closely on text responses.
C.Give them a little space so they have a chance to reply.
D.They want to give you a longer response but can’t right now.
E.Ask yourself why being left on “read” frustrates or confuses you.
F.You can keep the situation from bothering you until you hear back.
G.You might feel relieved when you find something that is easy to misread.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Making friends as an adult can be tough, but it isn’t impossible.     1    

According to psychologist and friendship expert Dr Marisa G Franco, there is a necessary element for starting a friendship: continuous unplanned interactions (being in the same place and the same time, again and again). When we’re younger and at school or university, this is much easier as we’re automatically placed within a wide network of people who are all going through the same thing.     2     Unless we make the effort to put ourselves in situations where we’ll be among others, we probably won’t meet anyone new. So, your first step should be going to places where you can meet people.

    3     You also have to make the effort to engage with them. Introduce yourself and try to strike up a conversation.     4     This is fine: just keep at it until you find someone that you click with. Interestingly, a study by Cornell University found that most people underestimate how much people like them when they meet new people. So even if you feel a bit awkward, chances are that other people won’t see you in this way.

Once you’ve built up a friendly connection with someone, you need to give that relationship time to develop. Keep showing up and be intentional about the effort you put in with that person, while having enough confidence in the relationship to not be too demanding of them.     5    

A.Friends, like books, should be few but good.
B.Sometimes it will go well, sometimes it won’t.
C.But as we get older, we have less time to just hang out.
D.It’s not enough to just be in the room with these folks, though.
E.Nevertheless, making friends with right people is full of benefits.
F.Unfortunately, though, there’s no way around the time and effort it takes.
G.Over time, your shared experiences will bring the two of you closer together.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Active Listening: A Key Skill for Effective Communication

Active listening is a communication skill that goes beyond simply hearing words and involves fully taking part and understanding the speaker’s message. Importantly, it is a significant part in effective communication.     1     Here are some strategies to improve your active listening skills.

Give full attention to the speaker. Active listening requires being fully present in the conversation, observing the speaker’s body language, and facial expressions to avoid negative responses. It also requires listening to the speaker with all your senses, including sight, sound and so on.     2     For example, when you are chatting, put away your cellphones or stay away from a funny TV show.

Maintain good eye contact with the conversation partner. When taking part in active listening, making eye contact is especially important.     3     However, if we fix our eyes on your conversation partners all the time, it will make them embarrassed, which will probably end the conversation. To avoid it, follow the 50/70 rule, which means keeping eye contact for 50% to 70% of the time spent listening, holding contact for four to five seconds before looking away.

    4     Active listening involves asking follow-up questions, or summarizing the main points to show that we have paid attention. Additionally, reflecting on their words and offering proper responses can help create a productive dialogue. Responding should be supportive and respectful, allowing for further discussion and deeper understanding.

By actively listening, we can create stronger connections, and promote trust and respect in our relationships. Remember, active listening goes beyond simply hearing.     5    

A.Respond properly to the speaker.
B.Reflect on the responses of the speaker.
C.It focuses on the way you answer the speaker.
D.It shows that you are truly interested in what they say.
E.The fact, however, is that many people often fail in active listening.
F.It also involves improving communication quality and connecting with others.
G.To use this technique effectively, we’d better not do other things at the same time.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Trust is the basic of any relationship in both a professional and a personal capacity (能力). Here are some ways to build trust and be trustworthy.

Be always honest. Honesty is a quality that must be developed fully if you desire to build trust with others. Half-truths and white lies result in disasters.     1    

Communicate effectively. Poor communication is one of the main reasons why trust is unable to be developed in any environment.     2     It can cause disagreements and the breaking of trust. If you want to avoid any issues, it’s important to communicate openly and freely with other involved parties in the beginning.

    3     Promises are not meant to be broken. Once you make a promise, it’s as binding (必须遵守的) as legal papers. It’s important that you honor your commitments if you’re interested in building trust.

Do not be too quick in making decisions. There is no need to take too much pressure if you’re faced with a tough situation.     4     If the other part asks you to make a commitment immediately and you have reservations about it, you can refuse the task and say no in the beginning.

Take the necessary time.     5     It’s an ongoing process that needs time to take root and develop effectively. Steady progress is possible only if it’s a regular activity; therefore, prepare to take small steps if you are looking for ways to build trust. Focus on the desired result and do not expect results in the beginning.

A.Keep your word.
B.Don’t take everything for sure.
C.Trust can’t be built in a short time.
D.Therefore, avoid them if you are trying to build trust.
E.The failure to explain your stand may cause unpleasant results.
F.You’d better take the time to consider your way from every aspect.
G.Make sure you are paying attention to old and new relationships equally.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Have you ever argued with a friend, and said or done something you regretted? Sometimes it can be hard to put things right, especially when feelings have been hurt. Knowing how to apologise can help you become friends again and to understand why you fell out in the first place.

We argue for all kinds of reasons. You might think your football team is fantastic but your friend disagrees; or maybe your sister is being really annoying. Sometimes, especially if you’re angry, things can spiral out of control and you’ll say or do something you regret. Arguing and disagreeing with others occasionally is normal — we all do it — but it’s important to resolve your differences afterwards so bad feelings don’t get worse. This is where an apology can help.

We all make mistakes, and apologising is a way of admitting we’ve got something wrong and will try not to do it again. Dr. Jennifer Thomas, a psychologist and author, believes an apology needs to show the other person that we’re genuinely (真诚地) sorry, we accept responsibility for our actions and we want their forgiveness.

Sometimes another person may pressure you into taking the blame when it’s not your fault. If you feel this is happening, try talking about why you argued in the first place and explain how it made you feel. If you still can’t agree, you could ask a parent or teacher to help you resolve the problem.

Sorry on its own might not always be enough, so try to ask the other person how they felt while you were arguing. Explain your side too, and make it clear you’ll try not to repeat the same mistake again. A genuine apology isn’t a magic wand (魔杖); it may take some time for someone to understand and forgive. Even after you’ve said sorry, you could still feel bad but you can feel good about trying to fix things and promising yourself to do better next time.

1. Why is it important to resolve differences after an argument?
A.To ensure that bad feelings worsen over time.B.To maintain relationship and prevent damage.
C.To avoid taking responsibility for one’s action.D.To establish leading power over one’s friends.
2. What does the underlined word “spiral” mean in paragraph 2?
3. Which of the following situation can happen after a genuine apology?
A.Both parties will forget the argument.B.Forgiveness could take quite a while.
C.The person apologizing can calm down.D.Relationships will improve immediately.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Power of ApologiesB.The Causes of Arguments
C.The Significance of ForgivenessD.The Benefits of Communication
2024-01-22更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市宝安区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末调研测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . So many things can keep you from seeing your loved ones in person, from busy schedules to long distances to a rather unexpected COVID-19 virus. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, the people we miss are often only a phone call or text message away. But if you’re someone who prefers to type out messages, you may want to reconsider. A new study, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, found that communication that included voice, like a phone call or video chat, created stronger social relationships than communication through typing, like text messaging or email.

In the study, researchers used various experiments to measure relationships. In one, they asked 200 people what it would be like to reconnect with an old friend by email or by phone and then asked them to do one or the other. Although people anticipated that a phone call would be more awkward, hearing someone’s voice actually made the experience better.

“People reported they did form a stronger relationship with their old friend on the phone compared with email, and they did not feel more awkward,” said Amit Kumar, an assistant professor of marketing at the McCombs School of Business.

In another experiment, the researchers had strangers connected by either texting, talking over video chat, or talking using only audio. They found that both forms of voice communication—whether video or audio only — made the strangers feel significantly more connected than when they communicated by text.

Sabrina Romanoff, a Harvard psychologist, says, “People tend to text or email instead of calling because of convenience, as they see it as a controlled form of communication where they can communicate information exactly in the way they want without unexpected additions by the other person.”

Romanoff says that in reality, texting can make it hard to determine the true meaning behind a conversation. “A phone call is actually more convenient when considering the net effects of the message,” she explains. “Each party is more present, and therefore, able to understand the meaning behind the content without thinking about the endless possible meanings behind words.”

1. How did the researchers carry out the study?
A.By comparing.B.By reasoning.C.By imagining.D.By discussing.
2. What does the underlined word “anticipated” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. People prefer to text rather than call because they think ________.
A.texting makes them feel more connected
B.they feel awkward when making a phone call
C.texting helps communicate their information exactly
D.calling helps determine the true meaning behind the conversation
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Texting does harm to social relationships.
B.Voice communication brings people closer.
C.A phone call does more good than a text message.
D.People prefer a text message rather than a phone call.
2024-01-21更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省衡阳市耒阳市正源学校2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 语法填空

We all know that honesty is     1    important value and     2    lying is wrong. But sometimes we tell some “white lies”    3    (protect) others from the truth.

There are three main reasons     4    we tell a white lie. First, we try to make others feel better, so we protect ourselves from the     5    (disappoint) and anger of others. Another reason for     6    (tell) a white lie is to give encouragement. For example, when our friend asks us what we think of his singing, we surely say it’s wonderful, despite     7     (secret) thinking that it’s awful. Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps our friend wants some frank     8    (comment). Finally, we may also tell a white lie when we want to protect others from bad news.

We may find even white lies have     9     (expect) results. Perhaps the meal we said was “delicious ”     10     (serve) every time we visit. Or when we only share good news, others won’t truly understand our emotions.

2024-04-06更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit1-Unit3 课文语法填空练习-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1. What is the woman?
A.She is a trainer.B.She is a leader.C.She is a hostess.
2. How can people win others’ trust?
A.By keeping a promise.B.By looking for truth.C.By making fewer mistakes.
3. Which is the main reason why relationships break down?
A.Expecting too much.B.Taking small steps.C.Communicating poorly.
4. What does Paul Smith suggest people do at last?
A.Build deep friendships.
B.Take relationships seriously.
C.Put a high value on feelings.
2024-03-29更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中学业质量监测考试英语试题
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