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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:62 题号:20876287

Do you like traveling? Many people choose backpacking (背着背包徒步旅行) because it not only helps save a lot of money, but also gives them another kind of experience. When you are planning a backpacking adventure, the first thing to do in your opinion may be the decision on the places where you will visit. However, it is not the most important thing. Great adventures will make you face great danger. So you should not only imagine the enjoyment you will have on the trip, but also think about the possible danger you might face.

Making travel insurance (保险) is the most staple. It can make sure that you stay safe on the trip. So you should buy a backpacker travel insurance policy (保险单) before you leave. Backpacker policies are specially designed to meet your needs by offering a high level of cover for a long time of travel. You can buy a backpacker policy from one week to two years or longer time. The backpacker insurance policy covers many activities such as swim and ski, and provides protection for these activities. So buying a backpacker travel insurance policy is very important.

It is a good idea to compare a few insurance companies before you make a decision. You should always carefully check the backpacker policy and make sure the activities you want to do are all covered by the policy.

1. The passage can interest the man who _________.
A.plans to go for a backpacking.B.runs a company selling sports clothes.
C.wants to become a tour guide in the future.D.is too busy to have a few days off.
2. The underlined word “staple” in the second paragraph may mean “_________”.
A.very reasonable.B.very difficult.C.very important.D.very interesting.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Backpacking insurance policies may cover sports protection.
B.We should find a good tour guide when backpacking.
C.We should take part in some activities such as swim and ski.
D.A lot of people want to spend some time backpacking.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards backpacking insurance?


阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If the prospect (展望) of going to college seems challenging, you’re not alone. On top of adjusting to a new environment, you also need to adjust to a new social scene. Unlike in high school when a lot of your friendships formed because you grew up together,     1    . So don’t be nervous and be confident! Here are some ways to meet new friends and build new friendships.

Ask around

It’s likely that you might have a few connections you may not even know about.    2    . They might be able to give you the name of an older student who is also in your future university, or people who are in the same excited, nervous places you right now. Send your connections a quick direct message explaining how you found them and saying you hope to see them on campus.

    3    .

If meeting your neighbors in person isn’t possible, you may want to get in touch with your future roommates online. Some schools even send out the names and telephone numbers of your roommates, so give them a call and introduce yourself.

Move in early

One of the best ways to adjust to college life and meet people is to get involved in activities. Some schools allow students to move onto campus early in order to perform some voluntary service.     4    . You might not become a member of the team, but at least you'll have something in common with the other students and things to talk about if you meet them again.

Schedule your study

With such big classes, there must be someone who wants to study for a test with you. You can e-mail everyone in your class, telling them the time and place where you're going to be studying. Usually at least one person will reply telling that they’d like to join.     5    .

A.Reach out to your roommates.
B.Some college sports teams have early tryouts(选拔赛).
C.Start a conversation with your neighbors.
D.this time you make friends with people who you are very familiar with.
E.this is a new chance to connect with people all over the country or the world.
F.Ask family and teachers if they know other students at your future school.
G.You’d be surprised how many study partners have become great friends.
2023-10-23更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to make a vegetable garden for kids

Children love dirt!     1    ! Ann Sanders of A Green Hand shared her step-by-step guide to creating a vegetable garden with your kid.

    2    .

Ensure (确保) it gets a lot of sunlight and is near a water source and has the best soil. You want to make sure that your kid’s garden has all the essentials (必需品) needed to make a successful vegetable garden.

You can set your kid’s vegetable garden near your own garden. The best location though is in his place where he can pick a vegetable to eat while playing.

Allow your kid to choose the layout (布局) for his vegetable garden.

    3    . To add color and excitement to your kid’s vegetable garden, you can help him plant some colorful flowers such as sunflowers.

    4    .

To get your kid excited about his vegetable garden is to have him plant vegetables that are easy to grow. It helps a lot if you help him choose the right vegetables. Here are some easy-to-grow vegetables perfect for your kid’s vegetable garden: tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, and cucumber.

Allow your kid to use real tools and not plastic garden tools.

Small garden tools are not easy to find.     5    . However, by using real tools, your kid will feel that you are giving importance to his work and appreciating his vegetable garden.

A.Find an area that is suitable for your kid
B.Gardening is a perfect excuse to get dirty
C.Choose the right kinds of vegetables to plant
D.You should make sure these tools are safe plastics
E.Plant what they want to make the garden specially for their own
F.It may also be a challenge to find real tools that are safe for kids to use
G.Encourage your kid to use his creativity in designing his vegetable garden
2020-04-07更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to Rebuild TrustTaking Responsibility for Your Actions

Maybe you lied to your sweetheart, stole the guy or girl your friend had an eye on. Trust between two people means that they can be vulnerable with each other. Maintaining trust is very important to having satisfying relationships. Losing trust is a two-way street, and so is rebuilding it.     1     Here’s what you need to do from some angles.

Come clean.

If you have betrayed someone, coming clean at your own expense tells the other person that their well-being is more important than your own.     2     Even if there are parts that you can keep hidden without getting caught, you should still reveal them to the other person. Only in admitting all your mistakes can you be forgiven for all of them.

Expect an emotional reaction from the other person.

    3     On the contrary, you can expect an emotional outburst—yelling, crying, and so on—from the other person when she hears you admit your betrayal. But remember, the best way to move on is by putting it all into the open.


    4     How you approach saying your apology will influence whether or not the apology is accepted and you both can move on.


When you violate someone’s trust, you may feel so regretful that you have a hard time forgiving yourself for the violation. While a repentant heart is an essential part of making up with the person you betrayed, you also need to accept and learn to forgive yourself after you put the effort into making amends.

A.Apologize first.
B.Forgive yourself.
C.Admit all of your mistakes.
D.Let him know why you are apologizing.
E.This one should be obvious, but unfortunately, sometimes it gets overlooked.
F.Admitting that you betrayed someone is not going to make things easier immediately.
G.Both parties must want to rebuild lost trust.
2020-10-22更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般