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| 共计 3 道试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word that you do not need.
A. efficiently       B. still       C. equally       D. balance       E. drag
F. angle       G. definitely       H. make       I. approach       J. position       K. allow

We need more men in our hospital, not as doctors, but as nurses. Over the last few years, I have found that having male nurses is a real bonus, and they     1     have a place in our hospital. There are several reasons for wanting male nurses here, not only because half the population in our country is male. Men are excellent carers and are     2     good at taking care of others. In fact, many men take good care of their children, wives, parents, sisters, brothers, and even their nieces and nephews.

Another reason that men can     3     great nurses is that in general, men are physically stronger than women. Male nurses can help     4     heavy objects, or if, for example, a patient cannot move from the waist down, male nurses can help move the patient into a comfortable     5    . Also, male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients     6     while they receive painful treatment, such as when bandages covering wounds are changed. Another advantage to having male nurses is that they see things from a different     7     from women and bring a male way of thinking to problem-solving. This allows the hospital to work more effectively than if we only     8     problems one way. Having a mix of male and female nurses also helps create a fun atmosphere, which helps patients recover faster.

Currently, only 7% of our nursing staff are men; this number is far too low, and the problem requires correction. Having more male nurses will help create a positive     9     between male and female staff, and it will     10     patients the choice of a male or female carer. I am determined to take on more male nurses here at Central Hospital. I will be organizing an open day soon to allow interested young men to visit our hospital and find out more about nursing. Hopefully, we will have more male nurses in our hospital soon!

2023-07-10更新 | 11次组卷 | 2卷引用:选词填空变式题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
2 .
A.Eight weeks is not a problem for him.
B.All the specialists are fully booked.
C.The good specialist is worth the wait.
D.His back problem is not very serious.
2022-12-16更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届上海市杨浦区高三上学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-六选四 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), which means “Doctors Without Borders”, was established in 1971. It is now one of the world’s largest organizations that provide emergency medical relief. In 1999, it won the Nobel Peace Prize. Its aim is to help people who have suffered badly in wars or natural disasters, such as earthquakes or floods.

Each year, about 3,000 people are sent abroad to work in more than 60 different countries worldwide.     1     In most projects, there are about seven local members to every one of foreigner. Volunteers are paid about $1,400 each month and receive travel expenses. They usually work on a project for six months to a year. Many volunteers go on more than one mission.

One volunteer reports, “Working in politically sensitive areas with limited resources can be frustrating, but there is huge satisfaction in making even a small or temporary difference to people. What better recommendation than to say, “I’m about to leave on a third mission!”

    2     You have to be able to deal with stress, and you need to be able to work independently as well as in a team. You are not required to have medical qualifications. Besides medical expertise, MSF needs the skills of technical staff such as building engineers and food experts.

           3     “One of my biggest challenges was organizing a team to open a new hospital in a town that had had no medical care for three years,” one volunteer said. This volunteer said the project was a success because of the reduction of deaths and the fact that the local people were so thankful. Another volunteer says, “With MSF, I have had the chance to travel and test my skills to the limits both professionally and personally.     4    
A.In some countries, there are even more volunteer professionals than locally hired staff.
B.The rewards can be enormous.
C.MSF relies on volunteer professionals but also works closely with about 25,000 locally hired staff.
D.What do volunteers have in common?
E.What qualities and skills do you need to become a volunteer?
F.The reaction of volunteers returning from MSF speaks for itself.
2022-04-06更新 | 157次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2021届高三英语拓展测试12
共计 平均难度:一般