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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。介绍了妇科病专家“万婴之母” Lin Qiaozhi的事迹。
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Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist     1     women’s disease, was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies” and delivered over 50,000 babies,     2     she didn’t have children of her own. It was her mother’s dying of uterine cancer(子宫癌) that aroused her dream of being a doctor. At her age, girls’ education     3    (place) second to boys’, but she finally managed to     4    (admit) to Peking Union Medical College and graduated with Wenhai scholarship. When studying abroad, she was invited to stay but she refused     5     offer without any hesitation. She devoted all her life to     6    (tend) her patients. Apart from     7    (diversity) medical papers, she even wrote brochures     8     she gave some simple rules of keeping babies clean, healthy and free from diseases and gave them to people in faraway villages for free. Though     9     (elect) to many important positions, she always focused on her     10    (responsible) as a doctor.

2022-09-07更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省吴兴高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述Andrea Dalzell如何投身医学领域以及最终成为一名优秀护士的经历。

2 . Growing up in New York, as the daughter of two first-generation immigrants from Guyaria, Andrea Dalzell was taught the values of hard work and determination. What her parents didn’t realize at the time was how much Andrea would come to need these values — and that they would eventually become her calling card.

It all began at age 5 when Andrea was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. The condition led her to the full-time wheelchair use by age 12. Having already had 33 major operations, Andrea decided to devote her life to finding a cure for the pain she had gone through by pursuing a career in the medical field. Originally, she studied to be a doctor, but it didn’t feel quite right. “I was much more interested in hands-on work and caring for people, just like what my nurses did throughout my life,” Andrea explained. “They took my mom’s place when she couldn’t be there, and they knew how to make me smile even when I felt like I was at rock bottom.”

So she decided to become the first nurse in a wheelchair that she had ever seen! She was accepted into CUNY College of Staten Island’s nursing program in 2016. But as a student, she started to encounter new concerns. “There was this weight of never being allowed to be a student,” Andrea said, “How would I be able to keep my wheelchair clean, hold this, wipe this, turn a patient, and carry a washbowl full of water? All of these things were running through my mind.” Still, Andrea knew better than to let any barriers stop her. She passed her courses with high marks, earning her degree, passing her boards, and officially becoming a registered nurse!

After graduation, Andrea worked as a nurse at the school. When COVID-19 hit, she responded to the government’s call for nurses. Since then, Andrea’s incredible nursing achievements have gotten some of the praise they deserve. In September 2020, she was named a co-winner of the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation’s Visionary Prize and was awarded $1 million. And this was only the beginning of her great career!

1. Why did Andrea eventually choose to be a nurse?
A.She took her parents’ advice.B.She failed to become a doctor.
C.She desired to look after others.D.She wanted to repay her doctor’s kindness.
2. What problem did Andrea have when she studied in CUNY College of Staten Island’s nursing program?
A.She had poor academic performance.B.She was not treated as a regular student.
C.She was too busy to concentrate on her study.D.She had difficulty in performing physical tasks.
3. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To introduce an outstanding female nurse.
B.To emphasize the importance of family values.
C.To encourage people to pursue a career in nursing.
D.To show Andrea’s achievements in the medical field.
2022-07-12更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省宁波市奉化区2021-2022学年高一下学期期末检测英语试题(含听力)

3 . A new exhibition celebrates the life of Florence Nightingale, an English woman whose ideas about cleanliness are vital to this day.

The exhibit can be seen at the Florence Nightingale Museum at St Thomas' Hospital in London. It marks the 200th anniversary(周年纪念) of Nightingale's birth. The exhibit tells the story of how she overcame difficulties to become the world's most famous nurse. The show recreates her bedroom and lets visitors hear a recording of her voice, and even smell the perfume she wore. Fiona Hibberts is a nursing consultant and works for the hospital's Nightingale Academy. She described Nightingale's work as "really, really significant" to future generations. "Obviously, she was a forceful leader," Hibberts said. "And we need clear, visible, strong leadership today and certainly in modern nursing."

The exhibition, called "Nightingale in 200 Objects, People & Places", will continue for a year. St Thomas' is one of a small number of hospitals in Britain with an area for the treatment of coronavirus patients. "The emphasis on good hygiene(卫生), fresh air, exercise, good food ... no matter how much we advance, those fundamental foundational principles of Florence are still very much the basis of modern nursing," Hibberts noted. She added, "It's the same old message: Wash your hands."

Nightingale became world famous after she and a small team of medical workers travelled to modern-day Istanbul during the Crimean War. It was fought mainly on the Crimean Peninsula in the middle of the 1850s. Nightingale helped treat British soldiers wounded in the fighting. In an unclean hospital, she witnessed thousands of soldiers die from infectious diseases. Their deaths led to her decision to try to improve conditions. The lamp she used when visiting patients at night, as well as the nurses' uniform she created, is on display at the exhibition. Yvonne Moores is Chair of the Florence Nightingale Foundation and Britain's former national Chief Nursing Officer. "If Florence Nightingale herself was here, she would be supporting all that is being said at the moment. She was absolutely into infection control and hand-washing, being very observant."

1. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Effective measures to fight against the spreading coronavirus.
B.An exhibition celebrating the life of Florence Nightingale.
C.An appeal to the British for frequent visits to the exhibition .
D.The difficulties Florence Nightingale overcame to be a nurse.
2. What are people most likely to learn about Nightingale from the exhibition?
A.Her argument against the war.B.Her attitudes to fame and fortune.
C.Her opinions about cleanliness.D.Her comments on modern nursing.
3. What is the real purpose of the new exhibition?
A.To reflect on the history of medicine.B.To inform us of how to stay healthy.
C.To display Nightingale's belongings.D.To remember Florence Nightingale.
2021-08-09更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省诸暨市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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4 . Eleven years had passed. I looked at her in ________ while she sat down on her hospital bed. She is still that lively and cheerful woman I knew. We are already far from that ________ and clumsy nurses we both were in this hospital eleven years ago.

“Do you still ________ the pulse oximeter (血氧计) story?” She asked me while we talked about working as new nurse trainees in this ________.

I thought of our first days of ________ more than a decade ago. We ran to and fro, pulling emergency carts and machines in ________ knees, checking blood glucose (血糖) and doing many tough jobs, ________ we felt fulfilled for being able to do the jobs all alone for the first time.

We both laughed while ________ the incident. She was ________ to a patient who was closely monitored whose vital signs were going down below the acceptable line. When asked about the percentage of oxygen saturation (氧饱和度), she gave the heartrate ________. Then everyone was running to the assigned room of the patient. False alarm.

I could still see her ________ in my mind as she was caught puzzled and ________. I could still see her pale lips as she ________. However, the medical team were all ________. No harsh words nor ________. A touching scene that maintained the dignity of the erring one. Something to draw courage and inspiration to ________ fast and be a better nurse each day.

We were just new to the ________ world of nursing care, and it was our first week. A portable pulse oximeter frequently brought up in college was something that really ________ us, perhaps because, it was never used in a certain hospital room.

“I saw people recovered gradually; I saw ________ here,” she said. We both got teary-eyed. Though I am always excited in here very new ________ and success, she is more excited to hear stories from me which make us cry.

2021-06-01更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:【浙江新东方】高中英语20210513-008
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Lullabies (摇篮曲) bring mom and kids together. As the COVID-19 pandemic began changing life globally, physical distancing    1     (particular) changed the way we connect. At present, nearly 70 percent of health workers worldwide    2     (make) up of women. Apart from looking after the patients, they also face the   challenge of how best to care for their own families. Among them is Elizabeth Streeter,     3     works as a nurse on the COVID-19 floor of her hospital in Massachusetts.

She made a difficult decision    4     (stay) away from her three boys in early April last year, to avoid exposing them    5     the virus. During the evenings, Elizabeth connected with her kids by phone and sang   their favorite lullabies while fighting through tears. For the young mother, ensuring her children’s    6     (safe) meant being physically present. However, so far, living away from her children    7     (become) her way of keeping them safe. “It looks entirely different than    8     I always thought protection looked like.” She said, “Anyway, lullabies work very well.”

These songs remind us that we are not alone in this seemingly    9     (end) fight against the disease, and in the dark of night, they seem to hold a promise on the other side    10     (await) the light of morning.

2021-04-29更新 | 34次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省之江教育评价2020-2021学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)
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