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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:244 题号:18263068

Stop those negative thoughts! When it comes to brain power, it appears your thoughts matter. That was the eye-opening conclusion of a study published in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

For this study, scientists carefully measured the cognitive(认知)function of 292 middle-aged to older people over a four-year period. The cognitive assessments included measures of memory, attention and language.

The study subjects(实验对象)had their thinking patterns regularly monitored by responding to a series of questions over two of the four years. The thought-pattem questionnaires were designed to identify repetitive negative thinking (RNT for short). RNT includes often thinking about negative past events as well as future sources of anxiety.

About a third of the study subjects had PET scans(正电子发射计算机断层扫描)of their brains tomeasure levels of the abnormal brain protcins, tau and amyloid. Tau and amyloid build up in people affected with Alzheimer’s disease.

The findings? Study subjects with greater RNT-these repetitive negative thought patterns-exhibited a clear decrease in cognitive function and memory over the four-year period. What’s more, they had more tau and amyloid built up in their brains. It is well-documented that our thoughts have powerful, direct effects on our bodies, so these results aren’t surprising.

Thankfully, studies show that we can change our thought patterns through mental-training practices, with meditation(冥想)documented to be one of the very best.

As someone who often got trapped in negative memories of the remote past, I can speak personally to the remarkable power of meditation to relieve this destructive thinking pattern, and I encourage everyone to explore this practice. I meditate every day and gratefully achieve that goal about 90% of the time.

Feel free to share this post with friends and loved ones because one of the greatest gifts we can give is the gift of better health. Enjoy!

1. How is the subjects’ RNT determined?
A.By measuring their blood level.
B.By analyzing their questionnaires.
C.By monitoring their behaviors.
D.By examining their signs of diseases.
2. What would be the influence of RNT?
A.Forgetting the negative past.
B.Changeable thinking patterns.
C.Worse body shape.
D.Poorer brain function.
3. What is a recommended solution to RNT?
A.Having brain scanned regularly.
B.Buiding up our strength.
C.Changing our study pattern.
D.Practicing mental training.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards meditation?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】A team of researchers from the University College London (UCL) has recently found that humans transmit viruses to domestic and wild animals more frequently than they contract them from these animals. This major analysis of viral genomes offers new insights into the dynamics of disease transmission across species.

Through an exhaustive examination of all publicly available viral genome sequences, the experts aimed to trace the cross-species transmission—or host jumps—of viruses.

The team sought to challenge the prevailing view that humans are primarily at the receiving end of zoonotic diseases, which are infections that jump from animals to humans. These diseases have been responsible for outbreaks such as Ebola, flu, and COVID-19.

The research team developed and applied methodological tools to analyze the nearly 12 million viral genomes that have been published on public databases to date, outlining the scale of their investigation into the evolutionary paths and mutations of viruses as they adapt to new hosts.

Contrary to the common perception of humans as mere recipients of animal viruses, the study’s findings suggest a more bidirectional exchange of pathogens (病原体). “We should consider humans just as one node in a vast network of hosts endlessly exchanging pathogens, rather than a sink for zoonotic bugs,” said co-author Francois Balloux, a professor at the UCL Genetics Institute.

“By surveying and monitoring transmission of viruses between animals and humans, in either direction, we can better understand viral evolution and hopefully be more prepared for future outbreaks and epidemics of novel illnesses, while also aiding conservation efforts. ” Study lead author Cedric Tan, a PhD student at the UCL Genetics Institute and Francis Crick Institute, pointed out the broader implications of their findings, especially concerning conservation and food security. “When animals catch viruses from humans, this can not only harm the animal and potentially pose a conservation threat to the species, but it may also cause new problems for humans by impacting food security if large numbers of livestock need to be killed to prevent an epidemic, as has been happening over recent years with the H5N1 bird flu strain.”

1. What is the prevailing view mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.Humans are passive recipients of zoonotic diseases.
B.Zoonotic diseases are preventable with proper measures.
C.Animals are the sole source of all infectious diseases.
D.Ebola, flu, and COVID-19 are the most severe zoonotic diseases.
2. Regarding the analysis of virus genomes in the UCL study, which of the following statements is incorrect?
A.The study involved a deep analysis of over ten million virus genomes.
B.The analysis revealed evolutionary patterns of viruses as they adapt to new hosts.
C.The study found that all virus genomes exhibit similar mutation patterns.
D.The analysis results contribute to our understanding of virus transmission and mutation mechanisms.
3. What does “broader implications” primarily refer to in Cedric Tan’s article?
A.New discoveries about the mechanisms of virus transmission.
B.Improvements in the treatment of zoonotic diseases.
C.Reflections on the impact of human lifestyles and the environment.
D.Potential effects on global public health policies.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Humans transmit more viruses to animals than we catch from them
B.Zoonotic Diseases: The Leading Cause of Human Ailments
C.Revolutionary Breakthroughs in Viral Genomics
D.Cross-Species Viral Transmission: A Complex Web of Relationships
2024-04-18更新 | 154次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Pretending sickness may get harder. Slipping a day off work by nervously coughing down the phone to your boss might not work. Very soon your company might be able to tell whether your symptoms are real, just from your voice.

An Indian research team tried to tell a “cold voice” from a healthy voice. Their research makes use of the fact that human speech, like any musical instrument, does not produce single frequencies of sounds. Even the best trained singers cannot hit pure notes like those from tuning forks. The dominant notes in the human voice are instead accompanied by a series of higher pitch (音高) tones.

Together these sets of notes fit into mathematical patterns called harmonics (和声), with tones having frequencies that are multiples of the original note. For example, the pitch of the second harmonic note is twice the frequency of the main note and so on. The loudness of these harmonics in speech tends to fade as they proceed up the frequency scale. The team reasoned that infection with a cold might change how this decline happened.

To find out, the scientists made use of an unusual resource: recordings of the voices of 630 people in Germany, 111 of whom were suffering from a cold. Each was asked to count from one to 40 and describe what they did at the weekend. They also read aloud a fable The North Wind and the Sun, which has been a popular text for speech research since 1949. By breaking down each person’s speech into its spectrum (声谱) of component wavelengths, the researchers could identify the dominant frequency and the harmonics in each case. They then used machine-learning to analyse the relationships between the loudness of these harmonics and found patterns that could distinguish the cold voices from the healthy voices.

The team’s diagnosis of cold voice shows a 70% accuracy. Faced with another dull Monday at the office, would you take the risk?

1. On what basis is the research performed?
A.Human speeches vary in frequencies.
B.Training has no effect on human notes.
C.Humans speak like musical instruments.
D.Higher pitch notes dominate human voices.
2. What may reduce the volume of human harmonics?
A.The pitch of harmonics.B.A pretended cold voice.
C.The sets of human notes.D.Higher sound frequencies.
3. Why are the participants required to read the fable?
A.It is easy to understand.B.It is valuable in literature.
C.It is popular with speakers.D.It is suitable for the research.
4. What does the author want to tell us?
A.Human speech reflects healthB.Pretending sickness is a trend.
C.Voice changes with conditions.D.Changing voice is of great risk.
2023-06-06更新 | 554次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Five years ago, Meredith Arthur, a 45-year-old San Francisco resident, arrived at a neurologist appointment. She spoke a mile a minute, explaining why she thought it might hold clues to her neck pain, frequent dizziness and headaches. “I was presenting my inexpert case to an expert, who stopped me and said, ‘I know what’s wrong. You have generalized anxiety disorder.’”

Arthur is one of the 40 million American adults who experience an anxiety disorder—the most common form of mental illness—every year. Its major factor is the uncertainty about situations in daily life.

“I describe anxiety as a future-oriented emotional response to a perceived threat,” says Joel Minden, PhD, a clinical psychologist. “We anticipate that something bad will happen. Maybe we have evidence. Maybe we don’t. But we have a belief that something catastrophic might occur.”

Almost immediately, Minden says, your sympathetic nervous system kicks into high gear. This leads to the release of adrenaline and cortisol, two of the crucial hormones (荷尔蒙) that drive your body’s fight-freeze-flight response and cause anxiety’s physical symptoms. Your heart races, your blood pressure rises, your pupils dilate, you get short of breath.

Meanwhile, cortisol curbs functions that your brain considers non-essential: It affects immune system responses and suppresses (抑制) the digestive system, the reproductive system, and growth processes. This was helpful for our ancestors trying to outrun tigers but is not so much when you can’t stop struggling with the problem whether you might have caught COVID-19 when the guy behind you in line at the grocery store coughed.

Anxiety can show itself in many ways. You might perceive something as threatening even when it isn’t or go to great lengths to avoid uncomfortable situations. You might constantly overthink plans or spend all of your time creating solutions to worst-case scenarios. Maybe you feel indecisive and fear making the wrong decision. Or you might find yourself restless, nervous, and unable to relax.

The good news is that anxiety is very manageable with some combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle adjustments.

1. What does the underlined word “curbs” in paragraph 5 most probably mean?
2. What can you infer from the passage?
A.Social factors are to blame for anxiety disorders.
B.Anxiety is the most common illness in the US.
C.Mental well-being has been Meredith Arthur’s concern.
D.anxiety disorders can be controlled with certain treatments.
3. Which of the following is NOT the typical symptom of anxiety?
A.Trying to find solutions to the worst situation from time to time.
B.Hesitating to make the final decision for fear of mistakes.
C.Heart racing and blood pressure rising at the imagined situation.
D.Feeling restless or nervous even when there’s nothing threatening around.
4. What will the following part most probably talk about?
A.The advance of science and technology.
B.The effects of the anxiety disorders.
C.Tips to minimize negative effects of anxiety.
D.The anticipation of Meredith Arthur.
2022-12-23更新 | 486次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般