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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:59 题号:11460203

Plants: we eat them, juice them, weave them — and now it seems we can mine them too!

After a successful experiment on the island of Borneo, Botany Professor Alan Baker and a group of researchers want to introduce phytomining (harvesting minerals from plants) as a better, partial substitute for traditional mining.

Phytomining means collecting metal from live plants. However, this can only be done with a group of plants known as “hyperaccumulators.” They naturally attract and absorb minerals through their roots and then store huge, pure concentrations of these minerals in their bodies. The metal can then be extracted from the plant’s sap (液), oil, or sometimes even live tissue.

The term “phytomining” was coined in 1983 by Rufus Chaney of the US Department of Agriculture, who had worked with Baker in early phytomining experiments. But the idea of plant-mining was actually thought of 500 years ago by German scientist Georgius Agricola, who smelted leaves to identify the metals underground.

Baker and his colleagues see a lot of potential in phytomining. Not only can it help meet the growing global demand for metals, but is also a way of undoing some of that damage to the environment by traditional mining.

One of the biggest problems with traditional mining is that it pollutes the surrounding area. Phytomining can extract that metal waste, plus planting the hyperaccumulators would regrow the deforested areas created by mining operations.

Aside from this, if phytomining is able to replace part of traditional mining, then there would be fewer instances of bad mining practices like abandoned mines, which pollute the nearby waters. Also, since phytomining provides metal that is already naturally pure, there is no need to use huge amounts of energy to purify the ore (矿石).

However, phytomining has its drawbacks. Harvesting plants on a large scale is expensive today, compared to traditional mining. Besides, plants can be wiped out by diseases or unexpected weather conditions.

However, there are many reasons to consider phytomining. It gives us the hope that our advancement doesn’t mean sacrificing Mother Earth.

1. What makes hyperaccumulators different from other plants?
A.The ability to take in and store metals.
B.The ability to process various nutrition.
C.Their roots deep through the earth.
D.Their oil extracted from live plant tissue.
2. Which is the disadvantage of phytomining?
A.It can pollute the nearby area.
B.It can waste huge amounts of energy.
C.It can do harm to our climate.
D.It can be affected by bad weather.
3. What can we learn about phytomining?
A.The term came up even 500 years ago.
B.Its potential mainly lies in lower cost, compared to traditional mining.
C.It can make up for the damage caused by traditional mining.
D.It uses clean energy sources to purify the ore.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Future of phytominingB.Metals from plants
C.Solutions to pollutionD.Experiments on plants


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In Sweden, McDonald’s is building “bee hotels” on the back of its roadside billboards (广告牌) to help save the country’s decreasing bee population. It launched the campaign together with outdoor advertising giant JCDecaux. Six large wooden bee hotels, with drilled holes on the front, first appeared on the back of a north-facing billboard in Jarfalla in September.

“Without pollination (授粉) from bees, a third of the food we eat would be threatened.” McDonald’s said. But it turns out that at least 30 percent of the country’s wild bee population is endangered, according to the fast-food chain. A big problem is that they lack places to live. Based on data released by Chalmers University of Technology, we know Sweden owns 274 species of bees, of which 37 species are bumblebees, and more than a third are decreasing or face the risk of decreasing. Their natural habitats have been damaged by factors including the changes of agricultural activities and fast urbanization (城市化). Fortunately, most bees are able to survive in urban habitats, like the bee hotels.

Every McDonald’s authorized restaurant in Sweden will be allowed to order their own bee hotel billboards and design the messages by themselves, as the fast-food chain says. It is their hope that the number of hotels could grow to a greater extent in the near future. Great efforts in addition to that have been made by the company. On World Bee Day, May 20, it introduced “the world’s smallest McDonald’s”. McHive, which could function as an actual beehive (蜂箱). Designed by set designer Nilsson himself, the creation was sold for $10,000 at a charity fundraiser held for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Beehives can be found on the rooftops of some McDonald’s restaurants in Sweden, too. This took place in certain areas but is now followed by an increasing number of participants. More McDonald’s restaurants are making an effort to improve the living conditions of wild bees by removing the grass round their restaurants to grow flowers and plants instead.

1. According to the passage, the challenge that wild bees are facing is ________
A.the fast process of industry.
B.the world's Large amount of trash.
C.the rapid development of urbanization.
D.the sharp growth of population.
2. How does McDonald's help wild bees in Sweden?
A.By providing shelters for bees.
B.By offering food to bees.
C.By advertising rescue activities.
D.By putting up more billboards.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.Wild bees in danger
B.The loss of bees’ habitats
C.McDonald’s bee hotels
D.The protection of wild bees
2021-06-26更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Where Do Mosquitoes(蚊子)Go in Winter?

Why do mosquitoes ,everywhere in warmer months,disappear completely in winter?    1    Mosquitoes are cold-blooded insects, meaning that they don’t like the cold and prefer temperatures that are 80 degrees .Fahrenheit or more. When the temperature drops, they actually lose their ability to fly and become motionless.

    2    They would never be able to fly far enough. The actual answer to the question is different for male and female mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes? They die. But that’s not just because of the cold. Male mosquitoes have far shorter lifespans(寿命) than females, and they die in autumn.

Female mosquitoes, though, can live through the winter. They hibernate (冬眠). In autumn, the females will go into hollow logs or cracks in the ground and enter this still state.    3    They put off their development, typically for months.

When it warms up again, the females will come out from hibernation. At this point, they’re getting ready to lay their eggs and they need as much blood as possible to help the eggs develop. The females must find a blood meal to provide the protein(蛋白质) needed by their eggs to develop, just in the time, when humans are outdoors in short sleeves enjoying the warming weather.    4    

It actually doesn’t have to be what we humans would consider “cold” to put a mosquito in danger. While these pests live actively when it’s around 80 degrees F, most species can start heading into hibernation when it drops to around 50.    5    This is when female mosquitoes start looking for a place for sleep.

A.The obvious answer is that it’s cold.
B.Now it’s time for male mosquitoes to wake up.
C.It’s only the female mosquitoes that are biting you.
D.Unlike birds,mosquitoes don’t fly south for the winter.
E.Anything below 50 degrees is already too cold for most mosquitoes.
F.They carry on with life only when there is enough water for their needs.
G.They can hibernate for up to six months in freezing or waterless conditions.
2020-07-24更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】High-pitched and yet distinct, the sound of a voice calling the name “Amy” is unmistakable. But this isn't a human cry—it's the voice of a killer whale called Wikie.

New research reveals that orcas are able to imitate human speech, saying words such as "hello", "one, two" and “bye bye”. The study also shows that the creatures are able to copy unfamiliar sounds produced by other orcas.

Writing in the journal Biological Sciences, researchers from institutions in Germany, UK, Spain and Chile, describe how they carried out the latest research with Wikie, a 14-year-old female orca living in an aquarium in France.

After first brushing up Wikie's grasp of the “copy” command, she was trained to imitate three familiar orca sounds made by her 3-year-old Moana. Wikie was then additionally exposed to five orca sounds she had never heard before, including noises sounding like a creaking door. Finally, Wikie was exposed to a human making three of the orca sounds, as well as six human sounds, including “hello”, “Amy”, “ah ha”, “one, two” and “bye bye”.

The team found that Wikie was often quickly able to copy the sounds, whether from an orca or a human, with all of the novel noises copied within 17 trials. What's more, two human sounds and all of the human-produced orca sounds were managed on the first attempt—although only one human sound "hello" was correctly produced more than 50% of the time on subsequent trials.

The creatures are already known for their ability to copy the movements of other orcas, with some reports suggesting they can also copy the sounds of bottlenose dolphins and sea lions after several trials.

Scientists say the discovery helps to cast light on how different groups of wild killer whales have ended up with distinct accents, adding weight to the idea that they are the result of imitation between orcas.

1. What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?
A.To analyze orcas' speech abilities.B.To highlight the conservation of the orca.
C.To inform us of orcas' ability to imitate sounds.D.To convince us of the intelligence of the orca.
2. What's the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A.The process of the research.B.The outcome of the research.
C.The purpose of the research.D.The significance of the research.
3. Which of the following was the easiest for Wikie to copy?
A.The six human sounds.B.All the new orca sounds.
C.Human-produced orca sounds.D.Dolphin and sea lion sounds.
4. What may the discovery help explain?
A.Why orcas imitate human speech.B.Why orcas have different accents.
C.How orcas copy others' movements.D.How orcas communicate with others.
2021-03-27更新 | 270次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般