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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Norma Newcombe被认为是英国年龄最大、服务时间最长的护士,文章主要介绍了她的职业生涯以及同事对她的评价。

1 . A woman thought to be Britain’s oldest and longest-serving nurse says she has no plans to hang upher scrubs (手术服) after 60 years of working for the NHS (英国国家医疗服务体系).

Norma Newcombe started her __________as a cadet (实习生) at a hospital for babies in August,1958. She has been a full-time school _________ at Wrightington,Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust since 1973.

Rabina Tindale,chief nurse at WWL said,“we are ________ proud to have Norma as part of the WWL team and access to her significant _________and wisdom. Norma’s commitment (奉献) to her ________ over so many years is astonishing, and we_______ her all the best as she continues to care for the school-age population in the Hindley area.

Modest Norma ________ herself as “a school nurse who just does her job ”. She said,“I’m proud to be where I am and I’m very passionate about the local area and everything ________ to Hindley and school nursing. I have no plans to _________ down. I’ll probably do school nursing until I die.”

Zoe Corday-Taylor, a school nurse at Hindley Town Hall, said she has been “________”to have worked with Norma for the last 11 years. Zoe said,“She ________a very special place in the hearts of the children and families that she has helped over the years. She never________ a face or name and is now_________ the grandchildren of the children that she used to look after. Norma is a very________ part of our school nursing A family and is loved by all of the team for her heart of gold and her ________ to the students.

A.coming acrossB.working withC.caring forD.picking up
2023-05-06更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济宁市育才中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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2 . Costa Rica’s jungles might seem an unlikely spot for a group of medics (医学工作者) to gather together. But struggling through this dense stretch of Central American wilderness, that’s exactly who you might encounter.

Trading medical instruments and lab-made medicines for rafts and snake venom, these medics come together under the guidance of World Extreme Medicine (WEM), an organisation training medical staff like nurses and doctors to work in the world’s most unstable and remote conditions.

Extreme medicine is a subdiscipline (分支) of medicine in which healthcare providers respond to crises in war zones, assist those left behind after humanity’s most horrific disasters, and conduct medicine not just on land, but also deep beneath the sea and even in outer space. While all medics need to think on their feet, Mark Hannaford, the founder of WEM, explains that for extreme medics, that need is heightened. Medics might treat a patient in the burning heat of a desert, on an ice-cold tundra(苔原), or stabilize a person at altitude or in the dark. Despite this, he says, “you don’t need to run a marathon with a backpack on every day to be an extreme medic. Physical fitness is not the challenge. The challenge is adequately preparing yourself for the environment you are going into.”

“You really have to take good self-care in these environments,” adds pre-hospital lead and extreme medicine trainer, Eoin Walker. In places like Costa Rica, he teaches medics skills in security, diet and wound closure etc.. But medics also learn to care for their own physical and mental health. “In the UK, we don’t have to remember to drink every hour, or clean and dry our feet, or look at our calorie content — but you do in that environment,” he says.

“People who live where disaster hits still have issues like diabetes, babies are still being born, people need medical treatment,” says Mark. And with more disasters set to strike, their needs will only increase. “Training extreme medics is becoming more important as we face environmental challenges like climate change,” he adds.

1. Costa Rica’s jungles in this text are where ______.
A.extreme medical service is offeredB.extreme medics create new medicine
C.the head office of WEM is locatedD.extreme medics do business with locals
2. What does the underlined phrase “that need” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Being physically healthy.B.Providing healthcare in crisis.
C.Responding wisely and quickly.D.Analyzing working environment.
3. What message does Eoin Walker want to convey?
A.It’s never too late to learn.B.Self-care cannot be stressed enough.
C.Prevention is better than cure.D.Healthy environment matters a lot.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To call on people to be extreme medics.
B.To introduce a new rising branch of medicine.
C.To recommend a medical training organization.
D.To show the growing demand of medics in remote areas.
2023-02-21更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省威海市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了Margaret Ann Bulkley为了实现自己成为医生的梦想,把自己装扮成一位男性从医的故事。

3 . Margaret Ann Bulkley was born around 1789, in Ireland. She had big dreams. “I want to be a doctor!” But two hundred years ago a girl couldn’t become a doctor. Her uncle, James Barry, was a great painter. And his friend General Miranda had a library with more than 6,000 books. Margaret loved reading there. Her intelligence impressed him. Years later, her uncle James Barry died, leaving her some money. It was enough to study to be a doctor.

“But a girl can’t become a doctor,” said Margaret sadly.

“Yes, you can!” said General Miranda. “All you have to do is to disguise as a boy.” Margaret really wanted to be a doctor. So she cut off her long hair, practiced speaking in a deep voice, and put on boy’s clothes. She also named herself James Barry.

From then on, Margaret Ann Bulkley disappeared. She became James Barry and entered Edinburgh University. He took 13 subjects and worked all through the summer when the other students went on holiday.

Barry graduated in 1812 and decided to join the British Army. In his life, Dr. James Barry travelled all over the world, helping to save many lives. Before retirement, Barry had risen to the second highest medical officer in the British Army. Barry improved the conditions for not only wounded soldiers but also the local people, and performed the first recorded successful caesarean section (剖宫产) in Africa. The secret Dr. James Barry kept for over fifty years was only known after his death in 1865.

1. Who played the most important role in Margaret’s becoming a doctor?
A.General Miranda.B.Her uncle James Barry.
C.A soldier in the British Army.D.A professor from Edinburgh University.
2. What does the underlined word disguise in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Change one’s clothes.B.Dress like a doctor.
C.Change one’s appearance.D.Dress like a gentleman.
3. Which was Dr. James Barry’s achievement in her job?
A.Becoming the highest officer in the British Army.
B.Graduating from the most famous medical university.
C.Improving medical conditions for the wounded soldiers.
D.Doing the world’s first recorded caesarean section successfully.
4. What was the secret Dr. James Barry kept for over fifty years?
A.James Barry left much money.B.Dr. James Barry was a woman.
C.Margaret died in her twenties.D.General Miranda helped Margaret a lot.
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4 . 假定你是红星中学高二学生李华。你校英语校刊《人物》专栏以“A Great Figure”为题征集英语短文。请你根据以下要求投稿。词数80左右。内容包括:

A Great Figure

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5 . In face of COVID-19, every medical worker is a hero. Sigrid Stokes, a nurse, is in no ________ to retire at age 76. She is too busy working to save lives during this ________ pandemic, just as her mother, Kristine Mueller, did more than a century ago. Her mother ________ those people stricken by flu pandemic in 1918. Now, Stokes is ________ to give vaccinations to health care workers ________ the coronavirus.

Among the many photos of her mother, Stokes has one that she displays ________ of her mother in her white ________ talking to child star Shirley Temple as both smiled broadly.It’s the same sense of ________ at helping people that Stokes brings to her own work.

“I give very good ________,” she says with a slight smile. She proves it when she ________ puts a needle into the arm of a health care worker who doesn’t even ________ it.

Stokes was working part-time when the coronavirus began to ________ the country last year. She was too old to ________ COVID-19 patients, but knew she could help with vaccinations. As she arrives at work each day, she wears her uniform and a necklace that her mother ________ each day when she was alive. “I wear them every time I come to work ________ I feel like my mom is with me.”

A.attended toB.ran intoC.relied onD.looked for
A.uniformB.coatC.skirtD.dress .
2021-08-04更新 | 123次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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