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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:174 题号:19748678

Taking vitamin pills in high doses(剂量) can significantly increase the risk of cataracts(白内障), a study has shown.

Scientists found that consuming large amounts of vitamin C made individuals 20 percent more likely to develop the condition, which is a leading cause of blindness. And regularly taking high-dose vitamin E tablets increased the chance of cataracts forming by 60 percent. The dangers are even greater for the elderly, with those over 65 nearly doubling their chances of damaging their vision if they took these vitamins every day.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm monitored 31,000 volunteers aged between 45 and 79. Nearly 3,000 of them went on to need treatment for their eyes. The Swedish team discovered a strong link between those who developed cataracts and those who took high doses of vitamins C and E.

It was originally thought that the two vitamins would protect against cataracts because they are powerful antioxidants(脱氧化剂). It was supposed that they would fight the process of oxidation(氧化), which destroys cells in much the same way as rust(锈) rots a car. However, it it now believed that, in large quantities, vitamin C may actually cause oxidation by upsetting the natural balance of proteins in the eye.

The human body does not make or store vitamin C, and gets its supply from fruit and vegetables. It only needs 40 mg a day to keep cells healthy and promote healing. Vitamin E helps maintain the structure of cells and is found in food items such as nuts and seeds. Aman needs just 4 mg a day and a woman should have 3 mg. But tablets containing up to a hundred times this amount are also available in UK health food shops. Researchers stressed that the dangers will only be caused if the vitamins are taken in very large amounts. These were defined as 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 100 mg of vitamin E a day.

However, Professor Yit Yang, from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in Australia, said, “It is not possible to establish from this study that vitamin C caused cataracts, as there may be other factors(因素) that were not accounted for.”

1. What do we know about the research from the text?
A.The research was conducted in Australia.
B.The volunteers covered the full range of ages.
C.Almost 10 percent of the volunteers had something wrong with their eyes.
D.The research found vitamin C is more likely to cause cataracts than vitamin E.
2. What did the scientists think of the vitamins originally?
A.They could lead to blindness.
B.They could cause cataracts.
C.They could increase oxidation.
D.They could prevent cataracts.
3. What might be the best title for the text?
A.The Side Effects of Vitamins C and E
B.The Fight Between Vitamins and Oxidation
C.Does a High Vitamin Intake Equal Cataracts?
D.Why Are High Doses of Vitamins Bad for Health?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.To warn people not to take too many vitamins.
B.To tell people about a new medical discovery.
C.To reveal the risks of antioxidants and the like.
D.To explain the relationship between vitamins and blindness.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We’ve all been there. It has been a long day, there is nothing in the fridge, cooking seems arduous and the solution is obvious: takeaway. It’s easy for takeaways to become a regular habit. At some point, you have to wonder: even if you don’t look different in the mirror, is it doing you any harm?

There is some evidence that too many takeaways is linked to weight gain, but the relationship isn’t clear. A 2022 study found a connection between eating takeaway-style food in the 24 hours before taking the survey and increased BMI in participants, although the researchers were careful to point out that they didn’t know whether frequently eating takeaways made people overweight, or whether overweight people frequently eat takeaways. There is, however, evidence that simply living near(or walking past)a takeaway outlet or two can have an impact on body weight, with exposure to outlets near the workplace, most likely to tempt people.

But why? Well, takeaway food tends to be high in fat and salt - ingredients that are relatively cheap and taste good, making you more likely to reorder. There is also some evidence that junk food can be addictive, as the combination of salt, fat and sugar makes it hard to stop eating.

There is also the nutritional quality of the ingredients themselves. “Most takeaways contain highly processed ingredients and additives, nutrient-poor carbohydrates and plenty of deep-fried foods cooked in oil repeatedly heated to high temperatures, says Pearson.

So, what is the message? If you must place that order, consider the options:

The worst offenders on any menu are likely to be fried foods, or anything covered in high-sugar sauces. If you order Chinese food, go for steamed dumplings, grilled fish or soup. If you are going for Indian food, go heavy on the side dishes, like bean and potato curries, which are often more flavourful and healthy.

Finally, try to cut your consumption: consider switching your daily routes, hide the menus, and delete the apps on your phone.

1. What does the underlined word ‘arduous’ in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What are researchers still unclear about?
A.The cause and effect relationship of takeaways and being overweight
B.Whether there is any connection between takeaways and being overweight
C.Which ingredients in takeaway food are the most addictive
D.Whether takeaways near the workplace are more likely to attract people
3. Which takeaway choice would the writer consider least harmful?
A.Hamburgers and friesB.Indian main courses
C.Fried noodlesD.Steamed dumplings
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Takeaways make you fat
B.Are takeaways harmful?
C.How to choose the best takeaway
D.How to avoid takeaways
2023-06-05更新 | 273次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道 。短文介绍了中国食物过敏的患病率正在上升以及阅读食品包装上的过敏原标签是一种保护自己远离过敏原的简单方法。

【推荐2】Scenes of comic characters swelling (肿) up after eating peanuts in Western TV shows have long been puzzling for many Chinese viewers, as few people in China meet those who have a severe peanut allergy (过滤反应).

Their confusion can be explained by the results of a new Chinese study. It found that Chinese adults and children are more likely to be allergic to seafood and less likely to be allergic to peanuts, compared to people in Europe and the US. The difference means that cultural, dietary (饮食的) and environmental factors can play an important role in food allergy patterns. The study was published in late August in China CDC Weekly, which was established by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

In another recently published study in China CDC Weekly researchers found that the prevalence (流行) of food allergies in the population was 8 percent from 2009 to 2018, up from 5 percent from 1999 to 2008. It thus indicated that the prevalence of food allergies in China is on the rise.

Luo Xiaoqun, a doctor at Fudan University’s Huashan Hospital, said during an interview with media outlet YXJ.org.cn that the increasing rate of food allergies is a phenomenon observed worldwide, driven by changes in lifestyles and eating habits, as well as growing health awareness and diagnostic (诊断) ability.   

For consumers, reading allergen labels (过敏标签) on food packages is an easy way to protect themselves from allergy triggers (诱因).

However, food allergen labeling in China currently is optional and labeling largely follows an international standard that includes eight major food types such as milk, eggs, and fish and shellfish, which may not be suitable for Chinese consumers. “China has made improvements in setting up food labeling standards in recent years, and we hope our findings can accelerate (加速) the process of making such labeling compulsory in the near future,” Chen Hongbing, one of the researchers at Nanchang University, told China Daily.

1. What is the function of writing paragraph 1?
A.To introduce food people are commonly allergic to.
B.To make a comparison between different allergies.
C.To describe typical allergy symptoms.
D.To introduce a study about allergies.
2. What can we learn from the two recent studies?
A.Chinese are less likely to have allergies than Westerners
B.More Chinese suffer from food allergies than before.
C.Fewer Chinese are allergic to sea food than in 2008.
D.Allergies are mainly caused by dietary factors.
3. What do we know about current food allergen labeling in China?
A.It cannot be read on all food packages.
B.It strictly follows and internationals standard.
C.It shows only eight major food types.
D.It is not popular with food producers.
4. What’s Chen’s attitude to the future of labeling food allergens in China?
2022-11-18更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Stop Binge Eating (饮食无度)

When it comes to trying to lose weight, stopping binge eating can be very difficult. Maybe you believe that to lose weight, one must go on a diet. Usually, you eat in a certain way until you reach your weight goals.    1    Here are some ways to overcome this.

    2    Eating healthily doesn’t mean you have to give up food. You can even eat the “bad” foods but you have to consume them in moderation (适中). The good news is that once you start to eat healthily and start cutting sugar out of your diet, you will start losing the craving for sweets.    3    

Get support. Sometimes it's hard to stop if you are doing this all alone. So what you can do is to ask some friends or family members to help remind you.    4    So ask people around you to remind you of your fitness goals when they catch you binging eating.

Limit your access to food.    5    Throw out all of the bad food and replace them with the good stuff. By doing this, you will hopefully be able to stop over eating due to the fact that it will be too much of a problem to actually go to the store and buy junk food.

These tips are just a few things you can do. The important thing to remember is that you need to have the right mindset going into this thing.

A.Try to eat healthily.
B.Don’t hurt yourself.
C.This will only cause you to eat even more.
D.This sort of thinking will cause you to fail.
E.In other words, it gets easy as time goes by.
F.It’s hard to eat a lot when you don’t have food to eat.
G.Usually, we eat more than we want to just out of habit.
2022-07-13更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般