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1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Doctor Lin Qiaozhi is a famous woman in China. When she     1    (be) five, she was     2    (deep) affected by her mother’s death. Then she determined     3     (study) medicine,    4    her brother complained. Nothing could change her mind. Later she became the     5    (one) Chinese woman to be appointed     6    (direct) of the OB­GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. She thought as doctors they should be     7    (responsibility) for patients. Doctor Lin never    8    (marry), but she was known    9    the mother of ten thousand babies. She made great    10    (contribute) to the medical industry.

2023-07-19更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆喀什市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Amanda Scarpinati在社交媒体上寻找近40年前照顾过她的护士,结果她在24小时内找到了这位护士。

2 . A woman whose social media searching for a nurse who cared for her almost 40 years ago went viral this week has found the mystery woman—in only 24 hours.

Amanda Scarpinati has wondered all her life about a nurse who helped her in the Albany Medical Center in 1977. At three months old, Scarpinati caught a cold, so her parents put her on a couch near a hot steam humidifier. She was in the living room by herself and rolled off the couch and landed right on the humidifier. She remained there for a full minute, suffering third degree burns on her face and hands.

Scarpinati spent seven weeks in the hospital and went through many surgeries during her youth as a result. All through elementary school, she was picked on and laughed at because of it. But one person Scarpinati knows treated her with only loving care—a nurse at the burn unit, whose photo Scarpinati had seen for years. “There is a picture of us together in an annual report for Albany Medical Center from that year. I don’t know how our family got hold of it, but I’ve always had the report and I would stare at the picture and wonder who she was, ever since I was a kid. But I’ve never had a name to go with the face,” Scarpinati says.

Scarpinati says she tried to locate the nurse 20 years ago, but with no luck. “I went to Albany Medical Center and they did some research but weren’t really able to find anything,” she says. “I just wanted to thank her.”

Nurse’s work is important to Scarpinati, whose mother is also a nurse. “What they do is truly amazing. Most of the time it’s not the doctors who have the beside manner, it’s the nurses that comfort you. I remember as a kid having one surgery and my mother couldn’t be there but a nurse was,” Scarpinati says.

1. Why did Amanda Scarpinati stay in the Albany Medical Center?
A.Because she caught a bad cold.B.Because her parents didn’t raise her.
C.Because she was burned badly.D.Because she fixed the humidifier.
2. What happened to Scarpinati during her elementary school?
A.She spent seven weeks in the hospital every year.
B.She was made fun of by other students in her school.
C.She was well treated by one person with loving care.
D.She had no spend most of her time on the Internet.
3. What is Scarpinati’s clue for finding the nurse?
A.The picture on the medical center’s annual report.B.The telephone number the nurse gave her.
C.The living room they once lived together.D.The name of the nurse who cared for her.
4. What did Scarpinati’s words in the last paragraph mean?
A.Scarpinati’s mother is also a nurse.B.Being a doctor is wonderful.
C.Nurses should do much for patients.D.Nurse’s job is very important.
2023-06-27更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆乌鲁木齐第101中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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