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1 . In recent years, China has witnessed the growth of luxury (奢侈品) brands. In this market, Chinese consumers are now the largest spenders. It’s clear that a new generation of young, materialistic people is increasingly relying on luxury brands to improve its self-image. I am a fashionist too, at least in spirit — I love to look at clothes and shoes. But I don’t understand why people spend lots of money on designer labels. When a young woman buys a handbag that costs two months of her salary, that’s a scary thing.

What’s interesting is that scientists have found that having luxury things doesn’t lead to happiness. Study after study has shown that although we want material things, when we get them we don’t suddenly become “happy” people. In fact, a series of studies by Leaf Van Boven at the University of Colorado, US, has shown that individuals who spend money on travel and similar experiences get more pleasure than those who invest it in material things. That’s because experiences are more easily combined with a person’s identity. If I travel to Yunnan, that adventure affects how I think in the future. My memories become a part of me.

Moreover, as Van Boven has observed, young people who pursue happiness through “things” are liked less by their peers. People prefer those who pursue happiness through experiences.

It’s natural to want to express yourself through your appearance. So my advice is: create a look that isn’t tied to a designer label. Convey your own message. Take some lessons from the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. He was always in Levis jeans and a black turtleneck. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, routinely appears in hoodies and sneakers. These people, successful people, have style. You don’t have to break the bank to send a message about who you are. Take a trip. Go out into the world. Then come back and confidently create your own signature look.

1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A.The author enjoys buying luxury brands herself.
B.The author agrees to overspend money on material things.
C.The author is critical of youths tying their looks to designer labels.
D.The author finds it natural for fashionists to follow fashion trends.
2. Leaf Van Boven’s studies showed that ______.
A.people dislike those who love luxuries
B.traveling changes a person’s identity greatly
C.luxuries have a negative effect on people’s happiness
D.experiences can bring people more happiness than luxuries
3. What is the author’s advice on expressing oneself?
A.Be selective about designer labels.B.Create your own personal unique style.
C.Choose simple and fashionable styles.D.Try styles like Mark Zuckerberg’s.
4. The main purpose of the article is to ______.
A.prove how luxury leads to an unpleasant life
B.tell how to express yourself through appearances
C.report on a series of studies about luxuries and happiness
D.persuade readers to invest in experiences instead of luxuries
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2 . This past July was the hottest recorded month in human history. Heat waves brake temperature records worldwide. It’s more than just a matter of sweaty discomfort. As climate change worsens, access to artificially cooled spaces is rapidly becoming a health necessity.

Yet standard air-conditioning systems leave us trapped in a negative feedback cycle: the hotter it is, the more people use the air condition er and the more energy is consumed as a result. Cooling is the fastest-growing single source of energy use in buildings, according to the International Energy Agency. Breaking the cycle requires new innovations that will help bring cooler air to more people with less environmental impact.

Standard air-conditioning systems cool and dehumidify (除湿) through a relatively inefficient mechanism: in order to condense (冷凝) water out of the air, they overcool that air past the point of comfort. Many new designs therefore separate the dehumidification and cooling processes, which avoids the need to overcool. For example, some new air conditioner designs pull water from the air with desiccant (干燥剂) materials. The dried air can then be cooled to a more reasonable temperature. Massachusetts-based start-up Transaera claims that the system it is developing could use 35 percent less energy than the average standard air-conditioning unit.

However, the gains in efficiency might not help us get rid of the impact of air-conditioning. “It won’t work to simply replace every existing air conditioner with a better model and call it a day,” says Nicole Miranda, an engineer at the University of Oxford. “Instead, a truly coder future will have to employ other strategies. It’s critical to bring greenery and water bodies into cities to take advantage of natural airflow.”

“Cooling is a challenge involving many aspects,” says Sneha Sachar, an expert at the nonprofit organization ClimateWorks. “There isn’t one strategy or one answer. We need a combination of better buildings and cities, better technologies and a better understanding that the true cost of air-conditioning extends beyond electric bills.”

1. Why does the author talk about record heat in the first paragraph?
A.To make comparisons.B.To support his theory.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To show cooled places.
2. What does Transaera say about its system?
A.It’s available in the market.B.It’s time-honoured.
C.It’s the most efficient model.D.It’s energy-saving.
3. What is Nicole Miranda’s attitude to just upgrading air conditioners?
4. What message does Sneha Sachar want to convey about cooling?
A.Companies will offer various options.
B.A comprehensive approach is required.
C.We can address the issue once and for all.
D.Our first priority is to lower electric bills.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When social media filled with images makes you question your appearance, opinions or ability, for it’s so easy for people to get caught in a whirlwind (旋流) of comparison, remember to look up and out and appreciate there’s a world of beauty in difference.     1    

Dare not to compare.

No matter how many followers, comments, likes or views you have, if you get trapped in a competitive mindset, it can turn into a bottomless pit (无底洞) . That’s because there’ll always be someone gaining more positive responses. Think of fun times and kind things with families and friends, which are important and won’t fade from screen.     2    

Be authentic (真实的).

Even if it seems the rest of the world isn’t showing their true selves, you can be different.     3     Share your real, kind voice with the rest of the world, just as you do at home and with friends, and you might just inspire others to do the same.


Give your time and attention to people doing inspiring things, spreading uplifting messages and sharing unique and beautiful ideas. Be selective. If someone’s posts make you feel bad about yourself, click unfollow or hide.

Take time out.

For those times when social media makes you unhappy or full of self-doubt, pause and step away, even if it’s only for a short time.    5     For example, writing in a diary, drawing in a sketchbook or painting a picture will give your mind a different focus.

A.Keep it positive.
B.Search for inspiration.
C.You can try doing something creative.
D.Turn over for four ways to get rid of the troublesome comparison.
E.Make your social media channels a reflection of who you really are.
F.Use them as a reminder that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone.
G.Try spending time with a close friend who’ll remind you of all your good qualities.
2023-09-12更新 | 156次组卷 | 2卷引用:内蒙古鄂尔多斯市西四旗2023-2024学年高三上学期期末综合模拟英语试题
4 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
Dear friends,

I’m here to call everyone to pay attention to the phenomenon of food waste. Like President Xi advocates, it is supposed to be a new fashion for all Chinese people to practice stricter economy and stop waste. It is also a Chinese traditional virtues. We must bear in mind what food is a precious resource on our planet. Waste food goes against the basic moral principles.

It’s high time that we should take our action now. Firstly, when we have dinner in a restaurant, please remember to order appropriate, and try to eat up. Secondly, it’s recommend to promote food saving actions on social media.

So, don’t hesitate to join us. Small actions made a big difference.

2023-05-11更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届内蒙古赤峰市高三4月模拟考试英语试卷
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5 . In the recently opened Our Broken Planet exhibition in London’s Natural History Museum, a small piece of dark material covered with faint holes is on show in a display container. The nodule(小块)could easily be mistaken for coal, but its true nature is much more interesting.

The nodule is a combination of metals and oceanographers have discovered trillions of them on Earth’s ocean floors. Each is rich in some of the most important elements for making the electric cars, wind turbines and solar panels that we need to replace the carbon-emitting motors, power plants and factories now damaging our climate.

These nodules could therefore help humanity save itself from the ill effects of global warming, argue mining companies who say their exploitation should be rated an international priority. By mining up chunks(块)from the deep we can slow the burning of our planet’s surface.

“We desperately need substantial amounts of metals contained by these nodules to build electric cars and power plants,” says Hans Smit, chief executive of Florida’s Oceans Minerals, which has announced plans to mine for nodules. “We cannot increase land supplies of these metals without having a significant environmental impact. It’s our only alternative.”

Other researchers disagree, however. They say mining deep-sea nodules would be disastrous for our already stressed, plastic-ridden, overheated oceans. Delicate, long-living residents of the deep—shells, fish, corals and squids—would be erased by mining. At the same time, mud with poisonous metals would be sent upwards to disturb marine food-chains.

“It is hard to imagine how seabed mines could workably operate without destroying the ocean species,” says UK marine biologist Helen Scales, a view shared by David Attenborough, who has called for a pause on all deep-sea mining plans. “In this case it means the destruction of an ecosystem, an issue worth the best attention from every entity(实体)involved.” he says.

For better or worse, these mineral nodules are going to play a critical role in determining our future—either by releasing us from our current ecological headaches or by stimulating even more fatal outcomes.

1. What is the nodule on display?
A.An attractive artificial artwork.
B.A difficult-to-tell chunk of coal.
C.An oceanic piece rich in metals.
D.A container for electric materials.
2. What does “our only alternative” underlined in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Metals for power plants.
B.Land supplies of metals.
C.Massive production of electric cars.
D.Underwater mining for specific metals.
3. Which word best describes David’s attitude to deep-sea nodule exploitation?
4. Why do the mineral nodules play an important role in determining our future?
A.They can be used both for good and for bad.
B.Their exploitation can bring opposing effects.
C.They contain beneficial and harmful elements.
D.Their exploiters cannot reach agreement till now.
2023-05-11更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届内蒙古赤峰市高三4月模拟考试英语试卷
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6 . According to a study done by University of Michigan, shopping to reduce stress was 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad than those only looking at items.

More than half of the 1,000 consumers surveyed by Credit Karma, head researcher of the study, said they have shopped to deal with feelings of stress or depression. About 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress shopping said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. About 82 percent of women spend on clothing compared to 52 percent of men. Women also lead shopping for jewellery, 42 percent, compared to 22 percent for men.

In some sense, stress shopping can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. The survey found 82 percent had only positive feelings about their purchases and that the positive mood was long-lasting. However, stress shopping, for many, could grow into a drive that uses up money, causes conflict, and therefore adds great stress to life.

Despite the in-time joy from purchases, stress shopping never proves a long-lasting cure to stress or depression. Actually it needs to be avoided anyhow. Whether you’re purchasing Christmas presents or buying groceries, having the items you need written down will provide you with brightness while shopping. Reward yourself for sticking to your list and you’ll be more likely to commit to it.

In addition, always think about what you struggle with most financially. Do you spend too much money at the mall? Eating out? Vacations? Make a list of where your money is going and take necessary steps to resist your desire. For example, if you spend too much money on dining out on weekends, stuff your cupboard with food on Friday. So you’ll be more likely to stay in and cook. And you need to give up the need to keep up with others. Everyone’s financial situation is different and comparison may lead to debt and dissatisfaction with what you already have.

1. Why does the author mention those numbers in paragraph 2?
A.To explain the text.B.To attract readers.
C.To support an idea.D.To introduce a topic.
2. Which of the following may help deal with stress shopping?
A.Adjusting mood.B.Recording expenses.
C.Turning to medicines.D.Comparing with others.
3. What is the author’s attitude to stress shopping?
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Does shopping benefit us?B.More stressed, women or men?
C.Should we compare with others?D.Can stress shopping reduce stress?
2023-03-18更新 | 114次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届内蒙古赤峰市八校高三第一次统一考试英语试卷
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7 . For centuries, artists usually give people an impression: they are the “Starving Artists”, struggling to make ends meet. Henri Murger proved that. He was born the son of a doorman in France. Living in Paris, he was surrounded by creative geniuses and dreamed of joining them, but he grew upset with his failure to earn money.

In 1847, Murger published a book. It’s a collection of stories about poverty, which launched the concept of the “Starving Artists” into the public’s understanding as the model for a creative life. To this day, it endures as the model for what we imagine when we think of the word “artist”.

Today, what we forget is that the story of the “Starving Artist” is a myth. In fact, it is really just an imaginary story. Due to the power of this myth in Murger’s book, many of us just want to become lawyers instead of writers, bankers instead of poets, and doctors instead of painters. Nobody wants to struggle ultimately. Thus, we just keep our passion a hobby instead of a career.

In the early Renaissance, artists did not have reputations for being diligent workers. They were considered manual laborers, receiving small amounts of money for their work. Michelangelo Buonarroti, however, changed all that. He was not only a master sculptor but also the most affluent artist of his time. After him, every artist began to see a “new pattern of doing things”, in the words of Bill Wallace, professor of art history at Washington University. Michelangelo established the idea that an artist could become a new figure in society and have a higher social status, and also that he could become financially successful.

Michelangelo did not need to starve for his creations, and neither do you. When we hear the tales and warnings about what it means to be an artist, we must understand an important truth—you don’t have to starve and you might as well make a living from your creative talents.

1. What concept is presented in Henri Murger’s story collection?
A.Artists are not easy to become well known.
B.Being creative is not a really good thing sometimes.
C.Artists usually experience financial difficulties.
D.One has to be a very creative genius to be an artist.
2. What is described in paragraph 3?
A.People’s imagination of artists.B.People’s various comments on being artists.
C.Murger’s understanding of artists.D.The influence of Murger’s books.
3. What does the underlined word “affluent” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What’s the main purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To ask people to read more tales.B.To advise people to make use of their talents.
C.To encourage people to lead a rich life.D.To tell successful artists an important truth.
2023-03-14更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届内蒙古呼和浩特市高三第一次质量数据监测英语试题

8 . Be it sugar or social media, the response in our brain is the same: It produces a “feel-good” chemical called dopamine. It first brings about pleasure, but it doesn’t last very long. It is then followed by pain so that we have to search for the pleasurable things again.

“This cycle of pleasure and pain made sense in the time of early humans when we had to constantly search for our basic needs-food, water, shelter,” says Dr. Anna Lembke, a Stanford Medical School researcher. “But our brains weren’t adjusted to put out the ‘fire of dopamine’ caused by pleasurable things that are so easily available in modern life.”

In addition, when we’re repeatedly exposed to pleasure-producing things, we’re not able to take joy in the same rewards. Instead, we need stronger and stronger stimulus (刺激) just to feel good. Otherwise, the cycle will lead us to anxiety, depression and many other problems.

“This is a universal problem—not one limited to those struggling with the disease of addiction. If we want to stay mentally healthy, we must rethink how to break the cycle in a dopamine-overloaded world,” says Lembke.

Her suggestions for the addicts?

Take a 30-day break from anything that we rely on for pleasure. This doesn’t mean going cold turkey forever. But this first month is key to breaking the pleasure-pain cycle and it’s a lot easier to cut out an addictive behavior entirely at first. Then re-introduce the pleasurable things little by little, like just a few bites of ice cream at a time or just one hour online a night.

Another strategy is to create physical distance between us and our addiction. That could mean just removing the addictive thing from our personal space. For someone who’s addicted to video games, that could mean a separate laptop for work and one for play.

“In a time of abundance, we have to strike a pleasure-pain balance, which means intentionally avoiding pleasure and seeking the kind of purposeful pain that keeps us healthy, such as exercise,” Lembke says. “By doing so, we will reset reward pathways and eventually be a lot happier. It’s not easy, but it’s well worth doing in the long term.”

1. What can we learn about dopamine from the text?
A.It has always been harmful to humans.
B.It gives us less joy for the same rewards.
C.It can be caused by anything available.
D.It can lead to a lasting good feeling.
2. What do the underlined words “going cold turkey” probably mean?
3. What does Dr. Anna Lembke suggest we do in the long term?
A.Avoid pleasure in life.
B.Set a strict limit on pleasurable things.
C.Change reward pathways.
D.Expose ourselves to repeated rewards.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Ways to Live With Dopamine in Peace
B.Tips on Getting Rid of Social Media Addiction
C.Strategies for Making Most of the Modern Life
D.The Need to Strike a Pleasure-pain Balance
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Babies appear to know how to help those in need, according to researchers who studied signs of altruism in almost 100 children.

Researchers who wanted to see whether children would give up their food to a stranger without encouragement found the kids did just that — even when they were hungry.

The scientists recruited 96 19-month-old children. During the experiments, a child and a researcher sat across from each other. In the control group of the first set of experiments, researchers threw a piece of fruit onto a plate where they couldn’t reach, but the child could. They then waited. In contrast, researchers in the test group pretended to drop the fruit on the plate, then tried and failed to reach it. This signaled to the child that the adult wanted the food.

Among the control group, only 4 percent of the children gave the piece of fruit to the researchers, compared with 58 percent, or over half, in the test group.

Next, the team explored if children would still be generous when it was at a cost to themselves. The first set of experiments was repeated with a separate group of kids before their lunchtime, when they were likely to be hungry. Similarly, 37 percent of the test group handed over their fruit, compared with none in the control group.

The experiments were repeated four times. Researchers got similar results each time. Babies with siblings (兄弟姐妹) and babies from Latino or Asian families shared more of the fruit, the team also found.

Carter Morgan, lead professor of the study, said, “We often think of babies as selfish. But here we find that they are willing to help others even when it comes at some ‘cost’ to the self.”

Addressing why children with siblings or from certain cultural backgrounds were more likely to share their fruit, Morgan said, “We believe this partly reflects what social psychologists call ‘ interdependence’, which stresses on the importance of interpersonal connections and adjusting to others. These social experiences that shape attitudes towards sharing appear to have an effect very early in life.”

1. The underlined word “altruism” most probably means ________.
2. What can be inferred about 19-month-old babies?
A.They know when to have lunch.
B.They understand signals for help.
C.They can classify different fruits.
D.They can express their needs freely.
3. Which graph best explains the findings of the experiments?
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.Attitudes towards sharing change greatly as people get older.
B.Babies from families with an only child are not willing to share.
C.It’s easier to control babies’ selfish desires when they are hungry.
D.Social experiences play a role in affecting babies’ behavior of sharing.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

China’s youth are developing into a generation capable of shouldering the     1     (responsible) of national rejuvenation (复兴), said a recent white paper.

The white paper,     2     (title) “Youth of China in the New Era”, was published by the State Council Information Office on April 21. The document records the achievements and    3     (reflect) on the spirit of the country’s youth.

    4     the country developing rapidly, more than 25 million young people,     5     future prospects are supported by a solid foundation (基础), have escaped poverty. Young people in China now have more equal access to education, more diverse career options and more development opportunities. They grow and prosper in a     6     (good) legal environment, with more favorable policies and more     7     (rely) social security, said the white paper.

“In the new era, China’s youth have shown their grit (勇气) at critical moments,” noted the white paper. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke, young people     8     (risk) their lives to combat (对抗)     9     deadly disease. As China opens its door     10     (wide) to the outside world, the country’s young people are gaining a greater understanding of international exchanges and cooperation.

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