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1 . What will man be like in the future—in 5000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make guesses, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today, for man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.

Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man's eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.

Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.

1. The change in man's size of forehead will probably be because _____.
A.he makes use only 20% of the brain's capacity
B.his brain has grown larger over the past centuries
C.the other 80% of his brain will grow in due time
D.he will use his brain more and more as time goes on
2. What will be true about a human being in the future ?
A.He will be hairless because hair is no longer useful.
B.He will have smaller eyes and will wear better glasses.
C.His fingers will grow weaker because he won't have to make use of them.
D.He will think and feel in a different way.
3. It is implied that _____.
A.human beings will become less attractive in the future
B.less use of a bodily organ may lead to its degeneration
C.human beings hope for a change in the future life
D.future life is always predictable
2020-12-02更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市诸暨中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中英语试题

2 . The world has many beautiful sounds. we can hear the songs of birds and laugh of people. We can listen to cool music and news reports. And all this is due to(归功于) our ears! They bring us a world of sounds.

But some people can’t hear any sound at all. Some are born deaf. Others can hear well in their childhood, but too many loud sounds hurt their ears later on.

In China, 6 children out of 1000 have hearing problems when they are born. They can not hear ordinary sounds clearly. Children who have hearing problems usually also have learning problems at school.

A lot of things can cause hearing problems. For example, too much earwax is not good for our hearing and noise louder than 85 decibels(分贝) can hurt our ears and make us lose our hearing for a short time or even forever.

Hearing is a problem for all of us. So we should do our best to give our ears special care. Don't forget the following:

Try to stay away from places with too much noise. If you have to go, wear earplugs(耳塞). A pair of earplugs can cut the noise by 30 decibels. When swimming, remember to put earplugs into your ears to stop water from getting in. Never put anything sharp into your ears. If you think you have too much earwax, ask your parents to help you clean it out.

Keep these things in mind! Then you won’t ask “WHAT?” when you are older.

1. In the first paragraph, the writer wants to       .
A.tell us many beautiful sounds.B.describe the sounds.
C.teach us how to use ears.D.show the importance of ears
2. The word earwax means        in Chinese.
3. Hearing problems may be caused by       .
A.a little earwaxB.learning problems at school
C.noise louder than 85 decibelsD.earplugs that can only cut noise by 15 decibels
4. Which of the following is not mentioned(提到) in the passage?
A.Hearing problems caused by diseases(疾病).B.People with hearing problems.
C.Ways to protect our ears.D.Danger of loud noise
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

About 12 million Americans over 40 have some form of vision impairment (视力障碍).     1     So make sure they have the support they need. Learn how to care for your eye health and keep potential problems in control. So what can you do to keep yours eyes healthy?

    2     Eye problems aren’t always obvious, so seeing an eye-doctor for a full eye exam is a good idea. This type of exam can check for eye diseases while they’re still in early period and earlier to treat.

● Protect your eyes. Slip on UV-blocking sunglasses when you’re outside, even if it’s cloudy out. And wear safety glasses or goggles when doing home repairs or playing sports.

● Give your eyes a break.     3     We don’t know how blue light influences vision over time, but in the short term, all those screens can cause eye stress and dry eyes. Take regular screen breaks, and talk to your eye doctor if your dry eye lasts for a long period of time.

● Choose a healthy diet. Increase eye health with fruits and vegetables high in vitamins A, C, and E, like sweet potatoes, oranges, pines, and more. Cold-water fish containing omega-3 fatty acids can help protect eyes.     4    

● Take care of your contact (隐形眼镜). Follow your doctor’s instructions for contact care and only use contact solution to store and clean them.     5     Turn to Health Grades to connect with the right eye-doctor to check and treat any eye disease.

A.Get a full eye exam.
B.Choose the proper eye-doctor.
C.Your eyes work hard for you every day.
D.Also beans are nice food to keep your eyes fit.
E.You’d better do eye exercises at least twice a day.
F.Mistreating your contacts can cause eye pain, and even vision loss.
G.The common adult spends about 11 hours staring at screens every day.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . When I was 3 years old, I was found to be deaf in my left ear and have a small problem in my right. Being hard of hearing has been difficult, but I've never lived in a state of self-hating sorrow.

Imagine being able to shut out all sounds as you lay your head down to sleep by simply rolling over onto one side. That's my reality when I sleep on my "good ear", and it even makes me feel like a superhero sometimes

People call my deaf side my "bad ear", but when I wear my hearing aid, I have access to a range of features that some other deaf people don't

In cinemas, for example, with one click of a button I can enjoy a whole film as though it were whispered to me from the mouths of the actors.

Having a hearing aid hasn't always felt good, however.

On the first day I got my aid, when I was 8, I took it to school for show-and-tell. As I explained how it worked to my classmates, a boy yelled out, "Aren't those for old men?"

At that moment, I felt different. It took a long time for me to get over that sense of being so unlike my peers.

But it's not just those kids who can make us deaf and hard-of-hearing people feel like burdens.

Every video on social media that lacks subtitles, for example, means an entire community of deaf people is unable to enjoy it.

Completely deaf people are excluded from enjoying many movies too, as subtitles in cinemas are almost impossible to find.

And with hearing aids costing around $2,500 each, it can be hard for many people to afford to be able to listen to the things that others take for granted.

As for me, I can listen to music, enjoy films, and catch conversations—I'm lucky.

I'm deaf, but I can still hear everything. I've been blessed with wonderful life experiences.

1. Deaf people may have the following burdens EXCEPT___________.
A.being unable to afford hearing aidsB.being unable to enjoy videos without subtitles
C.being embarrassed in front of their peersD.being blessed with wonderful experiences
2. What does the underline phrase "are excluded from" probably mean?
A.are prevented fromB.are limited to
C.are separated fromD.are reduced to
3. What is the author's attitude toward his hearing difficulty?
A.It was a tough reality and caused him a lot of trouble
B.It was a time of great sorrow and made him feel sad.
C.It gave him a chance to experience something special.
D.It helped him to live in his own world without sound.
2020-11-27更新 | 97次组卷 | 3卷引用:【浙江新东方】高二英语248

5 . Losing a baby tooth can be fun for a kid. You can put it under your pillow and look forward to finding some money there in the morning. And then you can watch your new permanent(永恒的)tooth grow in its place.

But if a permanent tooth falls out, that's a problem. There isn't another one under the gum(齿龈)that can replace it. Unfortunately, this happens to some older people. And if permanent teeth fall out or need to be pulled, an older person might need dentures.

Dentures,known as false teeth, are a set of replacement teeth for any teeth that are missing.

There are partial dentures, which take the place of only a few teeth and prevent the others from changing position. If all the teeth are gone, the person would need complete dentures,which replace every tooth in the mouth.

Dentures can cause pains at first but take little time to get used to.They also need special care. They should be brushed daily with a special denture brush and cleanser and soaked(浸泡) in denture solution when not in the mouth.

Dentures are important for the old because, without teeth, it's hard to smile, talk, and eat properly. But it can be a little weird if you see someone take out his or her dentures. It can also be strange to see someone, like a grandparent, without dentures in because he or she won't have any teeth. Try not to make fun of the person because this could cause hurt feelings.

People usually lose their permanent teeth due to periodontal disease (牙周炎), or gum disease, which is caused by bacteria that attack the gums. Diseased gums aren't strong and healthy, so teeth can get loose and fall out. Older people often have many cavities (洞) that have been filled over the years, and these fillings can weaken over time, leading to more tooth problems.

1. If one of your baby teeth falls out, you_______
A.should have a false tooth fixed in its place
B.will gain a permanent tooth in future.
C.have to put it under your pillow at once
D.can exchange it for some money
2. A person wearing dentures_________
A.will experience unpleasant feelings at the beginning
B.will spend a very long time adjusting himself or herself to them
C.should brush them with a special denture brush every few days
D.should use denture solution to soak them in his or her mouth
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Partial dentures can prevent the remaining teeth from changing position.
B.Old people will find it hard to smile, talk, and eat properly without teeth.
C.A person's teeth will possibly get loose if diseases strike his gums.
D.It is hard for a person to wear dentures if all his teeth have fallen out.
4. What does the underlined word "weird" mean in the fifth paragraph?
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . We all have experienced cold hands when we’re exposed to cold weather conditions. This is absolutely normal. It happens as the body tries to adjust its temperature. The warmth of the hands is restored naturally once you move indoors.     1    

The natural system of the body enables us to keep the hands, feet and other vital organs warm with the help of constant supply of blood throughout the body.     2     In such a case, you’ll experience cold hands. The smaller arteries of the body that are present in the fingers contract abnormally when there’s mild drop in temperature or even after touching a cold object. As a result, the blood flow to the hands gets affected and they become cold.

    3     When you’re under too much stress, the nervous system reacts to the stress by narrowing down the blood vessels present in the extreme ends of the body. So mental stress also can lead to cold hands.

If you always have cold hands, you shouldn’t ignore the problem.     4     In the cold weather condition, be dressed in warm gloves. Proper stress management is necessary to restore the normal blood flow to all parts of the body.     5     If you suffer from frostbitten fingers, keep them clean and dry all the time, and avoid rubbing or pressing them.

A.It can be treated with a healthy lifestyle.
B.It can be identified with the change in the skin color.
C.What can result in cold hands from the aspect of psychology?
D.If it’s serious, then it has to be treated with suitable medicines.
E.However, if it continues all the time, then it’s a matter of concern.
F.Sometimes, for some reasons, the normal blood flow to the hands is restricted.
G.Wearing tight clothing, particularly in the upper part of the body, needs to be avoided.
2020-11-11更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市梁平区2021届高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Giving Your Eyes Regular Rests

Imagine such a scene: during the summer vacation, many of us prefer to spend most of our day starting at computer screens. Reading this article means there may be a chance you're looking at one right now.

    1     Brisbane optometry professor Nathan Efron does not consider computer screens "harmful" to our eyes.

But he admits if you use one a lot, you increase your risk of becoming slightly more short-sighted——where your eyes focus well only on close objects while more distant objects appear vague.     2    

In the shorter term, long viewing of a computer screen can make any slight existing vision problems more noticeable.     3    —eye strain, headaches, gritty eyes and blurry vision. But this is only temporary and can be reduced by:

Adjusting the screen display so the contrast is high and the brightness feels comfortable.


Giving your eyes regular rests from looking at the screen .The Optometrists Association of Australia recommends you do this for five to ten minutes every one to two hours of computer use.     5    

A.Protecting eyesight by having foods rich in vitamin C.
B.Does looking at a computer screen damage your eyes?
C.It's a good time to make phone calls or do other tasks.
D.Having lighting that does not produce glare on the screen.
E.A well-balanced diet also helps you stay at a healthy weight.
F.This is especially the case for children, whose eyes are still developing.
G.It can also give you what is sometimes known as "computer vision symptom."
2020-11-03更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省枣庄市第八中学东校区2020-2021学年高二上学期第二次质量检测(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . As the most popular sport in the world, soccer is played by people of all ages. The sport is enjoyed by 265million players, including both professional and amateur athletes. While soccer players are known for their skilled footwork, they also use their head. This technique is called heading.     1    Is heading in soccer dangerous? It’s a question that has met its fair share of controversy.

If you’ve never played soccer, heading may look pretty dangerous to the poor brain.     2    Yes, there is a technique for meeting a flying ball with your head.

Dr. Frank Webbe, a former soccer referee and coach, says there is good reason to believe that with proper technique, a player’s risk of brain injury is low. The problem is that in a fast-paced game of soccer obstacles sometimes prevent a player from heading with good technique.    3    

Webbe and his colleagues tested soccer players in neurocognitive performance such as attention, concentration, and speed of thinking. They compared long-time soccer players to new players, as well as medium-to-frequent headers to less than medium headers. In addition, they tested people who had played soccer recently as well as people who hadn’t played in some time.

    4    As a group, frequent headers performed lower on cognition tests in the week after a game of frequent heading than medium headers did. Also, players with the highest lifetime estimates of heading scored lowest overall on these cognition tests.

The results convince Webbe that heading does indeed pose a threat to brain function.    5    

However, it’s also possible to slowly develop symptoms after repeated smaller injuries.

A.And that’s when problems are likely to arise.
B.It is when a player deliberately hits the ball with his head.
C.But the impact of heading presents a risk of head and brain injury.
D.A player hits the ball with his head to move it in a certain direction.
E.However, soccer players know that there is a proper way to head the ball.
F.Some injuries are severe enough to cause problems immediately or after a few seasons.
G.The results suggested that more frequent headers are at more risk of brain injury than less frequent headers.
2020-11-03更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省岳阳市平江县第一中学2020-2021学年高二上学期10月联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 .              Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word. fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks. use one word that best fits each blank.

The bell rings - lunchtime! You hurry down the noisy halls to the cafeteria. The unmistakable smell of hot pizza     1    (make) your mouth water. At last, you balance your plate of pizza and salad     2    you pay the cashier. You look around the cafeteria for your fiends. Then, you walk to the table. sit down, and begin to eat.

    3    (think) about how many parts of your body were involved in the simple act of getting and eating your lunch. Every minute of the day, whether you are eating. studying, walking, or even sleeping. your body is busily     4    work. Each part of the body has a specific job     5    -(do). And all the different parts of your body usually work together so smoothly     6    you don t even notice them.

This smooth functioning is due partly to the way in which the body     7    (organize). The levels of organization in the human body consist of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems.     8    (small) unit of organization is the cell. Finally the organ system is the largest unit of organization.

2020-11-03更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市建平中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp     1     you age, a study published Wednesday in the journal Neurology suggests.

Researchers from the University of Leipzig in Germany gathered more than 1, 000 retired workers who were over age 75 and had the volunteers’ memory and thinking skills     2    (assess)through a battery of tests. Then, for eight years, the scientists asked the same group to come back to the lab every 18 months     3    (take) the same sorts of tests.               

Those who     4    (hold) mentally stimulating, demanding jobs before retirement tended to do the best on the tests. And they tended to lose cognitive(认知) function     5     a much slower rate than those with the least mentally challenging jobs. The results held true even after the scientists accounted for the participants’ overall health status.

“This works just like physical exercise,” says Francisca Then, who led the study. “After a long run, you may feel like you’re in pain, you may feel tired. But it makes you fit. After a long day at work — sure, you will feel tired,     6    it can help your brain stay healthy. ” It’s not just corporate jobs, or even paid work    7    can help keep your brain fit, Then points out. A waiter’ s job, for example,     8    ( require) multitasking, teamwork and decision-making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work. And “running a family household requires high-level planning and coordinating(协调),” she says. “You       9     organize the activities of the children and take care of the bills and groceries.”

Of course, our brains can decline as we grow older for lots of reasons — including other environmental influences or genetic factors. Still, continuing to challenge     10    mentally and keeping your mind busy can only help.

2020-11-03更新 | 741次组卷 | 6卷引用:上海市闵行区七宝中学2021届高三上学期10月月考英语试题
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