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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:143 题号:14106205

There's more evidence that what's good for your heart is good for your head. A new study shows that people who run, swim or do other moderate intensity (中等强度)exercise have brains that look, on average, 10 years younger than the brains of couch potatoes.

“Our study showed that for older people, getting moderate intensity exercise may be protective, helping them keep their brains work better," said Dr. Clinton Wright of the University of Miami, who led the study. But it's not necessarily easy. Walking, golf, bowling and yoga don't count, and people need to start before they begin showing memory loss, Wright' s team reported in the journal Neurology.

The study of nearly 900 people who exercise regularly showed that 90 percent fell into the low-intensity group. These people are part of a larger group taking part in a bigger study called Northern Manhattan Study. They were asked how long and how often they exercised during the past two weeks. Five years later, they were tested for memory and thinking skills and got a brain MRI. Seven years after that, they took the memory and thinking tests again. The 10 percent who said they took part in moderate intensity exercise scored better on the tests. These included running, climbing, swimming, riding bicycles and so on.

“We found that those with moderate intensity activity had higher scores and slower decline than inactive people when comparing the results," the study team wrote.

Many studies have shown that exercise may not prevent Alzheimer's disease but may delay it. The findings fit in with a study that found two years of exercising, eating healthier food and brain training can promote people's memory function.

1. What's true about the study?
A.Most people surveyed took low-intensity exercise.
B.Only 900 people took part in the bigger study.
C.High-intensity exercise is better.
D.Ten people scored best on the tests.
2. How did the study team come to the conclusion?
A.By observing people exercise.B.By using examples.
C.By making a comparison.D.By doing a brain MRI.
3. What do we know from the last paragraph?
A.Exercise will definitely strengthen people's memory.
B.Alzheimer's disease may be held back by moderate intensity exercise.
C.Exercise can put off the beginning of memory decline.
D.The findings fit in with the study of healthy food.
4. What's the best title for this passage?
A.How to keep health.
B.Ways to make your brain work better.
C.To exercise or not.
D.Moderate intensity exercises keeps your brain younger.


阅读理解-任务型阅读(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 10 words.

Starting exercise

You want to start doing exercise? Congratulations! You have just taken your first step towards a new and improved you!

Most people assume that regular exercise does wonders for the body and mind—but what exactly are its health benefits? To start with, physical activity increases the efficiency of your heart and lungs. During exercise, your heart and lungs must work harder. This extra effort makes them grow stronger over the long term. Moreover, exercise is good for your mental health. Working out can help you reduce stress and get over negative feelings.

Exercise is any activity that gets your body moving. Exercise doesn’t have to mean breaking a sweat at the gym or running a marathon. Any physical activity counts towards improving your health — something is always better than nothing. If you are just starting exercise for the first time, remember to start at a level that is comfortable for you.

Scientists have long known that what you eat can make or break a workout and possibly affect your fitness results. Like cars that run on petrol, your body burns carbohydrates (碳水化合物) for energy. Foods like noodles, rice, fruit and vegetables give your body plenty of carbohydrates to keep up your energy during a long workout. To help your muscles recover and repair themselves after exercise, you need to eat foods rich in protein, such as fish, eggs and milk products.

Choose the right clothing and shoes for the exercise and physical activity you plan to do is also important. To prevent injury, make sure your clothes and footwear are both comfortable and safe. What’s more, remember to warm up before exercising and stretch at the end of your workout.

So, now you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and effectively. What are you waiting for?

Starting exercise    1    Physical benefits
Mental benefits
Starting at a comfortable level
    3        4    
Warm up before and stretch after exercising
2024-01-25更新 | 2次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Staying fit and healthy plays an important role in our life. People sometimes ignore their health because of the busy daily schedules but there are some little things that you can do each day that will add to being healthy and fit. Here are some ways to stay fit and healthy.

Get regular check-ups. One should get a physical check-up every year to make sure everything is as it should be.     1    Getting physical examinations regularly benefits you because if and when something is wrong, you will get to know about it timely.

    2    One should walk for a few minutes every day to stay fit. It improves body awareness and can help reduce pressure. Exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, strength training helps to strengthen the muscles and stretching helps to reduce the risk of injury.

Eat breakfast. One should have healthy breakfast as it keeps you energetic for the best mental and physical performance.     3    It also helps to keep a healthy weight because you are less likely to overwork later in the day.

Don’t skip lunch. We are trying to lose weight. We don’t have time and end up working through our lunch break. But try to eat a light lunch each day.

No late dinners. With our busy lives we always put off dinner until the last minute.     4     This will give your body a chance to “eat” most of the food before you rest for the next 8 hours.


A.Take enough exercise.
B.Work more and walk more.
C.Give them a try and see for yourself.
D.It helps to keep stable blood sugar levels.
E.Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed.
F.There is no harm to get check-ups as it’s good for your body.
G.Skipping breakfast makes you form a bad eating habit in the long run.
2020-03-19更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We all know that exercise is good for your health, but some kinds of exercise may be better than others.

Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running may also help you live longer. Researchers say it is not important how far you run. It also does not matter how fast or even how often you run. As advertisements for the running shoes Nike say, “Just do it.”

Recently, researchers studied more than 55,000 adults.About one fourth of the adults reported running regularly. The study found these runners were considerably less likely than non-runners to die of any form of disease, including heart disease. In fact, the runners usually lived three years longer than the non-runners.

This study lasted 15 years. During that time, more than 3,400 of the individuals died. About 1,200 of the deaths were linked to heart disease, a heart attack or stroke. Compared to non-runners, runners showed 30 percent lower risk of death by any causes. Also, runners compared to non-runners showed 45 percent lower risk of death by cardiovascular (心血管的) disease.

The runners in the study ran between 10 and 16 kilometers per hour. Slower runners, and those who only ran once or twice a week, were helped nearly as much as those who ran faster and further. Researchers looked at the running over time and found that persistent runners (over six years) showed the biggest benefits.

To stay healthy, doctors suggest that adults up to age 65 do 150 minutes of moderate (适度的) exercise every week. They say these individuals need 75 minutes of energetic exercise, like running, every week for good health.

1. For running, the most important is that you should    .
A.do it at a certain time
B.keep it and never give it up
C.make it an everyday activity
D.do it for a certain distance at a time
2. What have the researchers discovered?
A.How fast and how often one runs matter a lot.
B.Over one third of non-runners will die of heart disease.
C.Runners are less likely to die of disease than non-runners.
D.One should run more often to benefit most from running.
3. According to the text, how should a 63-year-old man go running?
A.He should try to run as long as he can.
B.He should be sure to run slowly and safely.
C.He should keep running at least 30 minutes a day.
D.He should run 5 times a week and 15 minutes every time.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Be a Wise Runner
B.For a Longer Life, Go Running
C.A Study on Science of Movement
D.Relations Between Running and Health
2023-04-10更新 | 25次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般