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阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Smartwatches and fitness trackers (健身追踪器) have gained popularity recently. These tools can record your daily steps, heart rates, etc.     1    . If yes, it might be a sign that you’re addicted to your fitness tracker.

    2    . If you keep setting unrealistic daily goals that involve working out for too long, and if you begin to ignore friends and responsibilities to make time for your workout, then you’re most probably addicted to your fitness tracker.

It’s a struggle to overcome the addiction to fitness trackers.     3    . For example, the number in your smart watch showing how far you’ve come can give you a sense of achievement.

Of course, failing to meet your daily goal can be discouraging. You might focus on your shortcoming rather than your progress. Another problem is that you might find yourself paying too much attention to the step number rather than how your body feels.     4    .

Therefore, if you’re spending too much time looking at your smartwatch, limit your daily step count to a comfortable level.     5    . For example, concentrating on your hobbies or socializing with friends can be a great way to keep your mind on other things.

A.How can you tell whether you’re addicted to your fitness tracker?
B.Actually this addiction to step count can be risky, mentally and physically.
C.Don’t overuse your smartwatch.
D.However, do you find yourself checking your steps and heart rates too often?
E.After all, reaching a daily step count can be so appealing.
F.Besides, you can find other things to do that don’t involve checking your fitness tracker.
G.It doesn’t covey what you’re really feeling.
2024-03-04更新 | 200次组卷 | 32卷引用:湖南雅礼教育集团2020-2021学年下学期入学考试试卷高一英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . It is important to think about one’s health. Write an article calling for a healthy lifestyle.

Nowadays, many people have unhealthy lifestyles, often without realizing it. For example,


Living healthily is very important.


To improve our lifestyle,


Having a healthy lifestyle is not hard or expensive. Let’s make a change right now!

2024-01-08更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省张家界市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A recent survey has found that many people suffer from sleep problems. Some are     1     (able) to fall asleep, some wake up in the middle of the night, and others     2    (simple) do not get enough sleep. One of the reasons why people fail to get a good night’s sleep     3     (be) pressure from school or work. Noise pollution and light pollution in big cities may also contribute     4     sleep problems. In     5     short term, people with sleep problems often feel tired and have trouble concentrating. In the long term, they may be at increased risk of having a poor memory, being overweight and     6     (suffer) a heart attack. Sleep problems are especially dangerous for     7     (teenager). They are still growing and night is the time when     8     (they) bodies grow faster. Teenagers     9     do not sleep well may experience situations where body development slows down, and their health suffers.

So, if you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, it might be time     10     (make) some changes in your lifestyle.

2024-01-08更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省张家界市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Feed your mind

We have known about the link between what we eat and our physical health for a long time.     1    

The Mental Health Foundation produced a report called “Feeding Minds”. The report states that the brain is a physical part of our body that needs the correct food to work properly, just like the heart. The food should contain carbohydrates (碳水化合物), vitamins and fish oil.

There is also research that shows how a good diet can improve the behavior of children and their concentration. Daniel Brown is the head teacher of Barnet School.     2    

With regard to serious mental illnesses Jacka and Sanchez-Villegas say that eating fruit, vegetables and fish helps to prevent depression.     3     Some research also reveals that a healthy diet can prevent Alzheimer’s (a serious mental health problem for the elderly).

However, many medical professionals feel that the research by Jacka and Sanchez-Villegas is too early.     4     Dr John Powell, psychologist (心理学家), thinks that although many of his patients with depression have a poor diet, that is probably not the reason for their illness.

The research recommends that people eat particular food for particular mental health issues. To improve your memory, eat salmon and nuts. To improve your concentration, eat vegetables.     5     If depression is a problem, eat brown rice.

Overall, it seems clear that we need to eat healthy food for our mind. Although we do not fully understand the link between the two, we suggest that we choose this as an important topic for publicity.

A.We still need to test their findings.
B.If you have problems sleeping, eat nuts.
C.Is your usual diet healthy for both your mind and body?
D.But eating a lot of sugar makes depression more likely.
E.Try eating a good breakfast because that gives you a lot of energy for the day.
F.Recently, we have learned more about the link between our diet and our mind.
G.He says after his school stopped selling junk food, the students’ concentration levels increased.
2024-01-08更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省张家界市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Teenagers believe anything is possible if they study hard. But they often forget to think about healthy diets (饮食), enough sleep time and exercise. In fact, these things are really important for them to keep fit.

It is important for teenagers to get enough energy. Teenage girls need about 2,200 calories a day while boys need a bit more — doctors suggest 2,800 for teenage boys. 50% of their calories should come from healthy food — rice, vegetables and fruit. People often say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Teenagers also need to drink a lot of water, 6 to 8 glasses a day. Drinking enough water will improve their skin.

Teenagers usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night, but many Chinese teenagers do not get enough sleep. A report shows that without a good night’s sleep, teenagers seem to be weaker than they should be. Too much homework is not the only reason why teenagers stay up late. Some watch TV or play computer games late into the night. Teenagers should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, but they are able to work well in class.

Exercise is something that can help them. Experts suggest that teenagers should spend at least 30 minutes exercising a day, five times a week. They will feel relaxed when they exercise. It can even help them sleep better at night.

1. How many things are important for teenagers to keep fit?
2. Half of their calories should come from ______.
A.rice, vegetables and fruitB.rice, vegetables and meatC.rice, vegetables and water
3. The last paragraph (段) mainly talks about ______.
A.sleeping betterB.basic energyC.necessary exercise
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Boys need much more calories than girls.
B.Teenagers need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
C.Some clever students never study late.
5. The passage tells teenagers how to ______.
A.eat and drink wellB.study hardC.keep fit
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

We know that being a teenager is sometimes full of     1     (challenge). To help you along the journey to adulthood, we have designed TeenHealthWeb     2     has many articles about teenagers’ physical and mental health. You can look through these articles to find     3     (advise) on your problem. If it hasn’t been addressed, you can visit the “teen health” forum on our website instead. We can     4     (proud) say this forum is the heart of our website. Users     5     (encourage) to post their problems, and they will get useful tips from our health experts and other forum users. Before     6     (write) your post, however, you’d better take a look     7     other users’ posts first.     8     is likely that the matter has already been discussed on our forum. If your problem is a new one, write a post about it. Our health experts will be     9     (delight) to offer you help and tell you how     10     (improve) your situation.

2023-02-13更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省益阳市2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Becoming old may not be something that’s yet to cross your mind. But aging is going to defeat us one day, so it’s something we’d all like to control.

It would be great to have a long, healthy and happy life, and that’s why scientists are constantly seeking out what we need to do to achieve it. We all know that regular exercise is good for us. In recent years we’ve been told to aim to walk 10,000 steps a day to remain healthy. But the latest piece of research might make you happy if you’re someone who walks at a fast speed. That’s because the speed at which people walk in their 40s is a sign of how much their brains and their bodies are aging.

The BBC’s Philippa Roxby writes that tests on 1, 000 people found that slower walkers tended to show signs of “accelerated (加速的) aging”. Their lungs, teeth and immune systems were in worse shape than those walking faster. The study also found not only did slower walkers’ bodies age more quickly, their faces looked older and they had smaller brains. This might be seen as a wake-up call for people with a slower speed to work out. But it might be too late; researchers say they were able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-olds using the results of intelligence, language and sport skills tests from when they were aged three. They also suggest that even in early life, there are signs showing which people will have a healthier life.

So, what’s the point of knowing that a slower walking speed might mean a smaller brain? Researchers say measuring walking speed at a younger age and understanding what this might mean could be a way of testing treatments to slow human aging.

1. What does the latest research show?
A.The speed of walking is a sign of aging.
B.Regular exercise is good for our health.
C.Slower walkers tend to be younger.
D.Walking 10,000 steps a day is helpful.
2. How did the researchers get the result?
A.By carrying out surveys.
B.By searching information on the Internet.
C.By doing tests on some people.
D.By performing experiments in the lab.
3. What can we know about slower walkers according to paragraph 3?
A.Their teeth were in better shape.
B.Their faces looked younger.
C.They should try to exercise less.
D.They had smaller brains.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Forever Young.B.Slow walking and aging.
C.Slow Life.D.Walk slowly, Live happily.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . In a May 2020 study, researchers showed that a junk food diet can be particularly bad for teen brains because it does not contain the good fats needed to build healthy brain cells. The good news is that you can make food choices that support a healthy brain. “The brain is the most fat-rich organ we have,” notes Alexandra Richardson, an expert at the University of Oxford. “And where does it get its fats? From what we eat.”

But not all fats are the same. Our brains need a type known as omega-3 fats, which are found in fish and some oils and help build the membrane (膜状物) that surrounds brain cells, which need membranes to hold them together and to communicate well with each other.

In the study, Richardson and her team showed improved mental health in children who took omega-3 pills. The children who took part were between the ages of 5 and 12. All not only had problems with attention and impulsivity, but also struggled with reading and spelling. After taking omega-3 pills for three months, they showed improved attention and ability to control their impulsive behavior. Their reading and spelling scores also went up.

“Research shows exercise can be a good way to avoid damage from junk food,” notes Cassandra Lowe, who has studied kids’ brains and nutrition.

Two important things happen in the brain when we exercise. The first is that the brain’s reward system — the one that feels good when we do something we like — becomes less sensitive to food cues (食物诱惑).

Exercise also triggers the body to make a protein called BDNF, which helps brain cells grow and strengthens links between them.

“Processed and fried foods, such as store-bought baked goods and chips don’t have many of the nutrients our bodies and brains need,” Richardson says. Kids need to understand that they tend to be rich both in calories and in “mixture (混合物) of chemicals that do not support human health — physical or mental.”

1. What is the writing purpose of Paragraph 2?
A.To emphasize that fish belongs to foods that are low in fat.
B.To introduce the idea that the brain gets its fats from foods.
C.To explain the difference between the fats found in various foods.
D.To describe how certain types of fat promote brain function and health.
2. How does the author build understanding of the importance of omega-3?
A.By describing a study about the relationship between omega-3 fats and behavior.
B.By emphasizing that omega-3 fats help children form the habit of eating healthily.
C.By explaining that exercise can increase the body’s production of omega-3 fats.
D.By stressing omega-3 fats mainly promote good physical health in children.
3. What can we conclude from the passage?
A.People who exercise regularly tend to take a risk.
B.Regular exercise can reduce the effect of junk food.
C.Regular exercise can help people consume less junk food.
D.Junk food may damage the good fats that help build the membrane.
4. What is probably the attitude of Richardson toward processed foods?
2022-06-28更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Running is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. It’s a convenient activity that can be tailored to your lifestyle and goals. Plus, a regular running routine can reduce your risk for disease.

Some people like to run on an empty stomach. They often do this in the morning, after at least 6 to 8 hours of overnight fasting. It’s sometimes called “fasted running”.

When you haven’t eaten, your glycogen (糖原) levels are low. Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates. It’s what your body primarily uses for energy.

Fasted running is most known for its amazing effect on fat burn. The idea is that your body uses more fat as energy because your carbohydrate stores are low. The result is higher fat burn, or “oxidation (氧化)”.

In a small 2015 study of 10 male participants, exercise increased fat oxidation over 24 hours when the workout was done before breakfast.

The same scientists found similar results in a small 2017 study with nine female participants. According to the researchers, this is due to the body’s response to low carbohydrate levels. The lack of carbs stimulates genes that control fat oxidation.

If you’re trying to lose weight, fasted exercise may help control your energy intake. In a small 2016 study, 12 male participants who ran on an empty stomach consumed less energy over 24 hours.

Another small 2019 study with 12 male participants found that fasted exercise lowered energy intake over 24 hours. The scientists attributed this to the liver, which also stores glycogen.

Yet, running on an empty stomach may not be safe for everyone. It might even hold back your fitness goals.

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “fasting” in Paragraph 2?
A.Staying up late.B.Not eating anything.
C.Lying awake.D.Accelerating your pace.
2. What is the author’s attitude toward fasted running?
3. What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.Examples of athletes who practice fasted running.
B.Further research on the benefits of regular running.
C.Harmful effects of running on an empty stomach.
D.Other benefits that fasted running can bring about.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passage?
A.To present the research results concerning regular running.
B.To advise readers to run on an empty stomach every morning.
C.To raise readers’ awareness of the harmful effects of fasted running.
D.To inform the readers of the benefits and drawbacks of fasted running.
2022-02-12更新 | 127次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高三上学期12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Shape Up NYC is a free group fitness program with locations across the city. Sign up below to take fitness classes. Our fitness instructors know how to make fitness fun! You do not need to be a member of a recreation center in order to attend a class, though you must bring a lock and a government-issued ID for classes held indoors.

Total Body Fitness

Venue: Cardio Room (in Betsy Head Park), Manhattan

Time: 8:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Saturday

Total Body Fitness is a heart-pumping, high-intensity class using bodyweight exercises.

Hip House Dance

Venue: St. John’s Recreation Center, Brooklyn

Time: 7:00 p.m. — 8:30 p.m. Saturday

Hip-House is an upbeat dance workout that integrates Old School Hip-Hop with House music to improve cardio(有氧运动) fitness.

Walking Group

Venue: Crotona Park, Bronx

Time: 10:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. Sunday

This free walking program will help you move your body and connect with others in your community!

Zumba Fitness

Venue: Midland Beach Splash Plaza, Staten Island

Time: 7:30 p.m. — 9:30 p.m. Sunday

Zumba is a combination of Latin, International and popular music dance themes which provides a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system!

Shape Up NYC Service Changes

The program is currently offering both indoor and outdoor group fitness classes. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve put additional safety rules in place.

• Pre-registration is required; drop-in participants may attend outdoor classes if the class is not full.

• Class sizes are limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained.

• Proof of vaccination(接种疫苗) is required for indoor locations.

• Wash your hands frequently and stay home if you’re sick.

Programs may be rescheduled or cancelled due to weather, health, or safety concerns.

1. What is unique about Zumba Fitness?
A.It is available on weekend evening.B.It is an indoor event.
C.It combines different types of music.D.It allows one to experience foreign cultures.
2. If you intend to expand your network while doing exercise, you should sign up for _____________.
A.Total Body FitnessB.Hip-House DanceC.Walking GroupD.Zumba Fitness
3. Which one of the following is NOT required when one attends Shape Up NYC program inside a building?
A.An identification card.B.Records to prove one’s health.
C.Pre-registration fees.D.Avoiding close contact with others.
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