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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:84 题号:21621873

Chicken soup. An apple. Hot Ica. When you’re sick, everyone from grandma to the next-door neighbor has a helpful suggestion for food that will put you on the road to recovery. What should we make of this wisdom — do some foods really help us feel better, or even actually get better? And if so, why do we hardly feel hungry during illness when we might think nutrition is needed most?

Yale University immunobiologist Ruslan Medzhitov believes our bodies are working not for making us feel better, but for being alive — and they might not always treat an illness as their greatest risk. Before take-away service was an option, getting food while sick meant putting a weakened body at risk. And finding food also meant losing more energy. Though life has changed, scientists assume these evolutionary holdovers (进化遗存) may still play a role.

That’s a challenge, because your body needs a healthy balanced diet when sick. It requires a specific range of nutrition — protein, fat, vitamins, and more — although Medzhitov says those preferences are a moving target. “The way it changes during illness depends on the type of illness, and that’s the part we don’t know well.” he says. Still by adding protein, fat, a fruit or vegetable, you can maintain a good balance of nutrition. That may be where the original idea of chicken soup came.

There’s no one definite answer as to what to eat during illness. Medzhitov believes that just listening to your body and its preferences is likely the best option. What you desire is more often than not what your body wants. When sick, your desire for one type of food and dislike for another don’t come by accident. Millions of years of evolutionary selection has taught your body to recognize them. “If your body needs vitamin C, you will have desire for something that contains it, even though sometimes we don’t know what that desire is for.”

1. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?
A.To give an example.B.To show a discovery.
C.To make a suggestion.D.To offer an explanation.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Nutritional needs change with illness.
B.People know little about types of illness.
C.Maintaining a balanced diet is a challenge.
D.Chicken soup offers well-rounded nutrition.
3. What does Medzhitov suggest during illness?
A.Taking in vitamin C.B.Eating what appeals to you.
C.Drinking chicken soup.D.Minding the body’s change.
4. In which section of a website may this text appear?


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There’s no need to be ashamed about dozing off in class. It is actually a natural phenomenon. Studies have shown that people can only stay completely focused on something for a maximum of 10 minutes.     1     Dozing off during an important activity or event on a regular basis can develop into a habit that you might carry into other areas of your life.

Scientists have found that avoiding overeating before class is one of the most effective ways to beat class sleepiness. Most people have experienced “food coma (昏迷)” after eating a large meal. Eating too much results in a feeling of heaviness that uses up your energy. This happens because the body releases chemicals that signal drowsiness after eating.     2    

Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) release more serotonin (血清素) from the brain, which makes you feel good.     3     Basically, not all foods have the same impact on your body. While some foods can increase your energy, others can make you sleepy. Also, tasking your body with digesting a large meal is exhausting. Eating large portions — especially of unhealthy foods — will leave your body with little energy to use elsewhere.

    4     This gives your body the opportunity to digest smaller amounts of food at a time, leaving you feeling energized instead of tired after your meals.

Also, avoid heavy foods and choose healthy, balanced meals instead.     5     An example of a well-rounded breakfast to have before class would be a glass of milk, an egg and a salad containing at least three vegetables.

A.Finally, it helps deliver oxygen to your vital organs.
B.However, too much serotonin can lead to drowsiness.
C.Unfortunately, most classes last longer than 10 minutes.
D.Falling asleep in class can cause poor academic performance.
E.A healthy meal should include fruit, vegetables and healthy fats.
F.This is particularly true if you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates.
G.It is recommended that you keep a stable level of energy by eating smaller meals.
2023-09-11更新 | 345次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever heard someone say, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, or give you advice about why it’s vital to start the day with a healthy breakfast.     1     Is it really that important? In a sense, it really matters.

Energy restoration

The word “breakfast” comes from “breaking the fast” — the idea of ending the period in which we didn’t eat during the night. The regeneration process that takes place while we sleep consumes some of our natural food reserves to heal our bodies.     2     So, in that way, a healthy breakfast makes sense.

Weight management

There are also many often-quoted studies which seem to link a state of obesity with skipping breakfast.     3     In a US study, 50,000 people were monitored over seven years, and those who ate a healthy breakfast were found to have a lower BMI, which seems to suggest that breakfast may indeed help people maintain a healthy weight.

Better brain function

    4     Breakfast is also associated with improved brain function, including concentration and language. A review of 54 studies found that eating breakfast can improve memory, though the effects on other brain functions were inconclusive. However, one of the researchers says there is reasonable evidence that breakfast does improve concentration.

What’s most important is what we eat for breakfast. High-protein breakfasts have been found particularly effective in reducing food cravings and consumption later in the day. However, studies found that there is no agreement on what type of breakfast is healthier.     5    

A.Breakfast helps us refill the exhausted stores.
B.This feast necessarily gives us a new start.
C.Weight-loss is likely to cause them health problems.
D.Breakfast has been found to affect more than just weight.
E.Thus, it is suggested that a healthy breakfast can regulate and lose weight.
F.Many people are recommended to manage their weight by skipping meals.
G.Breakfast types don’t matter as much as simply eating something.
2023-06-14更新 | 326次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Traditionally, patients who want to improve their heart health have received four main suggestions from their doctors: Eat a healthy diet, get more exercise, quit smoking, and enjoy proper amounts of alcohol. Plenty of research backs up these four pieces of advice: Large studies have found that making improvements in these four areas lowers the chance of dying of heart disease by 67 percent.

But lately, researchers are starting to recognize that there should be five recommendations on that list, not just four. They’re discovering that getting enough sleep is a powerful health protector as well. When researchers include enough sleep in their studies as a fifth cardio-preventive behavior change, they find that it lowers the chance of dying of heart disease even more: Adding a good seven hours of sleep a night in addition to making positive changes in diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol intake lowers the chance of dying of heart disease by 83 percent.

When that news started coming out, doctors began adding sleep onto their list of recommended health behavior changes. But as an expert in heart disease, I don’t think sleep belongs at the bottom of the list. I think it should be at the top. I believe that getting enough sleep – at least seven to eight hours per night for most people –is the most important health behavior change you can make to improve the health of your heart and your overall health.

Sure, I’d prefer that everyone make all of the big five lifestyle changes, but if I could only choose one, I’d pick sleep because when you are well-rested, you have more power to make the right choices about what you eat and drink, and you have more energy to exercise and kick bad habits such as smoking and overeating. But when you’re exhausted, everything in life is more difficult.

1. What does plenty of research show about the 4 common suggestions?
A.They should be reconsidered.
B.They are the best ways found so far.
C.They are not as helpful as expected.
D.They help improve people’s health.
2. What does the latest research show?
A.Various factors lead to good heart health.
B.Enough sleep contributes to good heart health.
C.Seven hours’ sleep is most important to the heart.
D.The chance of dying of heart disease has dropped.
3. How did the doctors react to the news on sleep?
A.They just ignored it.
B.They discussed it publicly.
C.They thought it made sense.
D.They totally changed their mind.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.What the importance of a healthy lifestyle is.
B.Why different factors need to work together.
C.What prevents people from living healthily.
D.Why the author makes sleep his No. 1 suggestion.
2018-08-27更新 | 107次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般