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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:38 题号:11237510

The baobab tree is sometimes called “the Tree of Life." Baobabs grow in Africa and Australia. They are the most famous trees in Africa. Baobabs have very thick, wide trunks (树干).Often the trunks have large empty spaces inside.

In South Africa, one famous tree had a hole so large that someone built a bar inside it. People could sit inside and order drinks. That tree was known as the Sunland Baobab. It was more than 1,000 years old. It was the biggest baobab in Africa. But in 2017 it fell down. In 2016, another famous baobab fell down and died. It was called the Chapman tree in Botswana.

A recent study shows that the problem is widespread. Adrian Patrut and his team started studying the baobabs in 2005.The team found bad news. In the past 12 years, “nine of the thirteen oldest and five of the six largest have died,” the report found. Sometimes parts of the tree didn't die. But the “oldest parts” did.

Experts aren't sure what is causing the baobabs to die. They think it may be related to climate change. But more research is needed to prove it.

The largest trees need more water and food than smaller baobabs. Patrut thinks that is what puts them at greater danger. More heat and less rainfall could have a big influence on the trees.

In Zimbabwe a fungus(真菌)turns baobabs black before they die. But Patrut's study didn't find signs of a widespread disease. No matter the cause, the loss is huge.

Baobabs are amazing. They are a major food source for people. The trees grow white flowers that open at night. Bats spread the pollen(花粉)and help the trees grow fruit. Their white fruit is called monkey bread. People use it as food and to make cool drinks. People make paper, cloth, and even drugs from baobab bark(树皮).

1. What do we know about the Sunland Baobab?
A.It was the biggest baobab in Australia.
B.It was the oldest tree in the world.
C.It fell down in 2016 in Botswana.
D.It once had a bar inside it
2. What did Patrut's study find?
A.More baobabs are dying,
B.Old baobabs are going to disappear.
C.Trees worldwide have common problems.
D.Trees' living environment is getting worse.
3. As for what's killing baobabs, experts ______
A.are certain human activities put them in danger
B.are sure it is because of climate change
C.have proved disease is the main cause
D.need to carry out more studies
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The great uses of baobab trees
B.The danger of losing baobab trees.
C.How baobab trees help other plants
D.The importance of protecting the environment.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The hemlock(铁杉) trees along the Wappinger Creek, New York, look healthy. However, scientist Gary Lovett says the white balls which provide protection for the bugs are created by a tiny insect. It’s hard to believe the tiny bug could kill a tree. However, trees can end up with millions and millions of the pests. When there are that many, it ends up killing the tree.

The bug from East Asia is slowly killing trees across the USA. The trouble-making bug is just one of many invasive(入侵的) pests that have slipped into the United States. They can hurt other living things in their new home.

Many invasive pests arrive on wooden pallets piled inside shipping containers. They support and separate goods, and keep them from sliding around. Invasive pests often tunnel into the pallets.   How can we stop pests from riding on pallets? Lovett says new rules are needed. The companies that make pallets don’t want more rules. Congress has added an amendment(修正案) in the 2018 Farm Bill to try and prevent this problem. However, Lovett is not hopeful it will make much of a difference. Pallets are checked by inspectors. Many are sprayed with bug-killing pesticide. “I believe in the system,” said Brent McClendon, president of The National Wooden Pallet and Container Association. He also said shipping containers are checked very carefully.

Still, each year 13 million containers are shipped to the U.S. Each is full of wooden pallets. Lovett says: “Inspectors can’t possibly check everything. All it takes are a few bad pallets; we should get rid of wooden pallets.” He believes pallets should be made of plastic or eco-composite wood. Eco-composite wood is a mix of wood fiber and plastic. Insects cannot hide into it. One problem is that these choices cost more. They may be worth the extra money, though. Invasive pests cost the U.S. $5 billion a year. Trees don’t just die in forests. They also die in cities and our yards. Then, they need to be replaced. That costs money, too.

1. All the statements are TRUE except that ________.
A.pesticide has been applied to bug-killing
B.invasive pests are native to Wappinger Creek
C.invasive pests hide in pallets used in shipping
D.the companies making pallets don’t want more rules
2. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Bugs can be easily spotted by eyes.
B.Bugs ruin the shipping goods slowly.
C.Bugs won’t bother the tree if just in few numbers.
D.Bugs cover trees with white soft balls for protection.
3. Why does Gary Lovett want to get rid of wooden pallets?
A.Because insects mostly die in them.
B.Because plastic pallets are eco-friendly.
C.Because they are not worth extra money.
D.Because they are the major pest carriers.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Invasive pests are harming plants in the USA.
B.Effective measures have stopped the pest invasion.
C.Congress contributes a lot to dealing with invasive pests.
D.Ecosystem in the USA is poorly damaged by invasive woods.
2019-04-23更新 | 185次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The zebra belongs to the horse family. One of nature’s great mysteries is why the zebra has stripes. One theory is that the stripes help the zebra cool down. On hot days the black stripes get a lot hotter than the white area of the zebra and under the black stripes there are special layers of fat for protection. Hot air then rises off the black stripes, forcing colder air down around the white areas, cooling the zebra down This, however, is just a kind of theory. The stripes can also confuse predators when zebras stay with other animals in great numbers.

Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight and can run at speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour. They also have a powerful kick that can cause serious injury to a predator, like a lion, or an African wild dog. Usually the lead male of the herd stays at the back of the group to defend against predators if necessary, while the females and youngsters escape danger.

Zebras are herbivores that feed only on plants and lives mostly by eating grasses, although they also might eat a bit of the leaves and stems of bushes. They eat grasses for many hours each day, using their strong teeth. Spending so much time chewing wears the zebras’ teeth down, so their teeth keep growing all their lives. As the dry season arrives and the grasses die back, zebra herds travel to find more food and water holes for drinking. Most zebras have no specific territories. They travel from place to place, never staying in one area very long.

1. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.
A.there are different opinions about why the zebra has stripes
B.the black stripes help the zebra live through cold days
C.the zebra can be easily attacked by predators
D.the zebra always travels with other animals
2. According to the passage, herbivores are animals that ________.
A.have specific territoriesB.only eat plants
C.kill and eat other animalsD.live in groups
3. The zebra has strong teeth all their lives because their teeth ________.
A.only chew soft grassesB.are used all day
C.are always growingD.are kept clean
2021-09-10更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Scientists at the University of Bonn carried out extensive research to show that the waterdrops rolling off a lotus (莲花)leaf carry away dirt, leaving the surface perfectly clean. This phenomena has been named the “Lotus Effect" and works best on rough surfaces.

Contrary to popular belief, lotus leaves are not smooth at all. When examined under a powerful microscope , the leaf cells show a bumpy surface. That makes the surface rough. As a result, dirt rests only on the tips of the wax crystals (蜡晶体)covering the leaf surface. The roughness reduces the contact area between the dirt and the leaf surface. A rough surface structure with wax crystals makes it impossible for water to stick. Due to the friction (摩擦 力),the water contracts at once. It forms round waterdrops to minimize the contact area with the rough, waxy leaf surface and runs off the leaf very quickly. Since the dirt only rests on the tips of the wax crystals they stick more strongly to the waterdrops than to the leaf surfaces・ They are washed away when the water falls on the leaves.

On smooth leaves, the dirt is pushed from one part of the leaf to the other. This is because the dirt has a larger contact area where they can rest comfortably on the flat surface. We must also keep in mind that water usually spreads and only partially runs off the leaves一 that too, only if the leaf is tilted! The dirt may get driven, but they are mainly displaced from one side of the leaf to the other.

Scientists say that the “Lotus Effect" is particularly beneficial for it helps to protect the lotus leaves from harmful bacteria. The dirt on the leaves often contains tiny disease causing fungi and bacteria. While most of the bacteria get washed off, the few that remain eventually die since they do not get the water they require for survival and growth.

1. What is “Lotus Effect”?
A.The self-cleaning feature of lotus leaves.
B.The lotus surfaces'   ability to kill harmful bacteria.
C.The dirt leaving off lotus leaves with the help of wind.
D.Lotus leaves making waterdrops from the dirt on them.
2. What does the underlined word “bumpy” in paragraph 2 probobaly mean?
3. Why are waterdrops unable to stay on lotus leaves?
A.The contact area between drops and leaves is too large.
B.The smooth leaf surface makes waterdrops roll down.
C.The rough and waxy leaf surface reduces the friction.
D.The waterdrops fall on the leaves at a too high speed.
4. What is the benefit of “Lotus Effect”?
A.It can protect the lotus from sunshine.
B.It can help the lotus grow healthily.
C.It can make the bacteria more and stronger.
D.It can help the lotus leaves keep the required water.
2019-09-20更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般