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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:289 题号:21530248

If there was an app on your phone that claimed to improve your memory, would you be willing to try it? It’s hard to resist the idea of having a better memory. After all, our memories are delicate and can be affected by various factors such as diseases, injuries, mental health conditions, and aging.

In response to this perceived need, the brain training industry has grown rapidly, offering a wide range of accessible and affordable mental exercises through smartphone and tablet apps. Many researchers have found evidence suggesting that well-designed exercises can improve mental abilities and even lead to better scores on IQ tests. They compare the brain to muscles, suggesting that targeted repetition of memory exercises can strengthen and condition our memory processes, similar to how athletes engage in strength and conditioning by repeatedly exercising specific muscle groups.

In contrast to everyday activities like reading a detailed article or solving a complex puzzle, memory training apps are specifically designed to provide a more challenging workout for the brain. These apps typically involve tasks that require tracking a large number of objects while being distracted by a secondary task, such as mental calculations or exploring a game’s landscape. If this brain training proves effective, it could be beneficial for individuals with brain-related disabilities or those recovering from conditions like cancer.

Critics, though, argue that while the concept is appealing, the overall evidence fails to demonstrate significant improvement in core brain processes. Additionally, despite the claims made by many apps and brain training companies, scientists have yet to identify the key factors that make an intervention truly effective or determine the best approaches to address the diverse needs of individuals seeking help.

While the question is still open to debate, there is evidence suggesting that short-term working memory training can benefit high-functioning individuals, such as college students. However, it’s important to note that brain training, like diet and exercise, is unlikely to have identical effects on every individual.

1. In what way is the brain similar to muscles according to many researchers?
A.In testing results.B.In work processes.
C.In bodily functions.D.In training methods.
2. What is the main feature of the typical tasks in memory training apps?
3. What do critics think memory training apps lack?
A.Legal claims.B.Proven effects.C.Tailored services.D.Appealing concepts.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Can our memory be improved?
B.Does brain training actually work?
C.What have scientists found about memory?
D.What does the brain training industry bring?


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many people experience problems with their spine(脊椎) as they age. The tissue that protects the joints in the spine gradually breaks down. As a consequence, the bones, in the spine begin to rub against each other. This further harms that issue as well as the bones. The result is pain in the joints and, sometimes, in nerves near the spine

This painful problem is actually a disease called osteoporosis. Some people are more at risk of osteoporosis because of genes that they inherited from their ancestors. Extremely heavy people are also more likely to suffer from this disease because their extra weight puts much pressure on their joints. Fortunately, there are steps that people can take to help prevent osteoporosis from developing in their spine.

The most important step is exercise. Stretches can help the muscles around the spine relax and allow bones to shift into better alignment(排列), Strength exercises with light weights or bodyweight exercises like pushups can also help by strengthening the muscles around the spine. However, people should not overdo these exercises as repeated motions can strain the muscles around the spine. Trying to lift heavy weights with poor technique can have the same effect.

Another important factor is diet. It affects the health of spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. These include B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which helps keep nerves healthy. People can get more B vitamin and omega 3 fatty acids by taking supplements sold by stores. Another important factor is vitamin D. which is essential for strong bones. All of these vitamins and acids can be obtained from food. Thus people can help themselves by including them in their daily diets

1. What does this article mainly explain?
A.Various aspects of a medical condition.
B.The actions of viruses that cause illnesses.
C.Drugs often used to solve the physical issue.
D.The location of organs in the human body.
2. How does the writer begin this article?
A.By predicting improvement.
B.By analyzing a series of data.
C.By introducing minor injuries.
D.By describing a gradual process
3. What can readers find in this article?
A.A warning about working out too hard.
B.A method for improving sleep quality.
C.A slogan used to promote health classes.
D.A big criticism often aimed at doctors.
4. What does the article imply about supplement?
A.They are mainly for youngsters.
B.They are commercial products.
C.They are now being researched.
D.They are seldom truly effective
2019-03-23更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Eyesight is the sense that you rely upon the most. Since we live in a world that requires your eyes to routinely stare at the small type and images on cell phones, computer screens, and televisions, it is important for you to improve and protect your eyesight.     1    

Eyes are just like any other part of the body.     2    Similar to other organs, a diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar and fatty foods will go a long way in maintaining healthy eyes.

    3    Plan to exercise your eyes when you wake up, before going to bed, or when your eyes are tired. Make sure your hands are clean so that you do not hurt your eyes and your mind is relaxed before starting.

Since you use your eyes every waking moment, give them lots of rest and relaxation by taking breaks throughout the day and getting enough sleep every night to fully rest, repair, and recover your vision.     4     In the short term, it can cause eye strain (疲劳) or dry eyes. In the long term, it can lead to damage to the optic nerve (视觉神经), which can cause pain and damage your vision.

Besides, most jobs nowadays involve some degree of computer usage, meaning almost everyone will be spending time in front of a computer.     5    To avoid this, you’ll have to properly try to limit your screen time by routinely taking breaks and exercising your eyes.

A.They need nutrition to function well.
B.Close your eyes when exercising your eyes.
C.A lack of sleep will weaken your vision health.
D.You can enjoy your vision for the rest of your life.
E.Unfortunately, this can result in eye strain or injury.
F.There are many ways to keep your eyesight healthy and sharp.
G.Exercising your eyes daily will help you maintain healthy eyes.
2020-02-14更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Unless you’re very young or very old,it's likely you have some kind of relationship with email, whether you get hundreds of messages a day or a few dozen a week. A new study suggests that how we deal with these incoming messages could be affecting our stress levels and overall health.

A team from the Future Work Centre in the UK surveyed 2,000 people across various industries, sectors, and job roles, asking participants how they managed their email and how much associated stress they felt as a result. Overall, those who spent the most time organising and staying on top of messages felt the most email-related pressure too.

“While email can be a valuable communication tool, it’s clear that it’s a source of stress of frustration for many of us. The people who reported it being most useful to them also reported the highest levels of email pressure!” said one of the team, Richard MacKinnon.

Two of the habits linked to more email-related stress were checking for messages first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Half of those surveyed had push notifications (消 息推送)set up for new email, while 62 percent of respondents left their email app open all day and all night. Both were linked to higher levels of email pressure. The survey also found that managers suffered more than non-managers.

Stress is not just a problem when it comes to our mood—it’s been linked to a lot of disorders such as heart disease, weight gain, memory impairment (减弱),digestive problems,and depression.

The researchers suggest that the relationship between email-related stress and the negative impact on home life is not the same for everyone.

1. What’s the purpose of the study?
A.To find out how many people have an email account.
B.To know what sort of people use email most.
C.To find out how email management is related to stress.
D.To show what changes email has brought about to people.
2. What does Richard Mackinnon think of email?
A.It brings more strengths.B.It is not an essential tool.
C.It is a double-edged sword.D.It makes people puzzled.
3. Which of the following habits causes the most stress?
A.Checking email in the morning.
B.Checking email in the evening.
C.Keeping email app open at work.
D.Setting up push notifications for new email.
4. Where does the text most probably come from?
A.Science fiction.B.A science report.
C.fashion magazine.D.A book guide.
2019-04-12更新 | 94次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般