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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:20745764

Sugar-free cookies, reduced-sugar cereal, sugar- free candy, diet soda...are these better for you? After sugar became a taboo(禁忌) in the nutrition and wellness world, sugar-free food items and beverages acted as substitutes for once beloved sweet drinks and snacks. Claiming to be ZERO sugar meant it was healthier, better for diabetics, and helped you slim down...Right?

Wrong. Sugar-free food isn’t better for you. In fact, it is worse.

Sugar-free means that artificial sweeteners (甜味剂) are used instead of real sugar. The problem: these sweeteners do not come from natural sources and they can cause you more harm than good.

Let’s get into what these artificial sweeteners actually are. Sugar-free sugar sounds wrong and that’s because there is no such thing as sugar-free sugar. Some of these sugar-free alternatives even contain sugar and the ones that don’t have chemicals your body often does not know how to process.

Most artificial sweeteners are a lot sweeter than sugar so only a tiny amount is needed. That’s why they can market sugar-free alternatives as “low-calorie” or “no-calorie”. It also means that you get no nutritional value from consuming them, which is why many sugar-free substitutes are classified as “non-nutritive”. These artificial sweeteners tend to hide under sneaky names. Actually, they are 200-600 times sweeter than sugar.

When you eat sweet stuff, your body continues to desire it and, even though your body cannot metabolize(新陈代谢) these sugar-free alternatives, your brain does not know the difference. In turn, sugar-free alternatives connect to weight gain and type 2 diabetes (糖尿病).

Artificial sweeteners also damage your gut’s ability to break down sugar which impacts everything you eat. In other words, your body doesn’t know how to handle artificial sweeteners because they have nothing real to process.

A good rule of thumb: stay away from artificial sweeteners and look for non-sugar, natural sweeteners like Stevia or date sugar. In the war against artificial sweeteners and real sugar, both lose. Satisfy your sweet tooth with natural sugars that come from fruits and stay away from products claiming to be sugar-free or diet!

1. What’s special about sugar-free products?
A.They don’t taste sweet.B.They are more nutritious.
C.They contain artificial sweeteners.D.They contain natural sweeteners.
2. Why are sugar-free alternatives described as “low-calorie” or “no- calorie”?
A.They don’t produce any heat.
B.They contain no artificial sweetener.
C.Some real sugar is used.
D.A small amount of artificial sweetener is used.
3. What do we know about artificial sweeteners?
A.They are as sweet as sugar.
B.They can be easily broken down.
C.They present a bigger health risk.
D.They improve our ability to metabolize.
4. What is the author’s final conclusion?
A.Real sugar is a better choice.
B.Stay away from sugary products.
C.Sugar-free products are healthier.
D.Choose sugar from natural sources.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Recently some American scientists have given a useful sincere piece of advice to people in industrialized nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10,000 years ago.

The scientists say that the human body has changed very little since humans first appeared on the earth, but the way we live has changed greatly. Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in life style and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses. These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times, so they are called “diseases of civilization”. Many cancers and diseases of the blood system, including heart attacks and strokes (中风) are examples of such diseases.

Scientists noted that people in both the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age enjoyed very little alcohol (酒精) or tobacco (烟草), probably none. Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise, but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and that of today.

Stone-age people hunted wild animals for their meat, which had much less fat than domestic or tame ones (家畜). They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits. They didn’t have milk or any other dairy products, and they made very little use of grains. But today, we eat a large amount of these. We eat six times more salt than our remote ancestors (祖先). We eat more sugar. We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein (蛋白质) and much less vitamin C.

People today probably do not want to live the way people thousands of years ago did, but scientists say that we would be much healthier if we ate much the same way as remote ancestors did, cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food.

1. According to the passage, people in industrialized nations would be much healthier if they ate___________.
A.more food than humans living 10,000 years ago did.
B.as much food as humans living 10,000 years ago did
C.more kinds of food eaten by people living over 10,000 years ago.
D.more of the same kind of food eaten by people over 10,000 years ago.
2. New kinds of sicknesses have been found because __________.
A.the human body has changed compared with humans who first appeared on the earth.
B.the way we live has changed a little.
C.our body can’t deal with the changes in life style.
D.the way we live today is proper for the human body.
3. What is the main cause that people suffer from a lot of new sicknesses?
A.Ancient people did a great deal of physical exercise.
B.People today have a lot of alcohol.
C.People today have more tobacco.
D.Food today is quite different from that of ancient times.
4. According to some scientists , Stone-age people were much healthier than people today because they ate a lot of _____________.
A.milk and other dairy products.B.wild animals, fresh wild vegetables and fruits.
C.salt and sugarD.grain foods
2018-10-31更新 | 120次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Today,we are constantly bombarded with media reports about research on the right diet to follow to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight—but it’s hard to know which one to pick and,once chosen,it's harder still to stick to it.And now there’s another choice to get our teeth into.

A flexitarian(弹性素食者)diet involves eating plant—based foods and only occasionally eating meat and fish.This eating style allows you to supplement some ingredients that you wouldn’t get in a stricter vegan(素食主义者)diet—another trend growing in popularity.And like veganism,flexitarianism isn’t about eating carefully to help you lose a few pounds—it’s something people choose for ethical reasons,to help the planet.And a study into the global food system and how it affects the climate,has found that eating mainly plant-based foods is one of three key steps towards a sustainable future for all by 2050.

This research found that food waste will need to be halved and farming practices will also have to improve to achieve this.But without a single solution,a combined approach is needed.Dr Marco Springmann from the University of Oxford was one of the lead authors of the report.He told the BBC“We really found that a combination of measures would be needed to stay within environmental limits and those include changes towards healthier more plant—based diets.”

But whereas vegans think it's wrong for animals to be killed for food,flexitarians believe eating meat once in a while is acceptable.And Dr Springmann agrees—as long as we“treat it as a luxury,it’s probably OK but you shouldn’t have more than one serving of red meat,which includes beef and pork,per week.”And here’s another fact to digest:If we moved to this type of diet,the study found that greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture would be cut by more than half.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To lead to the topic.B.To entertain the readers.
C.To ask for information.D.To present an idea.
2. From the text,we can know that a flexitarian diet__________.
A.is the most popular eating styleB.involves eating no meat
C.benefits the environmentD.only balances the nutrition
3. What does Dr Marco Springmann agree with?
A.It’s wrong to kill animals for food.
B.Improving farming practices makes no sense.
C.A plant-based diet has nothing to do with climate change.
D.Combined measures are needed for environmental protection.
4. What can be the suitable title for the text?
A.Methods of keeping fitB.Choose a flexitarian diet
C.Measures to protect the environmentD.Keep a strict vegan diet
2019-03-20更新 | 176次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】This fall, students at the University of Massachusetts found a new menu at their dining commons: the “diet for a cooler planet” menu. This meant herb-roasted lamb, raised with a carbon-friendly approach. It included sweet potatoes that had been picked from a local farm’s field post-harvest. The options were plant-heavy, locally grown, and involved little to no packaging.

“We wanted to let students participate in climate action by making choices about their food,” says Kathy Wicks, sustainability director for UMass Dining. The university is not alone in this effort. Increasingly, American consumers and institutions are thinking about how their food choices factor into climate change. For many, small choices at the grocery store, dining hall, and restaurant can feel more accessible than big-ticket options like buying a fuel-efficient car or installing home solar panels.

Small changes in dietary habits may make a big difference. Climate activists often target fossil fuels and transportation systems, but studies point to the food system as a significant contributor to global warming. According to Project Drawdown, a research organization that evaluates climate solutions, the way food is grown, transported, and consumed accounts for about a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Beef is a regular target. “If, on average, Americans cut a quarter pound of beef per week from their diet, it’s like taking 10million cars off the road a year,” says Sujatha Bergen, director of health campaigns for the Natural Resources Defense Council. Food waste ranks third among climate solutions. While much waste occurs before consumers are involved—food left on the field or “chucked” because it does not fit appearance standards, Americans also throw out a lot of food they have purchased: about $1, 600 worth a year per family of four.

“People are beginning to understand that their food choices make a big impact on climate,” says Megan Larmer, director of regional food at the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming in New York. But, she cautions substantial change will need to come from the wholefood system.

1. What is the purpose of the new menu at the University of Massachusetts?
A.To market the cold dishes.B.To reduce the cost of packaging.
C.To popularize the plant-heavy diet.D.To promote low carbon awareness.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Food is a decisive factor for climate change.
B.Food choices matter much to global warming.
C.Universities are working together in climate action.
D.Fuel-efficient cars are not affordable for consumers.
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.Fossil fuels are contributors to global warming.
B.Global warming are directly correlated with transportation.
C.Dietary habits can have a great influence on climate change.
D.Dietary habits have no effect on global warming.
4. What does Sujatha Bergen say about beef?
A.It has great influence on carbon reduction.
B.It is popular among millions of car drivers.
C.It has a close relationship with gas emission.
D.It plays a significant role in American’s diet.
5. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Food System Reform: A Successful Trial
B.Global Warming: An Approaching Danger
C.Carbon Emission: A Killer, or Healer?
D.Low Carbon Diet: A Craze, or More?
2023-10-13更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般