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1 . After more than 2 months trapped in a collapsed copper (铜) and gold mine in the desert, all of 33 Chilean miners (矿工) were rescued Wednesday. With ingenuity and cutting-edge technology, the men have survived for 69 days, some 700 meters underground fending off hunger, anxiety and illness in a record-setting feat of survival. How did they survive the ordeal? Have a close look.

Before the miners were reached, they survived for 17 days on food already stored in the emergency shelter. They rationed themselves to 2 spoonfuls of tuna, half a cookie and a half-full glass of milk every 48 hours. Then a 6-inch diameter bore hole allowed food and water supplies to be sent down to the mine. Doctors then put the men on a solid diet of meat and rice, with a strict 2,200-calorie limit to keep them slim enough to fit in the evacuation shaft, which is just 66cm in diameter.

Yonny Barrios Rojas, 50, used knowledge gained on a nursing course he attended to administer medicine to the group and perform daily health checks.

“I was with God and I was with the devil. They fought and God won,” Mario Sepulveda, the second to be rescued, told CNN. He said he grabbed God’s hand and never doubted that he would be rescued.

1. What can we learn about the miners from the passage?
A.The miners were trapped in the mine in the desert on Wednesday.
B.The miners survived for 69 days on the food stored in the emergency shelter.
C.The miners were rescued after more than two months trapped.
D.Doctor Yonny Barrios Rojas administered medicine to the group and made daily health checks.
2. Why did doctor limit the calorie intake of the miners?
A.Because the food was limited.
B.Because the food had been eaten up already.
C.Because the miners couldn’t eat too much due to their bad condition.
D.Because the miners must be slim enough to get into the evacuation shaft.
3. What were the keys to the miners’ rescue?
A.Intelligence and advanced technology.B.Luck and Persistence.
C.Courage and wisdom.D.Experiences and bravery.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Miners trapped in a mineB.Miners survival miracle
C.A collapsed copper and gold mineD.A rescue mission
2024-04-07更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省多校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月大联考英语试题

2 . On a foggy day, I was listening to the radio on my drive when suddenly something caught my eye out the driver’s side window. I turned to look but it wasn’t clear because of the thick fog. Then I didn’t know how long I was knocked out.

It didn’t take me long to realize I couldn’t move either arm and my face was bleeding heavily. Over the next few days in the hospital, I began to get a clearer picture of what had happened. A local high school student, rushing to class, had crossed the center line and hit me head-on. I heard through friends of mine who knew his family that he was very, very upset by what had happened. I felt bad that he had such a burden to bear at such a young age.

Fourteen months after the accident. I was grocery shopping when a woman I didn’t know approached me and asked if I was Suzanne. She introduced herself, and I realized it was the young man’s mother. I appreciated learning how he was doing. He avoided severe injury but needed advice to help with the emotional trauma (创伤) of causing the accident. I could certainly understand the difficulty of getting back behind the wheel of a car. Secretly, I wished I could talk to him myself.

Seven months later, it was time for my daughter’s Christmas band concert at the high school. The first adult I recognized upon entering the auditorium was the mother who approached me in the grocery store. I wondered why she was there. One young man in a white hoodie and ball cap ran up. Suddenly, I realized that it was him, the driver, as he resembled that mother.

I edged my way through the crowd. “Hi, I’m Suzanne,” I greeted. “I just wanted to say that I’m okay, and I was never mad at you. I know this was hard on you.” He apparently knew who I was. “You do?” came a slightly muffled (模糊不清的) answer. “I’m really okay,” I added, patting him on the shoulder and feeling like I was the only person who could let him forgive himself. I was the only person who could give him that gift if he could see me and hear from me that all was well.

1. What might cause the author’s accident?
A.Her temporary blindness.B.Her physical burden.
C.The boy’s distraction.D.The boy’s violating the traffic rule.
2. The author wanted to learn about the boy’s condition because she ________.
A.wanted to ease the boy’s mindB.wanted the boy to make up for the loss
C.wanted the boy to make an apologyD.wanted the boy to bear a heavy burden
3. What do we know about the boy?
A.He was terribly injured physically.B.He didn’t feel guilty at all.
C.He needed psychological advice.D.He rejected the author’s kindness.
4. Which words can best describe the author?
A.Generous and relieved.B.Forgiving and straightforward.
C.Sympathetic and caring.D.Light-hearted and supportive.
2024-03-02更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期学生自主检测英语试题
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3 . The Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC) confirmed on Monday that a Boeing 737 passenger plane with 132 aboard crashed in China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The CAAC has activated an emergency mechanism and sent a working group to the scene.

The crash site of the Chinese passenger plane was located at Molang Village, Langnan Town in Tengxian County, Wuzhou City in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to the local emergency department.

The Wuzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment (支队) immediately sent 23 fire trucks and 117 fire rescue personnel to the site. The Guangxi Fire Rescue Corps launched an emergency plan and reinforced 538 fire rescue personnel from nearby detachments for further help.

The forest fire bureau has deployed (部署) 450 firefighters stationed in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, and Guilin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the scene.

China Eastern Airlines has grounded all Boeing 737-800 aircraft after the crash, company officials said.

Rescuers are making all-out efforts to retrieve (找回) the black boxes of the passenger plane with 132 people aboard that crashed in South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Monday afternoon. an official with the Civil Aviation Administration of China said Tuesday night.

The plane was severely damaged and the investigation is very difficult, Zhu Tao. head of CAAC aviation safety office, told a press briefing.

At present, the investigation team is carrying out a full search in accordance with the procedures, with rescuers exploring the crash site and going all out to search the black boxes, Zhu said.

The team is also thoroughly investigating other aspects, including flight, maintenance, air traffic control, meteorology (气象学), aircraft design and manufacturing, Zhu said .

Based on known information, the authorities do not yet have a clear clue to the cause of the passenger plane crash. the official said.

1. Which of the following is the measure taken by the local authority after the plane crashed?
A.The Wuzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment launched an emergency plan.
B.The Guangxi Fire Rescue Corps sent 23 fire trucks and 117 fire rescue personnel to the site.
C.The Guangxi Fire Rescue Corps increased 538 fire rescue personnel for further help.
D.The forest fire bureau has organized 450 firefighters to Zhaoqing and Guilin.
2. What does the underlined word in paragraph 5 mean?
3. What can we infer from this passage?
A.There were altogether 655 fire rescue personnel to provide help.
B.Rescuers have retrieved the black boxes
C.Air traffic control is the key factor leading to the crash.
D.The clue of the cause has yet to be found.
4. Where is this article taken from?
A.A newspaper.B.A textbook.C.A science magazine.D.A biological journal.
2023-11-13更新 | 129次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长郡中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . Do you know what to do when there is an emergency? By calling the police, you can protect yourself and those around you.

Call the police in all of the following emergencies:

◆ A crime, such as a theft, especially if it is still in progress.

◆ A car accident, especially if someone is injured.

◆ Domestic violence, such as a child being mistreated.

◆ Anything else that seems like an emergency.

You may also call the police when you see something suspicious(可疑的)in your neighborhood:

◆ Someone you don’t know is frequently walking around in your neighborhood. This could be a sign that the person is trying to break into a house.

◆ Someone is trying to open the doors of a car. This could be a sign that the person is trying to steal the car.

When you see something suspicious, do not suppose someone else has already called the police. People often hesitate to call the police for fear of danger. However, the police want to help prevent crime.

What should you do when you call the police?

◆ Dial 911 (the U.S. emergency number; the number varies from one country to another—in China, you dial 110 to call the police). Stay calm when calling and give your name, address and phone number. Then, tell the person why you are calling (What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Is it still in progress?). Follow any instructions you are given. For example, the dispatcher (调度员) might say, “Stay on the line,” or “Leave the building.”

◆ If you dial the emergency number by mistake.do not hang up. Doing so could make the dispatcher think an emergency really exists. Instead,just tell the person that you called by mistake.

Most police departments have a communication center. The communication center staff reach police officers by radio. Police officers carry headsets. like earphones, to stay in touch with the communication center.

1. When calling the police, you DON’T need to give ______ to the dispatcher.
A.your nameB.your phone number
C.your ID card numberD.some details of the emergency
2. What should you do if you dial the emergency number by mistake?
A.Power off your smartphone.B.Hang up your phone at once.
C.Tell the dispatcher you called by mistake.D.Go to a police station to explain your mistake.
3. What do the communication center staff in police departments do?
A.Monitor police officers.B.Answer emergency calls.
C.Tell people what to do in an emergency.D.Reach police officers when there is an emergency.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To tell people when and how to call the police.
B.To introduce a police officer’s general duties.
C.To share the author’s experience of calling the police.
D.To thank the police for trying to prevent crimes.
2023-06-08更新 | 41次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省长郡中学2022-2023学年高二下学期普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟试题
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5 . “Mayday! We got Mayday!” Frank Pisano screamed over the micro-phone to the air control tower at John Wayne Airport last June. One of the two engines on his 1975 Cessna had failed, and he was now on a collision course with one of the busiest highways in America—Interstate 405, just south of Los Angeles—and there was no stopping it.

Driving south on the 405, near the airport’s runway, was John Meffert. A fire department captain, Meffert, 47, was heading home from his shift. Then a low-flying plane caught his eye. After he took a second glance, a thought crossed his mind: “This plane’s going to hit me,” Meffert told Fox 8.

He was right. The plane knocked into the center highway, popped up a few feet, and then hit the front of Meffert’s SUV. It finally stopped after hitting the divider on the southbound side. Meffert pulled over. He was unhurt, so he turned his attention to the plane. He ran toward the smoke billowing from it—and then he saw Frank’s wife, Janan Pisano, pop her head up on the passenger side.

By the time Meffert reached the aircraft, part of the fuselage (机身) was on fire and Janan, who was covered in blood, was on the wing trying to pull her husband from the wreck. Meffert, afraid the plane would explode, guided her to safety behind it. At this point, traffic had come to a stop, and two nurses jumped out of their cars to help lead Janan farther away as Meffert ran back for the pilot.

“I’m going to get you out,” Meffert said as he positioned himself under the pilot’s arms and carefully lifted him from the seat. He dragged the pilot off the wing and carried him to the side of the freeway to safety, where they watched flames swallow the plane.

Remarkably, Meffert’s car was the only one hit by the plane. Had Meffert been a second or two faster, Frank told the Orange County Register, the left propeller (螺旋桨) would have torn the top off his SUV and killed him.

“I play all the what-ifs—going slower, going faster. It could have been in a very different situation,” Meffert told Fox 8. “We just had a lot of angels.”

1. What was the reason for the accident?
A.The plane hit a SUV.B.Frank was not a good pilot.
C.One of the engines didn’t work.D.The plane landed at a wrong place.
2. What damage did the plane do to Meffert?
A.It hit part of Meffert’s car.B.It set Meffert’s car on fire.
C.It caused Meffert covered in blood.D.It threw Meffert into the air.
3. Why did Meffert manage to carry the pilot out of the plane?
A.Because he knew how to perform first aid.
B.Because the plane couldn’t fly any more.
C.Because he didn’t want to cause a traffic jam.
D.Because the plane might explode.
4. How did Meffert feel about the outcome of the accident?
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6 . As 17-year-old Norwood drove through St. Peters-burg, Florida, last February, the laughter and chatter from the four teenage girls inside her car quickly gave way to screams. As they approached a crossing, another car T-boned them, sending their car sailing into the yard of a nearby home, coming to a stop only when it crashed into a tree.

As smoke rose from the other car, a bystander shouted, “It’s about to blow up! Get out!” Shaken, but otherwise OK, she crawled (爬行) out through the window. Along with two of her friends, who’d also managed to free themselves, she ran for her life.

But halfway down the street, she realized that her best friend, Simmons, wasn’t with them. Norwood ran back to the car and found Simmons passed out in the back seat. She threw open the back door and pulled her friend out, avoiding the broken glass as best she could. She dragged Simmons a few feet to safety and laid her on the ground. “I checked her pulse.” Nothing.“I put my head against her chest.” No sign of life. “That’s when I started CPR (心肺复苏术).”

Had the accident happened a few weeks earlier, she might not have known what to do. But Norwood, who wants to pursue a career in medicine, had earned her CPR certificate just the day before. Kneeling on the lawn and looking down at her dying friend, Norwood knew she had precious little time to practice what she’d learned. She started pumping Simmons’s chest and breathing into her friend’s mouth in hopes of filling her lungs with the kiss of life. No response. And then, after the 30th try, Simmons began coughing and gasping for air. The CPR had worked! Soon, the ambulance arrived and rushed Simmons to the hospital, where she received treatment for a cut in her forehead. And then she heard how her best friend had saved her life. “I wasn’t shocked,” Simmons told CNN. “She will always help any way she can.”

1. What happened to Norwood’s car in Florida last February?
A.It lost its way at a crossing.
B.It crashed into a nearby building.
C.It was hit by another car from the side.
D.It stopped in St. Peters- burg as planned.
2. Why did Norwood go back to the car?
A.To call for help.B.To check the car.
C.To put out the fire.D.To rescue her friend.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Norwood was a certificated on- the- job doctor.
B.Simmons didn’t come to herself after the CPR.
C.Norwood learned how to perform CPR recently.
D.Simmons was surprised to be saved by Norwood.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Norwood?
A.Calm and dependable.B.Friendly and selfless.
C.Honest and responsible.D.Helpful and sympathetic.
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7 . Three lifeguards were hailed as (被誉为) heroes last night after they rescued dozens of teenagers from the sea. The quick action and bravery of the lifeguards saved several of the youngsters from certain death.

The group of thirty-six youngsters were on an outdoor activity holiday in West Wales. On Saturday afternoon, the group, accompanied by four adults, went down to the sea. Some of them did not know how to swim and had never seen the sea before the trip. They were taking part in an exercise to help build confidence and teamwork. As part of the exercise they were walking backwards into the sea. At the time the tide (海潮) was out and the water was not deep. The tide began to come in and the group started walking back to dry land. Suddenly the sandbank underneath them collapsed (坍塌) and the sea flooded in. Some of the teenagers were soon in dangerous waters.

Fortunately, three lifeguards were nearby and came to the rescue. David Miller, manager for the local coastguard, said that although the sea was fairly shallow, it was still very dangerous in that sea. “It is just fortunate that the brave lifeguards were quickly on the scene and lucky that lives were not lost,” he added.

1. Why were the three lifeguards hailed as heroes?
A.They worked hard in their holidays.B.They won the first prize in a show.
C.They did well in their outdoor training.D.They saved some youngsters from death.
2. For what purpose did the youngsters take part in the exercise?
A.To build confidence and teamwork.B.To learn how to swim.
C.To fish in the sea.D.To watch the tides.
3. Who were the people in danger when the sandbank fell down?
A.Three lifeguards.B.The local people.
C.Some teenagers.D.David and his friends.
4. What is this text?
A.A speech.B.A news report.C.A letter.D.A medical report.

8 . One day, Lisa Holman told her family she would be out that night visiting her friend, only about half an hour drive from her house. So it was not alarming as the night grew on and she did not arrive home. As 11 pm passed, her family began to worry. They called her but did not get any answer. They then reached out to Lisa's friend, who said Lisa had left to drive home at 9 that night.

The family thought about calling the police that evening but the police typically don't define a person missing unless there is no contact for 24 hours. The next morning there was still no sign of Lisa. All the family could do was sit home and wait. Lisa's son decided to drive along Lisa's route and carefully look for her. He found Lisa's car had crashed into a tree. What's worse,there was no sign of Lisa at all.

The family called the police. The police began their search. But due to the heavy rain the search team was called back. The family was very disappointed but still hopeful and continued the search 700 feet from Lisa's car, they finally found Lisa under a rock.

After a few days in hospital, Lisa recovered. She explained that she passed out after her car slid off the road in the rain. After she came to herself, Lisa managed to climb out of the car. While walking to find help, Lisa was exhausted and unable to figure out the direction. So she couldn't walk on and climbed under a rock as it started raining again. Scared as she was, she turned to her faith in hopes of living to see her son again.

1. When should Lisa arrive home after visiting her friend?
A.About 9 pm.B.About 9: 30 pm.
C.About 11 pm.D.The next morning.
2. Why did the family give up calling the police that night?
A.The police usually refused to come at night.
B.The heavy rain had blocked all the roads up.
C.They thought Lisa would come back herself.
D.They had been out of touch with Lisa for less than a day.
3. Who found Lisa under the rock?
A.The friend she had visiteD.B.A hiking team passing by.
C.The police search team.D.Lisa's family.
4. Why was Lisa unable to go home by herself?
A.She was lost.B.Her legs were badly injured.
C.She was locked in her car.D.She was caught by heavy rain,

9 . It was late, about 10:15 p.m, when Janice Esposito arrived at the New York train station and began the 20-minute drive home. She had traveled the route so many times that she almost drove on autopilot (自动驾驶):a left onto Station Road, then a left on Montauk Highway, and then-bang! Out of nowhere, a car T-boned Janice’s car, pushing her backward onto the railroad tracks.

As it happened, Pole DiPinto was gelling ready for bed. He'd just closed his book when he heard the loud crash not far outside his bedroom window. A volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, 64, never stopped to think, He grabbed a flashlight and still in his pajamas (睡衣), ran out the door. “Any firefighter would have? done what I did,” he said, “We're always on duly.”

The first car he came upon was the one that had hit Janice. Once DiPinto concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and spotted Janice's car lay across the railroad tracks. And then he heard a terrible sound: the bells signaling an on-coming train.

DiPinto rushed to Janice's cur and banged on the driver's side window. She just looked at him, her eyes unfocused. “I don't know where I am,” she said. She seemed unhurt. “Honey, you're on the railroad tracks,” DiPinto shouted, “We have to get you off right now!” He pulled hard on the door handle, but it didn't work. The heavy train, traveling at 65 miles per hour, was heading toward them. DiPinto ran to the passenger side and threw open the door. “Please, God, don't let her be trapped”, he thought. He pushed aside the airbags, grabbed Janice's arms, and pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until he could help her out and walk her to safety. Within six seconds, he estimated, the train crashed into the car.

“It was like a Hollywood movie,” DiPinto told reporters the next day. But this one had a difference. That night, the hero arrived in pajamas, not in a fire truck.

1. Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word "T-boned" in Paragraph 1?
A.Crashed into.B.Came across.
C.Pushed forward.D.Scratched the side of.
2. What do we know about Pete DiPinto?
A.He was the volunteer firefighter who was on duty that night.
B.He wasn't aware of the coming train when he was rescuing Janice.
C.He was in sound sleep in his bedroom when the accident happened.
D.He first confirmed the other driver before he came to Janice's rescue.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Janice didn't know where she was.
B.The airbags protected her in some way.
C.DiPinto rescued Janice without difficulty.
D.All the doors of Janice's car were in good condition.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.A Hero in Pajamas.B.A Hollywood Movie.
C.A Dangerous Heavy Train.D.A Horrible Car Accident.
2020-03-16更新 | 113次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省周南中学2022-2023学年高一上学期开学入学考试英语试题(含听力)

10 . The sound that woke Damian Languell at 8:15 in the morning was so loud he assumed it came from inside his house in Wade, Maine. As he got up to investigate, he heard another sound, this one coming most definitely from outside. Looking out of his bedroom window, he noticed a tree enveloped in smoke about 500 yards away. A car wrapped around the tree's base, its engine on fire.

Grabbing buckets of water, he and his wife ran to the crash site. Up close, the accident looked worse. The car was split nearly in two, and the tree was where the driver's seat ought to have been, as if planted there. No one should have survived this crash, and yet there was 20- year-old Quintin Thompson, his terrified face pressed against the driver's side window, in visible pain.

Languell tried putting out the fire with his buckets of water but failed. When the flames got into the front seats, he knew he had to get the young man out. So Languell opened the car's back door and climbed in. Using a pocket knife he'd brought with him, he cut through Thompson's seat belt. Now that Thompson was free, Languell pulled him out, and dragged him to safety before the entire car was in flames.

It is empathy that drove Languell to help, just as he said, "My heart goes out to Thompson. When you are that close to that level of hurt, you feel it so directly." For his heroic action, Languell was added to the list of real-life heroes changing the world.

1. Where was the first sound actually from?
A.A house on fire.B.A car crash.
C.The bedroom window.D.The basement.
2. What do we know about Quintin Thompson?
A.He saved his car from fire.B.He was successfully rescued.
C.He remained calm all the time.D.He was capable of helping himself out.
3. Which of the following best explains "empathy” underlined in the last paragraph?
4. Which words can best describe Damian Languell?
A.Daring and generous.B.Caring and grateful.
C.Courageous and noble.D.Ambitious and reliable.
2020-02-05更新 | 301次组卷 | 7卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2021届精英班高三下学期入学测试英语试题
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