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1 . When Jenny Streete began caring for older people more than 50 years ago, prejudice was part of her everyday working life. Streete, who grew up in Jamaica and came to England in 1967, had a way of dealing with it: “Just put a smile on your face,” she says. “If you let bad words into your brain, it will only cause you more harm.”

The 81-year-old remembers one instance of abuse.

Streete says: “The sister who was managing the ward (病房) tried to calm a woman down. But I told the sister to let her say what she has to say. I don’t mind.”

The next night, Streete noticed the woman’s blanket had fallen off. She replaced it, telling the patient in a low voice exactly what she was doing and why. The same thing happened the next night, and the next. “But then, the night that I was off duty, that same woman asked the sister: ‘Where is that black lady? I don’t want anyone else to look after me while she is on duty. She was so kind.’”

Brought up by her grandparents, Streete found her vocation after a mystery illness that nearly killed her, and left her with permanently damaged vision. She got better, she says, because of “loving care and tenderness”. When she came to England, she was determined to give that care to others.

And Streete hopes to carry on caring for older people as long as possible — although, she says, her children are urging her to retire. She currently works two nights a week in an end-of-life ward which provides specialist nursing. Many of the people she looks after are now a similar age to her.

Her preference for night shifts hasn’t changed, either. She frequently stays on after her shift is finished, to spend time with residents.

She urges those considering a career in care to think hard about why they’re choosing it. “Sometimes, people are not happy because they don’t want to do the job — they have to do it, because there is no other way. Wanting to do it is very different from having to do it.”

But the key quality a care worker needs, she says, is patience, “Some people like to do everything quick-quick-quick, but you have to take your time with residents. I just try to treat everybody the way I would like to be treated.”

1. What do we know about Jenny Streete?
A.She never accepts others’ words.
B.She minded so much when abused.
C.She fell ill when she left Jamaica.
D.She has her own opinions about nursing.
2. What motivated Streete to choose her lifelong occupation?
A.Her love for England.B.The tender care she got.
C.Older people’s prejudice.D.Her grandparents’ encouragement.
3. What qualities does Streete possess as a nurse?
A.Serious and wise.B.Positive but stubborn.
C.Responsible and patient.D.Honest but indifferent.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Jenny Streete’s care for others in her whole life.
B.Jenny Streete’s advice on how to find a good job.
C.Jenny Streete’s experiences of fighting disease.
D.Jenny streete’s determination to remove prejudice.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了2006年,Calvin Lowe四岁的儿子泰勒需要做一次严重的手术,在他和妻子感到紧张和不安的时候,医生说会把他们的儿子当做自己的儿子,这安慰到了他们,缓解了当时紧张的情绪,Calvin Lowe十分感激。

2 . In 2006, Calvin Lowe’s four-year-old son Tyler needed to have a serious surgery. On the day of the _________, he and his wife brought Tyler to the children’s hospital.

As they waited _________ and nervously in the waiting room, a young doctor who would be performing the _________ came up and explained to Lowe and his wife how the operation would be _________. Lowe’s mind went blank. He just couldn’t help feeling _________, unable to bear what he would do if he lost his son.

But then the doctor did something _________. He looked both Lowe and his wife in the _________, put a hand on each of their shoulders and _________, “Today, your son is my son.” Lowe said he would never _________ what the doctor said because that made him __________. It was very helpful and meaningful.

After the surgery was over, the doctor came back to __________ the family. “He walked up to us and he had a big __________ on his face and he said, ‘Our son is just fine, and you can see him in a few minutes,’” Lowe __________.

All these years after his son’s surgery, Lowe says he is still __________ to have the doctor there and for what he said to them the minute he thinks about the young doctor’s __________.

A.cheer onB.make senseC.calm downD.speak up
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3 . Imagine this: Your tonsils (扁桃体) are so inflamed (发炎) that it’s hard to swallow. Every swallow is painful. The doctor has a solution: an operation. “Will the operation hurt?” you ask. “Not a chance,” the doctor says. That’s because a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, or CRNA, will be a part of the surgical team. It’s that person’s job to help manage the anesthesia (麻醉) that makes patients much less sensitive to pain during surgery.

Throughout history, there have been countless medical breakthroughs and discoveries. Perhaps none has been more significant than the use of anesthesia to deaden the pain of surgery. Some forms put people into a sleeplike state for a short time during routine medical procedures. General anesthesia causes patients to lose consciousness during major operations, such as hip replacements or open-heart surgery. A regional anesthesia numbs only a part of a patient’s body, although the person might be awake. Local anesthesia numbs a small area, such as around stitches (缝线).

Brett Hayes is a CRNA. “If you want an exciting career with direct, hands-on caring for people and saving lives, you won’t regret picking anesthesia as a career,” he says. “I can see anywhere from one to 15 patients per day, depending on the timing and difficulty of the surgery,” Hayes says. “I might finish the day in the obstetrical department, giving anesthesia to an expectant (怀孕的) mother about to deliver a baby,” he says. “Rarely are two days the same. If you choose the path to becoming a nurse anesthetist, know that it is long and difficult,” Hayes says. “It is, however, worth every minute you’ll put into it.”

Still, being a nurse anesthetist is much more than knowing which drugs to use or how to monitor them. “In order to be truly successful, you have to connect with people,” says Antoinette Padula, Hayes’s wife. Also a CRNA, she teaches at Columbia University, in New York City. “It means giving support and encouragement to patients and their loved ones during some of the most critical, often life-changing moments in their lives.”

1. What does the author want to show by imagining an illness case?
A.The need to cooperate in an operation.
B.The terrible worries of patients.
C.The patients’ pain in surgical procedures.
D.The important role of CRNA in the operation.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The types of anesthesia.
B.The different operations.
C.The procedures of doing anesthesia.
D.The various situations of patients.
3. What does Hayes think of his job?
4. What does Antoinette consider important to be a nurse anesthetist?
A.Informing patients of their life-changing moments.
B.Making patients get support from their loved ones.
C.Establishing good connection with patients actively.
D.Encouraging patients to be successful in their life.
2023-11-09更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市朝阳区长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Zhong Nanshan,     1     (know) as a national hero during the outbreak of COVID-19, was born     2     Jiangsu Province. When SARS broke out in China, he stayed in the hospital day and night     3     (treat) the patients. In 2020, with     4    Spring Festival approaching us, the pandemic of COVID-19     5     (become) more and more serious. People began     6    (worry) and found all masks in     7    (shop) sold out. At the critical time, Dr. Zhong     8    (immediate)went to Wuhan to help.

He was awarded one of the top ten people     9    moved China. He is never afraid of     10    (tell) the truth and is still working whole-heartedly fighting against the deadly virus, protecting you and us.

2021-05-18更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省吉林市江城中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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