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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:82 题号:21774883

A few months ago, I was in a cinema queue behind a man whose two sons were asking if they could have Tango Ice Blasts bright blue partly frozen drinks. The father hesitated for a moment. They’d already had too much sugary stuff that day, he said. “But it’s sugar-free,” replied one of the boys. That sealed the deal. The boys walked off happily into the cinema holding their drinks.

In an era when sugar is widely seen as enemy No.1, sugar-free drinks and treats, sweetened with low-calorie additives (添加剂), become well-liked and promise guilt-free sweetness. Some people deliberately choose low-sugar options in the hope of losing weight or managing diabetes; others just enjoy the taste.

But even if you aren’t seeking them out, it’s hard to avoid artificial sweeteners. In 2021, researchers looked at foods for sale in Hong Kong and found that sweeteners were present not just in products where you would expect them, such as sugarless chewing gum, but also in salad dressings, breads, instant noodles and many crisps.

They have become such a common part of our diet that environmental scientists have started looking for traces of them-particularly acesulfame potassium, which passes through the body largely undigested — as a marker for human waste in lakes and rivers.

The rise of sweeteners is, in part, a sign of the spectacular success of sugar taxes, which have been introduced in more than 40 countries since 2010. In the UK, the soft drinks industry tax was announced in 2016 and fully carried out in 2018, as part of a plan to “tackle childhood obesity”. The tax charged manufacturers 24p a litre for any drink with 8g or more of added sugar per 100ml. Almost all the major soft drinks brands in the UK cut the sugar content of their products and replaced the missing sweetness with some kind of artificial alternative. “Original” Coca-Cola and “blue” Pepsi were among the few drinks to keep their recipes the same. Once they became more expensive, compared to the sugar-free alternatives, their sales fell.

1. What made sugar-free drinks and treats popular?
A.The public’s pursuit of health.B.The taste of low-calorie additives.
C.People’s promise to manage diabetes.D.Parents’ expectation of guilt-free sweetness.
2. Why is it hard to avoid artificial sweeteners?
A.Because they are present in every food product.
B.Because they can be found in the environment.
C.Because they are widely used in our diet.
D.Because they are part of a plan to deal with obesity.
3. What did drink manufacturers in the UK do with the sugar tax?
A.Major soft drinks brands reduced their products’ sugar content.
B.Coca-Cola and Pepsi refused to change their recipes.
C.Nearly all big soft drinks brands turned to artificial sweeteners.
D.Drink companies lowered the price to raise their sales.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Sugar, Enemy No.1.B.The Rise of Artificial Sweeteners.
C.The Secret to Health: Low-calorie Additives.D.Scientific Facts Behind Health.
【知识点】 健康饮食 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The first thing you should know about Nightfood, a new “sleep-friendly” ice cream,is that it's a genius idea. There are certainly still some doubts whether it actually works. But many people have trouble sleeping, and many people love eating ice cream,and the possibility of cookies-and-cream-flavored Ambien (一种助眠药), even though that's not exactly how the product functions,is going to be irresistible to people with sleep problems everywhere.

“Part of me is like,I’m jealous I’m not part of this marketing programme,” said Raj Dasgupta,assistant professor of clinical medicine specializing in sleep at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. “They knew exactly how to appeal to customers.”

You could eat Nightfood any time of day without feeling sleepy,but the product is designed for sleep because surveys have shown one of the most common times people tuck into a pint of ice cream is at night, probably while watching Netflix. But can junk food really solve your sleep problems? Probably not, Dasgupta said.

The best way to improve your sleep is to practice good sleep hygiene: have a set bedtime and wake time every day,avoid caffeine and screens late at night, and, uh, do not eat within two hours of your bedtime. But our willpower fails us in the face of a “Russian Doll” binge with a pint of mint chocolate chip.

“They know no one is going to listen to this advice,so,might as well cater to (迎合) them,” Dasgupta said. Sugary snacks “are the no-no foods you don’t want someone to eat before bed. If they’re going to eat it anyway,I’d rather they grab the nutritious one rather than the Twinkie or the cupcake.”

And here's the thing: It actually tastes really good. Unlike other “functional” ice creams that boast of higher protein and lower sugar and fat, Nightfood uses real sugar — no alternative .sweeteners. There is milk and cream in it. It has fewer calories than your typical pint,but you would hardly know it from the texture or taste.

Nightfood is not the only sleep-friendly product on the market. There are also several carbonated sleep drinks, including Som and Neuro Sleep. They might help a bit, but Dasgupta cautions that sleep-promoting foods are not a cure-all.

“You’re not just going to start eating this food and get great sleep. There's other things that go into it, too,” like your overall health, stress level and the amount of time you spend aimlessly scrolling through Twitter in bed.

1. What does Raj Dasgupta mean by saying “Part of me is like,I’m jealous I’m not part of this marketing programme”?
A.The idea of the new “sleep-friendly” ice cream is wonderful.
B.He wanted to be part of a marketing programme.
C.He envied the profit that workers in the ice cream marketing made.
D.He wanted to work as an advertiser instead of a doctor.
2. What can we know from this passage?
A.People often turned to ice cream before bed.
B.Nightfood doesn’t taste as good as other ice creams.
C.Nightfood uses only a little alternative sweeter.
D.Nightfood can keep you awake all the time.
3. What's NOT a good way to improve people's sleep,according to the passage?
A.To have a set bedtime and wake time every day,
B.To avoid caffeine and screens late at night
C.Not to eat within two hours of bedtime.
D.To eat a NightPood before going to bed. .
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Nightfood, a delicious ice cream
B.Nightfood, a cure for insomniac
C.Nightfood, a replacement for sugary snacks
D.Nightfood, a healthy likely sleep-helper
2019-10-04更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many of us eat purely to satisfy our appetite for delicious food. But due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), many Chinese people are changing their eating habits.

Due to busy work schedules, ordering simple and quick meals online used to be commonplace (寻常的) for many young people in China. Zhang Xiaoyan, a 30-year-old from Nanjing, Jiangsu province, was one of them. She typically ate in the office and seldom cooked at home on weekdays. Even on weekends, she would prefer takeout food. But amid the NCP outbreak, being trapped at home for an extended (延长的) period has changed her eating habit. Now, she rolls up her sleeves and cooks for herself. “Cooking by myself sometimes is quite time-demanding, but it helps me have a healthy diet,” Zhang told China Daily.

Instead of eating at fast food chains or restaurants, cooking at home has become a nationwide trend. Some even regard sharing food videos on their WeChat Moments at meal times as “a special way to say hello to each other when face-to-face dinner is not possible,” noted China Daily.

Apart from cooking at home, many also eat separately and adopt (采用) the habit of using serving chopsticks and spoons, or gongkuai and gongshao in Chinese.

Influenced by collectivism (集体主义), communal eating habits have been a part of Chinese culture for centuries. For Chinese people, eating one’s own dish would be considered rude during a social gathering. They typically share several dishes laid out in the center of a table and sometimes share utensils (餐具) in the meals to show their respect and closeness.

Though it seems polite, it’s indeed risky. According to World Health Organization, foodborne (食物传播的) diseases are quite common, and saliva (唾液) is one of the most common ways for them to spread. So many cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, have already launched initiatives (倡议) for people to order separate meals.

“Healthy eating habits and maintaining good order have become real issues for us. It’s related to people’s health and safety, and it’s also a personal responsibility during the pandemic (大流行),” noted Guangming Daily. These are habits formed amid the pandemic, but as long as they are good for our health, perhaps we should keep them from now on.

1. How has Zhang Xiaoyan’s eating habit changed?
A.She eats simple and quick meals more often.B.She cooks meals by herself at home.
C.She now orders more takeout food.D.She often copies the meals her friends post on WeChat.
2. What do Paragraphs 5-7 mainly talk about?
A.How to change communal eating habits.
B.Why changing communal eating habits helps.
C.The relationship between culture and eating habits.
D.The role collectivism plays in Chinese eating habits.
3. What does Guangming Daily’s quote tell us?
A.Eating habits have a lot to do with our health.
B.Safety always comes first in every situation.
C.People are warned that foodborne diseases are on the rise.
D.It’s difficult for Chinese people to break bad eating habit
2020-06-19更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Is breakfast really that important?

With almost 20% of people reporting skipping the first meal of the day, people are wondering whether breakfast is really that important. Well, the overwhelming majority of research supports that breakfast is more than something your Mom nagged you about.     1    .

The National Weight Control Registry is tracking over 10,000 Americans who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for long periods of time.     2    .Other large studies have linked eating breakfast to decreased waistlines. Skipping breakfast may turn out to be one of the worst barriers to your weight loss efforts, for certain individuals. It is because not eating breakfast may lead to their increased amounts of late-night snacking.

    3    . Academic performance is associated with eating breakfast in children and teens, including improvements in reading, math and science. Nutrition can improve cognitive function, and deficiencies of key vitamins and minerals are linked to decreased concentration and cognition.

Moreover, skipping breakfast leads to malnutrition and lack of specific nutrients, which is linked to aggression and problem behaviors.     4    .

A.A large percentage of participants, around 78%, claim that it is a daily routine for them to have this meal in the morning.
B.For example, there are strong and consistent links to increased bullying behavior with skipping breakfast in both boys and girls.
C.However, many people skip breakfast or substitute a donut (炸面圈) and a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal.
D.Actually it turns out to be an important daily behaviour that benefits people in different aspects.
E.While breakfast has its benefits, it might not be the most important meal.
F.Benefits of breakfast go way beyond physical aspects of health.
2022-11-13更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般