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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:17586623

How to Start Gardening

If you are feeling the itch(渴望) to get a green thumb and start gardening, we cannot blame you.    1    So, let’s get you on the way to starting your own gardening that is right for you!

The first step is to come up with an idea of what you want to grow. If you are going to grow a crop, make sure it is something you will eat. You also need to make sure your area has the right climate, and that you are planting at the right time. Most plants will require planting in spring, but sometime planting in the fall,so make sure you know the life cycle of a plant and when you should plant it.    2    

After you have chosen what you want to grow, picture your garden or even draw up a plan. Look at what will go where depending on how much sun it needs.     3    Think about walls and fences and how they will impact the suns’ placement in your garden. You should also think about access for watering, picking and nurturing your plants.

Testing your soil is necessary.     4    A majority of crops in your garden will need neutral pH 7 soil. If the soil is not nutritious enough, consider fertilizer on a more regular basis. Always find out what kind of soil the plant needs first and then supply the correct soil to the correct plant.

    5    You should always make sure that you choose the right seeds before you start planting. It is wise to learn which plants will grow best when directly seeded in the garden and which plants are better as transplanted plants. Then it is time to get planting.

A.Choose the right seeds and then plant them.
B.It has so many benefits and it is hard to resist.
C.You should also look up a seeding calendar as well.
D.Consider the sun in the sky above your garden as well.
E.And keep the kids’ play area away from the planting areas.
F.Many green hands to the gardening scene do not know this.
G.It is also worth looking into what grows well in your local area and what doesn’t.
【知识点】 方法/策略 植物


阅读理解-六选四(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

An 18-year-girl Kayla Perkins explains what is in her bedroom, “I throw something on the floor and I know right where it is.” However, her parents, Steve and Deborah Perkins, of Mckinney, Texas, haven’t caught on. Even Kayla admits that, at the worst, her room is a mess.

Most families at some point have at least one child whose room looks like a landfill.     1     Dirty clothes pile up; dirty dishes get lost in the mess and smell bad; homework is lost; and valuable things are ruined.

Some parents let it go, believing that a bedroom is private space for children to manage as they wish. Others lecture their children, offer rewards for cleaning, or punish them when they don’t.     2    

Mrs. Perkins says they picked up all the clothes on Kayla’s floor and hid them. They cleaned everything up. When Kayla came back to a bare bedroom, there was screaming and shouting, “How can I live without my clothes?” Mrs. Perkins asked Kayla to earn her clothes back by doing housework. These days, she keeps her room clean.

    3    For example, since Jessica, the 14-year-old daughter wasn’t bothered by the dirty clothes all over her floor, the whole family started using her room as a place to store dirty clothes. Her attitude changed after her family did that. By the time she gave in and cleaned up her room a few days later, even she was laughing.

    4    Children often behave better if you treat them in the way you would want to be treated by your boss at work—with respect and high expectations.

A.There are many ways for parents to deal with the problems.
B.The mess can disturb the whole household.
C.Parents are all angry at it.
D.Humor can help, too.
E.Parenting experts also recommend that parents first ask children in a nice way to clean up and agree on a reasonable time limit.
F.What doesn’t work, parenting experts say, is constant lectures, verbal threats or getting very angry.
2021-03-31更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever been in a difficult situation when you didn’t know what to do? Life can be full of challenges, whether it’s starting a new school, managing friendships or not doing as well as you’d hoped in a test or during a game.     1     But by learning to be more resilient (有适应力的) you can deal with life’s ups and downs more easily.

    2     It can mean feeling better quickly after a difficult experience; giving things a go and trying your best; or staying strong inside. Resilience is something you learn as you grow. The more challenges you face, the more confident you will feel next time.

    3     Being resilient is like having a superpower. It helps you take healthy risks, like trying a new sport. It can make you more confident and willing to trust your instincts (本能). Resilience also makes it easier to accept difficult feelings.     4    

The children’s organization Place2Be says healthy relationships help to build resilience.     5     When conditions become difficult, try to center on your good qualities (品质). Remember a time when you dealt with fear or nerves to achieve something and you felt proud. Sleep is also a great help, so wind down and avoid screens before bedtime.

A.How do you have resilience?
B.Everyone faces difficulties.
C.Why does resilience matter?
D.Sharing your worries is also important.
E.There are lots of ways to describe resilience.
F.The study on resilience started during the 1970s.
G.Sometimes bad things happen and it’s natural to feel sad or worried.
2021-10-12更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Wakeful Rest

When many students finish studying, they often go straight to another activity.     1     Some might even play a video game or watch television. But research suggests that resting after your study may be a both no-cost and effective way to help you remember what you have studied and improve your learning.

    2     Resting is difficult when you have too much stimulation(刺激) from electronic devices, lights and so on. While this might sound unusual to you, many studies have explored benefits of resting after learning-what is called "wakeful rest". A study examined how well old people in good health could remember certain words, from which researchers found old adults who rested for 10 minutes after learning had better memory. "A period of wakeful rest immediately after new learning improves free recall, "the researchers wrote.     3    

Another study found that both young and old adults were able to better remember, or recollect, information from given passages after doing wakeful rest. The findings appeared in Neuroscience Letters.     4     “Wakeful rest led to higher overall recollection in both age groups," there searchers noted. 'They thought wakeful rest allows for superior memory consolidation(巩固), resulting in stronger representations of experienced events which can be discovered by tests of free recall and recognition.

    5     Rest quietly for five to ten minutes. Do not look at your phone, read stories or play games. Just limit the amount of stimulation you get. It is really that easy!

A.Such an activity promotes good health.
B.Perhaps they look at their phone or go online.
C.The results were strong even after seven days, they added.
D.This study involved 45 young people and 40 elderly adults.
E.If you want to give “wakeful rest” a try, here are a few simple things to do.
F.Working long hours can greatly increase the risk of suffering injury or illness, a study says.
G.The basic idea is that your brain gets a chance to rest by reducing your activity after the study.
2021-07-19更新 | 230次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般