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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:5716294

It has become a certain belief among the public — drink at least eight glasses of water a day to improve health and wellbeing. Bottled water companies often repeat it to increase their sales but it is actually a silly idea. There is no evidence to prove the advantages of drinking eight glasses of water a day, scientists say.

The misunderstanding is caused from the suggestion that adults should drink 2.5 liters of water daily, which was stressed by the British Medical Journal in December. The important part of the suggestion that most of this quantity of water is contained in prepared foods, however, is usually ignored.

US researchers who reviewed the evidence concluded that most people do not need to worry about the amount of water they drink every day. Besides drinking water, they will be getting plenty of liquid (液体) in other ways. Caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and cola and alcohol (酒) can help reach the daily total if they don’t drink too much, though these drinks help the production of urine (尿). Less well known are the dangers of drinking too much water, causing water poisoning, low salt levels and even death.

The review of research by Dan Negoianu, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that not a single study included the suggestion of drinking eight glasses of water a day. Although one small study suggested that drinking water could result in fewer headaches, the results were not very important. However, the benefits of drinking some water to prevent a pain in head after drinking too much alcohol are, separately, proved to be true.

No studies showed any advantages to the color of the skin because of the increased water taken into bodies. Dehydration (脱水) can make skin less pleasant, but there was no clear evidence to support the idea that water helps people keep a youthful appearance. The researchers also found no evidence that drinking lots of water does some good to the body’s organs (器官).

1. From the passage, we know that the suggestion about drinking eight glasses of water a day ________.
A.causes some serious diseases
B.has enough scientific evidence to support it
C.is misunderstood by people in fact
D.was published by the British Medical Journal
2. From the passage we learn that many people don’t know that ________.
A.the production of urine can cause water to lose
B.health can be improved by drinking plenty of water
C.better skin can result from intake of much water
D.caffeinated drinks can provide the water people need
3. What can be proved about drinking a lot of water according to the passage?
A.Reducing the bad influence of drinking alcohol.
B.Helping to keep youthful looks.
C.Making the body’s organs stronger.
D.Causing bad headaches.
4. The writer’s main purpose of writing this passage is to ________.
A.persuade people to drink different kinds of water
B.tell people drinking much water is not as healthy as is considered
C.warn people of the danger of drinking much water
D.help people realize the importance of drinking enough water every day
2017·山西·二模 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Over the centuries, people have created many rituals (仪式) to accompany the consumption of their favourite drinks, tea and coffee. Just think of the Japanese tea ceremony, British afternoon tea or the morning coffee ritual in countless societies. Why are these drinks so popular?     1     In the modern world, the new caffeine delivery systems are canned energy drinks. And the more modern our world gets, the more we seem to need caffeine.

Most people don’t think twice about their caffeine intake.     2     So the widespread use of caffeine is now a cause for concern among scientists and public health authorities. One result of this concern is that you are not allowed to sell energy drinks in France or Denmark. And in other European countries, manufacturers have to label cans with warnings. The United States has no such rule, but many canned energy drinks sold in the USA carry warnings anyway.     3     Studies have shown it helps relieve pain, reduces asthma (哮喘)symptoms and increases reaction speed. Despite this, a study in Ireland recommended that children and pregnant women, among other groups, shouldn’t drink energy drinks.

    4     “For most of human existence, the pattern of sleeping and waking has followed sunrise and sunset.” explains Charles Czeisler, a neuroscientist(神经学家) at Harvard Medical School. “Then, the way we work changed from a schedule built around the sun to an indoor job timed by a clock, and consequently humans had to adapt. Electric light, and caffeinated food and drink allowed people to follow a work schedule set by the clock, not by daylight or the natural sleep cycle.     5     Without enough sleep the human body will not function at its best, physically, mentally, or emotionally.”

A.The answer is their secret ingredient --- caffeine.
B.But we need coffee to get us out of bed and back to work.
C.The main reason that people want caffeine is to stay awake.
D.But research suggests that caffeine may have benefits for human health.
E.Nevertheless, there is a heavy price to pay for all this extra wakefulness.
F.However, it raises blood pressure and thus increases the risk of heart disease.
G.Most babies in the developed world are born with traces of caffeine in their bodies.
2019-04-11更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One man’s white bread is another man’s green vegetables.

That’s the key from The Personalized Diet, a new book from Israeli authors Eran Segal and Eran Elinav. The authors say it’s time to admit to ourselves that one-size-fits-all diets don’t work, and when it comes to nutrition, it’s about doing what works best for your body, not catching the latest diet fashion.

“For years, we’ve been trying to search for that silver-bullet diet and we’ve been miserably failing,” Segal said. “And that’s because the best diet for each person really has to be tailored to that individual.”

They conducted a personalized nutrition project at Weizmann, where hundreds of volunteers agreed to have their blood sugar tested after meals. One participant in the study, a woman named Ruti, said she was surprised that it was tomatoes — not ice cream or candies — that were raising her blood sugar level. Ruti recalled, “I have now significantly reduced my intake of tomato and I’m feeling much more energetic, which still surprises me. I have already lost a couple of pounds, and I have high hopes that I have finally found the answer to my weight struggle, too.”

The Israeli scientists found that some people can consume traditionally unhealthy foods with little   or no rise in their blood sugar levels, while others have a stronger response, and therefore shouldn’t eat those foods. It’s those kinds of results that you can only find from a personalized diet.

“What we were surprised to find out was just like any other food, there is no such thing as good bread,” Elinav said. “The response to bread was completely individualized.”

1. What is suggested in the first sentence?
A.Everyone has their own tastes.
B.Nutrition serves your body best.
C.The latest diet doesn’t fit each person.
D.People’s response to the same food is different.
2. What kind of diet have we continuously pursued?
A.A diet that is low in fat and sugar.
B.A diet that works best for everyone.
C.A diet that begins a new diet trend.
D.A diet that provides all the nutrition.
3. Ruti’s example suggests that to control weight, one needs to________.
A.eat much fewer tomatoes
B.control their blood sugar levels
C.struggle for weight loss constantly
D.eat according to his or her blood sugar level
4. Why is Elinav’s opinion on bread mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To show the importance of good bread.
B.To explain the popularity of white bread.
C.To stress the need of the personalized diet.
D.To advise people not to eat unhealthy food.
2023-04-30更新 | 97次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Regularly eating fish as a child can halve the risk of developing asthma (哮喘), as you get older, according to a team of scientists.

Queen Mary University of London researchers studied data from more than 4,500 children born in the 1990s in the UK that have been monitored by scientists since birth. Those who consumed the most omega — 3 heavy fish were less likely to develop the life-threatening illness.

In the UK young families that include children aged 5 to 11 consume the least amount of fish—with just 25 percent of homes having it at least twice a week. One-in-eleven youngsters — 1.1 million children — are receiving treatment for asthma and most adult cases begin in childhood, according to the researchers. Senior author Professor Seif Shaheen said, “Asthma is the most common chronic (慢性的) condition in childhood and we currently don’t know how to prevent it. It is possible a poor diet may increase the risk, but until now most studies have taken snapshots, measuring diet and asthma over a short period of time. Instead, we measured diet and then followed up children over many years to see who developed asthma and who didn’t.”

The researchers found that those in the top quarter for fish consumption had a 51 percent lower risk of developing asthma than those who consume the least oily fish. Seafood is abundant in healthy omega — 3 fatty acids. Oily varieties have the most. Shaheen added, “Whilst we cannot say for certain that eating more fish will prevent asthma in children, based on your findings, it would nevertheless be sensible for children in the UK to consume more fish.”

The results were confirmed in an independent group of people born in Sweden. Shaheen’s team now plan to see if eating fish can help deal with asthma in people who already have the condition.

1. What did the researchers find out about the UK young families?
A.Most of them don’t eat much fish.
B.Most of them have adult asthma cases.
C.Most of them don’t consume healthy food.
D.Most of them play down the seriousness of asthma.
2. What did Shaheen think previous studies on asthma failed to do?
A.Take diet into account.B.Involve enough participants.
C.Analyze the reasons for asthma.D.Track participants for a long time.
3. What advice does Shaheen give?
A.Use less oil to cook fish.B.Avoid omege—3 heavy food.
C.Eat more fish to stay healthy.D.Try different types of seafood.
4. What will Shaheen’s team do next?
A.Find ways to deal with asthma.B.Study further to confirm their findings.
C.Prove whether eating fish can treat asthma.D.Explain why eating fish can prevent asthma.
2023-05-12更新 | 104次组卷
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