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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:284 题号:22894434

Wellness for Younger Tastes

Wellness, or yangsheng in Mandarin, is no longer a term exclusive to the middle-aged and elderly. Faced with intense competition in education and their careers, those born in the 1990s and 2000s have already started a journey to safeguard their health. As the pursuit of wellness becomes an essential pastime for many young people, a trend known as “New Chinese-style Wellness” has taken over social media platforms.     1    . During a busy work day, they enjoy herbal teas brewed (煮) in wellness pots, enhancing their well-being while tapping away at their keyboards.

    2    , advocating for the consumption of fresh, natural ingredients, balanced meals and exercising moderation in the consumption of oil y and peppery foods, essentially maintaining a light and nutritious diet. Additionally, it promotes mental well-being by incorporating traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theories to regulate emotions and achieve a balanced development of physical and mental health.     3    , and as long as this demand continues to exist, the interest in related TCM practices will continue to grow.

Given the long hours facing a computer for work, young people often experience muscle discomfort in their shoulders and neck. Besides using a meridian massage (按摩) device, they may also get regular professional massages at hospitals to ease these issues.     4    , such as tai chi, to strengthen the body and achieve the goal of well ness and fitness.

    5    , which is behind their exploration of new wellness practices. According to the China Good Life Survey released by CCTV Finance, in 2023, health-related consumption ranked third with 31.04 percent in the list of consumption intentions among young people aged 18 to 35.

A.Many young people are riding the trend
B.Furthermore, it advocates for light exercise
C.There is a reflection of young people’s consumption trends
D.Having a balanced and healthy diet has always been important
E.“New Chinese-style Wellness” emphasizes the idea of dietary therapy
F.Modern young people have a different lifestyle from the older generation
G.The demand for health and wellness among modern individuals is significant
2024·广东·三模 查看更多[5]


阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Shoulder pain is common. The shoulder has the most range of movement of any part in the body.    1    Furthermore, shoulder pain sometimes comes from other areas of the body. Here are some tips to help reduce shoulder pain.

    2    Often, the root cause of shoulder pain is simply your overdoing something. If your problem is work related, change to a different activity. If the shoulder pain is exercise-related, then you may be working out too aggressively or with bad form — turn to a personal trainer for help.

Ice your shoulder. The application of ice is useful for almost all acute Injuries.    3    Apply ice for 10-15 minutes every hour, then reduce the frequency as the pain and swelling become less strong.

Do some light shoulder stretches(拉伸). While standing or sitting, reach around the front of your body and seize the opposite elbow(肘).    4    Reach behind your back towards your shoulder and hold it with your other hand. Slowly pull on the hand with the painful shoulder until you feel a stretch.

See your doctor. If your shoulder pain is especially severe, and long-lasting, what else can you do?    5    Your doctor will discuss a treatment plan according to your pain.

A.Seek medical help.
B.Rest your shoulder.
C.Build shoulder strength.
D.Consider surgery if necessary.
E.That’s why it’s so likely to suffer from injury.
F.The cold treatment works well when applied to the most painful shoulder.
G.Gently pull on the back of the elbow until you feel a stretch in the shoulder.
2017-03-09更新 | 274次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Your circle of friends may help you get a better reading on your overall health and wellness rather than just using wearable devices such as a Fitbit, according to researchers.

The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, analyzed what the structure of social networks says about the state of health, happiness and stress.

“We were interested in the topology(拓扑学) of the social network—what does my position within my social network predict about my health and well-being?” said Nitesh V. Chawla, a professor at the University of Notre Dame in the US.

“What we found was the social network structure provides a significant improvement in predictability of wellness states of an individual over just using the data derived( 获得)from wearables, like the number of steps or heart rate,” Chawla said.

For the study, participants wore a Fitbit to capture health behavior data about walking, sleeping, heart rate and overall activity level. They also completed surveys and self-assessments(自我评估)of their stress, happiness and positivity.

Chawla and his team then analyzed the data with a machine-learning model, alongside the connections and characteristics of an individual’s social network.

The study showed a strong correlation (相关性)between social network structures, heart rate, number of steps and level of activity.

Social network structure provided significant improvement in predicting one’s health and well-being compared to just looking at health behavior data from the Fitbit alone.

For example, when social network structure is combined with the data from wearables, the machine learning model achieved a 65 percent improvement in predicting happiness.

The model also achieved a 54 percent improvement in predicting one’s self-assessed health prediction, a 55 percent improvement in predicting positive attitude and a 38 percent improvement in predicting success.

“This study asserts that without social network information, we only have an incomplete view of an individual’s wellness state, and to be fully predictive or to be able to derive interventions(干预). It is critical to be aware of the social network,” Chawla said.

1. What did the study find?
A.How your circle of friends influences you.
B.How people choose their friend circles.
C.What factors decide your friend circles.
D.What your circle of friends says about your health.
2. How did the researchers draw their conclusions?
A.By comparing data.B.By giving examples.
C.By analyzing cause and effect.D.By describing personal experiences.
3. What does the underlined word “critical” mean in the last paragraph?
4. What do Chawla’s words in the last paragraph tell us?
A.How fitness devices can connect your circle of friends.
B.That a person’s social network is part of his health picture.
C.The best ways to make friends and keep a healthy social circle.
D.That wearable devices are not useful for understanding someone’s health.
5. According to Professor Chawla, what data did the topology of social network are likely not to capture?
A.Information of heart rate.B.Facts of sleep mode.
C.The overall activities.D.Data of walking steps.
2023-04-27更新 | 195次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Some people wake up before the sun rises above, go for a run and eat a healthy breakfast, all before many others get out of bed. Waking up that early might sound tiring to late risers, but can a night owl (夜猫子) become an early bird?

“It is possible to make the change, but it’s not easy,” said Michelle Drerup, director of behavioral sleep medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. “A true night owl doesn’t really feel great early in the morning when they wake up, especially when they’re starting to change this.”

A person’s tendency to be a night owl, early bird or some kind in between is known as their chronotype (生物钟). Depending on that, people are likely to be more awake during certain times of the day and sleepier during others. It is determined by a combination of nature and life style, scientists have found.

If you want to wake up earlier, make the change gradually. Drerup recommended slowly setting your wake-up alarm earlier by 15 to 20 minutes every few days over the course of several weeks until you’re adjusted to your schedule. Sticking to it is the key.

“Limit exposure (接触) to light in the hour before bed, such as by staying away from screens,” Drerup said. Light blocks the body's production of melatonin (褪黑色素) which is thought to set our circadian rhythm (昼夜节律). And in the morning, try to get exposure to light as soon as you wake up, to end melatonin production. Avoid exciting activities late in the evening. Instead of exercising at night, try working out in the morning or afternoon. You may also need to change your meal times to earlier time in the day.

If being a night owl works for you, there is actually no need to change your sleep schedule. But staying up late becomes a problem when you must wake up early for work and school. It can also increase your risk of developing health.

1. What is a feature of night owls?
A.They tend to be more awake than an early bird.
B.Their sleeping pattern can never be changed.
C.They might not feel good when getting up early.
D.Their habit of sleeping late can ruin their health.
2. What might cause people to become night owls?
A.Their sleeping patterns.
B.Their behavior during sleep.
C.Their tendency to stay awake.
D.Their ability to adapt to change.
3. Which of the following may help a night owl become an early bird?
A.Doing more exercise before sleeping.
B.Avoiding exposure to light after waking up.
C.Setting alarm clock earlier each day.
D.Trying to sleep early and wake up early.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The risks of sleeping late.
B.How night owls change their sleep schedule.
C.The benefits of becoming an early bird.
D.How to lead a healthy life.
2022-07-17更新 | 199次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般