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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:11960062

New Deal Design, one of the world's leading tech design studios, has invented an artificial intelligence-equipped toy to fight the "distraction economy" by developing children's attention spans.

Called Spot, the toy is aimed at learning and discovery. It functions primarily as a handheld scanner that kids can point at an object around them, such as a flower or a bird, to hear it talk back.Using its AI software,Spot recognizes the object and voices a little monologue(独白)from it, processing information to suit children aged five to nine.

There's also a secondary function that comes into play at bedtime, when Spot uses its in-built projecto(r投影仪) to present a story made up around the day's discoveries.

Spot is a concept at this stage, one that grew out of the research New Deal Design conducted into children's development. The designers found that the right kind of toy could encourage focus,as opposed to instant satisfaction. They wanted to cultivate a kind of junior-level mindfulness that would set kids up with positive life skills.

In terms of appearance, Spot has a complicated look, with its 3D camera fixed   in   the   head.   The   models   are   smooth,   including   a   wooden   handle,a button and a base. The choice of materials was inspired by traditional kids' building blocks.

When Spot   recognizes an   object, it blinks   to signal   it has   locked the target. Its head also locks into place to avoid any shaking. As an example, New Deal Design describes a girl called Max, who among other things, encounters a robin while out with the toy. Via Spot, the bird says, "Hi Max, my name is Robin! Did you know ..."

At that night's Story Time, Spot starts "Once upon a time there was a little girl named Max who met a robin. One day, Max asked the robin ..." New Deal Design says that day summaries like this helps kids to relax and get better sleep. Seeing themselves at the centre of stories also helps to build self-confidence and self-awareness.

1. In which aspect do children benefit from the artificial intelligence-equipped toy?
A.encouraging focusB.giving an instant satisfaction
C.learning self-controlD.developing positive life skills
2. According to the passage, which statement about Spot is right?
A.Spot tells stories programmed in advance.
B.Spot is beneficial to developing children’s attention spans.
C.Spot has already been used to fight the “distraction economy” now.
D.Spot’s appearance was inspired by traditional kids’ building blocks.
3. According to the text,who will the toy be useful for?
A.Tom, two years old, can’t recognize an object around him.
B.Max, eight years old, wants to make up a story about robin.
C.Tina, nine years old, can’t concentrate her attention on her class.
D.Mike,twelve years old, wants to learn something about artificial intelligence.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A scientific inventionB.A learning program
C.An creative methodD.A tech design studios


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A team of researchers at MET and in China has come up with a solution to the problem of salt accumulation. The process could also be used to treat waste water or to produce steam for cleaning medical instruments, all without requiring any power source other than sunlight itself.

The findings are described in the journal Nature Communications published on February 14, 2022, by MIT students Lenan Zhang, Xiangyu Li, Professor Evelyn Wang, and four others.

“There have been a lot of solar-based designs of various systems,” Wang says. “The challenge has been the salt fouling issue, which people haven’t really solved. Over time, things will get worse without a desalination(脱盐) system.”

Li says that the advantages of this system are “both the high performance and the reliable operation, especially under extreme conditions. And that means it’s also very useful for waste water treatment” He adds that much work on such solar-powered desalination has focused on new materials. “But in our case, we use really low-cost, almost household materials. ” The key was analyzing and understanding a special flow that drives this entirely passive system, he says. ” People say you always need new materials, expensive ones, or complex structures to do that. And this is, I believe, the first one that does this without complex structures.”

Just as hot air rises and cold air falls, Zhang explains, such movement of water drives the desalination process in this system. Because of the salt, the density(密度) of water at the very top is higher, and the bottom water has lower density. So, this is an original driving force for such movement of water because the higher density at the top drives the salty liquid to go down. The water evaporated(蒸发) from the top of the system can then be collected on a special surface, providing pure fresh water.

So far, the team has proved the approach to be workable, with no signs of any salt accumulation, so the next step will surely witness systems that could have practical applications.

1. What powers the system to solve the problem of salt accumulation?
2. What does the underlined word “fouling” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What can we know from Li’s words?
A.Solar-powered systems can’t work without complex structures.
B.The things they used for the system are cheap and easy to find.
C.New materials are necessary in the entirely passive system.
D.The system is better than others under extreme conditions.
4. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?
A.Why the system can provide fresh water.
B.What the driving force of the system is.
C.What role air plays in the system.
D.How the system works.
2022-04-17更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Cool Colour

The “blackest black” paint, famed for its thermal disguise potential, has long absorbed 99.9 percent of public attention.     1     Research shows that surfaces coated with a newly formulated white coloring reflect 98.1 percent of sunlight, creating a powerful cooling effect.

This coating absorbs just 1.9 percent of sunlight compared with 10 to 20 percent for conventional white or “heat-reflective” paints, says Xiulin Ruan, a Purdue University mechanical engineer. By reflecting so efficiently, the novel paint can actually help a coated building release the heat inside.    2    “Our model shows if you’re in, you can save up to 70 to 80 percent on air-conditioning in the summer,” Ruan says.

Scientists have been developing reflective paints for decades, but commercial products still remain at or above the surrounding temperature. In the past 10 years researchers have found greater success with multilayered coating to reflect many wave-lengths of light.


Thus, Ruan decided to take a hybrid approach and create an ordinary paint that could easily be brushed or sprayed onto a surface. After testing particles of several different compounds, he and his colleagues ultimately selected a relatively inexpensive one called barium sulfate.

Actually, there is plenty of competition from other researchers.    4     The manufacturers have to struggle with “how to make sure that the paint stays white after 30 years of use.” However, Ruan says he and his colleagues do have the confidence to remove this fear. He hopes to bring a version of his paint to market in a year or two.

A.Besides, some scientists note that any new product like this will need to stand up to the real world, where dirt coats surfaces over time.
B.It is calculated that covering a 1, 000-square-foot roof with this new paint could cool a building by about 10 kilowatts.
C.The price of barium sulfate is comparable to, or even slightly more expensive than, titanium dioxide that is used in some other commercial paints.
D.Now it’s time to shed some light on the other end of the practical paint spectrum: the “whitest white.”
E.That is to say, this new paint can be a tool to fight the climate emergency by cutting carbon emissions.
F.Unfortunately, manufacturing precise layers of multiple substances and applying them to a surface in a set order costs more than simply slapping on some paint.
2021-10-04更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述芭比娃娃公司推出了一款以自然环境保护主义者Jane Goodall为原型的芭比娃娃,以鼓励年轻人保护自然环境。

【推荐3】It’s been more than 60 years since Jane Goodall started her pioneering work. In 1960, she was chosen to go to what is now Tanzania and study the little-known world of chimpanzees. Since then, Goodall has received many awards and honorary degrees as a world-famous conservationist (自然环境保护主义者). Now, Goodall has received an unusual honor. She is becoming a toy — a Barbie doll.

Goodall may not have expected to become a Barbie at 88 years old — but it’s not just any doll, it’s made out of recycled plastic. And Barbie is partnering with the Jane Goodall Foundation and its Roots & Shoots program which inspires young people to protect animals and the environment.

“You know, the main message is that every day you live, you make an influence on the planet and you get to choose what sort of influence you make,” Goodall said.

“There was a little boy of 7 in Burundi, and I had given a talk to the school and he came up to me and said, ‘If I pick out a piece of trash every day, it will make a difference, won’t it?’ And I said, ‘Yes it will. And suppose you persuade (劝说) 10 of your friends to pick up a piece of rubbish every day.’ He said, ‘Oh, that would really make a difference and then they could all get 10 of their friends, couldn’t they?’ Goodall said, “So, that’s it. The cumulative (积累的) effect of small actions can lead to big change.”

She’s been inspiring young people for decades, but now, newer generations will get to know Jane Goodall. “I sincerely hope that it will help to create more interest in the natural world,” she said about the Barbie. “Because hopefully, you know, they’ll learn more about me through the doll. And that will get them interested. It doesn’t really matter if they have a career in conservation, as long as they pay attention to conservation in their daily lives.”

1. What is the intention of Barbie’s making a doll of Jane Goodall?
A.To give Jane Goodall a surprise.
B.To test the quality of recycled plastic.
C.To encourage environmental protection.
D.To start a cooperative research program.
2. What idea does Goodall’s conversation with the little boy mainly convey?
A.Everyone can make an impact on the planet.
B.Children will make the future world a better place.
C.Every child should pick up a piece of rubbish every day.
D.The accumulation of tiny actions makes a great difference.
3. What is Goodall’s attitude towards the Barbie doll?
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Jane Goodall’s Good Expectation of Nature Conservation
B.Young People’s Strong Interest in Nature Conservation
C.Great Popularity of a New Barbie Doll of Jane Goodall
D.Inspire Newer Generations to Care About Conservation Through a Doll
2023-12-07更新 | 96次组卷
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