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1 . Imagine being able to pop to your local park and pick some tomatoes, potatoes or even bananas to take home for dinner. Sounds too good to be true, right? For residents (居民) of Andernach, German, it’s not just a dream — it’s their reality.

In 2010, Andernach began its edible (可食用的) city project that hadn’t been carried out before, planting 101 varieties of tomatoes in public green spaces around the city center. Its 30,000 residents are free to help themselves to whatever grows, as are any other visitors.  The town’s motto of sorts is “Picking is encouraged — help yourself!” Every year a new type of plant is highlighted. In 2011, 100 types of beans were planted, while 2012 saw the introduction of 20 onion varieties. And it has become the phenomenon of the city.

It’s a community effort, as local citizens are encouraged to help plant and maintain the gardens. This offers an opportunity to socialize as well as to learn about planting, cultivating and harvesting food.

An Andernach resident spoke to DW,“I often drop by to pick some herbs that I’m missing at home. Everything is easily accessible. There aren’t any fences. You just take what you need. The only thing is that you have to be quick once the fruits are ripe or they’ll all be gone!”

Andernach may have been the first in German, but it isn’t the only edible city. It’s part of the Edible Cities Network, a project funded by European Union to connect green urban foot initiatives (方案) around the world. Other cities include Carthage in Tunisia, Havana in Cuba and Sempeter-Vrtojba in Slovenia. In February 2022, the first Edible Cities Network Conference took place. Dr Ina Saumel, principal investigator of the Edible Cities Network, called it “a unique opportunity to invite researchers of edible city solutions and practitioners all together.”

Ultimately, the Edible Cities Network aims to give people “greener, more edible and, above all, more livable cities.” It is a response to the pressures of global climate change, and a significant cause full of hope.

1. What can residents do in public green spaces according to the edible city project?
A.Sell the produce they grow there.B.Learn something about dealing with people and planting.
C.Cook whatever plant as they like.D.Pay to pick some vegetables and fruits there.
2. Which words can best describe the edible city project in Andernach?
A.Creative and popular.B.Conventional and costly.
C.Common and fundamental.D.Rare and unacceptable.
3. What can we know about the Edible Cities Network from Dr Ina Saumel’s words?
A.Andernach is the only city to carry it out.B.European Union originally established it.
C.It helps combine theories with practices.D.It invites people to share meals together.
4. What is the purpose of the Edible Cities Network?
A.To help residents relieve their pressure.B.To involve residents in urban planting.
C.To increase the produce supply in cities.D.To create environmentally friendly cities.
2024-04-12更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2022~2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Two disabled Chinese citizens who have planted trees     1    (voluntary) in Northern China have been voted (投票) by Chinese citizens as their inspiring heroes.

The vote     2    (organize) by Xinhua News Agency since 2011 to inspire moral strength in the public by highlighting the good deeds of ordinary people. The event is the first of its kind     3    (find) heroes among grassroots people.

Jia Wenqi and Jia Haixia, both of     4     are aged over 50, have arm and sight disabilities. Disabled     5     they are, they have planted over 10,000 trees in Jingxing County over the past 13 years, preventing their village from flooding and improving the environmental surroundings.

“I am his hands; he is my eyes,” says Haixia. “We are good partners.”

Fully     6    (devote) to protecting the environment, they have turned the wasteland into a green one, which attracts     7     large number of birds.     8    (plant) trees has become an important part of their life.

Despite their disabilities, they form a great team that makes a huge     9    (different). They deserve to be called heroes     10     their unusual effort and amazing deed!

2024-04-10更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2023~2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假如你是李华,你校将举办以“保护海洋安全·抵制核废水排海”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
参考词汇:nuclear waste核废水
Dear students,

It’s my great honour to stand here to give a speech.


Thanks for your listening!

2024-04-08更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市重点高中联合体2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Ways to save water.B.Schools’ facilities.C.Cities’ water supply.
2024-04-08更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市重点高中联合体2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.A couple.B.Classmates.C.Colleagues.
2. What do the speakers decide to do?
A.Stop using paper cups.
B.Prepare boxes for different waste.
C.Reduce the use of paper, plastic and cans.
2024-04-08更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市重点高中联合体2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Lynda Doughty从小在海边长大,对海洋动物充满热爱,因关注它们的生存状况,成为海洋生物学家并创立非营利组织,致力于救助受伤海洋生物。即使面临疫情挑战,她的使命感促使组织继续运作,为保护海洋生命发挥关键作用。

6 . Growing up in coastal Maine, Lynda Doughty spent lots of time out on the sea. There she often saw whales, seals and other marine (海洋的) animals. She developed a(n) _______ for the wildlife living along the coast.

“I remember being so amazed by them and _______ what was happening in their life,” Doughty said.

She also _______ that their livelihood was influenced by pollution and other human-related activities. She wanted to do something to _______ these animals.

So she became a marine _______ and worked with organisations that provided help for sick and injured sea animals. But as many nonprofits (非营利机构) closed their doors, Doughty decided to step in.

In 2011, she _______ her nonprofit, Marine Mammals of Maine, and has since provided help and medical care for more than 3,000 sea animals.

When COVID-19 broke out, things became more difficult, but they couldn’t _______—the animals _______, needed their help.

“We were so nervous of how we would _______ as a nonprofit in uncertain times,” Doughty said. “________, our team stood strong and we were able to continue to help animals.”

When another New England-based marine animal rescue program ________ its animal care during COVID-19, Doughty’s work became more ________ than ever.

“We could no longer take any ________ to their rescue center and there were not enough rehabilitation (康复) places for these animals. Actually, we were really ________ and there was more pressure for our center to stay open,” Doughty said.

“I feel this strong ________ to help these animals,” Doughty said. “This is what I was put on the earth to do.”

A.set outB.gave outC.set upD.gave up
A.go backB.wipe outC.come alongD.slow down
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . My kitchen may be the best kitchen on the planet. That is because when I look out of its window can see the west side of Grandeur Peak. Grandeur Peak is one of the most attractive mountains in central Wasatch, with its animals, trees, morning clouds, evening sunset, and the mountain’s paragliders (滑翔伞运动员).

The number of paragliders flying above Grandeur Peak has grown over the past 15 years, so much so that they have become part of the mountain. But during the past year they have largely disappeared. Some paragliders told me that the wind became too strong to fly in. The wind is too strong! Is this another character of our changing climate (气候)? Will paragliding be a sport affected by a warming planet? Utah has been much windier in the past few years. For me, a scientist who studies living things, it is easy to believe that our future will be windier. This year it’s getting super-hot, and the planet is warming faster than scientists expected. I can’t help but worry that the future of paragliding in Utah is not bright.

I’m writing to the brave people who fly from Grandeur Peak with beautiful wings. I want you to join Clean The Dam Air, a group that’ s working hard to fight climate change and air pollution — I’m part of it too. We are introducing a measure, which aims to remove the state sales tax (税) on grocery store food and put a carbon tax on fossil fuels (化石燃料) in its place: gas, electricity produced from fossil fuels, and natural gas. The goal isn’t to make taxes higher. The idea is to encourage everyone to reduce their use of fossil fuels. So, paragliders, join us. Now is the time to take care of our planet. If we succeed, then Utah can be an example to others in fighting climate change.

1. Why does the author mention his kitchen?
A.To share his love of cooking dishes.
B.To bring back his memories of paragliding.
C.To introduce Grandeur Peak’s paragliding.
D.To describe his adventures around Grandeur Peak.
2. What happened in the past year?
A.The author saw less paragliding.B.Few people visited Grandeur Peak.
C.Air pollution became serious in Utah.D.Strong winds stopped people going outside.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of paragliding in Utah?
4. What did the author call on paragliders to do?
A.Buy those foods that are taxed less.
B.Reduce flying with wings in Grandeur Peak.
C.Join him to support a program about taxing.
D.Join a group to improve their paragliding skills.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A shocking 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste was discarded last year, a new UN-backed report has revealed. The report shows that e-waste is up by 21% from five years ago. This isn’t surprising, considering how many more people are adopting new technology and updating devices regularly to have the latest versions, but the report also shows that national collection and recycling strategies are nowhere close to matching consumption rates.

E-waste contains materials including copper (铜), iron, gold and silver, which the report gives a conservative value of $ 57 billion. But most are thrown away or burned rather than being collected for recycling. Precious metals in waste are estimated to be worth $ 14 billion, but only $ 4 billion-worth is recovered at the moment.

While the number of countries with national e-waste policies has grown from 61 to 78 since 2014, there is little encouragement to obey and a mere 17% of collected items are recycled. If recycling does occur, it’s often under dangerous conditions, such as burning circuit boards to recover copper, which “releases highly poisonous metals” and harms the health of workers.

The report found that Asia has the highest amounts of waste overall, producing 24.9 million metric tons (MMT), followed by Europe at 12 MMT, Africa at 2.9 MMT, and Oceania at 0.7 MMT.

But whose responsibility is it? Are governments in charge of setting up collection and recycling points, or should companies be responsible for recycling the goods they produce? It goes both ways. Companies do need to be held accountable by government regulations and have incentives to design products that are easily repaired. At the same time, governments need to make it easy for citizens to access collection points and deal with their broken electronics in a convenient way. Otherwise, they may turn to the easiest option — the landfill.

1. What does the underlined word “discarded” most probably mean?
A.increasedB.distributedC.thrown awayD.consumed
2. What do the statistics in Paragraph 2 show?
A.The functions of policies.B.The great damage to environment.
C.The change of consumption rates.D.The urgency of recovering e-waste.
3. What is the problem with recycling e-waste at present?
A.It does harm to the workers’ health.B.It lacks national policy support.
C.It hardly makes profits.D.It takes too much time.
4. How should the problem be solved according to the passage?
A.New technology should be used to update old devices.
B.Governments and companies should take responsibilities.
C.Non-poisonous metals had better be used in e-device.
D.Citizens must play a key role in recycling e-waste.
2024-03-29更新 | 81次组卷 | 3卷引用:全国重点2021-2022学年高二(下)期末质量检测联考英语试题

9 . 400 million tons of plastic are generated annually, most of which comes from single-use plastic While countries are making progress in reducing this waste through paper bags and straws, there are still applications where the properties of plastic are necessary.

Transparent (透明的) wood is an alternative for such applications and is highly preferred since it prevents the harm of petroleum-derived (石油衍生的) plastic products. German scientist Siegfried Fink first created transparent wood in the year 1992, and over the past three decades it has been significantly improved by other researchers as well.

In its natural form, wood is not transparent. However, researchers have found that removing lignin, a naturally occurring biopolymer that provides structural support for the plant tissue, can make it transparent. To do so, the wood is soaked in a warm solution consisting of multiple chemicals, followed by boiling it in another solution. This removes the lignin completely and turns the wood white. However, the space that was occupied by lignin needs to be filled up to maintain structural integrity. This process is done by using a resin (树脂) at a temperature of 185 Fahrenheit (85℃).

The final product can have as much as 90 transparency, and it doesn’t break easily. More importantly, it is more biodegradable than glass or plastic.

While transparent wood isn’t commercial yet, it has been employed in a wide variety of applications ranging from construction to energy storage, making flexible electronics and packaging.

The researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology ( IIT) conducted a life-cycle analysis (LCA) of transparent wood to determine the environmental impact of its production and end-of-life (EOL) cycle. The study found that using hydrogen peroxide for delignification, followed by using epoxy for infiltration, was the most eco-friendly. When scaled up for industrial production, the former method would lower electricity consumption by as much as 98. 8 percent.

EOL analysis showed that transparent wood had a reduced ecological impact compared to polyethylene (聚乙烯), paving the way for it to be commercially adapted to replace the petroleum-based material.

1. Why is transparent wood preferred compared to plastic?
A.It is easier to make.B.It is environmentally friendly.
C.It can be used longer.D.It can be used repeatedly.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The natural form of wood.B.The importance of chemicals.
C.How transparent wood is made.D.How lignin keeps wood strong.
3. What did the researchers at IIT find about transparent wood?
A.It can be recycled.
B.It will replace plastic soon.
C.The most eco-friendly way to produce it.
D.Potential damage caused by it to the environment.
4. What can be expected of transparent wood’s marketing?
2024-03-28更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . When Abdus Salam looks across the garbage-filled river near his home in one of the major clothing producing districts in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, he remembers a time before the factories moved in. “When I was young there were no clothing factories here. We used to catch fish in the river,” he said. The river beside him is now black like ink. Waste from nearby clothing factories has polluted the water.

Fashion is responsible for up to one-fifth of industrial water pollution, thanks in part to weak management in producer countries like Bangladesh, the world’s second biggest clothing producing country, where wastewater is commonly differed directly into rivers and streams. The wastewater not only hurts the environment, but pollutes drinking water sources.

Once in waterways, poisonous chemicals from dye (染料) build up to the point where light is prevented from coming through the surface, reducing plants’ ability to photosynthesize (进行光合作用). This lowers oxygen levels in the water, killing plants and animals. These chemicals and heavy metals can also build up in the body, increasing the risk of serious illnesses and skin problems. What’s worse, chemical-rich water is also used to water crops, with one recent study finding that dyes were present in vegetables and fruit grown around Savar, just north of Dhaka.

Luckily, change is coming. In Bangladesh, there are signs clothing producers are taking environmental responsibility more seriously, with brands committing to initiatives, such as the Partnership for Cleaner Textile, that title water, energy and chemical use in the industry. Shahab Uddin of Bangladesh’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change said a range of measures were being taken to address pollution, including updating conservation and environmental laws, giving fines to polluters, setting up centralized treatment plants, and working with international development partners to improve wastewater treatment. And under a new environmental policy called Zero Liquid Discharge, dyeing, finishing and washing industries must submit a time-bound plan to reduce, recycle and reuse wastewater.

“There is definitely from for further improvement. These challenges cannot be solved overnight,” Uddin added.

1. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To blame clothing factories for river pollution.B.To introduce Bangladesh’s clothing industry.
C.To call for the closure of clothing factories.D.To recall the good old days in Dhaka.
2. What can we learn about Bangladesh?
A.It is the biggest clothing producing country.B.It causes 20%of the world’s water pollution.
C.It has poor control over wastewater discharge.D.It suffers from serious drinking water shortages.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The difficulty of dealing with poisonous chemicals in waterways.
B.The damaging effects of wastewater from the fashion industry.
C.The chemicals from dyes negatively affecting photosynthesis.
D.The way to remove harmful chemicals from the food chain.
4. What does Zero Liquid Discharge require the clothing industry to do?
A.Hand in a plan to treat wastewater.B.Establish centralized treatment plants.
C.Pay high fines for discharging wastewater.D.Join international groups to deal with wastewater.
2024-03-27更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第二十七高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期末试卷
共计 平均难度:一般