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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:515 题号:10937802

Finding Your Courage

Gold and brown leaves crunched(吱吱响)under Dora's boots as she made her way down the sidewalk. She could not wait to be home. The chill(寒冷)from the autumn winds was bad, but it was not nearly as hard to bear as the chill she felt in her heart.

She could not forget the way she had frozen in front of the class today. Mr. Roberts divided the class into groups to do presentations. Each person in the group would speak for five minutes in front of the class. Today was Dora's turn. Her legs trembled(颤抖)all the way to the front of the classroom. Her hands shook so badly that she could not read her notes. As Dora spoke, her voice became softer, almost to silence. Mr. Roberts kindly ended Dora's part of the presentation even though she had clearly not finished. He also asked Dora to stay after class for a moment.

“Dora, I know you're shy, but you worked hard on this project. I'd hate to see you give up on yourself. ” Mr. Roberts suggested, “If I give you another chance tomorrow, do you think you can find your courage?”

Dora nodded. She went as quickly as she could to her next class. She kept her head down and hoped the school day would end soon.

Arriving home, she found Mom baking in the kitchen. When Mom baked, Dora always watched and chatted with her. Mom always said it was Dora's company that made her baked goods taste so sweet.

Mom studied Dora's face as she came into the kitchen. “What's wrong, Dora?"

Tears shone in Dora's brown eyes. She told the whole story. Mom was silent for a moment, but her hands still busy with the cake.

“Why is it that you can talk to me about anything and everything, but you can't talk to your class?" Mom asked, sliding the round cake pans into the oven. She set the timer and then said, “Let me show you something. ”

Paragraph 1:

Dora followed Momma to her bedroom.

Paragraph 2:

The next day Dora again walked to the front of the classroom to give her presentation.                  

【知识点】 故事 教育


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

After seeing a program on television about a reporter who had hitchhiked (搭顺风车)across America, my ten-year-old daughter, Ashley said, “I wish I could do that!” Ashley was diagnosed with cancer three years earlier. Although she is cancer-free now after a surgery, numerous tests and the scary procedure of treatments had made her unwilling to risk outside her known world. So I wanted to encourage that spirit of adventure in her.

I began trying to think of a way for her to “hitchhike” across the country without leaving home. That’s how Carmen was born. Carmen is a teddy bear Ashley had received while she was in the hospital. We decided to send Carmen in Ashley’s place. So we purchased a notebook as a travel journal and a bag for Carmen to travel in, together with a letter written by Ashley:

My name is Ashley and I am ten years old. This is my bear, Carmen. I got her when I was in the hospital. She wants to go to all fifty states just like the reporter guy on TV who hitchhiked across America. But she can’t walk, so will you please help her? Could you let her ride with you and keep her safe, as well as tell her about yourself so she won’t be lonely?

Please write a little about yourself in the journal and then introduce her to someone new. She wants to meet as many new people as she can. I think by about September she will be ready to come home. In her coin purse is $5. 00. Please put her in a box with her journal and send her to Sac City State Bank. Attention: Caretaker of Carmen Bear. If you would like to hear from Carmen after she gets home, please leave your address in her notebook and we will send you a note and let you know when she gets home safely.

Thank you for taking care of Carmen, and thank you for taking the time to write in her notebook.

Your new friends,

Carmen and Ashley

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

We then took Carmen to our family friend Phil, a highway patrol officer(巡警).


Then one day in September the long-expected package with Carmen inside finally arrived.

7日内更新 | 18次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Hudson had been looking forward to this trip for weeks. This was more than the usual excitement about end-of-year trips. It was the eighth grade class trip! And it was the best field trip that middle school had to offer.

They got to go to Six Flags Great America, home to more rollercoasters and games than anyplace north of Florida. They got to wander around the park by themselves, free to do as they pleased for an entire school day.

And now, finally, they were at Six Flags Great America. Hudson, with his best friend, Davion, and other classmates were waiting in line for the Twisted Twister. From the very beginning, the Twisted Twister lived up to its name. The black coaster tracks corkscrewed (螺旋式转动) almost immediately. Then, the riders in the yellow cars were given a moment to catch their breath as they were carried slowly to the top of a hill. But the relief didn’t last long. As soon as the rollercoaster cars were over the peak, the track twisted again. And again and again and again.

“I’ve heard that it turns so much that, by the time you get to the end, you’ve gone 1, 080 degrees around. That’s like four full circles!” Davion said with a smile. “It’s amazing! There’s a zero-G roll and a twelve-story drop!” he continued, excitedly sharing information about the coaster.

Hudson did not agree. He personally felt that the Twisted Twister was terrifyingly huge, and absolutely the scariest rollercoaster he had ever seen. But Hudson wasn’t about to mention his fear to his friend. This was the eighth grade trip!

At this moment, the group in front of them got off. Hudson could hear them screaming, but he couldn’t tell if the screams were because of delight or fear. Now, it was their turn! Their car pulled up and the barriers glided(滑过) smoothly up. Other classmates rushed in. Hudson, on the other hand, felt his legs lock up. And he knew, suddenly, that he could not do it. He was too afraid.


As Hudson stood frozen, Davion noticed his friend’s hesitation.


With determination, Hudson stepped forward, ready to face the coaster!

2024-05-28更新 | 34次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

When Someone Believes in You

When Marco was a boy, he tried everything to get his father’s love and attention. He worked hard to earn excellent marks; he tried to be obedient (顺从的), he chose inspiring friends and always tried to behave well.

Sensitive and shy, he always wore turtleneck shirts. He hid behind his hair, which he wore long around his face and ears. To make it worse, Marco was naturally shorter than the other kids. And because his good marks had allowed him to skip second grade — he was younger than everyone else. This added nothing to his already low self-confidence.

When Marco was eight his parents divorced, and Marco was sent to a boarding school. Six years later, he and his young sister Sandra moved in with their dad and his new wife in St-Léonard, a French Canadian and Italian neighbourhood on the east side of Montreal. Between his work and his new young wife, it felt to Marco that his father had little time for him and Sandra. Except for his demands around housework after school, there was no communication. It seemed to Marco the only time his dad ever spoke to him was to be demanding or critical. But his dad really did love him and wanted the best for him. It was his own insecurity that made him react to anything that might threaten his son’s future.

Marco sank further into his low self-respect and was overwhelmed with feeling unappreciated, inadequate, depressed and confused. He felt desperately alone and lonely. He began to fear coming home from school every day.

One day, his aunt called him. To Marco, this seemed like a miracle. Aunt Ginette usually only called once a year, on his birthday. She said she had just seen some young teenagers participate in a public speaking contest called Gala Personnalité sponsored by Club Optimiste — and she thought about him. She thought he should give it a try. She told him she firmly believed he could perform on stage like the other kids, since she had seen him do skits (小品) for the family at Christmas.


Him? On stage? In a public speaking contest?


Four months later, the big night arrived.

2023-05-03更新 | 140次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般