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1 . The needs of plus size consumers have long been the elephant in the room of the fashion industry until body positivity and fat acceptance movements promoted the slogan (口号) that large-bodied people are not those who are left behind. This size-inclusive (尺码包容) trend has become so popular that it is influencing mainstream culture. As a result, fashion brands have finally decided to extend their size ranges. In 2022, the plus-size market grew twice as fast as the standard size market in both North America and the UK.

Yet, many consumers say fashion brands broadening their ranges are not truly inclusive. “Inclusive sizing means that all bodies are included in fashion, not just the ones who fit in standard sizes,” says Marie Southard Ospina, a UK-based journalist who covers body-image issues. “However, what many designers do right now is pick a number that they think is big enough to include plus sizes and stop. This is even more disrespectful.”

Researchers also criticize that some brands are just taking advantage of the trend. “Brands that used to promote so-called perfect bodies in their advertisements are now trying to get in on the trend by adding a few sizes. It doesn’t feel like they really care about plus-size people,” says Tom Burgess, analyst in fashion industry. “If brands cared about large-bodied consumers, then it wouldn’t have taken until now to acknowledge that they exist,” he says. “It gives the impression that companies are just trying to gain a share of the market without a real commitment to the community.”

The fashion industry must go beyond merely producing clothing in a range of sizes if they hope to succeed with a body -diverse world. The whole industry has to connect on a personal level with consumers. That involves showing shoppers that they are seen, understood and important to brands. “Consumers care about values, and so they want to buy from brands that reflect the values they believe in. Everyone should enjoy the same range of fashion options,” says Ludovica Cesareo, professor of marketing at the College of Business in the US.

1. What do the underlined words “the elephant in the room” mean in the first paragraph?
A.The hot issue that is valued.
B.The obvious truth that is ignored.
C.The important principle that is recognized.
D.The common phenomenon that is criticized.
2. Why do consumers say fashion brands are not truly inclusive?
A.They pick sizes randomly.B.They offer limited plus sizes.
C.They treat designers disrespectfully.D.They haven’t broadened standard sizes.
3. For what do researchers mainly criticize some brands?
A.Their designs.B.Their quality.
C.Their motivations.D.Their advertisements.
4. What does the last paragraph imply?
A.Buyers may deserve fashion that fits their figure.
B.Consumers prefer brands with personalized values.
C.Brands should catch up with the size-inclusive trend.
D.A good brand image is critical in the fashion industry.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . I recently had a conversation with a friend who was feeling very upset about work. Why? He thought his manager didn’t like him. He rarely heard much from his manager, and when his manager said something, it was about correcting some aspects of his work or giving him some constructive advice.

Not surprisingly, given my friend’s understandably anxious view of these workplace dynamics (动态), he was afraid of his annual performance evaluation. He was worried that his boss might even tell him that he wasn’t needed anymore. Accordingly, he considered looking around for another job — not because he really wanted to, as he liked the kind of work he was doing, but because he suffered from the kind of management.

The evaluation day came, and to his great surprise, rather than being harshly critical, his manager told him that he was doing a fine job and gave him a promotion.

The sad truth is, this kind of phenomenon is by no means unusual in the workplace. One recent survey showed that nearly half of the employees have considered leaving a job “due to lack of recognition”. Another similar study found 46 percent of the employees left a job “because they felt unappreciated”.

The good news is that, in this case, the damage was repaired before it was too late — before my friend was out the door and his company began the expensive and time-consuming process of hiring a new employee. But as the research noted above shows, workplace problems related to recognition and appreciation are as common as the office air we breathe.

This conforms with my personal experience; during my decades of corporate management, I saw similar appreciation issues all the time. When a job isn’t done well, nobody deserves anything, of course. But when a job is done well, if you’re an employee, it’s entirely natural to expect at least a bit of appreciation. So if you’re a manager, it’s a good idea to show some. It’s that simple.

1. What phenomenon does the author want to describe through his friend’s case?
A.Unclear rewards and punishments.B.Employee-management misunderstanding.
C.Unfair promotion in the workplace.D.Fierce competition among new employees.
2. What happened to the author’s friend in the end?
A.His company hired a new employee.
B.He continued to work for the company.
C.His company simplified the evaluation process.
D.He repaired the relationship with his colleagues.
3. What does the underlined phrase “conforms with” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Results from.B.Separates from.
C.Agrees with.D.Contrasts with.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Defend employees’ rights.B.A friend’s unforgettable experience.
C.Acknowledge employees’ work.D.Misunderstanding between employees.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . “It’s too sugary, I can’t manage very many,” said a friend. She wasn’t talking about dessert but about some fresh cherries. I bit into another cherry and realized she was right. The fruit was so sweet that it was as if it had been pre-sugared.

But the cherries of my childhood were much less sweet than today’s cherries. Some of them were hardly sweet at all, which made it all the more exciting when you happened upon a super sweet one.

Is modern fruit getting sweeter? The answer is yes. Some of the most powerful evidence comes from zoos. In 2018, Melbourne Zoo in Australia had stopped giving fruit to most of its animals because cultivated fruit was now so sweet that it was causing tooth decay and weight gain.

Breeding isn’t the only reason that modern fruit is sweeter; there’s also climate change. It’s found that since the 1970s, with rising temperatures, Fuji apples have become significantly sweeter and softer.

But the sweetness of modern fruit is not without its problems, especially for people with diabetes, who have to be careful to moderate their intake of higher - sugar fruits such as pineapple. Fruit that is bred sweeter also tends to be lower in the phytochemicals (植物化学成分) that make it so healthy.

Health aside, maybe the real problem with modern fruit is that it has become yet another sweet thing in a world filled with sugar. Even grapefruit, which used to be quite bitter, is sometimes now as sweet as oranges. If you’ve never tasted a sour cherry, how can you fully appreciate a sweet one? Experts put forwards some thoughts about how to appreciate the various tastes of modern fruit.

1. Why does the author mention her friend’s words in Paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of the extreme sweetness of modern cherries.
B.To highlight the content of friend’s preference for sour cherries.
C.To emphasize the importance of pre-sugaring fruits.
D.To show the breeding and selection of modern fruit.
2. What’s the author’ view on the rise of consistently sweeter fruit?
A.The author believes it has no impact on health.
B.The author sees it as a triumph of plant breeding.
C.The author thinks it is a bit worrying in today’s world.
D.The author is concerned that it will lead to bitterness in fruit.
3. What is a shortcoming of the modern fruit according to the passage?
A.It is short of healthy phytochemicals.
B.It may not be as tasty as it used to be.
C.It could lack variety and contrast in taste.
D.It doesn’t meet people’s need for sweetness.
4. What might the author continue talking about?
A.The advice on selecting modern fruit.
B.The approaches to freeing bitter fruit.
C.The comments about cultivated grapefruit.
D.The research into the health of zoo animals.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Give the Senate (参议院) some credit in shaping the current immigration reform bill, it has come up with one idea that almost everyone hates. That’s the plan to create a new class of “guest workers”— immigrants who would be allowed to work in the U.S. for three two-year stretches, at most, provided that they return home to say for a year after each visit. Conservatives dislike the plan because they believe that the guest workers won’t return home after their visas expire. Liberals dislike it because they believe the program will depress American wages and trap guest workers. The only supporters of the bill are businesses that rely heavily on immigrant labor, and they’re probably just looking out for themselves.

With the broader concern about the effect of illegal immigration, the hostility to the new plan is understandable. However imperfect, the guest-worker program is better than any politically feasible alternative. Opponents of immigration sometimes imply that adding workers to a work-force automatically brings wages down. But immigrants tend to work in different industries than native workers, and have different skills, and so they often end up complementing (补充) native workers rather than competing with them. That can make native workers more productive and therefore better off.

According to a recent study by the economists Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri, immigration actually boosted the wages of most American workers; its only negative effect was a small one, on the wages of workers without a high-school diploma And if by increasing the number of legal guest workers we reduced the number of undocumented workers, the economy would benefit even more.

Guest workers are also, paradoxically, less likely than illegal immigrants to become permanent residents. The U.S. already has a number of smaller and less plans routinely overstay their visas. One remarkable study found that after border enforcement was stepped up in 1993, the chance of an illegal immigrant returning to his homeland to stay fell by a third.

In fact, whatever benefits the guest-worker program brought to the U.S. economy or to particular businesses, the biggest winners would be the workers themselves. There are fear, if any, foreign-aid programs that do as much for people in developing countries as simply allowing them to work in U.S. legally. This program’s costs to American workers are insignificant, the gains for the guest workers are enormous, and the U.S. economy will benefit. This is that rare option which is both sensible and politically possible.

1. According to the passage the guest-worker program________.
A.allows immigrants to work in the U.S. for six continuous years
B.has aroused criticism from conservatives, liberals and the business world
C.will make local workers more productive as it brings fierce competition
D.is a sensible approach to resolving the illegal immigration problems
2. Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano & Giovanni Peri point out that immigration________.
A.is immune from negative effects
B.will root out undocumented laborers
C.has led to economic prosperity and social stability
D.has enhanced wages of most American workers
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 4?
A.Illegal immigrants are more likely to stay permanently in the U.S. than guest worker
B.With stepped-up border control, illegal immigrants were more likely to stay in their homeland.
C.Workers in temporary-worker programs usually paid no attention to their visa direction.
D.Guest workers will not stay too long because of the enhanced border enforcement.
4. From the author’s analysis, who will probably NOT benefit from the guest workers’ bill?
A.The guest workers.B.The native workers.
C.The illegal immigrants.D.The businesses.
5. What is the author’s attitude towards guest workers’ plan?
2024-01-07更新 | 134次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市和平区天津市耀华中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题(无听力试题)

5 . In recent years, traditional Chinese culture and art has gained a foothold on short video platforms and attracted a large number of young followers thanks to the explosive growth of the short video industry. Relaxing, emotional and fragmented, these video contents perfectly match the demands of the users. With the application of new technologies such as social communication and immersive experiencing, short video platforms are seeing more users, becoming a shining spot of new Internet media.

Recently, Huangmei Opera Female Consort Prince became a hit on short video platforms as a lot of young users covered the aria (咏叹调) in their own way and showed great artistic talents. The interactive platforms are expanding the charm of the traditional opera among young people.

Peking Opera was also well-received on short video platforms thanks to a series of AR effects. Users love to film clips with a set of virtual facial makeup, headwear and costumes. Statistics indicate that these effects were applied by more than 18 million users, most of whom were young people.

In addition to Chinese operas, intangible cultural heritage items, such as embroidery, paper-cutting, printing and dyeing, shadow play works, oiled paper umbrella making, and bamboo weaving are also actively promoted on short video platforms. In a word, short video platforms are becoming an important channel to display China’s intangible cultural heritage.

Short video platforms, offering a fun, popular and easy way to explore the traditional art forms, are receiving a lot of positive feedbacks from China’s young generations. The seconds, or minutes long videos have produced remarkable achievements in promoting traditional Chinese culture.

1. What mainly made the inheritance of traditional drama difficult?
A.The slow growth of industry.B.The insufficient coverage of drama.
C.The poorly-met demands of the users.D.The severe shortage of the drama actors.
2. What led to the promotion of Peking Opera on short video platforms?
A.The social communication.B.The set of virtual facial makeup.
C.The positive feedbacks from users.D.The application of new technologies.
3. Why are paper-cutting and bamboo weaving mentioned?
A.To expand the charm of Chinese culture.
B.To offer new channels to display China’s arts.
C.To show the current situation of cultural heritage.
D.To prove traditional art forms are actively promoted.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Bright Future of Huangmei Opera
B.The Explosive Growth of the Short Video Industry
C.The Simple Way to Explore the Traditional Art Form
D.The Creative Combination of Culture and Technologies
2024-01-06更新 | 129次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省张家界市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Going against the tide of flocking to well-known tourist destinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend to spend their leisure time at lesser-known attractions. Reverse tourism (逆向旅游) has appeared as a   new trend among young holidaymakers in China.

According to data from an online travel agency, the number of rooms booked at hotels in less-traveled cities during the holiday was up 30 percent year-on-year. Bookings for four-star or five-star hotels in less-traveled places all increased ten times at a minimum. Some lesser-known scenic spots posted double-digit (两位数的) growth during the holiday. Baimaiquan Park in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, received 52,100 visits in the seven days, up to 15.78 percent year-over-year.

Besides crowds, some vacationers chose less-traveled places to save on the cost of trips to popular destinations. In addition, lesser-known attractions are not as “commercial” as developed ones and are able to offer more actual experiences and natural encounters.

Essentially speaking, total relaxation is becoming a real expectation for many people when they travel. Changes in demand may be the fundamental reason for the popularity of reverse tourism. COVID-19 is another key factor fueling reverse tourism. As preventive measures continue, traveling has an unpredictable quality. Travelers have thus become more cautious and tend to choose local attractions or places with fewer tourists.

“The rise of reverse tourism is not a bad thing,” said Zhengzhou Daily. It means that vacationers now have more options, which brings more possibilities to the tourism market. More importantly, it noted, the trend is set to force popular destinations to improve themselves instead of resting on their past honor.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher, said that reverse tourism will become one of the future directions for the market. To give a real boost to the tourism market, Jiang suggested that more efforts be made to tap the potential of underestimated, lesser-known destinations. It is necessary to dig deeper into the local customs and highlight the local characteristics to improve the quality of local tourism.

1. What do the statistics in paragraph 2 tell us?
A.The popularity of travel agency in China.
B.The high income of hotels during holidays.
C.The contributions of tourism to the economy.
D.The increasing trend of reverse tourism in China.
2. What may be the root cause of the rise of reverse tourism?
A.The impact of COVID-19.
B.Holidaymakers’ changing needs for travel.
C.The lower cost of heading to less-traveled places.
D.The lack of innovative improvements in famous attractions.
3. What does Zhengzhou Daily think of reverse tourism?
A.It will drop with the recovery of economy.
B.It benefits both tourists and the tourism market.
C.It is beneficial to spread local culture to tourists.
D.It blocks the development of some popular resorts.
4. What is Jiang Han’s advice on developing the tourism market?
A.Upgrading the supporting facilities in tourist areas.
B.Improving the management rules of tourist attractions further.
C.Exploring the potential and features of lesser-known attractions.
D.Promoting the local characteristics of China through online media.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . A worldwide shift from fossil fuel-powered cars to electric vehicles (EV) could significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that humans emit to the atmosphere. But the vehicle electrification can also shift some pollution to communities already suffering under higher economic, health and environmental burdens, researchers warn.

California is seeking to reduce its carbon footprint and has made great increases in the promotion of electric vehicle purchases. One tool the state has launched is the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, or CVRP, which offers consumers money back for the purchase of new EVs.

Now, an analysis of the CVRP’s impact on the state’s air quality from 2010 to 2021 reveals both good and bad news, researchers report May 3 in PLOS Climate.

The good news is that the CVRP is responsible for reducing the amount of the state’s overall CO2 emissions, reducing them by about 560,000 tons per year on average, says environmental scientist Jaye Mejia-Duwan at the University of California. In 2020, transportation in California produced about 160 million tons of CO2, about 40 percent of the total emitted by the state that year.

The bad news is that the most disadvantaged communities in the state didn’t see the same overall improvement in air quality. Those communities didn’t have the same decreases in CO2 — and in fact saw an increase in one type of air pollution, tiny particulates (颗粒) known as PM2.5. “These particulates are small enough to go deep into the lungs, increasing the risk of cancer, heart problems and cognitive decline,” Mejia-Duwan says.

“Electric vehicles are often referred to as ‘zero-emission vehicles,’ but in fact, they’re only as clean as the underlying electric grid (电网) from which the energy is sourced,” Mejia-Duwan says. EVs tend to be relatively heavy due to their batteries. And “heavier vehicles can produce more particulate matter than equally sized fossil fuel-powered cars, due to brake, tire or road wear,” Mejia-Duwan says.

1. California launched CVRP to ________.
A.save money for consumersB.encourage the purchase of EVs
C.promote selling traditional carsD.add to the profit of car industry
2. What do the figures in paragraph 4 indicate?
A.The seriousness of CO2 emissions.B.The increasing popularity of EVs.
C.The present situation of environment.D.The positive effect of CVRP.
3. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Fuel-powered cars are relatively environment friendly.
B.There are more EVs in disadvantaged communities.
C.Electric vehicles can reduce the amount of emission.
D.Heavier vehicles do less damage to the environment.
4. What is the author’s attitude to EVs?
2024-01-03更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省淮安市楚州中学新马高级中学二校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . After Alexander Pushkin was shot in a duel (决斗) in 1837, crowds of mourners formed in Saint Petersburg. When the wagon carrying the much loved poet’s body reached Pskov province, where he was to be buried, admirers tried to pull the vehicle themselves.

Today’s celebrity funerals tend to involve the public largely digitally rather than in person. But people are passionate all the same. In the past few months, grief has coursed around the Internet for Milan Kundera, and most recently, Michael Gambon. If you stop to think about it, such expressions of strong feelings for writers and actors are odd, even irrational.

Unlike other kinds of grief, this one is not rooted in personal intimacy (亲密关系). If you ever interacted with a cherished author, it was probably during a book tour when she signed your copy of her novel. Maybe you once locked eyes with a musician during a live concert and he smiled at you, but actually he did not even know you.

Objectively, sorrow makes sense when a star dies young or violently. Had she not died at 27, who knows what music Amy Winehouse would have added to her already impressive collections of work? The death of a long-lived and fulfilled artist, however, is far from the saddest item in an average day’s headlines. And while most ordinary people sink into oblivion, these celebrities live on in their output. Why, then, are these losses felt so widely and keenly?

One interpretation is that departed celebrities are merely the messengers. Part of your past —the years in which the musician was the soundtrack, the writer your ally (盟友) — can seem to fade away with them. The grief can be seen as a form of gratitude for the harmony and joy they supplied.

More importantly, the passing of an artist is an occasion for exchanges of ideas. In an atomized age, in which the default (默认) tone is critical, a beloved figure’s death is a chance to share positive feelings and memories with fellow admirers. These sad occasions are the parting gifts of these artists.

1. Why does the author mention Milan Kundera and Michael Gambon in paragraph 2?
A.To prove that celebrities’ funerals tend to attract wider public attention.
B.To illustrate why people express their sadness at the loss of those celebrities.
C.To demonstrate that people’s mourning for celebrities seems strange and unreasonable.
D.To show that people’s grief over celebrities’ death is ridiculous and impractical.
2. The underlined phrase “sink into oblivion” in paragraph 4 probably means ________.
A.are upsetB.are desperateC.are helplessD.are forgotten
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.People won’t mourn for celebrities unless they have intimate relationships with celebrities.
B.It’s natural that people mourn for celebrities dying young but not for those long-lived ones.
C.People feel sad for the passing of celebrities because of the mental nourishment received.
D.People attend celebrities’ funerals, either in person or on the Internet, to express their loyalty.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards public mourning for the celebrities?
完形填空(约530词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . One of the first things that happens when you publicly declare yourself a feminist is that you start getting asked a lot of questions. If you’re anything like me, these probes into your_________ beliefs will leave you a mumbling mess. I have read enough books and academic essays on feminism to _________ a fairly substantial library, and yet as soon as I’m asked to sum it up I started sweating and string together a few _________ sentences before loudly shouting ‘because Beyonce’ and running to get another drink.

To save you from this _________ fate I have put together a collection of the feminist comebacks I wish I’d thought of in the moment. Rip out this page, keep it in your pocket and whip it out next time you’re stuck with a drunk man at a party. Because it will come into _________.


Great question! It’s actually something I’m really passionate about. Feminism is a centuries-old social movement fighting for the_________ of the sexes. Inter-sectional feminists believe that all people are _________ to the same rights, and they fight to end all discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, ethnicity, religion or lifestyle.


Great question! Thanks for checking! You’re mistaken. I love jokes. I’ve got one for you ...

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Annie who?

Annie thing you can do I can do for 18.4% less pay!

Ha, ha, ha. But, jokes aside, political correctness gets a bad rap (恶评), but all it really _________ is minority groups asking that they not feel marginalized and hurt by everyday conversation or the media. I love comedy - in fact it is one of my favourite things. But I’m afraid that jokes that offend women, people of colour, disabled people, trans people or others in the LGBTQ community just aren’t _________ to me at all. Let’s chat when you come up with some better material, preferably something that doesn’t offend my friends!


Great questions! I’m sorry that a(n) _________ of the feminist movement in the mainstream media has led you to feel this way. Of course men can be feminists.

The sad fact is that we’ve all been socialized from birth to accept sexism as a part of life and, as a result, women can actually be just as _________ as men. Institutionalized sexism hurts men as well as women. It tells men that they aren’t allowed to show _________, that they have to be successful and powerful in order to succeed, and that they aren’t allowed to like the colour pink!

Feminism is the fight to _________ all these things and also to ensure that women are given fundamental human rights like education and reproductive freedom. Feminists truly believe that if we lived in a world without gender-based oppression, we’d all be so much happier. So even if you’re only joining for purely_________ reasons, we’d love to have you as a part of the gang!

Quoted from Scarlett Curtis’ Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies

A.boils down toB.steers away fromC.takes advantage ofD.puts up with
2023-12-29更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
10 . 最近,班上就是否能带智能机进校园一事展开了激烈的讨论,以下是同学们的观点。请将同学们的观点用英文进行陈述,并且表明自己的看法。









2023-12-28更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省昌江黎族自治县首都师范大学附属昌江矿区中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
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