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| 共计 57 道试题
1 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack给你发电子邮件询问一些如何学习汉语的建议。请你给他回复一封邮件,内容要点如下:
2024-04-17更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省大同市浑源县第七中学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . How to Improve Your Written English

There are many different aspects of learning English such as listening, speaking and writing Many people think it is really difficult to improve their wring in English. Don’t worry, though.     1    

Increase your vocabulary.

To express yourself clearly. you need a good active vocabulary. It not just means being able to know lots of words but also means actually being able to use them correctly.     2    

Read widely and often.

People often say that we learn to write best by reading. Reading in English is useful in many ways. It is a great way to get an idea of the different writing styles. Reading shouldn’t be boring.

Choose books or articles that interest you.     3     Finally, use them in your writing.


Always check your writing twice. The first time. look for general mistakes and the second time look for mistakes with the grammar points you are studying at the moment.

Just do it.

    5     The best way to improve your writing is to get a pen and paper and write. Be prepared to write several versions of each text.

A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Double check your writing.
C.Then remember their beautiful words.
D.You’d better know their settings and characters.
E.The following tips might help you to improve it.
F.Use simpler language and shorter sentences to show your ideas.
G.Thus, it is wise to enlarge your vocabulary by using them in your writing.
书信写作-建议信 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 假定你是李华,你的英语朋友Peter来信向你询问如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点写一封回信。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
2023-11-03更新 | 128次组卷 | 34卷引用:山西省晋中市博雅培文实验学校2023-2024学年高一上学期第三次月考(11月)英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Four Best Online English Courses

Udemy: English for Beginners

This 77-hour course is among the bestselling courses. The design based on real need makes it easy to adapt to even the busiest schedules. It opens to students with no knowledge of the language. Learners will become good enough to speak clearly and confidently and understand the language well enough to follow movies and TV.

Price: $109

Time to complete: 20 weeks

Coursera: English for Career Development

Coursera is supported by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ office of English learning. Coursera teaches English for business skills like job searching, resumes and interviewing. Learners can start at any time.

Price: $100

Time to complete: 40 weeks

Alison: English for Career Development

This self-paced (自定进度的) course takes a unique approach to teaching business English. English language learners learn the basics of searching, applying, and interviewing for jobs in the United States. Though all parts of the course are free, certification costs $30 and is available only to those who receive 80 percent or higher on their assessments (认证).

Price: Free

Time to complete: Self-paced

Perfectly Spoken: English for Daily Use

This course helps non-locals with the kinds of English used on the street and on vacation. It covers common expressions, such as what to say when meeting and greeting people, and how to express feelings. The course includes the language used when traveling, ordering at a restaurant, and during the United Kingdom holidays.

Price: $90

Time to complete: 36 weeks

1. How much should learners pay for Udemy?
2. What do Coursera and Alison have in common?
A.They are free of charge.
B.They must be finished in 40 weeks.
C.They focus on business English.
D.They are suitable for pupils.
3. Which course attracts non-locals who want to learn daily English?
A.Perfectly Spoken.B.Coursera.C.Alison.D.Udemy.

5 . 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike作为交换生正在北京学习,他来信说感觉朋友少,很孤单,也感觉学习汉语很难。请你给他写封回信,内容包括:







Dear Mike,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble getting used to the school life in Beijing.


I hope everything goes well with you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Lauren Collins的自传When in French的相关内容。

6 . Are you a different person when you speak a foreign language? That’s just one of the questions The New Yorker’s writer and native North Carolinian Lauren Collins explores in her engaging autobiography, about her tough efforts to master French after marrying a Frenchman whose name — Olivier — she couldn’t even pronounce properly. When in French ranges from the humorously personal to a deeper look at various theories of language acquisition and linguistics.

The couple met in London “on more or less neutral ground: his continent, my language.” But the balance shifted when they moved to Geneva for Olivier’s work. The normally voluble Collins found herself at a loss — “nearly speechless.” The language barrier, and her dependence on her husband for simple things like buying the right cut of meat worsened her mixed feelings about “unlovely, but not ridiculous” Geneva. She comments, “Language, as much as land, is a place. To be cut off from it is to be, in a sense, homeless.”

Her sense of alienation (疏离感) leads to an examination of America’s miserable record when it comes to foreign languages: “Linguists call America ‘the graveyard of languages’ because of its singular ability to take in millions of immigrants and make their native languages die out in a few generations,” Collins writes. Educated in Wilmington, N.C., and at Princeton, she could — like the vast majority of Americans — only speak their mother tongue.

Eight months after she moved to Switzerland, Collins gave up on the natural acquisition of language and finally enrolls in a French course. As she struggles with grammar and vocabulary, Collins notes smartly that vert (green), verre (glass), ver (worm), vers (toward), and vair (squirrel) compose a quintuple homonym (同形异义). “Although it’s difficult, French can be tried,” she says.

Yet French is actually considered among the easiest languages for an English speaker to learn, especially compared to Arabic or Mandarin Chinese. Collins, whose notably rich English vocabulary includes glossolalia (nonsense speech) and shibboleth (catchword or slogan), finds plenty of terrific French words to love. She writes, “English is a trust fund, an unearned inheritance, but I've worked for every bit of French I've banked.”

Unlike Jhumpa Lahiri, who became so hooked on Italian and used it to write In Other Words, Collins’ goals for learning French were more modest: “I wanted to speak French and to sound like North Carolina.” She also wanted to be able to deal with chimney sweeps and butchers, communicate with her in-laws, and “to touch Olivier in his own language.” She admits that she feels different speaking French: “Its austerity (朴素) made me feel more confused.”

1. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “voluble” in Paragraph 2?
2. Why do linguists call America “the graveyard of languages”?
A.Because other languages are prohibited in America.
B.Because only English-speaking people can immigrate into America.
C.Because immigrants’ native languages contradict English in America.
D.Because American culture swallows up immigrants’ native languages gradually.
3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5?
A.Collins’ English vocabulary knowledge contributes little to her French learning.
B.Collins has found out some effective ways of mastering French words.
C.Arabic or Mandarin Chinese is easier to learn than French for English speakers.
D.It’s terrifying for Collins to have French words in store for practical use.
2023-07-25更新 | 249次组卷 | 5卷引用:山西省运城市景胜中学2023-2024学年高中学业水平考试英语试题
7 . 假如你是李华,你的外国朋友James想找一个人教他中文,请你写信推荐你的朋友王明。内容包括:
Dear James,


Li Hua

阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Become a Better English Student with These Study Tips

●Study every day.

Learning any new language is a time-consuming process, more than 300 hours by some estimates. Rather than try and cram (临时死记硬背) a few hours of review once or twice a week, most experts say short, regular study sessions are more effective.     1    

●Keep things fresh.

Instead of focusing on one single task for the entire study session, try mixing things up. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise, then perhaps read an article on the same topic. Don’t do too much.     2     The variety will keep you engaged and make studying more fun.

●Read, watch, and listen.

Reading English-language newspapers and books, listening to music, or watching TV can also help you improve your written and verbal comprehension skills. By doing so repeatedly, you’ll begin to unconsciously absorb things like pronunciation, speech patterns, accents, and grammar. Keep pen and paper handy and write down words you read or hear that are unfamiliar.     3     Use them the next time you are role- playing dialogues in class.


Even advanced students of English can struggle to learn prepositions (介词), which are used to describe duration, position, direction, and relationships between objects. There are literally dozens of prepositions in the English language (some of the most common include “of” “on” and “for”) and few hard rules for when to use them. Instead, experts say, the best way to learn prepositions is to memorize them and practise using them in sentences. Study lists such as this one are a good place to begin.

●Write it down.

Repetition is the key as you’re learning English, and writing exercises are a great way to practise. Take 30 minutes at the end of class or study to write down what happened during your day.     5     By making a habit of writing, you’ll find your reading and comprehension skills improve over time.

A.Practise your prepositions.
B.20 minutes on three different exercises is plenty.
C.There are a number of words in the English language.
D.Some words are spelled differently and have different meanings.
E.Then, do some research to learn what those new words mean.
F.It doesn’t matter whether you use a computer or pen and paper.
G.As little as 30 minutes a day can help you improve your English skills over time.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Do you want to find out how you can learn a new language quickly? There are really no secrets. You just need to be willing to work hard and not be afraid to make mistakes.     1    

Connect with a native speaker.

The best way to learn a new language is to speak it. Too often, people spend all of their time studying grammar and memorizing lists of words.     2     You’ll feel much more motivated about learning the language than staring at a book or computer screen.


People often have claimed to have studied a language “for five years” and still not be fluent. But when they say five years, they probably mean that they studied the language for only a couple of hours a week over that entire time period. Let’s get one thing clear: if you want to learn a new language successfully, you’re going to have to study the language every day.

Carry a dictionary at all times.

Carrying a dictionary with you will save you a lot of time.     4     It can be an actual, physical dictionary, or a dictionary app on your phone—you just need to be able to consult it quickly whenever you need a word.

Watch, listen, read and write in your chosen language.

Possibly the easiest thing you can do is watch television shows or movies in the language you are trying to learn. You should also attempt to read and write in your new language. Besides, download podcasts (播客) or tunes in to radio stations in your new language.     5     You can try to repeat or retell a sentence, a paragraph or the whole text in your own language.

A.Learn the language daily.
B.So get one as soon as possible!
C.The following tips may help you.
D.Speaking with a real, live person will help you.
E.Reading is of great importance in language learning.
F.A big dictionary may be inconvenient for you to use at any time.
G.This is a great way to immerse (使沉浸于) yourself in the language while you’re on the go.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Accents are an important part of our identity. An accent gives clues about who we are, and the community we belong to or wish to belong to.     1    .

What is the difference between accents and pronunciation?

    2    . A French person may speak English flawlessly (完美无瑕地), just with a French accent. That’s fine because there is no wrong or right with an accent. However, pronunciation is something that — as a learner — you can get right or wrong. If your pronunciation is correct, you can communicate effectively with others whatever your accent is.

    3    ?

If you think back historically people were much more localized with generation after generation of families living in the same small villages and few people traveled out of that area during their lifetimes. So over many generations differences in accent emerged and became very distinct to particular areas. Mountainous villages that are not easily accessible often develop very strong and distinctive accents.

How important is it to get an accent right?

If you’re moving to a certain part of a country, you might want to integrate better with your new community.     4    . That’s because it shows a sense of belonging to the community you are trying to fit in with.

How to improve your accent?

Learners should first think about which sounds don’t exist in your native language. And then learners should consider which sounds exist in the language you’re learning and then spend some time in front of the mirror practicing moving your tongue and mouth to get those new and different sounds.     5    , which can sometimes even change the meaning of words.

A.Where does pronunciation emerge
B.They’re also important for those learning a new language
C.Try to adapt your speech to sound more interesting
D.The best way is to learn the specific accent of that region
E.Where do different types of accents come from
F.Accents are about localized ways of speaking a language
G.And learners should be aware of stress and tone
共计 平均难度:一般