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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:128 题号:3275985
Are GM(转基因的) foods safe for people? Can they help solve the poverty problem? They have been the subjects of a hot debate.
This debate is related to increasing challenges from rising climatic change, population growth, urbanization(城镇化), and natural resource consumption. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, food production needs to increase by 60 percent by 2050 in order to feed 9 billion people. Scientists and policymakers are searching for effective ways to gain nutritious food, for today and future. Unlike previous agricultural methods (such as the Green Revolution), GM crops are to fight food safety and poverty challenges.
The great expansion of GM crop varieties over the last two decades can be seen easily. The total area devoted to GM crops has increased 100 times from 1.7 million hectares in 1996 to 170 million hectares in 2012. Developing countries now grow more GM crops than developed countries (in terms of area), largely driven by Brazil’s rapid adoption of GM crops. China is home to about 4 percent of the total global area devoted to GM crops. Beans, corn, and cotton are main global GM crops, while China’s focus is on cotton, papaya, and poplar.
Recently, a scientific study shows that GM crops are safe for people and the environment. According to a 2010 report on the safety of GM crops by the EU, “the main conclusion to be drawn from the efforts of more than 130 research projects, covering a period of more than 25 years of research, and involving more than 500 research groups, is that biology methods, are not more risky than traditional planting technologies, for example.” Other international and national scientific bodies, such as the World Health Organization, have reached the same conclusion.
1. Nowadays, people are developing GM foods mainly to fight against______.
B.population growth
C.rising climatic change
D.natural resource consumption
2. As for GM crops, what do people mainly focus on ?
A.Food production.B.Food nutrition.
C.Food safety.D.Food variety.
3. What does Paragraph 3 talk about?
A.More GM crops in developing countries.
B.Less GM crops in developed countries.
C.Rapid adoption of GM crops in Brazil.
D.The expansion of GM crop varieties of the world.
4. From a recent scientific study, we can infer that______.
A.traditional planting technologies are more risky
B.the safety of GM crops has been proved in many ways
C.the safety of GM crops was reported by the EU in 2010
D.present GM crops are safe for people and the environment
5. What’s the writer’s attitude towards GM crops?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It was an autumn day, and I was standing in the kitchen, hanging my head over the counter and trying to figure out how many calories were in a bowl of homemade yogurt and fruit. And I felt annoyed.

I was 16, and my best friend and I had gone to our first Weight Watchers meeting. It was the trend in the mid-1980s, and even though I was an athlete, like many teen girls, I didn't necessarily like what I saw in the mirror. But after a week or so of recording every meal and snack and calculating the calories, I had had enough. I went back to my routine of chewing whatever I wanted, running and skiing, and let that be that. And it's still pretty much what I do;as long as the workouts are regular and the food is whole and balanced, my body's set point hasn't varied for years.

The weight loss trend of three decades ago—full of scales and counting calories—has fallen away. Now fasting (禁食) is popular. The ways to keep fit vary: on the 5:2 diet a person eats for five days and fasts for two days each week, while the 18:6 refers to fasting for 18 hours and then eating within a six-hour window each day.

In this issue, associate editor Mark Barna tries to understand the science behind the fasting plans. Researchers have found that animals like monkeys age more slowly after years of eating less, and in the lab in humans, they saw improvements in a number of signs that indicated the risk of some diseases hard to cure. The hope for healthy weight loss isn't over yet, but at least now the calculators don't have to be on at every meal.

1. What made the author annoyed?
A.Her body was not as strong as an athlete's.
B.There were too many calories in the yogurt and fruit.
C.The Weight Watchers meeting was not necessary for her.
D.She had to work out the calories in every meal and snack.
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “chewing”?
3. How do people keep fit now?
A.They limit the calories they take in.B.They lose weight only.
C.They fast daily or weekly.D.They eat enough every day.
4. What do we know about the researchers' finding in this passage?
A.People age more slowly if they eat less.B.People are healthier if they eat less.
C.People have stopped losing weight now.D.People calculate the calories of every meal.
2022-03-24更新 | 101次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Genetically Modified (GM) food is unfortunately becoming more popular among farmers and food processors. Crops are being genetically modified to resist insects, plant diseases, insecticides(杀虫剂). Plants are also modified to look bigger and better. Unfortunately the end goal isn’t providing nutrition for people, it’s to increase profit margins and to make food look better. In fact many modern fruits and vegetables are twice the size of what they used to be while having far less vitamins, and not tasting good either. Now research is showing that genetically modified food might even be bad for you.

GM organisms are organisms that have genes inserted into their DNA in order to offer certain characteristics. In this way you can make it better, or make it last longer.

Jeffrey M. Smith has published a study about the dangers of GM food. It was discovered that when GM soy was fed to female rats they found that all their young died within 3 weeks compared to a natural 10% death rate. Their young were also born smaller and they later had problems becoming pregnant. A study of pigs found that they also became infertile(不育) after eating GM corn.

Many people are eating GM food without even realizing it. The solution to this problem is simple. Human beings existed in their current form for hundreds of thousands of years. For most of that time we ate a diet consisting of meat, fruit, vegetable, fish, eggs and nuts. This is our optimal diet which leads us to live a healthy and long life. But over the last 30 years North America has experienced diabetes, cancer and heart disease. All due to the misinformation provided by groups who work on behalf of the manufacturers of GM food. The way to avoid obesity, heart disease and cancer is by eating like our stone-age ancestors.

1. According to the author, what ultimately inspired the popularity of GM crops?
A.Rich nutrition.B.Unique taste.
C.High profits.D.Energy saving.
2. What had we better do if we want to stay healthy according to the text?
A.Eat more fruit.B.Be vegetarians.
C.Eat more grains.D.Keep traditional diet.
3. The text is organized in the form of ________.
A.time and eventsB.cause and effect
C.reasoning and argumentD.contrast and comparison
4. We can infer that the lobby groups (in Paragraph 4) are people who are ________.
A.scientists who give out false information because of carelessness
B.doctors who try to profit from patients who suffer from unhealthy food
C.workers who try to cheat customers for the benefits of food producers
D.agricultural technicians who are responsible for promoting new product
2018-10-09更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】If you really want to go green, here’s good news: eating green is good for you. The very foods with a high carbon cost — meat, pork, dairy products, processed snacks — also tend to be filled with fat and calories. A green diet would be mostly vegetables and fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meats like chicken — a diet that’s eco- and waistline-friendly. Eating green can be healthier and beneficial to the climate.

It may be hard to believe that a meal at McDonald’s produces more carbon than your trip to a far away place. More than 37% of the world’s land is used for agriculture, much of which was once forested. Deforestation (砍伐森林) is a major source of carbon. The fertilizer (化肥) and machinery needed on a modern farm also have a large carbon footprint, as does the network of ships and trucks that brings the food from the farm to your plate.

The most efficient way to reduce the carbon footprint of your menu is to eat less meat, especially beef. Raising cattle takes a lot more energy than growing the equivalent (相等的) amount of grains, fruits or vegetables. What’s more, the majority of cattle in the U.S. are fed on grain and loads of it — 670 million tons in 2002 — and the fertilizer used to feed that creates separate environmental problems.

Focus on eating lower on the food chain, with more plants and fruits and less meat and dairy. It’s simple. We can change today what goes into our bodies for the health of our planet and ourselves.

1. According to the passage, eating green will_____.
A.protect the animals from being killed
B.promote the development of agriculture
C.help us lose weight and keep self-confidence
D.be good for our health and make a change for the climate
2. What will not lead to carbon in the agriculture?
3. In the author’s opinion, the most efficient way to reduce carbon is to_____.
A.eat more vegetables than meat
B.stop raising the cattle
C.plant more grains
D.use less fertilizer
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The benefits of eating green.
B.How to reduce the carbon.
C.The change of our menu.
D.The ways of keeping healthy.
2016-12-12更新 | 103次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般