组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:22298950

Imagine walking by a maple (枫树) tree that is no taller than a ruler. You may think that this is a special type of miniature tree, but it actually isn’t! Creating a tree like this is a form of art called bonsai. Bonsai are tiny trees grown in small pots. Bonsai can be any kind of tree. They just need to be planted in a small container and cultivated in a way that stunts their growth.

Cultivating, or taking care of, a bonsai tree requires patience and care. Pruning — removing branches, leaves, and roots — is an important part of raising bonsai. It keeps the trees small, and it also controls their shape. Pinching off new buds (嫩芽) and tying wire around branches help create a beautiful design. These processes allow the grower to control what shape the bonsai tree will take as it develops.

People who raise bonsai want their trees to look like they belong in nature. Even though it is contained in a pot, a bonsai tree should look similar to its larger counterpart (相对物,参照物). For example, the bonsai maple should have the same forked branches and vibrant leaves as the full-sized maple. This makes the bonsai a tiny copy of the full-sized maple that towers overhead.

Like other plants, bonsai need water and food from the soil. In order to keep bonsai the proper size, you need to carefully control the amount of water and fertilizer you provide. If you want to grow a bonsai, it is best to start with a species that grows in your area. Most bonsai do best when kept outdoors, so they need to be able to survive the weather. If kept indoors, the bonsai must be placed near a window. Interestingly, with proper care, bonsai can live for a hundred years or more.

1. Why does a bonsai tree need pruning frequently?
A.To control its size.
B.To help it grow well.
C.To save fertilizer and water.
D.To create a shape as designed.
2. What example does the bonsai maple in Para. 3 serve as?
A.One of a larger counterpart.
B.A tiny copy of the full-sized maple.
C.One looking like its counterpart in nature.
D.One with forked branches and vibrant leaver.
3. What advice is given to a bonsai beginner?
A.To keep the bonsai indoors.
B.To start with a native species.
C.To keep bonsai the proper size.
D.To control the amount of water.
4. Which would be a best title for this passage?
A.Bonsai — a special hobby
B.How to be bonsai grower
C.What does bonsai refer to?
D.Why is bonsai so popular?
【知识点】 方法/策略 说明文 植物


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】April 7th is the World Health Day. To celebrate it and draw people’s attention to health, Class 17 has held a Health Corner. Here is a health tip from a student.

A health tip   
Name: Catch a fire or Shanghuo
Time: usually in autumn
Signs: a burning nose, aching teeth, a sore throat, oily skin
Reasons: the imbalance of yin and yang (yang is stronger)
Suggestions:leaf teas such as chrysanthemum(菊花)   and mulberry(桑叶)
1. Shanghuo usually happens to people in_________.
2. The following signs show you catch a fire EXCEPT _________.
A.a burning noseB.oily skin
C.a sore throatD.a high fever
3. According to the tip, you’d better _________ to deal with Shanghuo.
A.go to hospitalB.drink leaf teas
C.take some medicineD.lie down and have a rest
2021-09-08更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Travelling Economically

● Get a ride to travel destinations with friends or acquaintances (熟人). If people you know are driving to a location you would like to visit, take advantage of the opportunity to ask them for a lift. Offer to help with gas money or, if you don’t have any cash, offer a trade or service instead.     1    

● Practice safe hitchhiking to get around.    2     Ask each driver several questions before getting in the vehicle, including what their name is, where they are heading and why they are going there. Follow your gut instinct (直觉) and avoid getting into a car with anyone who gives you a bad feeling.

    3    There are many ridesharing websites and apps that allow budget travellers to find a shared lift to their destination. These sites will also screen and identify the drivers, making the ridesharing experience safe and simple. Search for available rideshares in your area, which may vary in cost but will cost significantly less than travelling alone.

● Join a free hospitality (好客)-sharing community.     4    You will be able to chat with participating members living in the area you are travelling to and arrange accommodations before travelling. In addition to being able to sleep on someone’s couch or in their spare room, you may find someone to show you around the city.

● Camp at inexpensive campsites. Camping can be a budget-friendly activity if you find the right park or site.     5    Visit http://www.uscampgrounds.info/ for a comprehensive list of North American campgrounds, which indicates sites with a rate of $12 or less per night.

A.Get to new destinations with ridesharing services.
B.Hitchhiking is not an exact science but an art form.
C.Search online for camp sites near your travel destination.
D.Hitchhiking is a free way to travel, but you need to be cautious.
E.One of my big worries when it comes to camping is keeping everyone safe.
F.Be a polite and respectful co-traveller to show your appreciation for their generosity.
G.Find free accommodations in other cities by joining a couchsurfing community online.
2023-08-04更新 | 170次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When teaching, always assume the worst! No, that’s not some world-weary call to pessimism, but actually a positive strategy for supporting students in the classroom. Consider the problems that can arise when you don’t do this, and instead take as your starting assumption that things are probably, basically okay:

Teacher: Did you get on all right with the homework questions?

Student: Er, yes…

Teacher: Are there any you want to go through?

Student: Er, no—it’s fine…

What’s going on here? The student clearly feels that “yes” is the expected answer to the first question, but having said that, they’re then more or less forced into answering “no” to the second. Any problems they might have experienced are buried, and consequently go unresolved.

A much better approach is to assume the worst, to the point of setting up failure as the starting point. Then, if necessary, the student can be in the happy position of bringing you good news, which gives the impression of placing them in a more powerful position. Let’s imagine that same exchange again:

Teacher: Those homework questions were hard. Did you manage any of them?

Student: Yes, I did the first one, but I couldn’t do any of the others.

Teacher: Okay—do you want to go through the others?

Student: Yes, please.

This time, we’ve made it easy for the student to admit their difficulties. There’s no pretense (借口) around everything being fine when it isn’t, and no shame in the student admitting to having problems, as that’s clearly the teacher’s starting assumption.

It takes no longer to frame things this way round, but makes it so much easier for the student to be honest. Paradoxically, it’s also much more positive in that the student is constantly exceeding the teacher’s expectations— “You managed question one? Well done! Now, let’s look at the others…”

Every counsellor knows that if they ask a client “Did you have a good week?”, they’re more likely to get a positive response, because it’s a leading question that doesn’t communicate a strong interest in hearing the truth. Instead, a more neutral question like “How was your week?” is much more likely to elicit an honest response.

The same applies in the classroom. We want to avoid fakery and being told what we want to hear. Instead, we have to probe for the problems, the difficulties, the things that make no sense to the student, and make it easy for them to tell us those things.

1. Which question is preferred according to the author?
A.Did you manage any of the hard questions in the homework?
B.Did you get on all right with the homework questions?
C.Do you have any questions you want to go through?
D.Do you think the homework questions are hard?
2. According to the passage, good questions ______.
A.promote communicationsB.should be based on honesty
C.reveal different assumptionsD.ought to make others happy
3. This article is mainly intended for ______.
2022-05-24更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般