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1 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I signed up for a competition on garbage sorting on the Monday and I participated in the first round, a written test. Though there was many candidates, I succeeded entering the final with another student from my class. Last Friday where the final was held, my classmate and I played with the participants from other four classes, and answers all of the questions accurately. Finally, we won out! We were extremely happy what we brought honor to our class. When interviewing by the school TV station after the award ceremony, I expressed my prides in protecting our environment. The competition not only broadened my knowledge on the garbage sorting and increased the awareness of environmentally protection.

2024-02-29更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:中原名校2022年高三上学期第三次精英联赛英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . The world’s coral reefs do more for the planet than provide underwater beauty. They protect shorelines from the effects of hurricanes. An estimated 500 million people earn their livelihood from the fishing stocks and tourism opportunities reefs provide. The tiny animals that give rise to reefs are even offering hope for new drugs to treat cancer and other diseases.

Despite their importance, warming waters, pollution, ocean acidification, overfishing, and physical destruction are killing coral reefs around the world. So now scientists around the world are looking for all kinds of ways to protect and maybe even revive(复苏) corals. In the Bahamas, Ross Cunning, a research biologist at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium, is focusing on corals with genes that could make them natural candidates for restoration projects. He recently published a study of two Bahamian reefs, one that seemed to survive an intense 2015 heat wave, and one that didn’t.“It sets the stage to find out which genes are responsible for thermal tolerance,” says Cunning, adding that he hopes discovering those genes will help scientists one day breed more heat-tolerant coral.

In Massachusetts, Cohen’s research has found two key elements that seem to protect corals. The first: internal(内部的) waves beneath the ocean’s surface that bring cooler currents to heat-struck corals, essentially air-conditioning them as temperatures rise. The second: adaptation, a quality that corals found in Palau’s warm lagoons(环礁湖) seem to display.On average, these lagoons submerge(淹没) coral in water that is two degrees Celsius warmer than the water outside the lagoons. “We think the fact that they can deal with these higher temperatures is built into their genetics and allows them to deal with the heat waves.”

She’s also found evidence of corals evolving more quickly in the past two decades to withstand rapidly warming temperatures. The big question scientists are now enquiring into, says Cohen, is whether there’s a cap on how much more heat corals can adapt to. Cohen calls these regions with heat-adapted corals as “super reefs,” and like Friendlander, advocates for using marine reserves to protect them.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The protection for coral reefs
B.The great value of coral reefs.
C.The benefits for tourism from coral reefs.
D.The relationship between animals and coral reefs.
2. What can be inferred from Cunning’s coral research?
A.Cooling down the waters is the key to their success.
B.Some corals have been genetically improved successfully.
C.He expects to identify the genes of the heat-tolerant corals.
D.Some corals that survived 2015 heat wave surprised people.
3. What is the focus of the study to save corals according to Cohen?
A.How corals survive in the warm lagoons.
B.What are the key elements to protect corals.
C.How they can use natural reserves to protect corals.
D.What is the high temperature limit of the surviving corals.
4. Which section is the text probably taken from?
2024-02-29更新 | 24次组卷 | 2卷引用:中原名校2022年高三上学期第二次精英联赛英语试题

3 . When Alex Lin was 11 years old, he read a(an) ________ article in the newspaper, which said that people were ________ old computers in backyards, throwing TVs into streams, and dumping(丢弃) cell phones in the garbage. This was dangerous because e waste contains harmful ________ that can leak into the environment, getting into crops, animals, water supplies—and people.

Alex was really worried and decided to make it next project for WIN—the Westerly Innovations Network. Alex and six of his friends had ________ this organization to help solve community problems two years before.

But what could they do about this project with e-waste? The team spent several weeks gathering information about the harmful chemicals in e waste and their ________ on humans. They learned how to dispose (处置) of e-waste ________ and how it could be recycled. Then, they sent out a survey and found only one in eight knew what e-waste was, let alone how to dispose of it.

Alex and his friends went into ________. They advertised in the local newspaper and ________ notices to students, asking residents to bring their ________ electronics to the school parking lot. The drive lasted two days, and they ________ over 9,500 kilograms of e waste.

The next step was to set up a long-term e-waste drop-off center for the town. After some research, they’d learned that reusing is the best way to ________ electronic devices and it is seven times more ________ than recycling. So, they began learning to refurbish(翻新) computers themselves and distributed them to students who didn’t have their own. In this way, they could help students in the area and protect the environment at the same time.

For a________ solution to e waste, the drop off center wasn’t enough. Laws would have to be passed. In 2016,WIN helped ________ for an e waste bill in their town, which required companies that manufactured or sold electronics to take back e waste. The bill clearly ________ the dumping of e waste.

Because of the work of WIN, more and more people, like Alex and his team, are getting the message about safe disposal of e-waste. As Alex says, “Today’s technology should not become tomorrow’s harmful garbage.

A.break downB.take inC.expose toD.deal with
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4 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
删除:把多余的词用(\) 划掉。
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

World Wetlands Day, celebrating annually on 2 February, aims to increase aware and understanding of the importance of wetlands to humans and the globe. It also spreads information about what valuable wetlands are and encourages individuals and governments to take actions to prevent their loss. The day was first organized by a group of environmentalist who wanted to celebrate and protect wetlands.

Wetlands are ecosystems which water is the primary factor controlling the environment and the associated plant and animal life. Wetlands are disappearing at a rate three times fast than forests, making them the Earth’s most threatened ecosystems. Human activities, such as agriculture development, urbanization, pollution, overfishing and climate change, have contributed the loss of wetlands.

Actions needed to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing and restore those we have already lost. That’s because of wetlands provide critical habitats for a vast variety of wildlife, offering valuable opportunities for outdoor recreation, and play a crucial role in flood control.

2024-01-16更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市清华大学中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试1月测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . One New Year’s Day, ecologist Rob Wolton came up with an unusual resolution—to spend the next 12 months studying a hedge(树篱) 40 metres from his house in the middle of Devon. He wanted to make a list of every plant, animal and fungus(真菌)that used it. After a year of observations he had found 2, 000 species—far more than he imagined. Wolton says he enjoyed it hugely and his findings contribute to the growing body of evidence that hedges should not be overlooked.

“There is increasing recognition that much of the wildlife finds shelter in the hedges. But they’re much more than just wildlife passages—they are really important as habitats in their own right,” he says. The European commission’s Joint Research Centre recently argued that as the climate crisis worsens, hedges are expected to play more roles as they move in response to environmental change. Their deep roots help sequester carbon(固碳), and they also reduce the likelihood of flooding downstream, suck nutrients and pollutants out of water, and prevent soil loss. Alongside these functions, there is a cultural benefit to hedges too—I think lots of us who live in England think of the hedge landscape as being quite typical, says Wolton.

After the Second World War many hedges were removed to create more productive land. Only about one in three hedges in England are in good condition, according to the most recent research done in 2017.

The main issues are hedges being cut too severely and too frequently, which leads to loss of wildlife and gaps. A squirrel, for example, will turnaround if there is a gap of five metres. New hedges are being planted with single species, instead of many, which decrease the wildlife they can support.

It’s hard to say if interest in hedges will translate into action on a national scale,and much depends on what landscape features Environmental Land Management scheme.

1. What is the significance of Wolton’s study of the hedge?
A.It makes Wolton’s resolution come true.
B.It shows Wolton’s fondness of the hedge.
C.It indicates the important role of the hedge.
D.It points out the number of animals and plants.
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.Hedges provide home for wildlife.
B.Hedges are used to fight climate crisis.
C.Hedges area typical symbol of England.
D.Hedges have advantages in different aspects.
3. Why does the author mention “A squirrel” in Paragraph 4?
A.To show the diversity of wildlife in hedges.
B.To explain the bad effect of gaps in hedges.
C.To call for more species of plants in hedges.
D.To present what the loss of wildlife is like.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The favorable policy on hedges is undecided.
B.Public attention in hedges will be intensified.
C.A national scale protection is soon underway.
D.Environmental Land Management will fund hedges.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . One Earth Award

About this award

Sponsored by the One Earth Fund, the One Earth Award offers $1,000 scholarships for four students whose works address the pressing issue of human-caused climate change.

Why should I create art or writing about climate change?

Some consequences of climate change include: sea-level rise, increase in air pollution, hurricane, droughts, extreme weather, and rising temperatures, among others. Your work can advance our thoughts about climate change and our understanding of solutions. It can also improve awareness of actions that we can take, in order to reduce the harm that human action has on our environment.

How do I apply?

Enter your work to any category in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. When selecting the category of your work, choose the One Earth Award. You will be required to include a personal statement on your work.

What should I write for the personal statement?

Your personal statement should be 50 words or more and answer the following questions:

What specific aspect of climate change does your work address?

What is your personal connection to this aspect of climate change, and why do you think talking about climate change is important?

Getting started on your work

These resources can help you learn about climate change and create your own art and writing about it.

Consider how poets talk about climate change with the Poetry Foundation.

Explore visual art activities and writing activities from the Teacher’s Climate Guide.

Try writing exercises developed by English Teachers Concerned about Climate Crisis.

1. What is the first thing to do to get the One Earth Award?
A.Choosing the One Earth Award.
B.Contacting the One Earth Fund.
C.Presenting the personal statement.
D.Visiting the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.
2. What should be included about climate change in your personal statement?
A.What action you will take.B.What you are concerned about.
C.Why your work is important.D.What suggestion you will make.
3. Which part of the text intends to provide help in finishing your work?
A.How do I apply?
B.About this award
C.Getting started on your work
D.What should I write for the personal statement?
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假如你是校学生会主席,为了更好地保护环境,你代表学生会向全校学生发出倡议。请根据以下内容,写一份倡议书:
1. 保护环境是我们的职责。
2. 我们要养成环保的习惯:
(1)尽量步行上学或骑自行车上学 (2)离开房间前关灯和其他电器
(3)不随地扔垃圾 (4)节约用水
3. 发出环保的号召。
参考词汇:电器electrical applicance
Dear friends,

As we can see, the environment around us is getting worse and warse.


Thank you!

The students’ Union

2023-06-01更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省农安县“五育并举 融合育人”2022-2023学年高二学科竞赛英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Artificial cloud technology could soon be used in the fight against environmental damage. Researchers in Australia have used machines to spray salt water into the air, and noted that the reflective qualities of these artificial clouds helped protect the Great Barrier Reef from sun bleaching (漂白).

The so-called cloud brightening project works by thickening existing clouds and reducing sunlight exposure to protect the reef. No artificial chemicals make it into the clouds in the sky. When water droplets steam, they leave only small salt crystals that float up into the atmosphere. This provides a larger surface area for water vapor to be liquids around them, forming thicker clouds.

The past two years have seen uncommon forest fires and droughts triggered by the climate change emergency, meaning that widespread use of this technique may become more commonplace if carbon emissions are not checked.

Drones, unmanned flying vehicles, have also entered the cloud controlling picture, used in the United Arab Emirates, a country desperately in need of more rainfall, to deliver electrical shocks to clouds in order to facilitate rainfall. Zapping (击打) clouds to produce a positive or negative charge within clouds can cause water droplets to form together. The greater the charge, the larger the droplets, which is vital for ensuring that as much rain as possible reaches the surface before steam gives off all the hard-won moisture (水分).

Even if one waves aside climate change, global waterfall shortages are still an increasing concern, given the planet’s booming population. More people means more mouths to feed, and the demand for water in agriculture for animals and crops further increases urgency for cloud controlling technology. An increase in rain also leads to positive economic growth in many countries, as large harvests stabilize financial systems and living standards in all climates.

Increasingly, scientists are looking to our skies in providing solutions to protect our environment. Cloud controlling technologies have promise. However, for this field of science to become practical economically, more research needs to be done in making this process a practicable option in protecting our environment.

1. How does the cloud brightening project work?
A.By creating more water vapor which later becomes liquids.
B.By spraying chemicals and small salt crystals into the atmosphere.
C.By expanding the water vapor arca and blocking more sunlight.
D.By steaming water droplets to provide a larger surface area.
2. What do we know about drones from paragraph 4?
A.They spread larger water droplets.
B.They charge clouds to promote rain.
C.They will be popularized in dry years.
D.They control the movements of clouds.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Problems of overpopulation.
B.Solutions to waterfall shortage.
C.Urgency of economic development.
D.Additional benefit of cloud technology.
4. Which aspect does the author think should be improved?
A.High cost.
B.Research method.
C.Environmental impact.
D.Complicated process.

9 . A couple has spent the last 25 years buying 300 acres of deserted farmlands and changed it into wildlife forest. They want to build the land to a real rainforest for elephants, birds and other endangered animals. Up to now, they’ve _______more than 300 kinds of birds as well as many_______animal species (种类).

_______, this was not the image in 1991 when they came to this part of the country. “When we came here, it was a_______. The owner wanted to sell it_______, because he could not _______coffee beans (咖啡豆) or anything else here, says Anil, who ran restaurant business in the US_______moving to India. “But for me and my wife, this was what we were_______of in our life.”

The couple had a special love for_______from their childhood. When they came to India, the pollution________them. “At that moment, we________to do something to explore the forests in India,” says Anil. “We were not looking for________. In the beginning, we________that shortage of fresh water will be a(n)________concern in India, so we must take care of its origin,” explains Anil.

They sold properties (财产) they owned in America, bought the first 55 acres and began to grow the first________. Soon, they got the land nearby as well. “Many of the local farmers considered it________to get money from the wasteland,” says Anil.

Stopping hunting was a big________and often the locals did not________what this couple was doing, so it required a lot of talking to build up the idea of ________. They worked with the forest department to set up camera traps and keep hunters away. “There are times we have to________with hunters. We were even in great danger once,” says Anil. “We hope what we are doing now will make a difference to animals.”

2022-12-01更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省延边市长白山第一高级中学2019-2020学年高一上学期学科竞赛英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . In 2002, Huang Hui, a researcher of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, went diving near Xisha. In addition to getting an irremovable suntan (晒黑), she was left with memories of a beautiful experience with clear water and abundant colorful corals (珊瑚). However, much of the breathtaking scenery of this reef has disappeared due to climate change and human activities. All of these factors led to the decline of the coral reef in the near shore waters. “We started to cultivate corals near the Xisha Islands in 2010, and restored more than 200,000 square meters of coral reefs,” Huang said.

In 2004, when Huang was attending the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, she found herself the only representative from the Chinese mainland. She said she felt sad but she made up her mind to strengthen communication with other countries to improve China’s level and status in coral research. She visited top coral research institutes in the US and Australia, establishing long-term cooperation with some of the world’s top coral researchers. By far, Huang has worked on coral research and protection for 22 years. Now, China is in a leading position in terms of technology and coral planting scale.

Huang believes that people’s consciousness of coral protection matters most to the sustainable development of the coral reefs. “I want to call on more people to love nature and look at the ocean in awe,” Huang said.

Partly due to her efforts, Hainan Province released a law in 2017 banning reef exploitation (开发), trading and damaging.

Huang works as a consultant for customs and frontier police on coral protection and promotes coral protection in her local schools. Huang also provides online free training for divers to teach them proper behavior in the sea to protect coral reefs.

“A group of ‘folk scientists’ have also been trained with the hope that more people can gain awareness of the significance of coral reef protection and know how to protect them,” said Huang.

“I am 50, and when I become 60, I hope that not only a coral island will be built but a sustainable development pattern will also be created,” said Huang. “The ideal state is that the coral island should be able to support fishermen and preserve the ecosystem,” she added.

1. What impressed Huang most when going diving near Xisha in 2002?
A.A permanent sunburn on her skin.
B.A large quantity of colorful corals.
C.A sweet memory of her childhood.
D.The sudden disappearance of corals.

2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly focus on?
A.China’s advances in coral protection.B.Huang’s devotion to coral protection.
C.Huang’s concern over coral protection.D.People’s ignorance of coral protection.
3. What is the key to protecting corals according to Huang Hui?
A.Introduction of advanced technology.
B.Tough laws banning reef exploitation.
C.Public awareness of coral protection.
D.Communication with foreign countries.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Corals in South China Sea are in danger.
B.Scientist plants corals to save ecosystem.
C.China is taking the lead in planting corals.
D.Measures are to be taken to protect corals.
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