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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:186 题号:9764147

Much discussed and rarely achieved in full, work-life balance is an elusive prize in modern professional culture. While it can depend greatly on the priorities and values of an individual and their manager, some jobs provide strong opportunities for those looking to combine a fulfilling career with a thriving personal life.

“Work-life balance is not a situation anymore where you’re at work and then you’re at home, it’s more this balancing between the two,” said Lauren Griffin, senior vice president of Adecco Staffing U.S.

Topping the list of jobs that provide strong work-life balance is data scientist. According to IBM, “A data scientist represents an evolution from the business or data analyst role.” IBM notes that while the formal training in computer science and applications, modeling, statistics, analytics and math for these jobs is similar, “What sets the data scientist apart is strong business acumen, coupled with the ability to communicate findings to both business and IT leaders in a way that can influence how an organization approaches a business challenge.”

Stan Ahalt, director of the Renaissance Computing Institute at UNC Chapel Hill, said that the strong demand for data scientists, coupled with the anemic supply of these professionals currently available in talent pipelines, is likely creating a situation where companies will go above and beyond to attract the right talent.

“The demand for people who are able to analyze massive amounts of data and extract actionable decisions has really blossomed,” said Ahalt. “The people who are being hired are being highly sought-after, so I suspect they’re getting relatively good offers, and offers that include flexibility in their hours and locations simply because there are many more jobs than there are people.”

The list is also diverse and representative of a broad spectrum of occupations, with part-time and seasonal jobs like lifeguard and substitute teacher holding spots, as well as corporate jobs and skilled trades.

And for job-seekers or those planning a career change who want to prioritize work-life balance in their next role, Griffin said the most important step is identifying your greatest personal commitment so you can target a job that’s accommodating by nature, or an employer that will work with you to reach a solution.

“You need to define what’s non-negotiable for you,” said Griffin. “What’s that specific thing that you know you need some balance for, is it dropping your kids off, or taking your mother to a doctor’s appointment twice a month? What are those key points for you? Because then you can have a more open conversation with your employer.”

1. A job of work-life balance is suitable for those ____.
A.who gain a prize in professional culture
B.whose managers care about their priorities and values
C.who expect satisfaction from both career and personal life
D.who prefer to work anytime and anywhere at their wills
2. "These jobs" in the third paragraph indicate jobs ____.
A.in the list which provide strong life-work balance
B.of the data scientists, the business analyst and the data analyst
C.that require strong business sense and communication skills
D.that influence new business challenge of an organization
3. Data scientists are people who ____.
A.are professionals likely to create a new situation in talent pipelines
B.can analyze massive amounts of data and extra actionable decisions
C.have relatively good offers including flexibility in their hours and locations
D.are more demanded than part-time lifeguards and substitute teachers
4. For job-seekers who want to highlight work life balance, they ____.
A.must be very committed to the targeted job personally
B.have to support employers decisions without negotiation
C.should first decide what the balance is needed for
D.should drop kids off on time and take care of mothers


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】When we think about people who are leaders, we often get a mental picture of someone who is older, smarter, and wiser than ourselves. Studies of leadership, though, have usually found that there is almost no relationship between skill as a leader and traditional measures of intelligence.

Some recent research by psychologist Red Fiedle and his colleagues suggests that both intelligence and experience may be important—but just now how important depends upon how stressful the work situation is and what kind of task is to be accomplished. The researchers obtained measures of intelligence, experience, performance, and stress.

Overall, these variables did not relate to one another. Men with high and low intelligence were equally likely to give good performance, as were men with more and less experience, or more and less stress with their bosses. When you look separately at those men who have high stress with their bosses, however, the picture changes.

In high stress situations, there was no connection between intelligence and performance, but there was between experience and performance. In other words, in difficult situations, it was helpful to “know the ropes”. In low stress situations, the findings were just the opposite. Experience was not related to good performance, but intelligence was. That is, when things are going well, intelligence is very useful in leadership.

A study of fire fighters’ performance under high and low stress conditions also found the experienced officers performed best under situations of stress. None of this is really very surprising. If you have ever had a supervisory job, you probably found that at least as much energy went into dealing with people as went into managing the job itself. Tests of intelligence—at least the ones we have now—do not predict success in dealing with people.

1. What kind of people can do the best job in stress situation?
A.intelligent peopleB.experienced people
C.calm peopleD.skilled people
2. In the second sentence of the fourth paragraph, “to know the ropes” most probably means_____.
A.to understand the situationB.to control the situation
C.to get rid of the situationD.to make sure what to do about the situation
3. In the third sentence of the last paragraph, “a supervisory job” refers to         .
A.a management jobB.an advisory job
C.a teaching jobD.an organizing job
4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.In stress situations, there are no association between experience and performance.
B.Some recent research suggests that most leaders are lack of intelligence.
C.In low stress situations, intelligence plays an important role in leadership.
D.Generally speaking leaders are likely to be cleverer than ordinary people.
2020-10-22更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】I recently had a conversation with a friend who was feeling very upset about work. Why? He thought his manager didn’t like him. He rarely heard much from his manager, and when his manager said something, it was about correcting some aspects of his work or giving him some constructive advice.

Not surprisingly, given my friend’s understandably anxious view of these workplace dynamics (动态), he was afraid of his annual performance evaluation. He was worried that his boss might even tell him that he wasn’t needed anymore. Accordingly, he considered looking around for another job — not because he really wanted to, as he liked the kind of work he was doing, but because he suffered from the kind of management.

The evaluation day came, and to his great surprise, rather than being harshly critical, his manager told him that he was doing a fine job and gave him a promotion.

The sad truth is, this kind of phenomenon is by no means unusual in the workplace. One recent survey showed that nearly half of the employees have considered leaving a job “due to lack of recognition”. Another similar study found 46 percent of the employees left a job “because they felt unappreciated”.

The good news is that, in this case, the damage was repaired before it was too late — before my friend was out the door and his company began the expensive and time-consuming process of hiring a new employee. But as the research noted above shows, workplace problems related to recognition and appreciation are as common as the office air we breathe.

This conforms with my personal experience; during my decades of corporate management, I saw similar appreciation issues all the time. When a job isn’t done well, nobody deserves anything, of course. But when a job is done well, if you’re an employee, it’s entirely natural to expect at least a bit of appreciation. So if you’re a manager, it’s a good idea to show some. It’s that simple.

1. What phenomenon does the author want to describe through his friend’s case?
A.Unclear rewards and punishments.B.Employee-management misunderstanding.
C.Unfair promotion in the workplace.D.Fierce competition among new employees.
2. What happened to the author’s friend in the end?
A.His company hired a new employee.
B.He continued to work for the company.
C.His company simplified the evaluation process.
D.He repaired the relationship with his colleagues.
3. What does the underlined phrase “conforms with” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Results from.B.Separates from.
C.Agrees with.D.Contrasts with.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Defend employees’ rights.B.A friend’s unforgettable experience.
C.Acknowledge employees’ work.D.Misunderstanding between employees.
2024-01-12更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Martha had been working for Miller Laboratories for two years, but she was not happy there. Nothing significant had happened in the way of promotions or salary increases. Martha felt that her supervisor, a younger and less experienced person than she, did not like her. In fact, the supervisor often said unpleasant things to her.

One day, while talking with her friend Maria, she mentioned how discouraged she gave her the name of a cousin of hers who was director of Human Resources Department for a large chemical company. Martha called him the next day and set up an interview on her lunch hour.

During the interview, Mr. Petri said, “You’re just the kind of person we need here. You’re being wasted in your other job. Give me a call in a day or two. I’m sure we can find a place for you in our organization.” Martha was so happy she almost danced out of the building.

That afternoon, Ruth Kenny, her supervisor, saw that Martha had come in ten minutes late from her lunch hour and she said, “Oh, so you finally decided to come back to work today?”

This was the last straw. She could not take another insult. Besides, Mr. Petri was right: she was being wasted in this job.

“Look,” she said angrily, “if you don’t like the way I work, I don’t need to stay here, I’ll go where I’m appreciated! Good-bye!” She took up her things and stormed out of the office.

That night she called Maria and told her what had happened and then asked Maria, “What do you think?”

“Well,” said Maria carefully, “are you sure about the other job?”

“Well, not exactly, but…”

Maria continued, “Will you be able to get a recommendation from Ms. .Kenny if you need one?”

“A recommendation? .. .from Ms. Kenny?” hesitated Martha, in a worried tone.

“Martha I hope you didn’t burn your bridges,” Maria said. “I think I would have handled it differently.”

1. Martha is unhappy in her job because ________.
A.she has not advancedB.the work is not significant
C.her supervisor is younger than sheD.there is too much work with little payment
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.At her supervisor’s criticism, Martha lost her temper.
B.Mr. Petri felt Martha was not valued in her present job.
C.Martha’s interview with the director was on her lunch hour.
D.Martha got the name of the director through her cousin.
3. What does Maria think of Martha’s decision?
A.Martha has handled the matter properly.
B.Martha shouldn’t have set the bridge on fire.
C.Martha should have found a new job before leaving.
D.Martha shouldn’t have lost her temper with her supervisor.
2018-10-15更新 | 244次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般